Pillars of the Wu family

Chapter 439 Strategic Coordination

Rather than saying that this is a request for harmony, it is better to say that this is a detailed code of conduct by Miyoshi Changqing to the shogunate. This code almost stipulates the etiquette of Miyoshi Changqing's basic necessities of life in Kyoto, and it must be displayed everywhere. At first glance, his influence over the capital as a management representative is extremely polite and arrogant, but in fact it just shows Miyoshi Changqing's flustered and shortness of breath mentality.

A "rebellion", a "turmoil" and news of the defeat of a distant country scared the extremely powerful Kinki overlord to the bottom line. In fact, the bunch of miscellaneous and unreasonable demands mentioned throughout the article are not important. The core part is hidden between the lines. It is not that the two sides jointly control the defense of Kyoto. The Miyoshi family wants to set up a garrison in Kyoto, and requires the shogunate to retain only the same number as his garrison. Move to Cizhao Temple outside the city.

As for Ashikaga Yoshiki's most important financial and taxation rights, he didn't mention it at all. In addition, the shogunate also gave the shogunate the public security and punishment power over Kyoto. The domineering request for takeover, this request for harmony has been lowered by an unknown number of tones.

In addition, he also asked the shogunate to prohibit Kira Yoshishi from entering Beijing to destroy the "peace" that was finally reached. As long as the shogunate is willing to agree to this request, the Miyoshi family is willing to cooperate with the shogunate to rebuild Ukyo, which has been burned down by more than half, and repair the damaged Gongqing Manor and the serious damage in Ukyo. The temple Garan, the ship Okayama Castle can also be returned to the shogunate.

This request for harmony probably means saving face and not liking. He launched a war by himself, invaded Kyoto and burned a large number of houses.In the end, he rebuilt these burnt houses with his own money, in order to expel the Kira family who was regarded as a serious problem. This request was just in line with Ashikaga Yoshiki's appetite.

Yoshiki Yoshitoki's increasingly powerful performance makes Yoshiki Ashikaga always worried, although on the surface it seems that Miyoshi Changqing, the number one enemy, is more terrifying.In order to rescue the shogunate, he had to make an expedient move to encourage Yoshitoki Kira to go to Luo. However, if the foreign invaders in Kyoto were expelled and peace was restored, Yoshiki Ashikaga still felt that Yoshiki Kira's return to Kyoto would be very troublesome and even dangerous.

The so-called small knowledge of small things, careful observation of Nakajo Tokihide's repeated resistance to the shogunate's orders, and even dared to kidnap the shogunate angels to attack the Hexagonal Army, one can see that most of the retainers assigned by the Kira family are also against the shogunate. For an evil warrior who has no awe and loyalty to the general who conquered barbarians, it is worth thinking about how much the family governor will change during Kirayoshi.

He can't guarantee that this "loyal minister and good general" who has been smashed by him will still maintain a certain degree of loyalty. Today's chaotic world is like a long stream of water disappearing in a blink of an eye. He really can't tell after the past few years The change.Kira Yoshitoshi still retained a bit of friendship with his lord as a monarch and minister.What if he wanted to imitate the semi-general Masato Hosokawa?This is a worry.

Even if Ashikaga Yoshiki doesn't understand military strategy, he is ordinary.But it is undeniable that after more than ten years of aristocratic elite-style learning and education, Ashikaga Yoshiki has the power and tactics that a general should possess, after experiencing the angry roar of knowing this harmony request.After calming down, he used his smart brain to quickly weigh the choices he should make, and he decided to approve Miyoshi Changqing's request for harmony. [

On a sunny morning on September 26, Settsu Harumon, the deacon of the Shogunate Government Office, reached a peace agreement with Miyoshi Chokei on behalf of the Shogunate. The people in Kyoto stood in front of the dilapidated Kyoto and rejoiced that they survived in the end, and they breathed the peaceful and peaceful air again.

Miyoshi Changqing then led his army to Hanoi to suppress the rebellious Hatakeyama Takamasa, and Miyoshi Yoshiken led his army to Settsu to suppress the Higashi Harima incident, and supported Naito Sokatsu's suppression action from the side. Se'shi is purely a soy sauce power.As long as the civil unrest is suppressed, there is no need to worry about these clowns.

If the Miyoshi family took great pains to achieve a result that can barely be seen, Nakajo Tokihide and Rokkaku Yoshin were really at a loss, even pawning their pants. In this battle involving many places in Kyoto, The Kira Army killed more than [-] people and took the life of a general Suganuma, in exchange for some symbolic greetings from the shogunate and a pension of [-] kan Yongle money. After careful calculation The life of each person who died is only worth one gram.

Liujiao Yixian was even worse. 8000 people died in the battle and finally gave [-] Guanwen Yongle money, and each death was less than [-] Guanwen Yongle. Although the shogunate gave a high-sounding reason, they were still responsible for rebuilding Youjing. There is not much money for compensation, but such indifferent behavior still hurt the hearts of the two generals. It is unreasonable to give this little compensation for the hard work of the shogunate to win the capital.

Nakajo Tokihide held back his anger and did not turn his face on the spot. After receiving the money, the slave returned to Sakamoto with five thousand resentful troops. Rokkaku Yoshihide did not have the cultivation of Nakajo Tokihide. He got up and found the Nijo Gosho to force a statement from the shogunate, but was sternly reprimanded by Ashikaga Yoshiki and led the army away depressed.

Ashikaga Yoshiki knew that what he did was going to upset the hearts of the two families, so he invited a decree from the shogunate to promote Rokukaku Yoshiken to the fourth Xia Sakyo doctor, and Nakajo Tokihide to be the right one. The five Shangde Yushou were rewarded, but the two of them didn't care about the slight promotion in the official position, but it made them see the true face of the shogunate.

The so-called revival of the shogunate is just a self-deceiving falsehood, and the revival of the shogunate, which cannot hold half of the land in its hands, is just a castle in the air supported by the powerful. If you can't see this, and you are still enjoying the prosperity of Kyoto, as long as you reach a compromise with Miyoshi Changqing, you will not hesitate to drive their lifesavers out of Kyoto.

Ashikaga Yoshiki is not good at fighting and has never led an army against Miyoshi Chokei. Apart from issuing security orders to the people of the Samurai country everywhere, he has never actually governed any of the neighboring countries.Yamashiro State has always been an autonomous body. What he controls is not the small circle of Kyoto. He collects some taxes to maintain law and order, and then mediates territorial disputes among samurai families in various places to collect mediation fees.

In fact, his understanding of both military and political affairs is superficial. If not, he would not have come up with such a crooked method to assassinate Miyoshi Changqing.There are also various conspiracies and tricks and selfish thoughts added to Yoshito Kira's attitude. In fact, this has something to do with his growth environment. The life of wandering since he was a child made his character more radical and paranoid.

When he was still young, he used the tricks he learned from his father, Ashikaga Yoshiharu, to carefully balance the various daimyos, including suppressing Hosokawa Harumoto when promoting Kira Yoshito, but then This is to win the capital smoothly and become an official, and when he defends the capital and Kira Yoshiki, he goes away. The only power that can affect him gradually disappears, making Ashikaga Yoshiki's character more willful and random. .

The disrespect for the Kira family is reflected in this.Forcibly ask the Kira family to apologize and confess under the attack of Liujia Yixian's army.I hope to use this method to establish myself, the general who conquers barbarians, as the disputable right to speak in Kinai.He could also take the opportunity to sell well to the Liujiao family, which is very powerful in military power and influence, but in the end it attracted strong opposition from the members of Kira's family tree.

Not only did Liujiao Yixian, a paper tiger, be exposed, but he also turned his back on him to seize control of Li Taijun.Although Ashikaga Yoshiki didn't say much on the surface, he was inevitably annoyed by the Kira family's ignorance of current affairs. As for Rokkaku Yoshihide, the world has already been positioned as a typical figure of a tiger father and dog son, and he is not needed as a noble princess. His Royal Highness Fang condescended to add more gimmicks.

Although the Miyoshi Army swaggered away, the territory occupied by the Miyoshi Army would not be spit out. It is a certainty that most of the Yamashiro Kingdom fell into the hands of the Miyoshi family, including Katsuryuji Castle on the south bank of Katsura River, and the city outside Kyoto. Koizumi City is firmly in the hands of the Miyoshi family, and the Miyoshi family does not need to garrison too many troops. 1000 people in each of the two branch cities is enough to pin the shogunate army in Kyoto from moving.A great turmoil affecting Gyeonggi has come to an end, but I don't know where the next paragraph will start.


Holding the detailed information sent by Nakajo Tokihide, Kira Yoshitoki sneered coldly: "His Royal Highness's temperament has not changed... No! It should have gotten worse! In the end, Yu Hardin was defeated. Half of the capital is given up, but I don’t know when I will give up the other half? But that’s okay, the wolf is coming, tricks can be done once, but you can’t do it again, and you want to come for the third time after teasing my Kira’s house twice? It's impossible! The safety of Kyoto depends entirely on His Highness Gongfang's divine power, I hope you can guard the Nijo Imperial Palace firmly, and don't be that hypocrite who broke his promise and became fat!" [

He casually approved Nakajo Tohide's plan to increase the number of troops by [-] troops, thinking in his mind that he would send the blood gun Kuro's father Nagasaka Nobushige, the bull bull Okuheira Sadayuki's elder brother Okuheijiro Zaemon Sadakata, and Hatadome Ogasawara The family was separated, and Ehara Tanba Shouzheng Hide's son, Ehara Hidesei, was sent to Omi to serve as the reserve general and the ashigaru general.

All three of them came from authentic Mikawa samurai. The only exception is that Nagasaka Nobushige can only be regarded as half a Mikawa samurai after wandering in Kyoto for many years. In addition, Nagasaka's family is from the Hatazu Ogasawara clan, which happens to be the same clan as Ehara Hidezheng. , and Okuhei, the commander, is also a powerful member of the Higashi Mikawa. Letting these three people go to Kyoto can ensure that the command of the army will always be in the hands of the Mikawa faction. Make sure that both parties work hard to serve the public good on the basis of maintaining contradictions.

In Tokihide Nakajo’s letter, he also asked whether it was a rescue operation at a critical moment arranged by Yoshitoki Kira. Shi may not have a chance to go out of Kyoto. When he said this in the letter, he still thought it was weird. The time card fit perfectly just in time for the Tanba Kingdom Hatano clan, the Higashi Harima Bessho clan and the Tango Isshiki clan to join forces. The commotion against the three good ones is set off, and it is even more obvious that there are actions directed by experts behind this.

Yoshitoki Kira said with a smile: "It seems that it is right to ask Tokimasa to do this. After more than a year of successful operation, Takamasa Hatakeyama, Harumichi Hatano, and Yasuji Bessho, who are dissatisfied with Miyoshi's family, also brought in a Isshiki Yidao, who made soy sauce, really used a lot of thought, and the timing of the activation was also ingenious. It happened to be stuck at the critical point where Miyoshi's family suffered heavy losses and could not enter or retreat. It was really hard work! "

As early as a few years ago, Yoshitomo Kira talked with Terotora Uesugi, Tokiyuki Yamamoto and a group of advisors about the possibility of drastic changes in Kyoto at any time.The first change came from the fact that Miyoshi's desire to dominate Kinki was very inflated. Even if Miyoshi Changqing, who was the governor of the family, suppressed him repeatedly, it would have pushed him to finally go to Luo.

Going to Luo is a matter of time, and how to go to Luo is a matter of careful consideration, but it is a pity that Kira Yoshishi was not an all-knowing and omnipotent god.It is impossible to guess the situation of Miyoshi Changqing's Shangluo in a few years, but it can only be roughly estimated that the army in Shangluo will not be less than [-], and the preparations must be completely thoughtful. Raids, or head-to-head battles are very difficult. Miyoshi Changqing will definitely use his superiority in military strength to constantly pull the defense circle of Kyoto, and wear down the vitality of the shogunate a little bit.

This seemingly stupid method is the most solution. No matter how powerful Omi's Kira army is, it cannot change its absolute inferiority. It is so difficult to defend in such a large capital.The sparse defenders simply cannot give full play to the advantages of sophisticated weapons and powerful combat capabilities.Even if it was changed to Kira Yoshitoshi to lead the army, he could only take the opportunity to find an opportunity for a surprise attack to reverse the defeat.If he were to stick to the capital, he would definitely be exhausted to death.

Since it is impossible to stick to Kyoto, it is impossible to expect Tohide Nakajo's military strategy to be as good as Kira Yoshitoki and Uesugi Terutora, and it is obviously impossible to predict the situation of Miyoshi Changqing when he goes to Luoshi. and be guided.Then the only way to change the situation of the battle is to use off-the-board moves, which is the method of strategy adjustment.

Yoshitoki Kira listed the dispatching of the Miyoshi family and the nationals bordering on the territory of the Miyoshi family as the first line of strategic coordinating. Kira Yoshitoki was forgotten, and the series of battles in Echigo consumed most of his energy, so he didn't pay much attention to the development of the situation.

It was not until today that I realized that Ben Duoshi was able to do this thing so beautifully in his busy schedule. The timing of this adjustment is very important. If the timing is too early, Miyoshi will be let go and let him stop calmly. According to Shangluo's plan, the Miyoshi family, who suffered little or no loss, only needed to turn back and suppress the people from all over the country.Maybe they will make a comeback and return to Kyoto in two years. By then, the vigilant Miyoshi family will be wary of this kind of extraterrestrial trick, and it will not be so simple to take advantage of the opportunity to launch it.

It was only when Ben asked about the situation that he was in charge of contacting Hatakeyama Takamasa. The envoy who contacted Hatakeyama Takamasa had already talked about the cooperation. Hatakeyama Takamasa proposed that he needed [-] guanyongle money for military support every year, plus what the Kira family gave him. The support of the required ordnance and equipment, including iron cannons and supporting "medicine" and other support.

What Hatakeyama Takamasa means is that as long as Yoshitomo Kiragi is willing to give him the money, he will definitely be crucified in Takaya Castle to hold back the Miyoshi family's footsteps, so that the Miyoshi family will never have the opportunity to gather so many troops to enter Kyoto , Of course he also admits that he is definitely not an opponent of the Miyoshi Army, but it cannot be denied that he has a brave and strong heart.

Xiaoqiang's tenacious vitality, a very second-rate head, and the fearless spirit of not being afraid of the power of the three good families, and determined to challenge, really touched Ji Liangyi, so he said decisively: "If he wants [-] yuan, Wen Yongle will give it to him." If you want military equipment and iron cannons, give him too! Yu’s armory is full of captured equipment, pick [-] sets and ship them to Dajin Port, and let them find a way to withdraw the rest! Yu has only one request, and must Keep his promise firmly in mind, and Miyoshi’s family cannot be allowed to go to Kyoto to kill another one.”

When Honda was sent away, he left Honmaru early and returned to the Kasuga Imperial Palace. At this time, it was very cold in the twelfth lunar month of winter, and the whole Echigo was covered with thick ice and snow. Wherever he went, there was a vast expanse of snow. , Watching for a long time will cause great damage to eyesight.

The three big fat boys in his family are very strong and strong, even the thinnest Matsuchiyo is much stronger than Princess Aya's second son Usong, so Princess Aya has to send Uosong with her arms almost every day. The little ones played together, and even envied the children of Kira's family for their strong bodies, and there was always a bit of envy in their words.

The eldest son, Zhenwangmaru, can already stand up and walk a few steps unsteadily. When he sees Kirayoshi, he will stretch out his hand and call "Father". The other two boys can only practice crawling on the tatami mat. Every time they see their father, they are excited It was terrible, several women knelt down respectfully to welcome him, seeing the happy expression of their children being picked up by their husbands and circling around for a few times, the happy smiles on their faces seemed to flow out.

After dinner, it is customary for husband and wife to live. There were no entertainment facilities in ancient times, especially when it was dark in winter.I just hid in the bed and slept with my wife in my arms. Kira Yoshishi hadn't touched women for more than a year, and after a year, he stroked Tiger Ji's firm and plump breasts again, and suddenly suppressed his anger for a long time It pops up right away.

Hu Ji is no longer a young girl in love.It's a married woman who gave birth to a big fat boy. She won't turn hot when her breasts are held as before, and her face will turn red until her ears. The delicate and charming red lips were printed on her mouth, and the two of them played a trendy deep kiss.

This is a little trick Kira Yoshitoki gave her. When they were free, the two would hug each other and play kissing games. After a quarter of an hour, they barely separated. After spending a long time together, Hu Ji knew very well that her husband was very angry, and she had been tortured a lot during the more than a year of abstinence.

Before Hu Ji could react.It felt like a dexterous and powerful snake head gently pushing away the white teeth.Find her directional uvula entangled inextricably.For a moment, Hu Ji fell limply in his arms as if her bones had been pulled out, and the hot breath from the man was like a fire, making her dizzy and swaying.

Originally, I wanted to give him a surprise, but before I could take the initiative, I was involuntarily controlled.Confused and fascinated, Yoshiki Yoshitoki was allowed to roll wantonly in her mouth and greedily suck the incense. Gradually, the two bodies overlapped and lingered to death. During the fierce battle, the female knight was sometimes heroic. Still fighting fiercely, sometimes changing into a male knight galloping and charging recklessly, until the middle of the moon was slowly over.

After a happy love, Hu Ji crouched in the man's arms and drew circles, her whole body was like the rain watering the beautiful flowers exuding a seductive fragrance, her spring-like face was smudged with reddish, shy and coquettish His eyes were filled with water.The two talked privately for a while and then talked about what happened in Chunri Mountain City in the past six months.

Tiger Princess said happily: "Your Highness, Guosong came back from the Yuzawa Imperial Palace, and after only a few years of seeing him, he became a tall boy. My sister said that it was Mr. Nagata Tokumoto who has troubled Guosong for many years. I have been cured of my illness, and I have seen my thin body become healthier in recent years, and I have gone to look at it a few times, and I am indeed much more energetic than before!"

Kunimatsu is the eldest son of Princess Aya, who was sent to the Yuzawa Imperial Palace to recuperate for several years due to congenitally poor health. As Guomatsu's aunt, Tiger Hime is only three years older than her eldest nephew. At first glance, she was happy to see the younger children come back Very much, just like when he gave birth to Zhenwangwan, he held him in his arms all day and never let go, even the wet nurse Aju had to discuss with her for a long time before she wanted to come over.

"Oh? Kunimatsu is back? This kid is 15 years old this year too!" Yoshitomo Kira liked this kid very much, so he said, "I'm going to host the Yuanfu for him and I've decided on a name, so I'll call him Yoshikage Nagao how?"

Hu Ji was very happy, and giggled like a happy bird: "Is it Nagao Yijing? Your Highness is going to bestow the last word on Guosong! That's really great! If my lord sister knows the news, I will definitely give it to you." Will be very happy!"

Yoshitoki Kira understands Torahee's cheers very well. In fact, he has been paying attention to Kunimatsu's condition. Every three months, a diagnosis and treatment report will be sent from Yuzawa Imperial Palace to Kasugayama Castle. Nagata Tokumoto's medical team provides all-round treatment. Nagata Tokumoto also takes the treatment of Kunimatsu as a case of curing congenital diseases seriously, and visits the Yuzawa Imperial Palace for consultation every month except in winter.

Kira Yoshitoki said with a smile: "My brother will be the governor of the Uesugi family in Yamauchi in the future and inherit the title of Kanto governor, so I decided to let my brother adopt Yoshikage as a son, and transfer the Zongyou of the Nagao family to him to inherit. , so it can be regarded as arranging a suitable and reliable leader for the Nagao family."

"Is that so? Let Guosong be the governor of the house! My brother will definitely not object! But..." Hu Ji frowned and hesitated to speak, and Kirayoshi pretended not to notice it and lightly brushed off the topic.

The two of them talked about the child for some reason, and as soon as the child was mentioned, Hu Ji immediately regained her spirits and said, "Your Highness! A letter from Sheng Yutai said that a girl was born, which made the whole family happy." , She also said that she didn't know if she gave birth to a girl because she didn't like to eat sour during pregnancy, and she also complained that His Highness didn't tell her the allusion of sour children and hot girls, if she knew this, she would have eaten more sour food. "

Yoshihiro Kira scratched the bridge of her nose, and joked: "Hey! My husband just made up a nonsense sentence in the letter, but I didn't expect it to be taken seriously by Sheng Ji. I will write to her tomorrow for my husband to tell her not to think about it." , having a child is natural, thinking so much will bring a psychological burden, besides, when the three of you were pregnant, didn't you eat any strange food, and you gave birth to three precious sons for your husband?"

"That's true! I don't seem to have eaten any strange things... It's not right! It seems that I have eaten all kinds of strange things, a lot of vegetables, fruits, fish and meat, and a lot of eggs and duck eggs. Is it true? Could it be because of this?" Hu Ji stared at him with wide eyes, like a curious baby who insisted on figuring out Zi Chou Yinmao.

Kira Yoshihito said with some words: "... If you think so, then treat him as such!"

"Well! I understand, I will also write to Sheng Yutai tomorrow to tell her to go! Then Sheng Yutai won't have to sulk over the child!" Hu Ji was very excited, and giving birth to a son in ancient times was always a matter of course. The most important thing, one is because the inheritance of the family business requires sons-in-law, and the second is because of the tradition since ancient times, males are strong laborers and are the pillars of the family. The more males, the more prosperous the family will be.

But when he reached Kirayoshi, this level was already out of this low-level need. He and his wives were in good health, and they could have sons and daughters as long as they had time, so the so-called smile said: "It's good to have a daughter." Ah! As a husband, I hope to have a large group of daughters. If there are too many sons, it will be troublesome. Sheng Ji will give birth to an eldest daughter who can be the wife of Zhenwangwan. Wouldn’t it be wonderful for the two families to be good friends forever?"

Hu Ji's eyes lit up, she nodded excitedly and followed suit: "This is indeed a good idea! I never thought of such a brilliant idea? It really is His Highness who is even more powerful! If I can get close to the son of the Ashikaga family The marriage of the Wei family's first daughter is a very good thing for Zhenwangwan! It's just...will His Royal Highness agree?"

Her Royal Highness Torahee refers to is the swordsman general Ashikaga Yoshiki, he has long expressed the hope of marrying Kira Yoshitoki, but his eldest daughter is three years older than Jinwangmaru, and there is no newborn daughter born, so It is very inappropriate for the eldest daughter to be the main wife of Zhenwangmaru, especially now that the Kira family is powerful and no longer needs to maintain a submissive attitude towards the shogunate, let alone agree to this marriage.

Kira Yoshihito said disapprovingly: "His Royal Highness is in a very bad situation now. It is still a question of whether he can support his daughter to be born and grow up. If he escapes from the capital like the former Gongfang, wouldn't the Yu family lose his in-laws?" Important support? The Jinwei family is more secure, it is honorable and can provide important support for the child in the court."

"Well! Since His Highness said so, I will go to Hesheng Yutai and talk about it, and try to get this marriage settled as soon as possible." Hu Ji found that her body was exhausted as soon as her mind was gone, and she slowly leaned against his arms Li fell asleep after a while.

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