In August, the golden autumn is cool, and the summer in Oshu, the northern country, is cool and pleasant. The Kitakamigawa River Basin in Oshika County, Mutsu Country, is also called Ishinomaki Hirano. In later generations, he has a famous new name, Sendai Hirano. The two alluvial plains that are divided into two are called Sennan Plain in the south and Senboku Plain in the north.

Ishinomaki Hirano is an alluvial lowland formed by the alluvial platform at the confluence of Kitakami River and Naruse River. Because of the characteristics of low wetland, it has become a famous rice grain producing area in Mutsu country. Because it is located on the largest coastline in the east of Mutsu country and has some The characteristics of the inland climate, so the winter is dominated by the southern sea breeze, but occasionally there will be a few snowstorms blowing from the western Dewa country to block the road.

Ishinomaki Hirano is the core territory of the Kasai clan, and Ishinomaki Castle in the lower reaches of the Kitakami River is the Kasai clan's residence for generations. This castle is located next to the mouth of the Kitakami River flowing into the Pacific Ocean, and enjoys the warm and humid sea breeze all year round. , and the Ishinomaki Hirano, which is the largest and richest in the Mutsu Kingdom, is under its jurisdiction, which is much better than the days of the Mutsu land turtle daimyo.

During the Kamakura period, the Kasai family moved their residence from Teraike Castle in the northern part of the Hirano to Ishinomaki Castle, which is closer to the coast and warmer. With the support of this warm coast and the large plain behind, the Kasai family Once became the most powerful Chinese lord in the Mutsu Kingdom, this good luck until the Osaki clan, a branch of the Spode family, entered Oshu and became his neighbor.

Today, the 300-year-old Ishinomaki Castle has been demolished, and a new city, Oshu Town Guard House, was built near the ruins of Ishinomaki Castle. here.This emerging city has also become the front-line base for the Kanto Ashikaga conquest of Mutsu. The tutelary palace palace was built according to the reduced template of the Edo palace.It took more than three years from construction to completion, and Ashikaga Yoshitoki led an army of [-] to stay in the newly built tutelary fortress for half a year.

The beautiful maple trees in the tutelary palace are dyed bright red, and the quietly falling red leaves herald the arrival of late autumn. Yoshitoki Ashikaga sat in his room and looked at the fallen leaves in the courtyard, sighing: "every year Flowers are similar every year, and people are different every year, between the flowers blooming and falling, the world has changed beyond recognition.”

"Since His Majesty Gongfang ruled Kanto, the turmoil in the world has become more and more alarming! This time, Yonglu Yikui is a manifestation of the turmoil of the samurai family in the Eastern Kingdom." Ben Duozheng is still serious, and his age has also begun to grow these years Keep two majestic beards.There seems to be a rolling cold current in the eyes, which is daunting. It is said that the new senators are most afraid of looking at him, as if every time they look at each other, their true thoughts will be discovered.

Hojo Shizheng said: "The stronger His Royal Highness, the stronger the samurai names in this world, the more restless the samurai names in the world. His Royal Highness, the Shogunate, reprimanded us for our ineffectiveness in restraining the samurai for years, and it is also a manifestation of this appearance that the people in Kanto are chaotic. , the minds of the shogunate and several powerful Ming in Kinai are already in chaos."

Langgang Tanfang smiled and shook his head: "Hehe. If you want to add a crime, there is no excuse. They can say whatever they want. As long as Guandong is still tightly held in the hands of His Royal Highness, no one can make irresponsible remarks on Guandong. "[

"If they are in a hurry, let them be in a hurry. I still have a lot of things to do, so why not care about their actions." Satake Yoshishige grinned to express his dissatisfaction.In the past few months, he has only played a few times to fight against the wind. Many wealthy families will surrender when they see the Kwantung Army. He is very upset that he cannot meet a decent opponent.

When Ashikaga Yoshitoki was chatting with a group of important ministers, a group of young samurai gathered in another courtyard were also sitting and chatting together, among them were powerful Ueno samurai like Kobata Nobusada.There are also Shinano samurai like Sanada Yoshiyuki, the son of Sanada Yutaka, and Kanto generals like Hojo Shigeru.It is taboo for a group of young warriors to sit together and talk nonsense.

"It's said that Satomi personally kicked off the prelude to Yongroku Ichikui, but because of his own poor ability, he didn't survive for a month before being wiped out. It's really stupid to challenge my Ashikaga family in vain."

Sanada Yoshiyuki said: "Gun Dazen Masaki Tomoki died of illness, Katsuura Castle Masaki Tokita, Manki Castle Toki Nori, Toki Castle Sakai Haruhito, and Masaki Tokimo's son Masaki Kenshi have rebelled one after another. The Satomi clan rebelled. There is already a way to retreat, and self-harm before the fall of Kururi City is a last resort."

"Satomi Yoshihiro dragged Masaki Tokada in to support his back before he died. Perhaps the death of this rebellious minister is destined!" Kobata Nobutada's speech drew a burst of approval. The young warriors most despise this kind of rebel who has a strong sense of spirit.

Many samurai of the Ashikaga family have basically the same views on Satomi Yoshihiro and Masaki Tokada. The former refused to accept the imperial edict of the Kanto government and gathered a crowd to rebel, triggering Yonglu Ichikui, and the latter repeatedly surrendered. Characters, the death of two people at the same time did not arouse the sympathy of the samurai.

The warriors sighed: "The extermination of the Satomi clan is just the beginning, and the majority of the people of the Guandong Kingdom are still dissatisfied with His Royal Highness, and the intermittent joint battles have not stopped in the past few years. Waiting for the countries, footprints all over every city, it is really hard work!"

Since five years ago, when Yoshihiro Satomi refused to obey Yoshihiro Ashikaga's order to reduce the title and raised his troops to "rebellion", the people of the Kanto Kingdom colluded with the people of Oshu and the people of the Kanto Kingdom colluded and erupted. Another wave of "rebellion" was set off in Kanto. The furious Ashikaga Yoshitoki led the fleet to raid the Fangsuo Peninsula, blasted open the thick Otemon Gate of Sanuki Castle with cannons, and completed the artillery's first appearance in Kanto.

This Yonglu Ichikui fight started from the fifth year of Yonglu, and continued intermittently until the tenth year of Yonglu. Yishi used his iron and blood methods to once again deter the young people who dared to challenge the majesty of the Kwantung General.

"But the Austrian War has been fought very hard in the past few years! I haven't been home for a long time."

"Yeah! It's really hard to fight back and fight again!"

The people of Mutsu country are not convinced by the Kanto Ashikaga family, especially the Date Teruzong is particularly dissatisfied. The Date family's relatives cover a large territory in southern Oshu.Ashina, Watari, Kokubun, Rushou, Tamura, and Iwaki all stood on the side of Date Terumune, while Shirakawa Yuki, Nihon Matsuhatayama, and Nikaido remained neutral.

Yonglu's first Ozhou joint battle in five years was very unsuccessful.In the southern part of the Mutsu country, only the Soma family listened to the greetings, which made it very difficult for the Kanto Ashikaga army to invade the Mutsu country. The Ashikaga Legion, which came from afar, was not suitable for the climate of Mutsu. Unaccustomed to the soil and water, coupled with dilapidated roads and outdated water source facilities in houses caused the occurrence of infectious diseases in the army.

Unfavorable and difficult to advance and retreat, the chief general Ashikaga Yoshitoki was forced to make a change of tactics, mainly using the tactics of luring the enemy out of the hole, combined with the lord of the Minamikuo people, in an attempt to exchange time for strategic space.This method cannot change the unfavorable dilemma of the Ashikaga Army. With the advent of the rainy season, more and more sick people in the army finally forced the Ashikaga Army to retreat in the first crusade.

Hastily decided to send troops hastily, the logistics preparation is not in place, and the intelligence collection is not comprehensive. The Ashikaga Legion, like the proud son of heaven, used their own rash actions to reap a bitter defeat. For the proud warriors who have been victorious in all battles.Not achieving brilliant results is the biggest failure, not winning is losing, not taking advantage is a big defeat. [

This spirit of excellence is worth advocating, limited pride is a manifestation of self-confidence, but the samurai of the Ashikaga family in Kanto are too proud. Many of them have never suffered defeat or setbacks. Invincible after hundreds of battles, it seems to be the number one in the world.In fact, it's hard to say how strong you are in adversity without being hit by setbacks.

Back to Kanto to take a rest for a year to reflect on mistakes and learn lessons. After the sixth year of Yongrok, he invaded Oshu again. Cheng Qingchao's troops entered Oshu, and Ashikaga Yoshitoki's main army only took [-] troops to sit in Uto Miyagi to monitor the changes in Mutsu.

Appointing indigenous daimyos as pioneers has achieved very good results.This year's war has gradually broken the stalemate. The Mutsu people are deeply involved in the kinship of the Utsunomiya, Nasu and Satake clans.For example, the Nasu family was once adopted by the Shirakawa Yuki family. In theory, just as Satake Yoshiaki has the right to inherit the Kanto management, he has the right to reversely interfere with the Shirakawa family's decision.

The Shirakawa Yuki clan and the branch family Xiaomine clan come from the branch clan of the Xiasuo Yucheng clan, and even the branch clan of the Xiaoshan clan. Although the two families have had a bad relationship for many years and have little contact with each other, the relationship between them is always cut off. Constantly, facing the clan leading an army to fight against him in the Mutsu country, the Shirakawa Yuki and Komine clans were very flustered, fearing that the family of the genealogists would be easily bluffed by the clan and exile themselves in the blink of an eye. But it was terrible. Under the multiple pressures, Haruzuna Yuki quickly changed camps and fell into the arms of the crusading army.

The current governor of the Iwaki Clan, Shigetaka Iwaki, was originally a relative of the Date Clan. In the early years, because of his heir, he was married to Takashi Iwajo, the adopted son of the Date family. The relationship of Shangjiaqin drew Yancheng Jintaka back into the camp of the Satake family.

When his brother-in-law Satake Yoshishige led the army to kill him, Iwashiro Kintaka almost ignored the fact that his younger brother was Date Terumune, and made a magnificent turn around under the guidance of Satake Yoshishige , became the leading party of the Kanto Ashikaga family to invade Mutsu, and made many achievements for the Oshu invasion.

Appointing samurai with strong local ties as the vanguard, combined with strategic military coercion and other means to let the local aboriginal samurai turn against the water and act as the leading party, achieved good results in the six-year war of Yonglu. During the period, Ashikaga Yoshitoki once returned to Edo Castle to preside over government affairs , Kenshin Uesugi served as the acting general of the army also showed great confidence in the crusade against Mutsu Ichikui.

Sanada Yoshiyuki lamented: "The second Oshu crusade was much stronger than the first one. The Oshu people were vacillating, and they made a great contribution to our army breaking through the Mutsu barrier. It is a pity that the omission of a little calculation will eventually fail. It is really disappointing. What a pity!"

Shigeru Hojo felt the same way: "Date Kyozhaoden's sudden reappearance was far beyond our samurai's expectations. The most influential daimyo in the Northeast since the Yongzheng era really lived up to his reputation. Our army met again in front of the Date family." Once nailed, the Date family is much more difficult than the Kanto Wu family."

Facing the relentless attitude of the Ashikaga Legion, Date Terumune was of course not willing to bow his head and admit defeat to Ashikaga Yoshitoki, the enemy who snatched his wife, but his personal prestige could not affect the decision of a group of uncles and uncles at all. After thinking about it, he decided to admit defeat .He asked his father Date Qingzong to come out of the mountain to coordinate the people of Minamilutsu against the menacing Ashikaga Army.

Most people in Ozhou are not particularly strong against Ichikui's resistance to Kanto.Even if many of these samurai have a deep bond with the Date family, they are unwilling to put themselves in for their relatives. At this time, it is especially necessary for a samurai with high prestige to serve as the general of Oshu Ichikui, and reunite with personal prestige and charm. The people of the chaotic Mutsu country fought against the invading army. The young Date Huizong did not have these conditions. He hoped that his father Date Harumune would come out to help him.

This proposal was rejected by Date Harumune as soon as it was mentioned, and instead persuaded Date Teruzong to go to Maruyama Castle to invite his grandfather Date Tsukune out. This old man is definitely the top existence in the Northeast in terms of prestige and influence. The footprints of the Northern War are all over Yuao.He also intervened in Hitachi, Shimono, and Echigo countries. In his hands, he expanded the Date family's kinship network several times, and successfully took away the hereditary Oshu Tanchi from the Osaki family.

One sentence from Date Tsutsumune is worth the loud support of several samurai. As for Date Harumune’s old father, who is unwilling to go out of the mountain but lives in seclusion, he also has his own considerations. Date Harumune’s network is no worse than his father’s. His skills and knowledge are no worse than his father's, but his coming out is likely to turn the soy saucers into hostile forces.After all, there are still quite a few Chinese people who resolutely oppose the Date clan like the Soma clan in the "Chaos" of Tianwen.

Date Harumune's vision is really accurate. He knows better than anyone what kind of warrior his father is. He is smart and strong, especially good at winning people's hearts. The influence is so strong that all the big names in the Northeast have to stand in line to make choices.

The process of inviting Date Tetsumune was not complicated. The old man had been living in seclusion in Maruyama Castle near Soma County, Mutsu Country.Living in poverty with only five villages living in seclusion as support, Date Huizong took some gifts and several of his uncles to Maruyama Castle, knelt down and began to cry, crying that the Date family was about to fall into ruins. What the enemy took advantage of was that the Date family was about to lose their heir and would no longer be worshiped by the ancestors of the Date family at four o'clock.

He cried so much that he frightened the samurai who followed the Date family. As the governor of the family, he paid the most attention to the cultivation of cultural etiquette.Every word and deed of the house governor is always watched by many pairs of eyes, as if exposing himself on the stage to the eyes of the public.Saying the wrong words, using the wrong facial expressions, or behaving frivolously and speaking presumptuously will lead to dissatisfaction, criticism, and even more serious political incidents.

Therefore, the more powerful the aristocrats in ancient and modern times, the more rules they have. These rules are not set up for a better life for them, but to maintain a glamorous public image, demeanor as an aristocrat, and proper behavior. The young Yi Dahui Zong is not the most outstanding etiquette expert, but he is not so bad that he lost his composure and cried before seeing his grandfather.

He didn't want to cry but he had to cry. The reason why he cried loudly was neuropathy. Date Huizong's normal body and mind didn't seem to be a problem with his head, so there must be other reasons for him to cry for nothing, such as the attraction of Date Zhizong. Attention to gain sympathy and pity or a little bit of pity, as long as it can attract the attention of Date Tsukune, this cry is enough.

This is Date Harumune's move to his son. If you don't do this, it will be really difficult to invite that grandfather out. Ever since the "Chaos" of Tianwen was defeated by his son and he was forced to live in seclusion, Date Shizumune is like a pool of stagnant water Nothing to make waves, neither the shocking changes in the Kanto region nor the new situation of Yu Oo these years can attract the old man's attention. The time of Maruyama Castle seems to be frozen forever on the day when Date Tsutsune retreated and lived in seclusion. There are almost no Signs of human activity, as if dead silence.

Yida Huizong cried for three consecutive days. Every morning, he began to cry outside the city just after dawn. He cried until evening before returning to a nearby monastery to rest. After three days of crying, his throat was hoarse and his eyes were swollen like peaches. After paying a painful price, Date Tsukimune's dead heart finally showed signs of recovery, and he finally agreed to go out of the mountain to help Date's family tide over the difficulties.

"Date Kyozhaoden's reappearance surprised us, but my Kanto Ashikaga family is still not suffering because we have the general general Echigo no Ryu sitting in charge!" Sanada Yoshiyuki admired the northern army god Uesugi Kenshin, he The legendary story of the story is almost familiar to all the younger generations of Dongguo.

Young and young raised troops to fight against traitors to establish prestige, and then replaced the weak and dark brother Qingjing as the family governor with the support of the officials. When he went to Beijing and met Ashikaga Yoshitoshi who changed his life, the great meeting of the two legendary warriors and the fetters of marriage, and then He brought the legendary general who was famous in Kyoto down to Echigo, and thus kicked off a series of magnificent epic legends.

There is no doubt about the glory of Ashikaga Yoshitoki. It took only a few years for Echigo to create the myth that Echigo Ishiko increased from 40 geku to 280 million geku. The plight of the family and the people of the Yu-Austrian Kingdom, who were attacked from all sides, can still break through each of them to create a series of astounding legendary achievements. A layer of mysterious brilliance. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote and monthly pass. Your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users, please go to m to read.)

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