Late Tang

Chapter 945 The Choice of the Nobles

The old hunter clasped his grandson's wrist, felt his pulse, and opened his eyelids to make him open his mouth. After a long time, the old hunter said, "You can't die, it's not a poisonous fish."

The child's mother still couldn't believe it, "They really sent us food, didn't they poison them?"

At this moment, Gao Fu also felt that his thoughts just now were very reasonable, and immediately said: "How can someone give away so much food after being poisoned, mother, you have wronged a good person."

The nine-year-old sister whispered at this time: "Mother, I also want to eat poisonous fish."

There was an untimely rumbling sound from the stomach, and the woman hesitated for a while, "Wait a minute, when your second brother is fine when it gets dark, we will eat fish."

After dark, Gao Gui still had nothing to do, so the family caught fire, happily took the fatty fish slices, mixed them with wild vegetables, and cooked a large pot of wild vegetable and fish soup. After eating, the stomach was swollen and the aftertaste was endless. .

That night, the whole small village of Mohe was filled with the smell of long-lost meals. There was even an old man who was left alone. He cooked a large pot of corn and rice and ate it with canned fish. , eat directly to death.At first everyone thought they died from poisoning, but they panicked for a while, and finally confirmed that they died from eating too much.

After dinner, all the old and young people in the village gathered together and talked about this strange thing.

After returning home, Gao Fu's grandfather suppressed his anger and listened to his grandson Gao Fu's words. His anger suddenly exploded, "What, you two bastards are going to be guides for the people of Qin? 14 years old, your brother is only [-], I can't let you go to have a meal, your father has gone out and hasn't come back, if you leave again, what will happen to this family?"

"Grandpa!" Gao Fu said hard, "Our whole family is going to starve to death. If Qin Bing didn't give us this little food, we wouldn't be able to survive this month. But the food they gave can only save the emergency. The flowers are still growing, so what should we do during that time? There is no weeds to dig, no prey to hunt, we can’t starve to death as a family, right? Besides, we are just going to be their guides and help transport supplies by the way. It's not for nothing, they all agreed that each person has six buckets of rice a month, and with this food, our family can survive this winter. Besides, we are also repaying our kindness by eating Qin Bing's life-saving We should do something for them. What's more, they are also helping us beat those Khitan dogs, drive those Khitan dogs away as soon as possible, and we can restore peace here."

The 12-year-old Gao Gui has been determined to work for Qin Bing to earn food after eating canned fish.He chimed in and said, "Grandpa, before the officers and soldiers came to conscript us to serve in Yao, they only had a little ration. Now that we are doing business for the Qin army, one person can exchange the rations of several people. If we don't do such a good thing, others will still pay for it." Hurry to do it."

"If I want to go, I will go. You can't go, you are too young." The old hunter finally compromised. In such a season when the mountains are covered by heavy snow, the family really can't survive without food at home.There is an opportunity to earn food, don't let it go.But he still had some doubts about Qin Jun's behavior in his heart. He had never seen such an army at such an old age. Even the Tang Jun from the east was not so good.He felt that if he had to take this risk, he could only take it.

The grandparents were still arguing, and there was another knock on the door, and the Mohe corporal walked in, followed by a Qin soldier with the same epaulettes.

Corporal Mo Mo first bowed his head and saluted them, and then said to them with a pleasant face: "Old man, we are soldiers of the Ninth Army of the Qin Army. Under the command of King Qin, we have just defeated and driven away the nearby tribal soldiers. We will continue to advance to the enemy-occupied areas in the north to recover more Bohai areas and rescue more Bohai people. However, the roads are difficult in this season, and we would like to ask some people from the village to help us transport some Materials and food, of course, we will pay, and all will be paid with food, please rest assured."

The old hunter agreed to this request, and immediately went to the village to gather the remaining villagers.The old hunter used to be a well-known hunter in the village and had hunted fierce tigers, so he was very popular in the village. In addition, everyone had just got the sweetness of Qin Jun. I heard that there was a reward for working for Qin Jun, and the reward was food. When the payment was made, everyone was excited and signed up enthusiastically. All of a sudden, no matter men or women in the village, as long as they were able to move, they rushed to go, no matter how old they were, and those who were above ten years old and those under seventy. There are more than 100 people.

In the past few years, the lives of the people in the Bohai tribal-occupied area have been unspeakably miserable. Those who survived were the lucky ones. Although they survived, they were also dying of hunger. Who knows, in this In the heavy snow season when death was approaching, they were actually rescued by the army of Qin Fan in the middle land thousands of miles away.In their minds, the Qin army suddenly became the legendary army of the king, the army of benevolence and righteousness. In comparison, the official army in Bohai and the invading army of the tribes became vicious ghosts from hell.

Many young teenagers are even chasing after those Qin soldiers with iron breastplates asking, wanting to join the Qin army as well.In their view, the Qin army has majestic armor, gorgeous cloaks, exquisite military uniforms, and rich rations.They ride tall horses and hold sharp weapons, and they never have to worry about freezing and starving.For those Mohe teenagers who have been starving and half-starved all day long when their bodies need nutrition most, and have to worry about being afraid of the tribal army coming to loot, and the Bohai officers and soldiers coming to forcibly recruit , Qin Jun, is simply the most desirable and ideal career in their hearts.

In the early morning of the next day, the old hunter was packing his luggage. After the final debate of the whole family, the old hunter agreed to the proposal that five members of the family, old and young, men and women, go to drive a car for Qin Jun to earn food.The old hunter is more than 60 years old, but his body is still strong. His daughter-in-law is not yet [-] and has given birth to three children, but the hunter's daughter has a strong body.If it weren't for the starvation these past few years, she would still be a good hunter who can open a crossbow.The two grandchildren, one fourteen and one twelve, haven't had enough to eat in the past few years, and their bodies have grown long, but they have no meat. They look like two bamboo poles, but they are still strong.The only little grandson is only nine years old, a little weak, but they don't feel at ease leaving her at home alone, even if she can't count as wages, but there is someone to take care of her by her side.

The little girl was very excited and was sweeping the snow at the gate's house. At this moment, she saw several sledges coming galloping under the pull of several big horses.At the gate of the village chief's house, two Qin soldiers with guns in their hands dropped their cigarettes and went up to meet them.

"It's the nobleman from outside the mountain, the master of the Gao family and several young masters from his family." The little girl recognized the person who came. The family was also surnamed Gao, but they were nobles from Goguryeo, well-known landlords within a hundred miles. , Hao family, the ancestors of the family heard that they were still a branch of the royal family of Goguryeo.When they came here at this time, they must have heard that Qin Bing was distributing food and still recruiting local guides and peasants in Bohai. They must also want to earn food for Qin Bing.Thinking about it, the little girl quickly turned around and ran towards the courtyard to report the news.

By the firepit in the house of the village chief, Xu Jian, the leader of the captain's camp, who was warming up by the fire, rubbed his palms and laughed when he heard the newly promoted corporal Na Qibo report that the Gao family and his son from the other side of the mountain were coming. I don’t have much help, the ancients never deceived me. Look, another Bohai aristocrat came here on his own initiative, and we are getting more and more comfortable here.”

The discarded bo had two spears hanging on his shoulders, and he folded it, and said seriously: "It's His Royal Highness King Qin who is wise and wise, well-planned, and also the battalion leader's strong command!"

The owner of this flattery was very happy, he laughed a few times, got up and straightened his clothes, walked in front of that Qibo, and patted him heavily on the shoulder a few times, his face was full of satisfaction .

"I heard that you were injured and hurt your head last time. I was worried about you. Unexpectedly, the more you fell, the more flexible your mind became. Boy, work hard, I am very optimistic about you."

Qi Bo has been promoted from private to non-commissioned officer within less than a year of enlisting in the army. Even if he is a corporal of the first rank of junior non-commissioned officer, this kind of promotion speed is amazing. This kid has been promoted in less than a year. The fifth level of soldiers has crossed the most important boundary between soldiers and non-commissioned officers.Many people, but they may not be a non-commissioned officer in their entire life, but just a soldier.What's more, this kid's name has already been registered with the King of Qin, and he, Xu Jian's subordinates, can be said to be the only one like this.Such a guy, even if he is the owner of the camp, he has to look at him with admiration and take good care of him.Maybe one day, this kid will fly into the sky in one step and go straight to the sky.

In the main room of the village chief's house, Xu Jian sat down with the visiting head of the Gao family, the discarded tree was pouring tea in the house, and several sons of the Gao family stood politely behind their father.

After serving tea, Gao Wancheng, the Patriarch of the Gao Clan, bowed slightly and said respectfully, "General Xu, I have nothing to do but go to the Three Treasures Hall. I'm here today. Please forgive me for being presumptuous and disturbing you. I really have something very urgent. I'm really sorry, I'm sorry."

This Goguryeo nobleman is very polite, and he speaks standard Tangyun Mandarin, which reveals that he is a person who is very familiar with Chinese culture.

Gao Wancheng was in his early sixties, his temples and beard were already grey, but his waist was straight, his movements were quick, and he looked like a nobleman, especially a military aristocrat.

Xu Jian returned the salute with a smile on his face: "Why do you say that, please tell me if you have anything to do."

This Gao Wancheng is a member of the Goguryeo clan, and his ancestors are indeed a branch of the Goguryeo Wang family. He was originally a general in the Beijing Shence Army in Bohai Sea, but when he got old, he retired and returned home.In the past few years, his hometown has been occupied by the coalition forces, and his life is really difficult, but because of his status, the tribal coalition forces have the intention of using him to manage those Bohai people, so he can barely survive.But this year, life has become more and more sad.The Khitans came here every now and then to distribute food and pay, asking them for this and that, they were miserable and helpless.Last night, he heard that the Qin army had come to fight, and after they arrived, not only did they not rob, but they also distributed relief food to the people in the village, and they were still recruiting people to help them transport their luggage. When it came to paying food and other things, he couldn't believe it for a while.After he sent several sons to inquire about the details carefully, combined with his understanding of Qin Jun, he finally felt that Qin Jun was indeed different from the Khitan people.

He didn't wait for Qin Jun to come to the door. He brought his sons here early in the morning.

The purpose of Gao Wancheng's coming here is very simple, that is to actively cooperate with the Qin army, send people to lead the way for the Qin army, and organize people to help transport the supplies. In short, it is to establish a good relationship with the Qin army.He could see that the invading army of the Khitan tribes would not last long, and the Bohai Kingdom would not last long either.Qin Jun entered Liaodong at the beginning and destroyed Goguryeo.Now that they have entered the Bohai Sea, the Bohai State will definitely be annexed by the Qin army.Qin Jun annexed Bohai, he didn't care, he was a member of the Goguryeo tribe, and he didn't even care that Goguryeo was annexed by Qin Jun.The law of the jungle is what it is.What he cared about was how to jump on their boat and become his own with the new owners of this land when they arrived. (To be continued.)

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