my head

Chapter 259 The Battle of France

For this reason, Zhang Jun has never asked about Windsor's identity. Is there such a big person in the world?The women around me don't want to know her identity, what if she is an assassin?What if it's a spy?Zhang Jun believes that his Windsor is not, well, in that case, what else can he say! ! !

After Zhang Jun arrived in Berlin, he did not go to Hitler immediately. Instead, he immediately found Model, the director of the Intelligence Bureau. Zhang Jun and Model had a very good relationship. The purpose of Zhang Jun coming to Model was very simple, to ask Model Is there any information about the British and French coalition forces' upcoming attack on Germany:

"Commander Zhang, aren't you on the front line? Why come to my place when you have time? It's so radiant!!!"

"Hehe, General Model, do our two brothers still need those kind words? No need at all, I keep looking for you today for a more important matter."

"Oh!! Tell me, as long as I know and can do it, I will never refuse."

"General Model, do you now have information to confirm that the Anglo-French coalition forces are about to attack Germany?"

"Ah!!! Where did this start? Now there is a little mobilization of the British and French coalition forces, but there is absolutely nothing major. Our spies in Britain and France have not reported that Britain and France are about to attack Germany! What does Commander Zhang get? Information, tell me quickly."

Since Model had no information that the Anglo-French coalition forces were about to attack Germany, Zhang Jun planned to ask Model to forge a copy and send it to Hitler immediately. Zhang Jun then sent a plan for the French campaign. Hitler agreed to this campaign plan. It's a matter of course.

"Hehe, General Model. Since there is no information showing that the British and French coalition forces are about to attack Germany, please forge a piece of information that the British and French coalition forces are about to attack Germany. Then hand it in immediately. Of course, I know this request is very unreasonable, but I beg you to read this plan first, and I can guarantee on my reputation that the British and French forces are indeed preparing to attack Germany."

Since his friends said so, Model quickly took the French campaign plan handed over by Zhang Jun and looked carefully. Model was also a soldier. How could he not understand military affairs? Zhang Jun analyzed it carefully in the battle plan. The reason why the British and French allied forces attacked Germany at this time.Mordel understood completely at a glance.

"Okay, Commander-in-Chief Zhang, your perfect plan convinced me. I also guess that the British and French allied forces will attack us when we and the Soviet Union are strangled. Since you have such a perfect plan, I will play with you with my life." Well, it's all for Germany."

Model falsified a piece of information very quickly, and handed it over to Hitler that night, and Zhang Jun also went home to accompany his family first, and Avril's belly is getting bigger now.In the past few years, Avril Lavigne has given birth to two children in a row, both of which are daughters.Avril and Krupp have nothing to do with each other, but Zhang Jun's parents are a little critical. The Chinese tradition is like this, and Avril understands, so she conceived a third child for Zhang Jun.

The family happiness of Zhang Jun, Avril Lavigne and the four daughters is not listed for the time being. After Hitler received the information from Model, he was very furious, and he was furious at that time:

"Damn blast furnace chickens and opium dealers, the holy and great Germany didn't bother them, treated them with a kind heart, they actually wanted to sneak attack..."

Hitler convened some senior generals to discuss countermeasures that night. This sudden news shocked all the senior German generals. At this time, the main military power of Germany was in the Soviet Union. How Germany should face the immediate crisis really made these senior generals Desperately, I haven't found a way to deal with it yet.

Early the next morning, Zhang Jun appeared at the Empire State Building, and Hitler quickly received Zhang Jun. When Zhang Jun handed over his French campaign plan to Hitler, Hitler quickly read Zhang Jun's brief campaign plan. After Germany was defeated in the First World War, Hitler always thought about revenge. Last time Zhang Jun offered the "Barbarossa" plan, Hitler also reluctantly agreed. The humiliation of Germany during World War I.

But Hitler still trusted Zhang Jun very much, and finally agreed to Zhang Jun's "Barbarossa" plan. Now Zhang Jun first produced a fake intelligence, saying that the British and French allied forces were about to attack Germany. It will be in the winter, when the German and Soviet troops will be trapped in a world of ice and snow. Even if the German army wants to retreat, it is impossible. Zhang Jun combined his own judgment and determined that the British and French were about to attack, so he asked Model to create a fake report. The intelligence is actually not considered false, it's just that Germany has not been confirmed by relevant intelligence.

Hitler, who originally wanted revenge, was completely furious now, and vowed to drive the British and French allied forces into the sea. Now his "little carrot head" has provided a very valuable strategic plan in time, which is to solve the urgent need of the head of state!Hitler agreed to Zhang Jun's campaign plan without thinking about it.

Zhang Jun's plan is divided into two parts. The first part is the "yellow plan". The first step is to make a big publicity, saying that Germany is about to hit all the military forces to attack Moscow, so as to paralyze the enemy and send some troops back to Germany. rest.In this way, the first step of the "yellow plan" can be completed without anyone noticing. For the smooth implementation of the "yellow plan", the campaign in Moscow has also undergone some changes. The specific strategy of the campaign in Moscow remains unchanged, only the last step is changed. The next thing is that the German army just encircled Moscow and did not use shopping to win Moscow. If that happened, Germany would suffer a great loss.

Germany can't afford too much loss. As for some antifreeze materials, Zhang Jun has already prepared them. Germany is now in sufficient supply of antifreeze and winter clothes. Zhang Jun has been preparing since he became the head of the German Equipment Department. The geographical location is also northerly, not much lower than the latitude of Moscow. Germany has already done research on this aspect, but Hitler has always believed in history that Moscow can be solved before winter comes, but things will always happen. In unsatisfactory places, the way to use troops is to declare defeat before fighting.

The second step of the "yellow plan" is that the German army penetrates from Luxembourg to the Ardennes, and attacks Belgium, completely cutting off the retreat of all the British and French forces in the Netherlands, Luxembourg, and Belgium. The only way to retreat is that the armies of these three countries are dominated by the British and French armies.

Of course, the Anglo-French coalition forces trapped in the encirclement will not sit still and will definitely find a way to save themselves. Dunkirk, the largest port, is their last place of escape. Everyone in history criticized Hitler for giving the most stupid order. In fact, There is a reason for that.

Hitler ordered the armored forces to stop the pursuit. ——This order is considered by many military historians to be Hitler’s first stupid order in World War II. In fact, Hitler’s order has his own considerations. With the support of the main force of the war, it will also play a role in the battle against southern France and the Soviet Union. If it is used to eliminate the Anglo-French coalition forces that are already in a desperate situation, it can be wiped out, but Dunkirk is full of swamps The low-lying areas are very unfavorable to the activities of the armored forces, and the stubborn resistance of the Anglo-French allied forces will surely repeat the loss like that on May 5, which will not be worth the loss. In addition, Air Force Commander Goering assured Hitler that the Luftwaffe is completely With the ability to wipe out the remnants of the Anglo-French coalition forces in Dunkirk, Hitler naturally did not want to let his precious armored forces suffer unnecessary losses. After discussing with Major General Jodl, the Chief of Operations of the Supreme Command, he decided to hand over the final task to the Air Force and long-range artillery.Another reason that prompted Hitler to issue this order was that Hitler was planning to make peace with Britain, allowing some British troops to withdraw to Britain, which would be politically conducive to the peace.In any case, this gave Britain a once-in-a-lifetime respite, making it possible to organize a sea retreat.

It can be said that Goering's arrogance, Hitler's love for his armored forces, and Germany's illusion of making peace with Britain, the combination of these three factors saved the Anglo-French coalition forces in Dunkirk. Such an opportunity for the British and French allied forces.

The second stage of the French campaign is the "Red Plan". After a decisive victory in the first stage, Germany can implement the second step of the "Red Plan". the whole of France.

When Hitler watched Zhang Jun's "French Campaign" plan, he repeatedly applauded. This is a strategic plan that has been tested by history. How could it be imperfect? ​​Perfect:

"Oh! My little carrot, you are the gift God gave me. You will always appear in front of me when I am in the most difficult time, and help me out of the crisis. Thank you Almighty God for giving me a war genius."

"Hi! Hitler, for the great Fuehrer, for the holy Germany, I am willing to give my all, Long live the Fuehrer."

Zhang Jun has another meaning. Since the National Defense Forces are digging holes for themselves, Zhang Jun must have a way to solve them. Now the crisis between Britain and France is indeed imminent. The battle has changed. It is much better to just encircle and not fight. As for sending troops to encircle Moscow, the 100 million SS troops in the southern part of the Soviet Union have to defend against the Soviet counterattack in Stalingrad on the one hand, and go to Moscow on the other. A defense line of several hundred kilometers was deployed, and what they were facing was a large number of counterattacks from the Soviet army. Now that the head of state has agreed to the "French campaign", Zhang Jun can put forward a little bit of his own demands.

"Well, the loyalty of my little carrot is beyond doubt. I intend to let you command the French campaign. I am convinced that you can bring great victories and supreme honor to the whole of Germany. Just ask for anything you want!"

... (To be continued..)

ps: Please don’t waste the recommendation tickets, how about sending the head of state to the recommendation list, brothers.

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