my head

Chapter 249 Solving Baku

For a dictator, don't just look at the superficial phenomenon. Zhang Jun, a Chinese, understands deeply that it is better not to seize power when working under a dictator. To give a simple example, there was once a county magistrate who retired and handed over After losing his own power, it was time to spend his old age peacefully, but the retired county magistrate, after retiring, suddenly felt that life had lost its meaning, he was listless in everything he did, and he was haggard all day long. His wife, who really had no choice, asked someone to engrave a five-star official seal without words. After the wordless official seal was engraved, his wife gave the official seal to the retired county magistrate, and then his wife went to buy it every day. Before cooking or buying something, I will write a short application, and then give it to my wife for stamping.

Now the retired county magistrate is refreshed, and every day he carefully approves the application for grocery shopping written by his wife, and the approval is very clear when he buys a few catties of meat and a few taels of seasoning.Since then, the retired county magistrate has not been haggard, and his health has also improved.

It is impossible for a stubborn dictator like Hitler to give up his power. This Zhang Jun sees it very clearly and clearly. Don't take it seriously.

Zhang Jun’s guess was indeed the case, and Hitler’s reply came back soon. Not only did he fully agree with Zhang Jun’s suggestion, but also because of Zhang Jun’s outstanding performance since the outbreak of the Soviet-German War, Zhang Jun was promoted to the rank of general of the SS. Rommel and SS general.

As for the standard weapons of the Soviet Union, there is no shortage of them, as many as they want. Since the start of the war, Zhang Jun has captured a lot of Soviet weapons.Artillery unit of the Russian SS.Zhang Jun is not stingy either.It is completely configured according to the number of Germans. Of course, those cannons are also captured cannons. After the reorganization of the Russian SS, Zhang Jun has no intention of skimping on weapons.

This is a kind of trust from Zhang Jun. Of course, what Zhang Jun gained was also the trust and gratitude of the Russian SS. You must know that Zhang Jun’s Russian SS is used for war, not for publicity. weapons and equipment.How can we fight?Absolutely not.

In fact, this is just a method of Zhang Jun. To put it bluntly, "Employing people is not suspicious, and suspicious people are not." The entire army of the German SS has not yet reached 200 million people, and these troops are far from the point where they can determine the world. .This determines that Zhang Jun must use and reuse the SS troops of other countries. When these troops are trained, they will be a major boost to the SS troops.

After Zhang Jun arranges everything, he will not interfere with the work of Yegorov and Bliuchel. Now Zhang Jun's main job is to completely occupy the Baku area, and in Zhang Jun, he will eliminate Zhukov's more than 20 Far Eastern elites and absolutes. After most tanks and artillery.A decisive strategic offensive against the Baku area defended by Zhukov began.

Zhukov is also powerless now, and the armored assault group of the German SS ran over Zhukov's defense line.Although Zhukov had millions of infantry in his hands, he couldn't stop the three-dimensional attack of the SS at all. Although political commissars at all levels drove a large number of peasant troops in an overwhelming situation to stop the torrent of steel from the SS, except for letting them die in vain. What is the use of death.

When Zhang Jun's SS army quickly advanced to Baku, Zhukov and Cuikov planned to live and die with Baku. Unfortunately, Stalin refused to let them die and took them away by boat at night. Zhukov was leaving At that time, he ordered to blow up everything that could be blown up, including the Baku oil field. Now the whole of Baku is in billowing thick smoke. It will take at least two or three months to extinguish these oilfield fires. Even after the oil wells in Kuwait were ignited by Iraq, it took several months to completely extinguish them. The technology at this time definitely needs more Time can completely extinguish the oil well fire in the Baku area.

The oil production of the Baku oilfield at this time accounted for about 70.00% of the Soviet Union's oil production. The Soviet Union lost Baku and faced a short-term oil panic, because other oil fields in the Soviet Union could speed up drilling and production, and Britain, France and the United States could also urgently A large amount of oil was aided to the Soviet Union, so the Soviet Union lost Baku and would only face a short-term oil panic. The rich oil and gas resources of the Soviet Union would not allow the Soviet Union to reach the embarrassing situation of no oil available.

The Battle of Baku ended on May 1940, 5. For a whole month, the illustrious achievements of the German SS shocked the world once again. The 20 million Soviet regular troops plus 280 supplementary soldiers were all wiped out, and the number of prisoners reached 60 million. million people.

Stalin's eyes were red with anxiety, but the angry Stalin did not punish Zhukov and Chuikov. , I am afraid that there will be no more military generals who can stand on their own.

At this time, the Battle of Kiev was coming to an end. The 60 regular Soviet troops were surrounded by the German Wehrmacht. It was only a matter of time before they were wiped out. Vasilevsky, who presided over the defense of Moscow, went to wipe out the SS in Orsk. Moscow's defense Just let Zhukov and Cuikov, two people with actual combat experience, preside over it.

Zhukov and Chuikov, who returned to Moscow, were already prepared to be punished by the leader.As a result, the letter of appointment was obtained. Zhukov was appointed as the commander-in-chief of the Moscow Western Front, and Chuikov was the chief of staff and deputy commander-in-chief. At the same time, Zhukov and Chuikov served as the commander-in-chief and chief of staff of the entire Moscow campaign. The command of the 300 million Soviet troops in Moscow was handed over to Zhukov and Chuikov, and the result was that Zhukov and Chuikov were determined to be loyal to Stalin.

Zhukov and Cuikov went to Moscow, so let the grandsons of the National Defense Forces have a headache. After Zhang Jun completely occupied the Baku area, he launched a vigorous land reform movement in Georgia and Azerbaijan, organized the people to resume production, and healed the wounds of war , to carry out democratic elections, as for those who had just put down their hoes and were arrested by Zhukov to serve as soldiers, Zhang Jun also allowed them to choose freely.

Zhang Jun's land policy is like a sharp knife, sharply splitting the feelings of Stalin's regime in the vast rural areas of the Soviet Union. It is a long-cherished wish of farmers to own land, and it is realized under the rule of the German SS, which really makes the Soviet Union The people of the Union Republic under the rule of the Communist Party of China no longer have the desire to resist. As for the rural areas of the Soviet Union, as long as they are occupied by the SS, Zhang Jun is also engaged in land reform and elections.

For some policies in the Soviet Union, Zhang Jun also used the same ethnic policy as Poland, which was very loose. In order to unite the hearts of the people, Zhang Jun also instructed Blyukher and Egorov to form the United Russia Party. Those members of the Bolshevik Party, Zhang Jun also upholds the principle of freedom and independence. Of course, the specific work can only be presided over by Bliuchel and Yegorov, and Zhang Jun will not interfere.

Is there any risk for Zhang Jun to do this? Of course there is a risk. This risk will only be revealed when the United Russia Party completely controls the entire Russia. As long as Stalin, the biggest threat, is not eliminated, the United Russia Party does not completely control the entire Russia. So Blyukher and Yegorov cannot do without the support of the SS. North Korea and Vietnam in later generations are living examples.

North Korea has not been reunified, and it is always facing the threat of survival, so it will never be able to do without our protection. However, Vietnam, we helped it reunify, but it ushered in a backlash. After reunification, Vietnam will begin to consider the interests of its own nation The same is true for the United Russia Party. Zhang Jun sees it very clearly, but in order to stabilize the occupied areas, eliminate the rebels as much as possible, and use the human, material and financial resources of the occupied areas as much as possible, Zhang Jun must support the United Russia Party. , this must be grasped to a degree.

The fire in the Baku oil field requires a professional firefighting force from Germany to support it. There is no shortage of people, but how to extinguish the oil well fire requires a professional team. Germany does not have oil wells, of course there is no such Based on his experience, other EU countries may have such professional teams. For this reason, Zhang Jun sent a request to Hitler, asking Hitler to dispatch some professional firefighting teams from EU countries to come to Baku to help put out the fire.

Of course, Hitler was also very concerned about the gains and losses of Baku. When Zhang Jun successfully took Baku, Hitler did not sleep for two days with excitement. When he heard that the Soviet army was retreating, he blew up all the oil wells and set fire to them. Those oil wells made Hitler almost beat his chest. When Zhang Jun’s request message was sent, Hitler quickly ordered some professional firefighting forces from Germany to rush to Baku, and the European Union countries also sent professional teams as soon as possible.

After solving the Baku area, Zhang Jun began to rest and gradually mobilize his troops to Stalingrad. The target of these mobilizations was of course Stalingrad. At this time, there were about 60 to 90 Soviet troops in Stalingrad. These Soviet troops It's not the peasant army, it's all regular army, and the weapons and equipment are better than the Soviet army in the Baku area. When Zhang Jun attacked Baku, Timoshenko was also stepping up training, supplementing, and arming his own defensive troops. At the same time, he mobilized A lot of manpower is needed to improve his fortifications. It can be said that Stalingrad at this time is already a solid city defense fortification group. Zhang Jun must plan carefully if he wants to attack Stalingrad.

Besides, when the SS attacked Baku, it also consumed a lot. Zhang Jun had to wait one to two weeks to launch a new offensive. The truth has been verified.

... (To be continued..)

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