Warring States Eagle

Chapter 352 The beast after the flood

The torrential rain lasted for more than half an hour, and finally gradually weakened, and finally disappeared. . . . And in the dark night, the chirping of summer insects sounded again.

After carefully dismantling the organs of each dam, causing the dam to collapse and the water rushing out, the people in charge of guarding the dams all hid in nearby shelters that had been prepared long ago, watching the flood rush away while waiting With the arrival of the second day.In order to avoid being affected when the dam is demolished, Zheng Liang first asked people to add some wooden structures when building the retaining dam based on the knowledge of later generations. When the time came, the demolition personnel bluntly triggered some mechanisms that fixed these wooden frames at a place far away from the dam. That's it.At the same time, Zheng Liang also ordered people to personally take those who were responsible for the demolition to practice the skills of escaping in an instant when the dam collapsed, so that the people involved in the demolition of the dam were not affected by the flood.

In the early morning, Zheng Liang set off from Takeo Castle with an army of more than [-] people.The torrent attacked last night, and the Shaoer family's coalition forces must have not fully recovered at this moment, and this is a good opportunity for a large-scale attack.

The team moved forward all the way, and when they reached the mountain road close to Pig Bear Mountain and Brave Mountain, they saw that the farmland near there was indeed destroyed by the flood.However, these have long been in Zheng Liang's calculations.In order to avoid affecting the innocent, Zheng Liang moved almost all the people in the vicinity to other places.For this reason, Zheng Liang needs to pay a lot of food as compensation, but compared to the results of the attack on the Shao Er coalition forces, such losses are worthwhile.In order to appease these citizens who lost their homes temporarily, Zhengliang specially dispatched Aoyama Nobumoto to Takeo City to take charge of resettling the refugees.I believe that with the help of the territory, these people will soon settle down.

"Speed ​​up, let me see how embarrassed the Shaoer family's coalition forces are." Zheng Liang shouted while riding on the horse.

"Oh ha ha!" The soldiers were full of fighting spirit.Last night, they were asked to withdraw to Takeo City overnight. Many soldiers felt very puzzled. They secretly guessed whether the Patriarch was preparing to ambush the other party like last time. any order of battle.Just when they fell asleep full of speculation.It rained heavily in the middle of the night.

At this time, they understood the reason why the Patriarch withdrew his troops overnight.Therefore, the soldiers secretly conveyed that the patriarch and the gods can communicate. This time the withdrawal of troops was just what the gods told the patriarch, so that everyone would not have to spend the night in the rainy night.

Now.After seeing the conditions of the nearby farmland.Everyone couldn't help but take a deep breath.Oh my God?If the Patriarch hadn't asked me to wait to return to the city last night, I would have been washed away by these floods last night.

The team continued to move forward on the ground that was still a little muddy after the flood water receded.Along the way, the personnel responsible for digging the dam last night and releasing the floodwaters returned to the team one after another.

"Your Highness. Dozens of enemy soldiers were found on a hill in front of us, and they are now surrounded by our family's vanguard formation." The messenger came back to report.

"Okay, send an order. If the other party is willing to surrender, then spare their lives. If they are obsessed with their obsession, they will be shot directly." Zheng Liang said.

Jiangkou Yuanshi entered the Tao at the moment can be said to be disheartened.As Oda Masamitsu's family general, when he was suddenly hit by the flood last night, he decisively led his men out of the camp and ran to the nearest hill.But the flood came too suddenly, although after some struggles he finally reached the post, but there were only a few people accompanying him.The rest of the people were swallowed by the flood, looking at the few people around them.He couldn't help feeling sad because most of those people who were swallowed by the flood were his people.With such a huge loss of combat strength in the clan, it is easy to be coveted by the powerful nearby.

After finally staying up until morning, he managed to gather dozens of people together.Everyone is exhausted.Regardless of checking where Patriarch Masamitsu Oda is now, they decided to take a rest on the hill before making any plans.But it was precisely this that the Luo family's army arrived.They didn't realize it until they saw the Luo family's army coming all over the sky.This time they came to attack others, which means that the two families are still at war.And here is still the place where the two armies are at war.

"Everyone, it's time to be loyal to the Patriarch." Although he was surrounded and his morale was low, he still encouraged his morale loudly.

Dozens of people around stood up reluctantly, preparing to resist. At this moment, they realized that because they were concerned about escaping last night, they even lost their weapons, and now they are unarmed.

"Hey!" Eguchi Yuanshi entered the Tao obviously also discovered this problem, sighed in a low voice, and then said: "Everyone, after I die, you will surrender." Everyone around them expressed sadness when they heard the words.

In this way, after Eguchi Yuanshi entered the Tao and several loyal samurai committed seppuku, the remaining people in the hill surrendered and became prisoners of the Luo family.

"Everyone listen to the order" Seeing that he has entered the battlefield, Zhengliang judged the situation and immediately issued an order: "The army will be divided into two, the left army will be led by Kinoshita Masunao, the military adviser will be Kakukuma Ishimune, the deputy generals will be Akuta and Miyazawa Heihachi; The chief will be Yoshida Shigemasa, the military adviser Akabane Nobunosuke, and the deputy generals will execute Tanane and Oishi Tomohisa. The two armies will advance from the left and right banks of the Rokkaku River, and I will personally lead the army to retreat."

After getting the order, everyone set off immediately.

At this time, the camp of the Yuan Shao Er family's allied forces was still in a mess.After the flood swept by, the camp's items were scattered all over the place, and curtains and weapons could be seen scattered in the mud everywhere.

The young master Dongshang was sitting on a hill with his head downcast. At this time, only Shengli Jindai and Masamitsu Oda gathered around him, and the rest of the tyrants temporarily disappeared.The soldiers were scattered scattered on some nearby high ground.

"Master Guardian, it's better to gather the scattered personnel first." Shendai Shengli said on the side.A flood washed away his subordinates, and until now, he has not been able to fully find all his subordinates.

Looking at the messy scene under the hill, he was also very depressed.

"What's going on on the left... on the left bank?" Dongshang asked.

"Master Guardian, it's still early in the morning, and the situation on the other side cannot be seen clearly for the time being. After the Baba-sama has rectified the army, he will definitely send someone to report back." Oda Masamitsu comforted.Compared with the Jindai family, the loss of the Oda family is even heavier.At this time, there were only two samurai beside Oda Masamitsu, and the rest of the retainers and soldiers did not know where they were.

In the camp, almost everyone was trying their best to recover from the nightmare of last night.

"Run away, the Luo family's army is coming!" At this moment, there was a sudden commotion on the edge of the camp ahead.Some soldiers who had been resting on the high ground suddenly went mad and walked into the muddy camp again, heading towards Shaoer Dongshang.

"What happened?" Younger Dongshang apparently also noticed this anomaly.

"Report, my lord, there is a brigade of Luo's family troops ahead, and they are coming here." A warrior ran up in a panic to report.

"Luo... Luo's family?" At this moment, the people present realized that they, who had just escaped from the flood, were about to face another beast.

"It came so fast?" Oda Masamitsu said in horror.In his consciousness, since they encountered a flood, the Luo family would not be spared either, and even if the Luo family planned to take the opportunity to attack the Allied Forces of the Younger Family, it would take at least half a day to react.Now, the other party actually arrived shortly after the sun rose, which was beyond his expectation.

"Quickly, assemble your forces!" Shendai Shengli finally came to his senses and shouted immediately.Now all the soldiers are scattered around, many of them don't even have weapons, how can they resist the Luo family's attack.

Just as Shendai Shengli was gathering soldiers, a fierce battle was taking place on the way forward of the Luo family's left army.

"Kill!" Kinoshita Masao roared and danced the spear in his hand into a circle, with a little silver light flashing on the tip of the spear.Accompanied by the flying of these silver lights, the soldiers of the Shaoer Family Allied Forces nearby were flying with flesh and blood.

"Yokoyake Zicheng is here! Let me give you my name!" At this moment, a burly samurai immediately appeared ten feet away from Masao Kinoshita. Following five banners and more than thirty ashigaru, he seemed to be a samurai of high status.

"Ha, ha, ha..." Just as Masao Kinoshita was about to respond, a long laugh sounded behind him.

"An unknown person dares to be arrogant? I am Miyazawa Heihachi! I'm here to get you!" Before he finished speaking, Miyazawa Heihachi had rushed to Yokotake Zicheng, shaking his hand and stabbing straight.

Heng Yue Zicheng pushed the knife frame and fired the gun, but it was quite difficult. When he returned the knife to counterattack, he obviously lacked some strength. At this time, he suddenly kicked the horse's belly to accelerate forward. This move can use the horsepower , Second, you can take a short breath while riding a horse.Miyazawa Heihachi didn't give him a chance, he slammed into Yokotake Yokotake's side with a side of his horse, and at the same time, the back of the long spear also poked at the opponent's horse's neck.

"Gucha!" Hengyue Zicheng's horse couldn't stand the double blow, and fell sideways to the ground.Heng Yue Zicheng was not prepared for this at all. When he fell with the horse, he let go of the sword in his hand, and his right leg was firmly pressed under the horse.

"Wow!" Seeing that the general was in danger, the five bannermen rushed forward to save him.Naturally, Miyazawa Heihachi couldn't give up on this mouth-to-mouth "duck", and with a sweeping shot, he beat a flag book to the side, and at the same time made him bump into his companion.

"Ah!" After Hengyue Zicheng screamed, the tip of the sharp spear came out from his back, and the blood turned the snow red.

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