Astronomy 12/[-]/[-].The Luo family launched a siege campaign against Nanfeiqian Gaocheng, which was guarded by more than [-] people from the Omura family and the Xixiang family.At this time, the battle had lasted for more than two hours, and the midday sun had climbed into the center of the sky.

On the walls of Gaocheng, the two sides of the war also launched a fierce tug-of-war.However, with the passage of time, the defenders have gradually lost ground.

"What is this?" At the critical moment when the defenders of the city gradually fell into a disadvantage, Xixiang Junxun and Omura Junmae, the generals of the coalition forces, also came to the city to supervise the battle in person.When they saw the soldiers of the Luo family climbing up the city wall from things like wooden ladders.The two couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Huh? Big fish?" Asakura Sodi, who was holding a dagger on the top of the city and killing all directions, suddenly saw a group of people appearing not far ahead.In the crowd, two people wearing big armor could tell they were big shots at a glance.So he immediately kicked the corpse of a farmer and soldier who had just chopped down a big village to the city, and then shouted:

"The Luo family's Zhao Cang Zongdi is here, and the enemy will die."

After finishing speaking, regardless of whether the person on the other side agrees or not, he directly killed him.Several Luo family warriors behind him also shouted and followed Asakura Sodi's footsteps and killed them.

"It's too much to deceive people! It's right in Shimo Omura Tango Shoujunmae." Omura Junmae, who was very angry recently, saw a warrior rushing towards him shouting to kill, and immediately pushed aside several relative warriors guarding him, and raised his sword to meet him. past.At this moment, he seemed to return to the days when he galloped on the battlefield in his middle age.


Unfortunately, a sharp pain woke him up from the good feeling.

"Master Patriarch?" All the retainers exclaimed from behind.But Junmae Omura could no longer hear the shouts of the crowd clearly.In Asakura Sodi's yell, he felt his head fly up.Then the eyes gradually fell into darkness.

In a moment of complete darkness.He seemed a little regretful about going up against the Arima family.Maybe abandon the previous hatred.Together with the Arima family, at least they can jointly resist the invasion of the Roche family.But even if he was about to die, he couldn't let go of his hatred for the Arima family.

Since the Arima family gradually became stronger, Arima Haruzumi continued to annex and subdue the surrounding forces with the policy of adopting an heir.A few years ago, the second son of Arima Harujun and Omura Junmae's younger sister was born.Soon after, Arima Haruma forcibly forced Omura Junmae, sent Omura Junmae's only son to Goto Junaki in Takeo Castle as an adopted heir, and gave his second son to Omura Junmae as an adopted heir .

for a while.The biological son became someone else's adopted heir, and the nephew (ie, Omura Juntada) became the adopted heir.What is even more tragic is that when the Luo family captured Takeo Castle, his own son was also killed as a relative male of the Goto family.

Therefore, in Omura Junmae's view, both the Luo family and the Arima family are his son-killing enemies.It is precisely because of this that Omura Junmae changed his previous attitude of surrender to the Arima family, and instead joined forces with the Saigo family to resist the Arima family, and even finally embarked on the road of confrontation.

"Arima Harujun, I'll be waiting for you below." The moment his eyes completely darkened.Omura Junmae thought so.

"It's boring, a useless old man." After cutting off the head of Omura Junmae.Asakura Zongdi curled his lips and said.

"Revenge for the Patriarch!", "Kill!"

Seeing the head of the family being killed, the Omura clan warriors who finally came to their senses shouted with blood coming out of their eyes.

"Haha, Han Cangzongdi of the Luo family is here, and the enemy's general has already been taken by me." Seeing several warriors from the other side attacking with red eyes, Han Cangzongdi laughed instead, holding up the head of Omura Junmae and shouted loudly.It seems that they intend to provoke each other.

"Let's go!" Compared to the samurai of the Omura family who were trying to avenge the dead patriarch, Xixiang Junjun wanted to leave this dangerous place immediately.Their luck was too bad, how could they be climbed onto the city wall from nearby by members of the Luo family at this moment.And Omura Junmae fought directly with the opponent like a ghost, and finally ended up dead, Xixiang Junxue didn't want to be such a hapless ghost.


Just when Xixiang Chunyun turned around and walked a few steps, and was about to walk down the city wall, a feather arrow directly pierced his throat.

"Ah? Patriarch?"

The relative samurai who accompanied Xixiang Junxuan immediately exclaimed.

"Damn! Patriarch, you should leave it to me anyway." After seeing the feathered arrow shot from outside the city, Asakura Sodi concluded that it was Masaragi's masterpiece.

Why so sure?

That's because after persuading many local mountain people in Chikugo to surrender to the Luo family, Asakura Sodi found Masara for a challenge.After all, in the last ambush, he was very unconvinced.

It's a pity that the result ended with him being defeated by Zheng Liang again.It was in that contest that he knew that Zheng Liang was not only good at swordsmanship, but also at archery, which made him admirable.

Just when Asakura Sodi was in admiration, Zhengliang had already put down the long bow in his hand more than a hundred meters outside the city, turned his head and said to Ander beside him:

"Ander, this is the third time. If the effect is still so bad this time, then your salary for next month will be gone."

"Ah?" Ander immediately screamed, his face turned bitter, and he cried and said: "Great lord, I have already reported to you before that the power of those explosive packs is only average now, and we need to do more research. The power can be improved."

He's about to be a daddy.You know, even in this era, being a baby daddy is very stressful, so he has to fight for even a copper coin.What's more, it's gold now.So, he decided to fight it out.

"The power is average? The two explosions at the city gate just now sounded like farting, but the city gate is still intact. Do you know? Every quarter of an hour is delayed, and the country's lord will lose a lot of heroic soldiers. Now I have to use your salary as a pension for those soldiers who were injured or even died in battle." Zheng Liang shouted angrily.

"The great lord..."


Ander was about to fight for his poor salary again, at this moment, there was a loud noise from the gate of Gaocheng.I saw that the gate of Gaocheng, which had been ravaged by explosives three times and hit by giant trees countless times, finally collapsed.

"The great lord..."

"Kill me!" Just as Ander was about to brag about the power of the dynamite pack, Zheng Liang pulled out the small chest and yelled directly.

At this time, there were hundreds of soldiers standing beside Zheng Liang, and they were all reserve soldiers who were going to go to the battlefield one after another.After Zhengliang yelled, they immediately rushed towards the open gate of the high city while shouting "Oh, oh, hey".At this time, the samurai team as an assault had already started hand-to-hand combat with the guards in the city at the city gate.

"Warriors, the city gate has been breached. Give me a hard blow to their chrysanthemums, kill!" Asakura Sodi, who had just woken up from the huge explosion, raised Omura Junmae's head and shouted.

"Kill!" Knowing that the gate of Gaocheng had been breached, the morale of the soldiers of the Luo family who were fighting hard on the top of the city immediately rose.

"It's not good, a large number of Luo's family cavalry and ashigaru were found at the rear city gate." At this time, someone suddenly shouted.

"Ah? The gate of the city has been breached, and we are almost unable to defend it."

"The head of the family has been taken!"

"Don't kill me, I surrender."


A series of rumors unfavorable to the city defenders sounded one after another.

"It seems that we can live in the city tonight." Seeing a large number of soldiers from the Luo family pouring into the high city through the gate and the city wall, Zheng Liang said with a smile.

At this time, the construction technology of the Walled City has just begun to develop at a high speed with the increasing density and scale of wars.Generally, the better walled cities only have two pills, and the best ones are only three pills.But the current Gaocheng has only one pill.When the city gate was breached, it meant that the soldiers in the city would have to fight hand-to-hand with the soldiers of the Luo family.And what the soldiers of the Luo family feared the most were field battles and hand-to-hand combat.

"I didn't expect to capture this fortress guarded by more than 3000 people in just half a day. Master Arima, how do you comment on this?" Masaragi smiled and turned to Arima Harujun, whose hands were tied behind him. . <1. Monthly ticket voted by Jinghe, Lan Lingyu; thanks to book friends "baby↗ Muzi, Longteng Tianxia 12, Lumia, Yu, Zhuxiu" for their rewards. Thank you for your votes!) (To be continued. .)

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