Late Tang

Chapter 944 Poisonous Fish

As soon as it was dawn, Gao Fu heard people neighing and horses neighing on the road at the north end of the village, as well as the roar of sleighs and ice plows passing by. He thought it was another tribal coalition army marching. .

Thinking of a group of Khitan auxiliary soldiers who passed by a few days ago and broke into the village like tigers to search for food, Gao Fu felt his heart cool down.At the beginning that day, they only dared to be angry and did not dare to speak out as they watched those Khitan dogs break into the village and take away the few pheasants and hares and mushrooms that were left in their house, which they had hunted in the mountains in the snow. Later, those guys robbed them of their things and started cooking at his house.They stewed the pheasant and rabbit meat they had snatched in one pot, and threw in the mushrooms to cook, and they ate and drank a lot.

Unexpectedly, after eating and wiping them clean, these Khitan dogs were actually full of warmth and lust, and they forced Gao Fu's mother to have sex.Poor thing, Gao Fu is fourteen years old, his father is in his early thirties, he was recruited by Khitan two years ago, and he hasn't returned yet.His mother is not yet thirty, although she is a little yellow and thin because of hunger, and her face is dark and rough due to the north wind, but she is a young woman after all, and her figure is still very slender.After these well-fed and well-fed Khitan auxiliary soldiers drank some wine, the tall and rich lady who was just a rough old lady suddenly became like a fairy in their eyes.All laughing and laughing, they are about to fight and chase around.

Neither Gao Fu nor the young neighbors thought that such a thing would happen. In a rage, Gao Fu and the neighbors rushed into the house with a hunting fork. But the dozen or so Khitan people drank some wine and were very drunk.In the end, it turned out that Gao Fu and the villagers from the same village who had heard the news beat all the dozen or so Khitan dogs to death.

After beating those Khitan auxiliary soldiers to death, they immediately became frightened as soon as their blood subsided.The whole village fled to the hunting hut in the mountains, but it was too cold in the mountains and there was no food.After staying for a day, they couldn't stay any longer, so they returned to the village.

After they came back, they were terrified for several days, and they sent people to guard outside the village every day, preparing to flee into the mountains again if there was any trouble, but there was no movement for several days.Just thinking it was safe, the guards outside the village had just withdrawn when a large group of people arrived.

His heart was half cold, those Khitan dogs came to settle the score.He looked out through the crack of the door tremblingly, and was immediately startled.

"It's not Khitan dogs, it's cavalry with iron breastplates who have entered the village."

The roads in the village were full of soldiers of the Qin army wearing large white cloaks and navy blue iron breastplates. Gao Fu recognized them from their shiny iron breastplates.The tribal coalition forces seldom have iron armor, and even if they have some iron armor, they are mostly iron bar armor and iron chain armor. There are even fewer half body armor like this kind of large breastplate armor, especially this navy blue half body armor, which is almost A big sign proves that they are the cavalry of the Qin army.Moreover, looking at the faces of these people, it was obvious that they were also tribal soldiers, which made him understand that the tribal cavalry from Qin Fan entered the village.

There is also a very dazzling mark, that is, the officers of the cavalry have a red triangular cavalry on their lances.And the big flag in the hand of the tall flag officer is even a black flying eagle flag.

Gao Fu hurriedly put another thick wooden pole on the back of the courtyard gate, then hurried back to the house to wake up the whole family, and climbed over the backyard wall, but notified the neighbors next door.

As soon as he turned back to his yard, he heard a knock on the door.It was Qin Jun turning over and knocking on the door. The voice was not loud, but it made the listeners panic and uneasy.

Although there are rumors outside that the current King Qin of the Tang Dynasty is the son-in-law of the King of Bohai and married the princess Dayueer of the King of Bohai.Then he said that now Qin Guo sent millions of troops into the Bohai Sea to help his father-in-law king resist the tribal army.But there are also rumors that Li Jing actually wants to annex Bohai, and the tribal army has the same goal.Others say that the Bohai Kingdom has long since perished, and the royal families of Bohai have all been placed under house arrest by Li Jing. In the entire Bohai Kingdom, the north where they are located has fallen into the hands of the tribal coalition forces, while the south of the Bohai Kingdom has fallen to the Qin army. hands.

Gao Fu is just the son of a hunter in a mountain village. He has no idea what is true and what is false about those rumors outside.But he is more confident, that is, all the soldiers are not good people. The soldiers of the Bohai State are the same, the soldiers of the tribal coalition army are the same, and the soldiers of the Qin Army must be similar. The soldiers are like bandits, and they are all robbers. Food is pretty good.Some feasted heavily and took all the livestock away, some even strong men, and some even young women.

The cavalrymen of the Qin army wearing iron breastplates are the same as the tribal cavalrymen, there is no difference at all.

However, he leaned his back against the courtyard door and listened carefully for a while, but he felt a little strange. The Qin soldiers outside were not knocking on the door, but knocking on the door, knocking on the door very politely, which made him extremely strange. The soldier is actually so polite?

The knocking on the door continued. After thinking about it, Gao Fu opened the door cautiously. There were too many Qin troops outside. Since they were knocking on the door so politely now, he felt that he should, before angering them, It's better to open the door first.

As soon as the door opened, a tall tribal soldier stepped in, nodded to him with a lance in his hand, and said in some blunt Bohai words, "Grain, here!"

Gao Fu's face was bitter, and he quickly said with a smile on his face, "Sir, my family has been shut down for a long time, and I really can't get enough food. Sir, please let my family go?"

The tall, bear-like Qin Bing still said stubbornly, "Qin Jun, food, here it is!"

The whole family, who were also carefully poking their heads behind, were confused.

At this time, another tall Qin soldier cavalry came in from outside the door. On his shoulder was a red epaulette with two crossed spears and a thin folded bar.Two crossed lances represent a junior non-commissioned officer, and a thin dash marks him as a corporal.Gao Fu didn't know the military rank of Qin Bing, but he just thought that the patterns on the shoulders of the later Qin Bing were more complicated and prettier than the previous ones.Moreover, this big man has a face of Bohai people, very similar to their Sumo Shuimohe tribe.

Sure enough, the tall man took a diagonal step and stood at attention, and said in very pure Mohe language: "We are soldiers of the Ninth Army of the Qin Army. Food, emergency, please accept it.”

The craftsman Gao Fu opened his mouth wide, what the hell, when did he ever see a soldier speak so politely, not only did not rob money, but even took the initiative to give food to others?His mind was full of images of the Bohai Navy's forced conquest in the past, as well as the scenes of Khitan soldiers burning, killing, looting and destroying silver. The contrast was so great that it was difficult to turn his mind around for a while.

The Mohe corporal waved his hand, and the black bear-like Xi Bing immediately leaned his lance against the wall, ran out, and quickly carried a bag from the sledge on the village road outside the courtyard into the courtyard and put it on the ground.The Mohe corporal stood at attention and emphasized again: "This is the emergency food His Royal Highness King Qin gave you!" After speaking, he turned and walked out together with the big black bear.

Gao Fu's family was stunned for a long time. In the end, Gao Fu's grandfather, an old hunter of Mohe, stepped forward and opened the grain bag. There were not many things in it.There is a barrel of taro powder in a wooden barrel, weighing about five catties, another barrel of canned fish, weighing about ten catties, and finally a small bag of millet, about one bucket.

It is true that there are not many things, but they are definitely precious in this winter.

"Food, it's really food, and there are canned fish." The 60-year-old man's eyes lit up and he exclaimed in disbelief.

Gao Fu's 12-year-old brother and nine-year-old sister also ran up from behind and gathered around the bag, staring intently at the food.

12-year-old Gao Gui reached out to touch the canned fish, but his mother slapped his hand away.

"Be careful it's poisonous!"

In a word, the whole family involuntarily took two steps back.

Yes, why did Qin Jun give them food so kindly?If they don't come to rob, they are already very good people, but they still give them food, which is strange.Even if their King Qin is the son-in-law of their King Bohai, he wouldn't be so kind.You know, this small bag of grain is extremely precious nowadays.In such a hungry and cold winter, it can even save a family's life.

Perhaps, the food was poisoned, and they wanted to poison them all to death?

Gao Fu thought this way, and felt that something was wrong. If the Qin army wanted to kill them, there was no need to waste so much rich food.

While he was still puzzled, his younger brother Gaogui took advantage of their inattention, opened the seal on the can, quickly grabbed a piece of fatty fish piece from the can, and sent it to him immediately. Into the mouth, and then began to chew.

His mother was terrified. The woman with dark skin, who was almost raped by the Khitan soldiers a few days ago, grabbed her second son in panic, held him down, and scratched his throat at the same time.

"Spit it out, it's poisonous, do you want to be poisoned to death? Spit it out, it'll be fine..."

Gao Gui closed his mouth tightly, while still swallowing hard, chewing his mouth full of oil.

"No, I don't vomit, even if I die from poisoning, I'm still a full ghost, better than a starving ghost!" He said vaguely with his mouth full of fish and oil.

Finally, he swallowed the fish whole in one gulp.

It was too late when his mother saw it, so she couldn't help but sat on the ground and cried loudly. She thought that her son had eaten poisonous fish and was about to die.

After a long time, Gao Gui did not experience any adverse reactions.

He felt that the piece of fish was almost digested, and he looked at the opened can greedily again, and whispered: "Maybe I'm going to die, why don't you let me eat more poisonous fish." (To be continued) .)

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