When it was about to turn into a tragedy in Kinai, a shocking news came from Hanoi. It turned out that Hanoi Guogaoya Castle, which was conquered hard last year, changed its flag again. "Se" seized Takaya Castle, and once again united with the people of Yamato, the people of Kii and the hired Genlaizhong to launch a series of dazzling "recovery" operations against Hanoi.

The Hanoi Nationalist Army in the Miyoshi Army was in a state of turmoil. General You Zuo Xinjiao said without saying a word, saying that he would return to Hanoi with more than [-] Hanoi troops to "encircle and suppress the high government of Hatake Mountain". Spuriously left Miyoshi Changqing's headquarters to return to their hometown of Hanoi, but as soon as they returned to Ruojiang City, they were "unfortunately" "captured" by Hatakeyama Takamasa, and the Eight Thousand Army surrendered under the banner of Hatakeyama Takamasa.

In the blink of an eye, Hatakeyama Gaozheng gathered [-] troops from the Yamato people, [-] troops from the Hanoi people, and [-] troops from the Kii people, and finally gathered [-] troops. The army launched an attack on Izumi, and now it hit the vital point of the people of Izumi. The [-] troops of Izumi who were shaken also fled from the front and fled back to their hometown to defend their homeland.

At the same time, there were also signs of instability in Danba Kingdom. The Hatano family colluded with the Tango Isshiki family and the Harima Bessho family in an attempt to subvert the Miyoshi family's control. Returning to the Harima territory by way, Naito Sokatsu, the guardian of Tamba, was also in a dilemma. The Tamba Nationalist Army who accompanied him had long complained about such a costly attack on the shogunate.

Naito Zongsheng was not in the mood to enter Luozhong after being troubled by the generals. The situation of Miyoshi Yoshiken was not very good. 』, the leader of the Settsu powerful people, Ikeda Nagamasa, proposed to return to his hometown to guard the territory to prevent the situation of Harima from reversing.

Miyoshi Changqing also had a headache in the face of such a weird situation.Sokatsu Naito is about to lead his army back to Tanba to suppress the change. Miyoshi Yoshiken's troops also fell into chaos because thousands of troops left without authorization, and Miyoshi Changqing's main team is still alive. Seven thousand troops, which made it difficult for him to maintain an offensive situation.

But just after Guichuan came to the outside of the capital, it was a bit unwilling to retreat.His original plan was to take the opportunity to annihilate the troops of Yoshihide Rokkaku and Tohide Nakajo, and then take advantage of the great opportunity when both of their armies were lost to eat up Yamashiro and Omi in one fell swoop. No one can shake his authority.

As the saying goes, it depends on people to make things happen.No matter how ingenious Changqing's strategy is, it will be useless. Hatakeyama Takamasa's ramming governor has gathered a gang of mobs to attack Hequan. With a big shock, the battle of annihilation, which was already certain, was once again in turmoil.It will take more than twice as much effort to wipe out another [-] troops.

Whether Hatakeyama Takamasa can take down Hequan country is secondary. The important thing is that if he does not turn his army back to rescue Hequan country, it will give many potential enemies the opportunity to jump out and fan the flames.Perhaps the originally stable Settsu Kingdom will experience another turmoil.And Yoshio Ashikaga, who went to Zhou Fangokuniuchi's house because of Hosokawa Motaka's death anger, might be invited back by the remnants of the Awa Hosokawa clan to cause trouble. [

There is also the Tamba civil strife who does not know the situation, and the strange behavior of the Higashi Harima Bessho family and the Tango Isshiki family, who have always been honest and obedient, all indicate that there must be an invisible black hand dominating Kinai behind this. This wave of "turmoil" occurred, and Miyoshi Changqing was convinced that the governor could not do anything to forcibly annihilate the remaining army, so he sent a request for peace to the shogunate a few days later.

This invitation to harmony is very interesting. Miyoshi Changqing declared to the shogunate that the Miyoshi family deserved the right to control Kyoto.Asked the shogunate to abandon the armed forces and let the Miyoshi family take over the security tax of Kyoto. This request was rejected by Ashikaga Yoshiki without hesitation. Donations, and the side cash Yoshiki Ashikaga earns as a mediator in regional conflicts.

Among them, the tax revenue of Kyoto and the donations of daimyo from various places each account for more than [-]% of the total income. Losing any one of them will inevitably lead to the decline of the shogunate. If it is exhausted, the annual contribution will definitely be greatly reduced, and the extra money Ashikaga Yoshiki himself earns from military mediation in various places will also be greatly reduced. This is a causal relationship that is interlocking.

Nakajo Tokihide and Rokkaku Yoshiken also knew that Miyoshi Changqing was very guilty. If it hadn’t been for the fire in the backyard of Miyoshi’s house, they would never have sat down to negotiate a so-called peace agreement with the shogunate, so they fully supported Ashikaga Yoshiki’s tough stance. The negotiation of harmony came to a deadlock. Miyoshi Changqing scolded the shogunate in the camp outside Kyoto for being ignorant of current affairs, and it was unreasonable not to accept the olive branch he handed over.

After scolding the shogunate, he began to worry about the bad situation in the back nest. Although this change will not cause Miyoshi's family to fall into a huge whirlpool, it is hard to say what will happen if he keeps dragging his feet in Kyoto. The longer the delay, the worse The deeper the influence, the more effort will be spent in the future.

Just when Miyoshi Changqing was hesitating whether to give in or not, a series of dazzling news came from the Kaga country. The chief general of the Kira family, Masatora Uesugi, led an army of 80 to defeat and wipe out [-] Etsuchu. Ikki, and drove straight into the confidant of Kaga country that had not been touched for [-] years, and wiped out more than [-] captives with [-] to [-] on the south bank of the Tetori River, and beat the famous Kaga Ichimomune to half in one fell swoop.

The monks of Ishiyama Honganji Temple seemed as if the sky was about to fall, and they held their heads in panic all day long. The young priest Honganji Temple couldn't help but go to Kyoto to lobby the court, hoping to come up with a way to contain the Kira family. The arrogant and domineering, but the problem is that the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty were scared by the war in Kyoto and dared not go out. They either hid at home and pretended to be deaf or dumb, or simply ran to Hiei, Narakyo, and Koyasan to seek refuge. Where are there people? Willing to offend the Kira family who are in the limelight for him.

Ashikaga Yoshiki was so excited when he heard the news that Uesugi Masatora had won Kaga Issouzo, this was the first time he realized how important it is to have a loyal and reliable disciple. Uesugi Masatora The information that the [-] tigers and wolves swept Kaga was like a shot in the arm for the crumbling shogunate. He immediately ordered the shogunate to use all kinds of power to publicize it, trying to make the momentum so shocking that everyone knows it.

As a result, the titles of "No. [-] Samurai of the Eastern Kingdom", "Dragon of Echigo" and "God of the Northern Army" praised by Ashikaga Yoshiki himself gradually became known, and the miraculous performance of Kira Yoshitoki in the next few years to Echigo was also known by people. It was dug out again and repeatedly heated up. In the past, the public opinion in Kinai always felt that no matter how powerful Kirayoshi was, it was only in a distant country, and it was still far away from Kinai, the confidant of the world. ,

But with the news that Kaga Banguo was seized, people realized that the Kira family had unknowingly moved outside of Kinki. They only needed to bypass the Echizen Asakura Clan to return to Gyeonggi. The legendary figure who has created a series of incredible achievements seems to be jumping into people's sight again.

If anyone is the most nervous about Kirayoshi's return to Kyoto, it must first be Miyoshi Changqing, the overlord of Kinai. He spent ten years walking back and forth in the quagmire of Kyoto, and today he is about to achieve success. Ji Liangyishi was like a lingering nightmare, suddenly came out from an unexpected angle, and Miyoshi Changqing's heart jumped out of fright.

Ever since he got the news, Miyoshi Changqing has been disturbed sleepless nights, thinking secretly: "Why did this Kira Yoshishi come back again? He didn't stay in Hokuriku Kanto and entangled with the Sagami Hojo and Kai Takeda clans. "Ran" reached out, do you really want to go to Luo? No! He must not be allowed to succeed! My Miyoshi family wants to dominate Kinai and cannot establish the hegemony of the Hosokawa family. How can I let Kira Yoshitoki "ran" intervene at this time? It ruined the good things of my family! We have to find a way to deal with him as soon as possible!"

Before he could figure out what he should do, he heard that Honganji Temple was willing to bow his head and admit defeat in exchange for the Kira family's agreement of no war and peace. It was the territory of the Kira family. Such an astonishing change made it difficult for Miyoshi Changqing to understand the repetition. He didn't understand when this territory became so easy to seize, so that Ishiyama Honganji surrendered without even struggling to resist.

Ashikaga Yoshiki acted quickly and decided to give Kira Yoshitoki the title of Guardian of Kaga, and encouraged him to go to Luoyang and Beijing to defend the shogunate as soon as possible. Miyoshi Changqing was in a hurry and couldn't sleep peacefully for several days. Dissenting voices within the Miyoshi retainer group became more and more Many, many people feel that Shangluo is still a bit hasty this time, and the stability of the old nest behind him should be higher than that of Shangluo. What they said is to tell Miyoshi Changqing that this war can no longer be fought.

The people who said these words were not the servants of the grassroots, but a large number of members of the Miyoshi family and quasi-family members. They supported Miyoshi Changqing Shangluo for profit, and they fought desperately for a whole summer. Now even a little bit I didn't see the benefits, but their respective families suffered heavy losses. Seeing that going on like this would be extremely unfavorable to him, Miyoshi Changqing had to invite Miyoshi Yoshiken and Matsu Yonghide to discuss it all night, and then submitted a request for peace to the shogunate again the next day. . [

This request for harmony has been carefully revised. First of all, the shogunate’s control over Kyoto and the right to manage public security must be recognized, but the defense force of Kyoto must be shared with the Miyoshi family. Transfer to Cishao Temple in the east of Kyoto, and the Miyoshi family will also send 500 troops led by Miyoshi Changyi to garrison Toji Temple in the south of Kyoto, and leave Hosokawa Utsuna at Toji Temple as the leader.

Miyoshi Changqing will have the privilege of leading the [-] troops in and out of Kyoto as the leader of the administration, and will regularly exercise the power of the imperial companions every month to go to the Nijo Imperial Palace to have lunch with the shogun to enhance mutual understanding and mutual trust , the Kira family and the Rokkaku family’s public teacher are not allowed to enter Beijing, and they are not allowed to “intervene” in the defense and security affairs of Kyoto and other regulations. In addition, Miyoshi Changqing made the specific location of the courtyard where Toji was regarded as the highlight of Kyoto, etc. Label them one by one.

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