Warring States Eagle

Chapter 351 Rainy Night Torrent

"Tick tock, tick tock..." At midnight, the rain that was brewing in the middle of the night arrived as scheduled.

Zheng Liang, who had been waiting on the top of the hill until midnight, let out a long sigh of relief.An ambush between mountains and fields is actually not a comfortable thing.Not only do you have to be careful of animals that come out at night, such as poisonous snakes, but you also have to deal with those annoying mosquitoes and leeches.So for Zheng Liang and the others, waiting in the middle of the night was simply suffering.

"Tick tock, tick tock..." The rain dripped down drop by drop, and then quickly turned into big raindrops as big as soybeans, and they fell bigger and bigger.

"Your Highness, why don't you take shelter in the awning?" Fei Duan behind him said.

"No, I want to personally experience the force of this rare heavy rain." Zheng Liang said. At this moment, Zheng Liang was wearing armor and a Nanman helmet on his head.Soybean-sized raindrops hit the helmet, making a clanging sound.

After the heavy rain for only a few quarters of an hour, the rain under the feet is accumulating more and more, and it has a tendency to evolve into a miniature stream.

"Your Highness, the canopy of the Beacon Tower has started to seep rain." Fei Duan behind him came to report again.

"Wait a little longer," Zheng Liang said.Now he has to wait for the rain to accumulate a little more.As early as half a month ago, when Zheng Liang inspected the surrounding terrain, he found that there were many naturally formed small lakes and creeks on the Yongmeng Mountain, the Pig Bear Mountain, and the nearby mountains, and these water sources formed the Pig Bear Mountain. The source of the Liujiao River between Shang and Brave Mountain.Therefore, Zheng Liang made a plan, and immediately used a lot of manpower to secretly block these water sources, forming small dams one by one, which directly caused the water level of Liujiao River to drop.While building the dam, Zheng Liang moved all the nearby villages away.

The Shaoerjia Allied Forces stationed at the foot of the mountain did not realize that the water level of the Liujiao River was dropping recently due to the lack of guidance from the local villagers.They also thought it was due to the hot weather that caused insufficient water flow.Completely unaware of the approaching danger.Coupled with the hot weather, they chose the coast of Liujiao River for their camp.

Zhengliang's original plan was to open the dam that had accumulated to a certain extent.Let the flood hit the army of the Shaoer family at the foot of the mountain.According to Zheng Liang's plan, he was going to rely on the terrain of Pig Bear Mountain and Brave Mountain to resist the advance speed of the Shaoer family's army, let them temporarily stay on the flat ground between the two mountains, and then increase the water volume of the dam. a little.Unfortunately.Plans can't keep up with changes.He didn't expect the rainstorm to come so soon, so he immediately decided to take advantage of the rainstorm and the rapid rise of the water level of the dam.Launch this attack.

"Your Highness, the canopy can't hold up a little bit. If we don't light it up, I'm afraid we won't be able to send out the signal anymore." Fei Duan came to urge him for the third time.By this time, he was already soaked through.The sound was partially covered by the sound of heavy rain, and he had to shout at Zhengliang at the top of his throat.

"Okay, then light the beacon to signal an attack." Zheng Liang said.The firewood under the canopy is poured with kerosene, so even if the surface of the firewood is slightly wet by rain, it can still burn.

Following Zheng Liang's order, the beacon tower was immediately lit up.

Under the action of kerosene, it burst into flames.On this rainy and majestic night, it was like lighting an oil lamp.

"Look quickly. That's the signal for His Highness to launch an attack!" On the top of a lake in Brave Mountain, an ashigaru shouted.

"Immediately open the dam mechanism of the lake." Ueda Shinji, who was drenched all over his body, ordered immediately after confirming the fire.At the same time, Brave Mountain, Pig Bear Mountain, and the nearby people who were in charge of guarding the dam all saw the flames and started to act.

The fire is under the action of kerosene.It burned very vigorously, and soon burned through the canopy above, and a lot of rainwater poured down, not for a while.The beacon tower was completely extinguished.However, the burning time and flame of just now.It was enough for those nearby to get the signal to act.

The continuous rain hit Zheng Liang's body, and Uemura Motozuna behind him had to open a wooden umbrella to cover Zheng Liang.Looking at the pitch-black mountain road between Zhuxiong Mountain and Bravery Mountain in the distance, Zheng Liang thought to himself, Young Master Dongshang, I have already recruited, so how should you deal with it.

And at this moment, what is the situation of the young two coalition forces?

After arranging the Bachang family, Qianlan family, and Arima family to camp on the left bank of the Liujiao River, and seeing through the Luo family's plot in the evening, and setting the Luo family's camp on fire, Shaoer Dongshang seemed very happy tonight. .After discussing with the generals about tomorrow's offensive strategy, he fell asleep peacefully with the wish that tomorrow would surely defeat the Luo family's army.He slept soundly and soundly that night, after all, the night harassment at Luo's family finally stopped.

When I fell asleep in the middle of the night, I suddenly heard an exclamation outside the tent.Shao Er Dongshang who woke up suddenly felt a burst of coolness all over his body. When he came back to his senses, he saw that a large amount of water had spread on the ground of his military tent, and the water level was rising at a speed visible to the naked eye. Shao Er Dong Shang was so frightened that the pores all over his body stood up.

"Master Guardian!" Just as the second young man, Dongshang, was panicking, he walked quickly into the military tent and shouted, "Please quickly evacuate with your subordinates." It was Shengdai Shengli who came.

"F...what happened?" Dongshang asked stammeringly.

"It suddenly rained heavily tonight, and the mountain torrents broke out. The camp on the side of the mountain on the left side of our family has been completely washed away at this time. The guardian should leave with the servants." Shendai Shengli said anxiously.

"Ah! The flood is coming, run away!" At this moment, the panicked cries of soldiers sounded outside the military tent.

"Quick, take me away!" Young Er Dongshang staggered up without saying a word, and said to Shendai Shengli.

At the same time, the same thing happened in the Baba family camp camped on the other side of the Liujiao River.Compared with the terrain where the Shaoer family's main formation is located, the place where Baba Raizhou and others chose to camp is much higher.However, since this side is originally a narrow place, it is closer to the mountain than the opposite side.So at the moment of the flash flood, the mud and rocks on the mountain rushed towards the camp with the flood, turning the camp into a swamp all of a sudden.

"My lord, let's go!" shouted a samurai who had just pulled Baba Yorishu out of the muddy water.

"No, the army, regroup the army, don't panic!" Baba Raizhou tried to regroup the army at this moment, but it was obviously futile in this dark night of heavy rain and torrents everywhere.

After yelling and drinking at the top of his lungs, Baba Raizhou finally went to the nearby higher ground with the support of several relatives and warriors.

That night, the sudden rainstorm, coupled with the calculations that the Luo family had prepared long ago, plunged the army of more than [-] members of the Shao Er family into a vast ocean.

Thank you book friends Boring, ing~, Riding a Mountain Pig to Work, God Bless Your Lover, Santknight, ivanwang for your monthly tickets; thank you book friends Boring, ing~ for your evaluation tickets; thank you book friends ngstone for your update tickets.

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