my head

Chapter 248 Atlantic Charter

Because the Soviet Union couldn't stand it at all, it was almost a one-sided battle. If Britain, France and the United States ignored the Soviet Union at this time, the Soviet Union might not be able to hold on for a few months. Now even the cities on the border between Europe and Asia are occupied by the German SS. , directly cutting the number into two sections, this SS unit is like a sharp knife, straight into the heart of the Soviet Union-the Ural industrial zone.

Stalin, aware of the unprecedented and serious crisis, immediately accepted General Vasilevsky's suggestion and sent his senior officials to visit Britain, France and the United States. Of course, they all had special missions.


The leaders of Britain, France and the United States quickly met with senior officials sent by the Soviet Union, and learned that the Soviet Union was at the end of the road. Both Churchill and Roosevelt felt that if the rogue countries entangled in Germany completely defeated the Soviet Union, it would be too late.


The full text of the document consists of 8 articles, declaring that the two countries will not pursue territorial or other expansion, do not recognize the territorial changes caused by the EU's aggression, respect the right of the people of all countries to choose their form of government, and restore the sovereignty of the peoples of all countries that have been deprived of violence. To enjoy equal treatment in terms of trade and raw materials, to promote the most comprehensive economic cooperation among all countries, to restore peace after the destruction of the Nazi tyranny, and to enjoy freedom of navigation on the high seas. All countries must renounce force and reduce armaments.Disarm the aggressor country.The purpose of fighting against EU countries and the goal of rebuilding after the war proposed by the Atlantic Charter.Embodies the general principles of bourgeois democratic politics.It has played a positive role in fueling the formation of the international anti-EU united front.

However, content such as "equal opportunity" and "freedom of the sea" are conducive to the United States competing with the United Kingdom for spheres of influence after the war and gaining "leadership" in the world.The Atlantic Charter also reflected the conflict between Britain and the United States competing for colonial interests.Relying on its economic strength, the United States strongly emphasized the principles of "equal opportunity" and "freedom of the sea" into the charter, which reflected the United States' desire to compete for British colonies.At the same time, the essential symbol of the Atlantic Charter is the political alliance between Britain and the United States on the basis of anti-EU.

Of course, Stalin most hoped for such an anti-EU alliance to appear. The Soviet Union is already in jeopardy and crumbling. If Britain, France and the United States do not extend a helping hand and directly participate in the war, the Soviet Union will not be able to stop the torrent of steel from Germany, and even drag the war into Impossible in cold winter.In this case, Stalin quickly expressed his position.I fully agree with and support the Atlantic Charter.

As soon as the "Atlantic Charter" was signed, Churchill couldn't wait to hold a meeting in London, England. The time was May 40, 5. The United States, the United Kingdom, the Soviet Union, Belgium, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Yugoslavia, Poland (in exile), Czechoslovakia (in exile), Greece (in exile), Norway and France, etc. participated in the meeting.A total of 1 countries and regions have joined the "Atlantic Charter" organization, which is also called the "Atlantic Allies".In fact, the "Atlantic Charter" has become a treaty of alliance for these countries.

At this time, the United States still did not declare war on the European Union, because the "Lease Act" made the American gun dealers rich, and also allowed the United States to come out from behind the scenes. This "Atlantic Charter" allowed the United States to take the rostrum three times.Just because the United States stepped onto the rostrum does not mean that the United States will immediately declare and participate in war.The United States will definitely make a comprehensive evaluation. In that case, it will benefit the most. At that time, the United States will declare and participate in war. This is determined by the nature of the United States as a capitalist country.

At least the United States has expressed its clear position against the European Union. This is what Churchill wants. Churchill also knows that it is absolutely unrealistic to ask the United States to send soldiers to fight with Germany. Now Churchill is relieved and started to prepare own actions.

It is necessary to support some weapons and ammunition to the Soviet Union. Even the United States has become very generous at this time. It directly gave Stalin a p59 jet plane of an aviation regiment. Stalin didn't care whether the American planes were brought to the Soviet battlefield. For inspection, as long as it is weapons and equipment, Stalin will not refuse anyone.It is more convenient for Britain to send weapons and ammunition to the Soviet Union through the North Sea. Churchill will also donate a large amount of weapons and ammunition to the Soviet Union in order to allow Stalin to persevere.

Churchill's actions were of course preparing for war. Now that the German army has penetrated hundreds of kilometers into the Soviet Union, and has not completely trapped its troops in the Soviet Union, will Churchill choose to fight at this time?Of course, he would not choose this time to fight. Churchill was not stupid. When the main force of the German army was basically under the city of Moscow, fighting bloody battles and falling into a stalemate, it was Churchill's time to act.

As for when Germany will be able to reach Moscow, it depends on the capabilities of the German army. Churchill estimated that between June and September this year, the Soviet Union will persist in Moscow for several months. Once the war enters the harsh winter, the Soviet Union will be able to Launch some local counter-offensives. If the Soviet Union wants to persist until winter, not only the United States must vigorously support the Soviet Union. President Roosevelt has agreed to vigorously assist the Soviet Union. Similarly, Britain and France must also vigorously assist the Soviet Union with some arms and weapons. Only in this case can the Soviet Union persist. down.

The main countries of the Atlantic Allies, Britain, France and the United States all extended a helping hand to the Soviet Union. A steady stream of arms was transported to the various seaports of the Soviet army by sea. At this time, the Soviet Union’s more than 1000 million regular troops were short of advanced weapons. There are American medium tanks and "bazookas".

The "Bazooka" series of rocket launchers are the best among the anti-tank weapons owned by the US Army.As the granddaddy of the medium-caliber rocket launcher, its reputation dwarfs that of other anti-tank weapons of the same period.Some even assert that the invention of the "Bazooka" was the greatest contribution made by the United States to the development of anti-tank weapons during World War II.Its appearance re-established the confidence of the U.S. infantry in the face of the attack of German tanks, and made the famous assertion that "tanks are the most effective anti-tank weapons" shaken.

The "Bazooka" that is urgently shipped to the Soviet Union is an early model m1 developed by the United States. Of course, the ability cannot penetrate the front and side of the fake 60 tank, but there is absolutely no problem with the chrysanthemum of the fake 60 tank. If the Tiger tank is equipped with external armor, only the chrysanthemum will be penetrated.

But other types of German tanks are not the opponents of the "Bazooka". For example, the No. 80 and No. [-] tanks can't even withstand the "Bazooka" from the front. "Bazooka" said that there is no pressure. As for the American Sherman tank and the German Panzer IV, they are tanks of the same class, and they are both very advantageous tanks.

This time, the senior officials sent by Stalin have reaped a lot. The United States alone even lent and donated 59 Sherman tanks and 100 "Bazooka" anti-tank rocket launchers to the Soviet Union at one time, and more than 500 P[-] jets. , more than [-] other piston aircraft.There are countless light weapons. Britain and France also donated a large number of arms to the Soviet Union, such as Matilda, etc., all of which were quickly transported to the Soviet Union in large quantities.

The three main countries, Britain, France and the United States, were very worried that Stalin would not be able to support them and surrendered to Germany. In fact, these three countries were overwhelmed. How could a dictator like Stalin surrender? It is absolutely impossible. Of course, these imperialist countries also They have their own plan, which is to arm the Soviet Union and let the Soviet Union and Germany fight to the death on the land of the Soviet Union. The longer the fight, the better. The more brutal the fight, the better for Britain, France and the United States.


Vasilevsky is of course waiting for the arrival of these weapons, the most important are the aircraft and the "Bazooka" two weapons, because Vasilevsky is deeply aware that with the help of infantry and garbage tanks, these weapons in Orsk will soon be completely wiped out. It is not realistic at all to help the SS. Anyway, several anti-tank trenches have been dug now, and the whole of Orsk has been surrounded. These SS troops have no way to rush out to destroy the Ural industrial zone. Army Air Force, Vasilevsky has no way to stop their actions, because the Soviet aircraft in Vasilevsky's hands is not an opponent at all, so Vasilevsky simply hid his aircraft and waited for the jet aided by the United States. After the planes were in place, they strangled the German Air Force here together.

Vasilevsky was waiting, and Vincent was constantly strengthening his defensive position. Of course, the Soviet army was also building various fortifications. Neither side attacked the other. Only the SS Air Force occasionally sent planes to bomb the next The defense line of the Soviet army, Vincent's various materials are now strategic, and he dare not waste it at all. As long as the Soviets do not attack him, Vincent will not take the initiative to attack. Now bombing the Soviet Union in Eurasia The border railway hub and the Ural industrial zone are Vincent's focus.

Vincent's side was relatively calm, and the Baku area was in full swing at this time. After Zhang Jun completely wiped out Zhukov's more than 20 Far Eastern Red Army, he immediately handed over these prisoners to Blyukher and Yegorov The two SS lieutenant generals, Blyuchel and Yegorov, were also relatively strong. They actually recruited 18 people from these prisoners, which is the number of five full-staffed troops.

Zhang Jun immediately sent a telegram requesting Hitler to form the First Army of the Russian SS. At the same time, he promoted Blyukher and Egorov to generals, Egorov to the commander of the army, and Blyukher to the chief of staff and deputy commander. .

Originally, Hitler told Zhang Jun not to disturb him about all matters concerning the Southern Army Group. Let Zhang Jun decide for himself, and just make a report afterward. )

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