Late Tang

Chapter 353

The ruthless scorching sun hangs in the sky, and the rising heat evaporates from the stones piled up in the mountain city.Sweat gathered into small streams, flowed from Dayue'er's fair face, slid over her long and white jade neck, finally flowed through that sexy collarbone, and then entered her two plump and plump breasts. In the canyon between the high mountain peaks.

Between heaven and earth, it seemed that there was only silence left.

After being brought back to Weiba City by Li Jing, she separated from the guards such as Ershang Sword Maiden and Gao Jin.She was taken to the high tower of the temple in the mountain city, and placed under house arrest on the nine-story tower, more than ten feet above the ground. The Tang people did not need to tie her up at all, they only needed to lock the door on the ninth floor, and then sent her under the tower. A few people are enough to guard her, she is hard to fly.

Although the view from the high tower is excellent, it is also extremely hot. Since she was locked in the tower, the Tang people only gave her a little water.

If it wasn't for the three Haidongqing figures that occasionally slid across the sky, Dayue'er really thought that Tang Ren had left Weiba Mountain City, leaving her alone.Dayue'er stood on the tower, staring at the three giant sea dongqings.

These are three Costinins all covered in white. This pure white Costinus is also called Jade Claw, and it is the top grade among Costins.Such jade claws are quite rare, and the only common varieties of Haidongqing are Qiuhuang, Bohuang, Sannianlong and so on.Da Yue'er remembered that when he was still in Longquan Mansion in Bohai, there was an order in the middle school that those prisoners and slaves who were assigned, as long as they could catch Hai Dongqing and make offerings, they could be exempted from punishment, even the death penalty.And slaves were also immediately free.

She didn't expect that Li Jing had three sea dongqings, and they were jade claws.However, she estimated that Hai Dongqing was probably dedicated to Li Jing by those Tang forces in southern Liaoning. From here alone, she could see that Li Jing seemed to have completed control of southern Liaoning.

In the big stone house in the center of Weiba Mountain City, Li Jing woke up from a nap, and dealt with military affairs in the middle of the night last night.Later, he heard that a group of Goguryeo cavalry was found by the Biliu River under the city, so he personally led people to investigate, but unexpectedly, Gao Dexin's daughter-in-law, the princess of Bohai Kingdom, was captured.

Now Li Jing is detaining these people separately, but until now, he hasn't figured out how to deal with them.If it was just a group of Goguryeo cavalry, it would be easy to deal with. Guan Jian also has Gao Dexin's daughter-in-law, and this woman is not only Gao Dexin's daughter-in-law, but also the princess of King Bohai.

After dinner, Li Jing took several guards up the tower, entered the top floor, and asked the guards to unlock the door.

Dayue'er actually fainted on the ground, lying there motionless.Li Jing was startled, and hurried forward, stretched out her hand to test her carotid artery, and found that she still had a pulse.Judging by her appearance, it seemed that Zhongshu had passed out.

Li Jing smiled lightly, but he didn't expect this to be the result.He stretched out his hand to pinch her, and then pinched her between his brows and the back of his neck, giving her a pinch.After being so busy for a while, she finally woke up.

When she woke up, opened her eyes, and found herself lying in Li Jing's arms, her eyes were terrified, followed by panic and anger.

Pushing Li Jing away, she found that her clothes were unbuttoned a little.Looking at the tower again, there were only the two of them who were alone, a man and a widow, and they couldn't help crying.

Li Jing explained with some embarrassment: "You fainted from heatstroke, I just gave you a simple treatment."

Da Yue'er glared at Li Jing fiercely, frivolous insolence is frivolous insolence, there is no need to untie her clothes for treatment.This satyr, after all, was also a general of the Tang Dynasty, so he dared to act but not to be.

Thinking of what Li Jing did when she was unconscious just now, she couldn't help but tremble all over, and curled up into a ball.Sitting on the ground, tears could not stop flowing.She has always been a strong woman, but after all, she is only in her twenties.

"I'll change the room for you." Seeing her appearance, Li Jing had no choice but to stand there and said, "Come down with me, go take a shower and change your clothes, and I'll call a military doctor to come over and prescribe some medicine for you later. "

Da Yue'er curled up tightly, "Don't!" She pleaded: "Please let me go, what request do you have, my father will definitely agree."

Seeing her like this, Li Jing also knew that she probably couldn't listen to what she said at this time, so she had to turn around and leave, and asked someone to send her two maids up, and asked them to take Da Yue'er to another room. And let people send clothes and hot water.

After Li Jing left, Dayuehou fell limply on the ground, staring at the wall in a daze, in the sky outside the tower, three sea dongqings were flying freely.

It wasn't until the two maidservants entered the tower that she finally regained her composure.Followed the two maidservants down the pagoda, and moved to a stone courtyard with a ginkgo tree, very cool.The maidservants brought hot water to serve her in the bath.After being sent out by her, Dayue'er took off one by one, and instead of taking a bath, she carefully inspected her whole body first.After checking for a long time, I found that except for the purple mark between the eyebrows and the back of the neck, there was no sign of being passive on the body.At the moment, I couldn't help but feel a little surprised and uncertain.Did that Li Jing undress her just to help her heal?

"You must have brought good news!" In the hall of the largest stone house in Weiba Mountain City, Li Jing smiled and said to the two messengers sent by Zhenhai Camp and Nutao Camp.

"Yes, General!" The messenger of the Raging Wave Camp is a soldier in his thirties, with a badge hanging on the chest of his crotchless robe. On it is a battleship with three sails hanging on it. Marking him as a first-class sergeant major rank.If it is a sergeant, the number of layers of the battleship is used. The battleship on the first layer is the corporal of the navy, and the third layer is the sergeant.If it is an ordinary soldier, it is marked with a paddle, one pair of paddles means a low-ranking soldier, and five pairs of paddles represent a high-ranking soldier.

The bronze badge on the chest of this first-class sergeant major is still shiny, and it can be seen that he has just been promoted. Except for military merit promotion, regardless of time, the Zhendong Army can only be promoted according to the number of years. hour.This non-commissioned officer is very likely to have just been promoted through meritorious service. Speaking of which, the Raging Wave Battalion must have won the battle.

"After receiving the general's order, the Nutao Camp immediately joined the Second Battalion with the left-behind troops from Dengzhou, and dispatched troops to the six islands of Changxing Island. After arriving the day before yesterday, they launched an attack on the same day. After only one day of fighting, they captured the six islands one after another. There used to be a thousand-man fleet and 1000-man infantry of Goguryeo on the island. We wiped out more than half of them, and captured the rest. Now, we have completely occupied Changxing Island and its surrounding five large islands and more than a dozen small islands. ’ the sergeant reported loudly.

The person from the Zhenhai camp was also a non-commissioned officer, and he was not resigned to the news of the weak soldiers. The Zhenhai camp has also successfully captured more than fifty islands in the Changshan archipelago. The Goguryeo people on the island have been completely wiped out and captured.

The hall is large enough to accommodate hundreds of people.

At this time, in addition to Li Jing and the generals of the Zhendong Army, Wang Pu from Duli Town, Qin Zongshou from the Langya Camp, and nearly a hundred other people from various departments in southern Liaoning gathered here.When they heard the messenger's report, they couldn't help being secretly surprised.They only heard Li Jing's order a few days ago to transfer the Zhenhai and Nutao naval battalions and four infantry battalions to attack the Changshan Islands and Daxing Islands in two groups.

Unexpectedly, in just a few days, they had completely captured these islands.This is not a small island. The Changxing Islands and the Changshan Islands combined have an area comparable to that of Duli Town and Qingni City.It has always been thought that Jili City firmly controls the islands on the east and west sides as their barrier.Now that Li Jing said to fight, he was shot down.

There are thousands of soldiers and horses on both sides. Although they are only vassals of Jili City, they should not be underestimated.Wang Pu thought to himself, he didn't say a word.But he couldn't help but think of his daughter's persuasion that it was indeed right to join Li Jing.Changxing Islands are not far from Duli Town, and Duli Town has proposed the idea of ​​Changxing Islands several times, but none of them succeeded.As for Li Jing, it took no effort at all to take down the islands.Looking at Li Jing's integration of Liaonan now, no one can stop it.

The leaders of various factions in southern Liaoning that Li Jing summoned had different thoughts, but they were all obviously shocked by the good news of the Zhendong Army.

With the good news of the good news, Li Jing immediately announced to the public the integration plan for southern Liaoning that he, Li Zhen, Li Liang, Guo Chengan and other staff members had made.

This new southern Liaoning integration plan is to integrate all the forces of the big and small Tang people on all the sites south of Jili Prefecture into one piece, and put them under the Governor's Mansion in Southern Liaoning, and divide them into Beisha City, Qingni City, and Duli Town together. Eight counties, including the newly captured Changxing Islands and Changshan Islands.

In addition to the three counties of Beisha, Qingni, and Duli that have already been integrated, after the integration of the remaining five counties, the soldiers and horses of each ministry will also be integrated into two compartments and ten battalions.The [-] soldiers and horses in Duli Town were divided into five battalions and one compartment.Among other troops and horses, Qin Zongshou's Langya Village was divided into one battalion, and the rest of the ministries will be reorganized into nine battalions.Most of the civil and military officials of the remaining five counties and nine battalions in southern Liaoning were selected and appointed by Li Jing from the original forces of the various ministries in southern Liaoning. Only a few civil officials were appointed by Li Jing.In addition, one side of Duli Town and two sides of Liaonan, most of the officers were also promoted and appointed from the original Liaonan people.

According to Li Jing's plan, there are 1 battalions in three chambers in southern Liaoning, and [-] soldiers and horses in one chamber in Duli Town will continue to guard Duli Town, and the soldiers and horses will be designated as a military town.In addition, there are [-] people in the two camps in southern Liaoning, and each battalion is divided into a separate military town, which belongs to the upper town, and is stationed in mountain cities and dangerous stone villages in the five counties of southern Liaoning.

At the same time, what Li Jing did not directly separate is that the Zhendong Army will also deploy a lot of soldiers and horses in Liaodong this time. In the Changxing Islands and the Changshan Islands, they will each station a part of the two naval divisions.In addition, in the four cities of Weiba Mountain City, each general will station a battalion of the Zhendong Army.According to the general plan, the Zhendong Army will move [-] troops to southern Liaoning.It is not only to strengthen the defense of southern Liaoning, but also to monitor the newly reorganized [-] soldiers and horses of various ministries in southern Liaoning.

Li Jing listened to Li Zhen's proposal. Li Jing did not directly appoint the county magistrates, county magistrates, county lieutenants, Liu Cao, etc. of the five counties in southern Liaoning, as well as the ten battalions of hatchbacks and ten military towns.Instead, let the original ministries in southern Liaoning elect themselves.

The reason for this is that the total number of soldiers and horses from various ministries had already exceeded 3 in pieces, but now they have been reorganized into 1, and there are too many official positions and too little food for monks.No matter how Li Jing is appointed, there will always be someone who won't get his turn in the end, and then he will definitely have opinions on him.Now Li Jing asked them to choose by themselves, all based on their ability and prestige, if they couldn't be selected, they would have fewer opinions on him after all.

The posts of soldiers and horse envoys in the two chambers were finally taken down by Shi Shoucheng, the lord of Shicheng, and Jiang Ju, the lord of Shirenzhu Gangcheng.Apart from Duli Town, Beisha, and Qingni City in southern Liaoning, these two forces are the strongest.They all have tens of thousands of soldiers and horses, and now they are recommended, and in the end, each of them will naturally get the position of a soldier and horse envoy.The other ministries, the stronger ones, also got the positions of deputy soldier horse envoy, Sima, and duyuhou.However, for the position of coach and instructor, Li Jing forcibly transferred people from Zhendong Army regardless of everyone's opinions.

The positions of ten battalions and ten generals, except for Qin Zongshou's Langya battalion, remained unchanged, and the other troops and horses were finally reorganized into nine battalions.The debates among the families were fierce, and no one wanted to lose their soldiers. For example, Shi Shoucheng and Jiang Ju both had tens of thousands of soldiers, so of course they wanted to keep them.But other small forces, even though there are only a few thousand or hundreds, are unwilling to give up at this time. Everyone argues for a long time, and finally Qin Zongshou persuades Li Jing to signal that he will come forward and propose that all the troops and horses gather for a big competition, which is calculated according to individual ability , The strongest and best 9000 people were hired, and the rest were eliminated.

When this proposal came out, the various families who thought they had strong soldiers and horses, of course, couldn't object, and finally decided to set up a competition to eliminate the redundant soldiers and horses.As for those who were eliminated, Li Jing did not ignore them directly, but proposed to re-employ these people as yamen servants and united soldiers in various counties.This decision made everyone very satisfied.Although he changed his name, he is still his own.But Li Jing just smiled and said nothing, he had long been confident that as long as these soldiers were organized back and forth a few times, and then they would be rewarded with generous food and salaries from the Zhendong Army, who would remember who the old master was.

The various ministries competed fiercely for those military positions, but for those civilian positions in the five counties, there was not much competition.Not only are they unwilling to compete, but they are also somewhat unwilling to turn into civilian jobs.Liaodong has been in chaos for a hundred years, unlike the mainland of the Central Plains. The Wufu Fanzhen in the Central Plains is almost separatist at this time, but the status of civil servants is still very high.But in southern Liaoning, this place has been in chaos for more than a hundred years, and the status of literati is very low.These people were unwilling to give up their military power. In the end, Li Jing arranged some official positions for those officers, and the rest were not eliminated like the soldiers, but were arranged to serve in the Zhendong Army.

As for the official posts in the five counties, the people from various ministries in southern Liaoning were unwilling to take them, and Li Jing was very happy.Immediately, a group of instructors were selected from among the instructors of the Zhendong Army to serve as the county magistrate, county magistrate, county lieutenant, and Liufang of the five counties.Set this matter down and don't give them a chance to regret it.

With the strong deterrence of the Zhendong Army, Wang Pu of Jiashiduli Town, Li Juyi of Qingni City, Qin Zongshou of Langya Village and others are the representatives. All families have also seen that Li Jing has quickly pacified since entering southern Liaoning. There are many small forces, and even the Goguryeo people have lost their subordinates in a row, so they have to ask for peace.They have no choice, if they can't fight, they have no choice but to surrender.Fortunately, Li Jing was not too domineering, at least he left ten camp leaders for them.

After some quarreling and quarreling, the dust finally settled.

The large area south of Jili Prefecture in southern Liaoning was finally integrated by Li Jing into the Governor's Mansion in Southern Liaoning, with eight counties under its jurisdiction.The original soldiers and horses were also integrated into the fifteen battalions of the three compartments, and eleven military towns were established. In addition, Li Jing also transferred five thousand soldiers and horses to the four cities of Weiba Mountain City, Changxing Islands and Changshan Islands. Build the Sixth Army Town.

The ten military towns of various ministries in southern Liaoning, plus the three military towns of Beisha, Qingni, and Duli, as well as the six military towns of Xinjian Weiba of the Zhendong Army, and finally, there are nineteen military towns in southern Liaoning. There are six compartments in the south, thirty battalions, and 3 horses.

There are 5000 troops from the various ministries in southern Liaoning and Duli Township, and [-] troops from Li Jing's Zhendong Army.

The Eastern Army in Dengzhou and Daxiedao towns still has 1 horses. As a result, although the reorganized ministries in southern Liaoning are not yet fully under control, the Anton Governor's Mansion has 4 horses.

After taking the whole of southern Liaoning, according to Guo Chengan's statistics, it has an area of ​​1000 million mu, and this is said to be only one-tenth of the entire Liaodong Peninsula.And the Liaoxi Corridor is half the size of the Liaodong Peninsula.

However, although there are 1000 million mu of land, southern Liaoning has been in chaos for years. In addition, the rest of the land has fewer people and less arable land.

According to preliminary statistics, the total cultivated land in southern Liaoning only accounts for 100% of the total area, barely reaching 50 million mu.And the population is the same, the closer to the coast, the larger the population, and the further north, the smaller the population.The entire Duli Town, Beisha City, Qingni City, Shirenzhu City, and Shicheng City have an actual population of nearly 30, and Duli Town and other cities also have a large number of floating population such as traders, as many as 70 million people.Excluding the mobile population, the entire southern Liaoning has nearly 50 people. That is to say, except for the [-] people within the influence of the five cities, the combined population of other large and small forces is only [-]. Yu Wan.

The Zhendong Army has moved to Liaodong during this period, with more than 20 people. Calculated, Li Jing already has a million people in southern Liaoning, and there are more than 30 people in Dengzhou, plus 10,000+ people. Counting immigrants, under Li Jing's control, the number of people has exceeded 30 households, with a population of more than 150 million.

"General, with the land of southern Liaoning, we have truly owned the foundation." Li Zhen said excitedly to Li Jing, this capital is really thick.Forty thousand soldiers, one million people, ten million lands!

Li Jing looked at the statistical booklet in his hand, and a streak of color flashed in his eyes involuntarily, and the corners of his mouth turned up, showing a smile.

(To be continued)

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