Warring States Eagle

Chapter 457 Luo's "Military God"

Minamihizen Takajo is located at the junction of Hachi and Takarai counties. In front is the highest mountain in Minamihizen, Mount Tara. On the left and right sides are the Ariake Sea and Omura Bay. The rear is the must-see for entering the Shimabara Peninsula and the Nagasaki Peninsula by land. The way of the scriptures.

In the 12th year of Tianwen, [-] A.D., in the early morning of June [-], just after the fire in Gaocheng last night, the Luo family finally launched a full-scale siege of Gaocheng.

"Report, the front line of the army has arrived at the designated position."

"Report, the right wing of the former army has reached the designated position."

"Report, the left wing of the former army has arrived at the designated position."

"Report, the commando team is in place"

"Report, the cavalry team has set off."


The deployment of the army gathered in front of Zheng Liang.In this siege battle, 600 of the total 900 members of the Luo family were thrown into the frontal battlefield.Among them, the [-] first standing ashigaru squad led by the executive and deputy generals Tetsunosuke and Asakura Sodi, and the former army center with [-] peasant soldiers will serve as the absolute main force of the siege.


"Everyone, if you forget death, you will live! If you are greedy for life, you will die! With the belief that you must die, kill all the evil that stands in front of you, so as to achieve your unworldly achievements!" Zheng Liang looked at the black soldiers in front of him. shouted loudly.

"Command. Start the siege for me."

Following Zhengliang's order.The battle has officially begun.Because it is still early in the morning.The fog that shrouded the vicinity of Gaocheng hadn't completely dissipated, so the Luo family directly used the sound of the Faluo horn to transmit orders at this time.

"Get ready, let go!" With the sound of the conch horn, the bow and arrow team phalanx 150 meters away first launched a bow and arrow attack.

"Swish, swish..." The arrows shot into the city like a rain of arrows.

"Tuk Tuk Tuk..." After several painful days of being harassed by Luo's family's archers, the guards on the city had long been accustomed to this kind of attack.I saw that they took out a piece of wood from their side and put it on their heads.A large number of arrows shot to the city were directly nailed to the wooden board.Of course, there are still many unlucky ghosts who were shot by arrows that got into the gaps in the defense.

There is no way, the range of the bows and arrows of the Luo family is much farther than the bows and arrows in their hands, at the beginning.They watched helplessly as they were shot almost every day.Later, someone thought of using the wooden board as a shield to defend against the Luo family's bow and arrow shooting.In order to prepare these boards, they almost demolished all the wooden houses in the city.

"Hmph, it seems that it is impossible not to let you see how powerful it is." After seeing the situation on the city wall from a distance, Zheng Liang said coldly, "Order, the Iron Cannon Team enters the battlefield, and the shooting direction is the one on the city wall above the city gate. Guard. Archers pause attack."

Soon, Ander, who was in the middle of the former army, received the order.

"Iron Cannon Team, get ready now, we're going to show our talents today." Ander immediately ordered his men to start preparing to shoot.The Luo family's bow and arrow team stopped shooting on the battlefield.And the other teams fell into a brief silence before they started attacking.

After being suddenly attacked for a round, the defenders who were still in shock slowly revealed their heads from under the wooden boards, trying to find out what happened.Through the gradually dissipating fog, they vaguely saw a series of small sparks igniting below the city.Roughly counted.At least there are hundreds of strings.What the hell are these?

"Bang bang bang..." There was a musket shot after another.Some of the guards on the city wall still understood what was going on, but suddenly felt a pain in their body, and then lost consciousness instantly.The guard who reacted faster immediately pulled up the plank, trying to protect himself with the plank again.

It's just that this time it was the bullets with scorching heat, not the arrows.With a strong momentum, the bullet pierced through the wooden board with a slightly deformed trajectory, and finally shot into the body of the guard under the wooden board.Suddenly, amidst the bursts of gunfire, the screams of the guards continued to ring out.

The guards near the city gate were in dire straits, while the few remaining guards nearby who had not been attacked by muskets were stunned.What kind of attack is this?

"Heavenly Thunder! This is Heavenly Thunder! It is the punishment of Hachiman God on us." At this moment, someone shouted in time.Suddenly, a series of choruses sounded among the guards.The rest of the guards who didn't know why suddenly became nervous.

"This? What's going on?" Xixiang Junxun and Omura Junmae who heard the sound of musket guns in the city were also shocked.

Not only the enemies in Gaocheng were stunned, but even the people in the Luo family's formation who saw the huge momentum of this musket for the first time were also stunned.Among them, Arima Qingchun is the most important.No, to be precise, he is not stunned now, but completely terrified.What would it be like if such a weapon appeared outside the castle of the Arima family?He didn't dare to think about it anymore, he couldn't help but think about the conditions of surrender that Zheng Liang gave.

At this time, of course, Zheng Liang didn't care about how other people reacted now.After the iron cannon team attacked for four consecutive rounds, he issued two more orders. One was to let the archer team continue to shoot and continue to suppress the guards on the wall above the city gate.

Since the musket is in danger of exploding, it is necessary to stop and cool down after shooting for a period of time.During this period of cessation of shooting, it is necessary to rely on the archers to suppress the enemies on the city wall.

In addition to ordering the archers to attack, Zhengliang also gave an order for the former army's siege troops to attack.

"Warriors, it's time to show the enemy your own martial prowess, kill me!" After receiving Zhengliang's order, the executive Zhong Jian shouted, and personally led the soldiers behind him to kill Gaocheng.

Tiesunosuke and Asakura Sodi, who followed closely behind, also directed the crowd to lift up a dozen ladders and run quickly towards the lower part of Takashiro.After studying in Luo's dojo for a period of time, almost every general hopes to become the "Military God" of the Luo family, and Chao Cang Zongdi has three military gods in his heart, one is the real military god of the Hancang family, and the real Asakura Zongdi; the second is Luo Shizhengliang, the head of the Luo family who is privately called the "Military God" of the Luo family by the soldiers; the last one is himself, and he is determined to become a military god like the previous two.

During this period of time, in addition to harassing the allied forces of the Dacun family and the Xixiang family in Gaocheng every day, the Luo family also took the opportunity to fill up the mountain roads and trenches under the walls of Gaocheng.At this time, the soldiers of the Luo family were like thousands of troops scattered on the plain, divided into three squares, left, middle, and right, and rushed towards Gaocheng.

"Get up, get up quickly, don't let them come up." When the ladder of Luo's family was placed on the wall of the high city, the warriors on the city immediately shouted to the guards hiding under the battlements as if they had seen ghosts Get up and defend.

"Oh my God! What is this?" The guards who had climbed up vigorously exclaimed when they saw strange ladders on the edge of the city wall.

"Quickly, take the stones, Mumu, and throw them to death. Push those ladders away." Someone shouted immediately.

Thus, a fierce offensive and defensive battle began.Soldiers of the Luo family tried to climb up the city wall wave after wave along the ladder, and the city wall was attacked with stones, boiling water, etc. Some people even risked being shot from outside the city. , directly push the ladder on the city wall.Many soldiers of the Luo family fell from the seven or eight meter city wall...

"Commando, start attacking." Seeing that not long after the start of the siege battle, the soldiers of the Luo family suffered a lot of damage, Zheng Liang immediately issued the last attack order.

After receiving the order, two hundred warriors wearing Luo's armor were divided into three teams. The first team consisted of a dozen warriors holding a large wooden board, and all the people under the wooden board were holding a small bag of strange things; The first team is carrying a thick tree trunk, which is preparing to hit the city gate; the last team has a relatively large number of people, and they are responsible for holding simple wooden shields to cover the people of the first two teams.

"Everyone! Let the people of the world see the justice and bravery of the Luo family! Attack!"

"Hey! Hey! Oh!"

"Hey! Hey! Oh!"

"Hey! Hey! Oh!"

The samurai who were inspired by Zhengliang rushed towards Gaocheng with cheers.

(In front of a hospital bed in a wooden house, a dying old man tremblingly looked at his son in front of him and said, "Son, when this book reaches [-] recommendations, you must burn a piece of paper and tell me!" The sad son's face turned dark immediately, and he cursed in his heart: Burn a jb! With the current rate of tens of votes per day, I guess I have to ask my son to burn a piece of paper for me... Readers, please read it After the book, don’t leave with a wave of your sleeves, even if you don’t take the clouds with you, leave a recommendation ticket! You know, after voting, your demeanor will be more chic and charming!) (To be continued.. )

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