The school in the outer hall of the Edo Imperial Palace was in good order. Dozens of students of different sizes were meticulously reciting articles while sitting upright. Among them, the oldest was ** years old, and the youngest was only four or five years old. These children belonged to the Ashikaga family. Several brothers, and a group of their friends are also included.

The internal school and accompanying reading system are very interesting. Every day, a teacher comes to give lectures to the students. It is a bit similar to the ancient Chinese imperial family’s elementary education system. Ashikaga Yoshitoki took great pains to educate his son. I have to work as a helper for two children, and I have to take time out of my busy schedule to give them lectures.

"Don't come to Riguangshan as Master Tianhai of Nanguangfang!" The students in the school paused for a while, hurriedly packed up their books and sat tight.

After a while, I saw a young monk with delicate features come in with a faint smile. This monk smiled very kindly at a very young age, without any trace of fireworks, but none of the dozens of students in the school dared to Look down on him, because he holds one vote in the year-end evaluation, and these children don't know how many beatings they will suffer if there is one outstanding person, and it will even affect their own future.

Nanguangfang Tianhai is Suifeng of Longxing Temple. The monk who was a blockbuster in front of Ashikaga Yoshiki has grown into a famous eminent monk. In fact, he is only 32 years old this year. In fact, he has been stationed in Edo City all year round and participated in major politics. With his strong grasp of politics and far-sighted opinions, he was quickly promoted by Ashikaga Yoshitoki. An important minister of Dapu's generation family.

In the Kanto folk opinion, it is said that the Edo Imperial Palace is the Kanto General’s Mansion, Ashikaga Yoshiki is naturally the Kanto General or the Kanto Imperial Palace, the Shogun’s Deputy General, etc., and Nan Guangfang Tianhai is called the prime minister in black. It can be seen that Nanguangfang Tianhai's influence in Kanto is not trivial.

The so-called prime minister does not refer to the minister. The prime minister here refers to the four counselors in the imperial court.Literally, it means participating in political affairs. The Chinese name is Prime Minister, Xianggong, Pingzhangshi, and Admonishing Doctor. The status is equivalent to that of the Song Empire. The so-called black clothes are black robes worn by monks. The name means that he is the councilor in the monk.

Nanguangfang Tianhai is the senior staff officer of Ashikaga Yoshitoki.During the Gongfang Expedition to Mutsu, the work of serving as a member of the Edo Left Guard was very busy.It is not easy to take time out of his busy schedule to answer questions for the children, so he is not responsible for teaching the students basic literacy, words, words and sentences.

His task is to use his rich knowledge and experience.Gradually guide the students to form a correct outlook on life and values. He gave the students the impression that he is both majestic and kind. Every time he tells the stories of the scenery as far away as the Ming Dynasty and as close as Jinai, it always attracts people unconsciously. The stories have deep meaning. [

During this time, he was giving a lecture on "The Tale of Baoyuan". To let the children who are like a piece of white paper understand the system of the samurai society from the root, it is necessary to gradually analyze the formation process of the samurai group clearly, starting from the initial emperor of the gods. When it comes to the middle of the Heian period, it focuses on the process from the rise of the samurai to the Genpei period.It took nearly a year on and off from King Jiji's talk to Yuanyi's family's illness and death.

A course like this requires an hour-long lecture every morning. After the course is finished, students are required to make a summary, and they can express their views on historical events freely. As long as they do not plagiarize and make mistakes, they will not be punished. In Nanguangfang Tianhai's view, the most urgent task of educating these children is to let them form a basic sense of integrity as soon as possible.

As the son of the Kanto Ashikaga family.Ashikaga Zhenwangmaru has been loved by thousands of people since he was born. He is indeed an intelligent and keen child of heaven. Every smart person always has a little pride in his heart. The same is true for Ashikaga Zhenwangmaru at a young age. When he found out Many friends are afraid of talking with Nanguangfang Tianhai.So I decided to test how much this great monk is capable of.

Taking the initiative to catch up with the kind and not easy-to-get-together great monk, and asked Xiang for special guidance, Nanguangfang Tianhai said in surprise: "The warriors assisting the Shaodian are the best group of people in the entire Eastern Kingdom. I believe that with the talents of your highnesses, I’m sure you can answer questions for the Young Hall, but what else do you need special guidance from the poor monk?”

Ashikaga Zhenwangmaru also seemed to have expected this question, and put on a neither humble nor overbearing expression and said without pause: "Yes, I admire the culture of the Ming Dynasty very much. I heard that there is a very powerful school in Ming Dynasty called Zhu Zixue. consult."

"So that's how it is..." Nanguangfang Tianhai nodded thoughtfully: "The Young Palace probably knows that His Highness Gongfang dislikes Zhu Zi's theory?"

Ashikaga Zhenwangmaru curled his lips and said, "Father wants me to read historical materials well to clear my mind, and to learn how to bow and horse to strengthen my body. I hope to learn more and become a wise and brave warrior just like my father."

Nanguangfang Tianhai did not blindly reject the young man's proposal, but thought for a while and said solemnly: "Although this theory is good, it is not suitable for the Japanese system. The reason why Zhuzixue was frequently put on hold since it was introduced to Japan in the early days of Kamakura That is, the climate is not acclimatized, and articles that cannot be used by the world economy must be discarded no matter how reasonable they are.

The Shaodian should know that our shogunate’s laws and customs are very different from those of the Ming Dynasty. We warriors shoulder the arduous mission of revitalizing martial arts. This is why His Highness Gongfang hates Zhu Zixue..."

Noticing Ashikaga Zhenwangmaru's disapproval, Nanguangfang Tianhai shook his head and laughed and said: "The most important thing is that Zhu Zixue is very difficult to learn, and there are very few people who dare to speak up and master it out of my martial arts customs. There are no Confucian scholars in Kanto to teach Shaodian to learn Zhu Zixue. Presumably His Royal Highness Gongfang will not allow such a person to stay, please think carefully... the time is getting late, the poor monk will leave first."

Seeing the great monk leaving as soon as he said it, the proud Ashikaga Zhenwangmaru turned his head and said with disdain, "What's the matter! It's just a monk with a weird temper."

After Ashikaga Zhenwangmaru turned and left, Nanguangbo Tenkai turned back to look at the immature figure, and said in thought: "It seems that it is necessary to adjust the training courses of the young hall."

In the afternoon class, Master Imagawa’s lecture on Kyoto culture is very popular because he can speak "The Tale of Genji" and "Pillow Grass". These two books are very famous in medieval Japan, and there may not be many samurai They are willing to read books like "Baoyuan Tale" full of bloody killings, but few people don't like to read masterpieces full of peace and luxury.

Listening to all kinds of gossip and anecdotes between the high-ranking Tian Royal Family and the Fujiwara Family in the past.Staged scenes of bizarre stories will make people feel very exciting. Well-behaved children yearn for an exciting life. Of course, Imagawa will not be so stupid as to talk about inappropriate intrigues, or various cheating behaviors between men and women. After all, this class still ends on time in one hour.The children didn't realize that the time passed so quickly in the blink of an eye and it was over.

"It's getting late. Let's stop here for today!" Ima Chuan really packed up the teaching aids and left slowly, thinking in his head that it would be better to get something delicious for the night. Seeing his relaxed and relaxed appearance It's not like a family governor of the Imagawa family who has lost his country and lost his family.In the four years since I came to Edo Castle, I have already gotten used to everything here, just like what the empress master Liu Chan said to Sima Zhao, "I am so happy here that I don't think of Shu". [

Five years have changed too many people and things, and the unlucky Imagawa family is really just one of them. During the Toe attack launched by Takeda Shingen in the sixth year of Yonglu, most of the Toe people turned against the water and took refuge in the Takeda family, forcing Kakegawa The lord of the city, Toahina Taichao, was facing a huge crisis. The walled cities around Kakegawa City suffered a devastating blow. Most of the walled cities could not hold on to Kaesong and surrendered.

Asahina Taichao accompanied the death of the people of the country.Looking back, I found that Yuanjiang country could not even find a single official, so I had to take Imagawa Shizhen to escape the sad place of Yuanjiang country by boat. This escape took four years in the blink of an eye, and Imagawa clan was really ambitious from the beginning. The attempt to restore power, to the decadent doing things after the rejection, and then to the immediate acceptance of the facts and complacency.Staged a bizarre history of broken pots and broken pots by famous martial arts.

Mrs. Imagawa walked leisurely through the lush woods, and when he thought of his wife and children waiting for him to come back for dinner on the other side of the woods, a faint smile appeared on his face: "Prosperity is like a cloud that ends in smoke." It's a dream, maybe this kind of life is more suitable for me."

Some people are alive and they are dead.Some people are still alive after death. The seemingly contradictory words can be applied to such a declining family as the Imagawa family. The Imagawa family is indeed still alive, but life has no direction. Life is better than death. Immortals are like mortals, without any nobility.

The era belonging to the Imagawa Clan has gradually faded away. The Enjiang country was swallowed by Takeda Shingen without a single bone left. The Mikawa country became the arena of the two major forces of Takeda Shingen and Oda Nobunaga, occupying Saijo Castle. Nishio Yoshiji is close to the Oda family, and Arakawa Yoshihiro, who controls Tojo Castle, is close to the Takeda family. These two people represent the ideology of Mikawa in the East and West. They are in conflict with each other and make the Mikawa country "chaos", like the small Sengoku of Northern Ise.

Matsudaira Ieyasu, who once ruled the entire territory of Mikawa country and entered and exited Yuanjiang country, fell completely. In the seventh year of Yonglu, as the head of the Mikawa flag appointed by the Oda family, he returned to his homeland and stationed in Okazaki Castle to enter Mikawa country for the Oda family. The contacts that Sanhe Kingdom has accumulated over the years have surveyed the people in Eda County, and gradually eliminated the influence that Takeda Shingen exerted in Mikawa Kingdom.

This is not considered the biggest change. In recent years, the Tōkaidō has been turbulent and powerful, which means that it has a moment of prestige. Today’s Tōkaidō has already changed. At the moment when Kamakura Tsuruoka Hachiman Shrine proudly announced the birth of a new generation of Kanto Gongfang, Oda Nobunaga also launched the Nakamino Raiders War in this year.

Takenaka Shigeharu led the sixteen cavalry to raid Inabayama Castle, which frustrated Saito Ryuko's low prestige again. Oda Nobunaga saw the opportunity and sent various generals to launch a large-scale attack on Nakamino. Niwa Nagahide persuaded Kajida All Kaicheng surrendered, and Mori Kecheng was responsible for the capture of Wufeng Castle, the leader of the defender. Kinoshita Hideyoshi also took the opportunity to say that he would surrender Unuma Castle, and then aggressively captured Yuanpei Castle and Tangdong Castle and swept Nakamino.

A series of victories made Oda Nobunaga dizzy. At the beginning of the sixth year of Yonglu, Oda Nobunaga led an army into Nishi Mino and launched an attack on Inaba Mountain Castle. He underestimated the young Saito Ryuko and paid a heavy price for it. The cost of the Inoguchi Battle was almost the same as that of the Battle of Kanokou 15 years ago. More than [-] people were killed and drowned, and Oda Nobunaga was beaten to the ground.

Oda Nobunaga fled back to Qingzhou City to actively learn his lessons. He held a closed-door meeting for more than ten days to summarize his gains and losses. Liang Chuan pressed harder and harder to capture Inabayama Castle.So it was a good story that Kinoshita Hideyoshi contacted Sichuan and built Sumata Castle.

The Nagara River was named Sumata River in ancient times. During the Genhei era, there was a war on the Sumata River. Taira General Hirohiro led [-] cavalry here, and met Genji General Shingu Juro Genga’s [-] cavalry. Weak generals can't defeat the Ping family's army head-on.He planned to use a surprise attack to break through the main force of the Heike family.

Unexpectedly, Ping Chongheng had already expected it and pretended to be in the trap, but actually set up a pocket formation to let him drill in.The Minamoto masters who fought in this battle threw away their helmets and armor and fled in a big defeat. They temporarily dispelled Minamoto Yoritomo's ambition to march into Kyoto and concentrated on managing Kanto. The Genpei two clans once formed a certain tacit understanding.The two seem to want to divide Japan into East and West, and play their own games. It wasn't until Minamoto Naka Hokuriku raised troops and defeated the Taira family in the Battle of Kurikara Pass that they completely changed the direction of the world.

There was originally a Sumata Castle on the Nagara River that belonged to the Saito family. The soldiers under Saito Ryuko's army were not in harmony with each other, and if they wanted to defend it but couldn't, they simply burned the castle down. Hideyoshi Kinoshita shouldered the responsibility. There is also a reason for the appointment of him as the general repairer of the Sumata Castle for the important task of building the Sumata Castle. Earlier, Kinoshita Hideyoshi served as the second assistant of Kawanamijo, and the friendship between the two sides is what Oda Nobunaga valued.

Kinoshita Hideyoshi lived up to Oda Nobunaga's expectations.With the assistance of Chuan Ningzhong, taking advantage of the water transportation of the Nagara River, logging materials from the upper reaches of the Nagara River were smuggled to the vicinity of Sumata Castle at night, and the piles of timber brought in were gradually increasing the risk of building the city. Hideyoshi Kinoshita The city was built ahead of time to prevent nights and long dreams. Carpenters, stonemasons and laborers were needed to build the city. Kinoshita Hideyoshi did not dare to let these craftsmen put on a posture and work slowly.They were forced to divide into two groups and build the city day and night.

He also deliberately divided the [-] city guards that Oda Nobunaga handed over to him into two teams. One team stood guard and took on the burden of resisting Saito's army, and the other team worked hard to build the city. "The city" was built in such a sneaky way. In fact, it took him not one night but seven days and seven nights. Fortunately, the internal conflicts of Saito's family were fierce and he did not notice Nagara Kawakami's little tricks at all.Kinoshita Hideyoshi was given a chance to display his talent.

The construction of Sumata Castle means that Oda Nobunaga has gained a firm foothold in Nishi Mino. In the seventh year of Yonglu, which was the second year after Takeda Shingen swallowed Yuanjiang, Oda Nobunaga appointed Matsudaira Ieyasu to sit in Mikawa Country as the banner head to resist the Takeda family. At this moment, the three of Mino couldn't bear the usual military and mobilization methods of the Oda family, and voluntarily surrendered as the leading party for the Oda family.

The rebellion by the three members of Mino happened quietly. Saito Ryuko still thought that the three family members were "loyal and reliable", but he didn't know that these three families quietly led the main force of the Oda Army to the vicinity of Inabayama Castle. When he realized that the papaya-patterned flag of the Oda family had appeared at the base of the castle, it was too late to yell at him.

Having learned their lessons, the Oda Army set fire to Inoguchi Town, which got in the way. The three of Mino tricked them into opening the Otemon Gate under the banner of "reinforcement troops". One of his confidantes escaped from Inabayama Castle and took refuge in the Ise Nagashima Isato clan. The Mino Saito family, which was very prosperous for a time, died out after three generations in less than 20 years.

In August of the seventh year of Yonglu (1564), Oda Nobunaga moved the city away from Owari, and built a more magnificent and powerful new city among the ruins of Inoguchi Town. Invited by Miaoshin Temple in Kyoto, the eminent monk Sawahiko Zongen, who is responsible for teaching Oda Nobunaga's knowledge, came to congratulate him.

The proud Oda Nobunaga said to Zeyan Zongen: "This city has a short name on the construction day, so please ask Zongen Zen Master to give this city a new name!"

Once upon a time, the man who was scolded as a big fool of Owari can become a great name in the two countries of Mino Owari. Zongen Zeyan guessed that the young man in his 30s was definitely not a thing in the pool, maybe he was the one who didn't He is already a blockbuster peerless talent, and may have ambitions in the world in the future, so he said: "In the past, in the Tang Dynasty of the Central Plains, King Zhou Wen, a sage king, rose from Qishan Mountain, and when the phoenix came, he had a peaceful foundation for 800 years. You might as well follow the example of King Wen of Zhou. Let’s name it Qishan.”

"My teacher Zongen who knows me!" Oda Nobunada laughed and said, "But I think that peace is not enough in this world. The prosperity and prosperity of Tōkaidō does not let Kinai lack, but the gap in cultural heritage is lacking. Therefore, the blessing of the god of learning is very much needed, and the prosperity of peace and culture in the world is the good medicine for governing the world, why not take the name of Qufu, the birthplace of Confucius, and change the name to Gifu!"

Three years later, in April of the tenth year of Yonglu (1567), Oda Nobunaga had already included the Ise Kingdom. According to the rumors in Edo Castle, it seemed that he was besieging the Kitabata family of the Ise Kingdom Division in Dahe City. Ask the shogunate Ashikaga Yoshiki to come forward to mediate in an attempt to avoid disaster.

It is a pity that he underestimated Oda Nobunaga's means of breaking through the lower limit. Oda Nobunaga took advantage of the opportunity of his second son, Chabamaru, to become the adopted son of the Kitabata Tool Education, and instigated a rebellion among the woodworkers in Dakochi City, and seized The last stronghold of the Kitabata family in Ise country, Kitabata Koyo and his son Kitabata Kobo committed seppuku, and the Kitabata family, a famous family in the Southern Dynasty that had stood in Ise for more than 200 years, perished.

The pacification of Ise Kingdom means that the Tokaido is too much to fall into the hands of Oda Nobunaga. As an important transportation hub connecting Kinai and Kanto, the bearing is the essence of connecting the two centers. Although the Imagawa family of Junyuan Sanyuan is famous It ranks among the top names in the world, but it is still far inferior to the combination of the Three Kingdoms in the thick tail. At this time, the Oda family can be regarded as the Imagawa family with a larger size.

In the past, Owari, a big fool, has become the overlord of the Tokaido in the three kingdoms of the thick tail. He spent more than ten years achieving brilliant achievements that even generations of the Imagawa family could not achieve. The huge success once made Oda Nobuo Expansive and self-absorbed, he can't find any reason not to be proud.

Oda Nobunaga is full of ambition in the prime of life, and he has endless hopes of revenge. Standing on the castle tower of Gifu City and looking at the lush greenery in the distant mountains, the surging pride and ambition in his heart are becoming more and more uncontrollable. The chaotic times of the Warring States Period may best reflect his mood at the moment.

In his hand is a seal cast by a craftsman written by Zeyan Zongen. The engraved on it is not a common one-character monogram, but the four characters of "Tianxiabuwu", which is Owari Fengyuner's message to the world. The loud challenge he issued also represented a moment of high ambition and unwillingness to be lonely in his heart.

Holding the seal and meditating for a long time, he suddenly laughed and said: "The general trend of the world is nothing more than this, and when I, Oda Nobunaga, finally rule the roost, the world will change in the hands of my Nobunaga! I want to thank you for your help and support, But I, Nobunaga, am definitely not a samurai who bows his head and surrenders, and even if you use Dongguo as the number one samurai in the world, it will not change my ambition...We are destined to be opponents!"


Bow down and thank the book friends for the reward.

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