my head

Chapter 258 Typhoon Project

Thousands of German officers and soldiers were crippled by freezing, and it was difficult for those without severe frostbite to maintain any combat effectiveness.Since there was no supply, a large number of horses were slaughtered to satisfy hunger. The direct consequence of this practice was that due to the lack of horses, it was impossible to pull away all the artillery that required 14 horses to pull.They noticed that the Soviet army used tractors to tow artillery. Even though most of the field artillery was lost at the beginning of the war, they still kept a large number of medium and heavy artillery, so the equipment was obviously better than their own.

By December 1941, the 12 divisions of the German Central Group had lost their offensive capabilities due to bad weather, and were forced to turn to defense from the south of Kalinin, Kryukovo, and Tula to Yelets with a width of more than 74 kilometers. , the troops were either exhausted or unable to move at all.

It is true that the Soviet Army encountered the same problems as the German Army when it moved, but the German Army Group Center was operating at the other end of a thousand-mile-long line of communication, and the Soviet Army was hardly [-] miles away from its main base. mile.Any condition that impedes movement necessarily benefits the defender.

For the Soviet army, the earlier and colder winter will not have much impact on them.Because they have sufficient clothing and food, and the Soviet tanks, in the weather of minus [-] to [-] degrees, still leave as soon as they drive.

Most importantly, because the Germans stopped attacking, the Soviets got extremely valuable breathing time.By the end of October, the Soviet Supreme Command believed that the situation had stabilized and began to bring back some troops as reserves to allow them to rest and receive further training.The Soviets began to make great efforts to repair the heavy losses suffered in Vyazma and Bryansk in the first two weeks of October, and to prepare for the next German offensive.

According to Soviet historical records, a large number of military vehicles came from Tomsk, Omsk, Sverdlovsk and Kuibyshev.Five to six hundred miles per day.Do not change the front and crew in the October and November.The Soviet Supreme Command made a lot of logistical preparations for the defense of Moscow, and organized a large number of pack transport companies, animal-drawn transport vehicles and sled transport companies, because the maneuverability of horses in mud or soft snow is far better than that of horses. Wheeled motor vehicles.However, due to the full estimate of the difficulties caused by insufficient means of transportation, poor weather and terrain conditions, the front troops have stored seven days of rations, six bases of oil and three bases of ammunition.

And starting in October, a large number of aid materials from Britain and the United States have also been continuously shipped to Moscow.The weather had tipped the scales in favor of the Soviets.

Until now, Germany had achieved such brilliant results against the Poles, French, British and Soviet troops.It is entirely due to the German army's concentrated use of tanks and tactical air force, which has achieved great advantages in mobility and firepower, coupled with good means of communication and bold command.Once the mobility is lost, the firepower will also be lost, and Germany's blitzkrieg tactical thinking will not work.The almost unbelievably harsh conditions and muddy seas of Russia stopped all vehicles and ruined the horses.Tracked vehicles can continue to travel, but with greatly reduced efficiency and a staggeringly high fuel consumption, since the supply of fuel has also been interrupted, and soon.The tracks also stopped turning.There was little to no air support.Low clouds and poor visibility made any kind of sustained air offensive or airlift support difficult.

The German infantry marched on, knee deep.Sometimes even walking in waist-deep muddy water.However, they are no longer part of a powerful war machine that works well in concert.With no tanks or air support, not much artillery and mortars at their disposal, and sometimes even anti-tank guns left behind, infantrymen can only make the difficult journey of a few miles a day at best.Fire support, ammunition, equipment and food, clothing, winter supplies, tents, medicine were in short supply, because even the necessities of life could not be transported to the front.Suddenly, almost overnight, the German army had to rely on some unsupported, tired, dissatisfied infantry battalions as the spearhead of the assault force to win the march on Moscow, while the rest of the army, the air force, wanted to move. No, I can't use my strength, so I have to wait and see, in vain.

After full preparation and careful planning, the Soviet army turned to counterattack on December 12.


As early as 1812, Napoleon, who was invincible in Europe, led an army of 60 on an expedition to Russia.Relying on advanced tactics and fierce artillery fire, the French army captured Moscow in just a few months.But it was just an empty city. The Russian army burned everything that could be burned when they retreated, leaving nothing useful to the French army.A few weeks later, the severe cold of minus 40 degrees came, which brought a fatal curse to Napoleon's army. Due to the lack of winter clothes, under the hunger and cold, in the winter of 1812, Napoleon's army was forced to retreat from Moscow in the severe cold of minus 60 degrees. , 12 soldiers along the way were frozen to death and starved to death. By the beginning of December, only 60 people remained in the 1 Napoleon army.

It can be said that the weather has indeed saved Moscow and the Soviet Union in history.Now there are two problems in front of Zhang Jun. The severe winter of the Soviet Union will come in October. Another problem is that Germany is about to face a two-front war. But it can't be done.

Although Germany's military front is strong at this time, it is still relatively difficult to easily take Moscow, especially from July to September, only a short period of three months, and it is necessary to solve the problem of strong fortifications. The millions of Soviet troops inside are still a bit unrealistic.

what to do?what to do?Zhang Jun was thinking hard in the study alone, drinking tea for a while, and looking at the map for a while, but Zhang Jun couldn't think of a good way.

By two o'clock in the morning, has Zhang Jun made up his mind and started to write the battle plan? Since the Anglo-French coalition forces have become the main threat to Germany at this time, they must be eliminated. In history, Germany also engaged in the Anglo-French coalition first. It took only one month to blitz France to defeat the British and French allied forces.Among them, the war in France lasted only seventeen days. Of course, Zhang Jun would never allow the Dunkirk retreat to happen again.

Then how does Germany fight this two-front war? At this time, the Soviet Union has fallen into 200% of Germany's troops. What they have to face is the countless troops of the entire Soviet Union, and these troops are also supported by Britain, France and the United States. .Therefore, even if Germany needs to mobilize troops from the front lines of the Soviet Union to return to aid, it is impossible to mobilize too many troops. 500 million is the limit. In this way, the German army remaining in the Soviet Union plus the SS is only 280 million, and the Soviet Union lost several million. The army, but the total strength at this time has reached 500 million. Can these [-] people in Germany take Moscow?

Can or can't, if Germany wants to forcibly attack Moscow regardless of casualties, it can still take Moscow, then Germany's losses will be irreparable, so what will Germany use to support the next war?Therefore, this storm regardless of casualties was vetoed by Zhang Jun. Germany's population size absolutely does not allow this.

In this way, Zhang Jun came up with two necessary conditions and restrictions. First, the battle between Britain and France must be fought immediately to completely wipe out the sharp knife hidden in Germany's belly. Second, a large number of troops cannot be drawn from the Soviet Union.

Therefore, when Zhang Jun formulated the French campaign, he had to be limited by these two conditions. Where did Zhang Jun find millions of troops to carry out the French campaign?Zhang Jun, as the head of Germany's equipment department, of course knows the situation of Germany's military strength at this time.

At this time, there were more than 200 million regular troops in Germany. They were mainly deployed in front of the Maginot Line to defend against the Anglo-French coalition forces, so this also laid the foundation for the execution of the French campaign. In addition, Himmler was not recruited by Zhang Jun. A million SS troops?Now undergoing intense training, the hundred SS Zhang Jun plans to quietly transfer to the border area between the Netherlands and Luxembourg, and then go straight from the Ardennes to the heart of France.

When Zhang Jun uses troops like this, Germany is completely empty, and there is not a single reserve force. This Zhang Jun has also thought about it. During the Battle of Kiev, some troops of the National Defense Forces suffered relatively large casualties. Now use this as an excuse to transfer 100 troops. The 100 million Wehrmacht returned to Germany to rest and reorganize. The [-] million Wehrmacht is Germany's last mobile force and strategic reserve force.The German army under the city of Moscow can only complete the siege of Moscow. If necessary, it can solve some strongholds outside the city of Moscow, and then just surround it without fighting.

Then Zhang Jun can gather 300 million German troops to launch the French campaign. These troops are enough. As for the specific plan of the entire campaign, Zhang Jun does not need to do it. Zhang Jun only needs to recall the French campaign in history. Well, this plan was actually perfect, that is, Hitler finally issued a ridiculous order to let hundreds of thousands of troops from the British and French allied forces slip away from Dunkirk.

It took Zhang Jun one night to write the general battle plan for the French campaign. On the next morning, he hurriedly bid farewell to Windsor and Rommel and flew directly to Berlin. Originally, Princess Windsor planned to ask Zhang Jun what method he was thinking of. But when Windsor saw the tired expression and haggard figure of her inviter, Princess Windsor swallowed the words that came to her lips. If Princess Windsor asked Zhang Jun, Zhang Jun would definitely tell Windsor carefully, and even Explain why Germany is doing this.

However, because of her sincere feelings for Zhang Jun, Windsor did not ask. There is another very important thing. Windsor asked Zhang Jun for a radio station. Windsor said that when she was homesick, she could contact her parents. Zhang Jun, a stupid pig with a brain, actually agreed to Windsor's request, and even taught Windsor how to fight.

... (To be continued..)

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