Warring States Eagle

Chapter 477 Hot Potatoes

In the golden autumn of October, the sky is blue, cool and comfortable.The wild flowers on the side of the road swayed with the wind, and in the rice fields were piles of rice ears that had been harvested by the villagers and piled together.

According to the news from the Cabinet, this year's harvest is good, especially in those areas where the Luo family has vigorously promoted new crops and farming techniques. It is conservatively estimated that only the Luo family whose stone height was around 30 shi In the occupied Hizen territory, this year's harvest is estimated to be 25 shi.

This is quite a high income. You must know that this also includes the income of the territories of Dongfeiqian and Nanfeiqian, which have just been occupied by the Luo family for more than 35 shi. It was also damaged by the war, so this year's harvest is generally even poor.If these two areas with average or poor harvests this year go through the comprehensive promotion of the Luo family's laws this year, and if the weather is smooth next year, it is estimated that Hizen's income will be more than [-] shi. With the deepening of various policies of the Luo family, the income will still will be further improved.

With such a generous income, Zheng Liang should have been happy, but after seeing a letter from Shenglong sent back from Kyoto, Zheng Liang's mood seemed to be both happy and worried.

Fortunately, this time the Luo family's trip to donate money and food to the imperial court and the shogunate achieved good results. This trip not only made the Luo family famous in Kyoto, but even received awards from the imperial court and official rewards.

It's just that when Zheng Liang saw the name of the official position, he couldn't help but smile bitterly.It turns out that the official position awarded to Zhengliang by the imperial court and the shogunate turned out to be "Dazai Shaoer".

Dazai Shaoer is an official position in Dazaifu.Dazaifu is the department that governs Kyushu, and is in charge of all government affairs in Kyushu, including national defense and foreign affairs.The prince named him honorary commander-in-chief.The sophomore is the substantive officer.Since the right minister Michizane Sugawara.Dazaifu Quanshuai has always been a minister's exile and Zuoqian.Chikuzen guardian Muto since Kamakura.From generation to generation, he and the Shao'er family jointly served as Dazai Shao'er.

Therefore, it was Dongshang, the young master who was still hiding in Bungo's territory at Otomo's house, who previously held the post of Dazai Shaoer.Poor guy, after losing his territory and losing his strength, even the imperial court and the shogunate did not pay attention to him.Now that no one is dead, the official position is deprived and given to Zhengliang.

It's just that this official position is also a hot potato.Because Zhou Fang Ouchi Yoshitaka, who was fighting with the Shao Er clan, applied to the imperial court for his superior Dazai Dai Er in order to seek legitimacy to dominate Kitakyushu, and obtained permission.So in name, Ouchi Yoshitaka is still Masaragi's superior.

After thinking about it carefully, the court actually did not promote Zhengliang's official position in the court this time.Although Dazai Shaoji is already a top five official in terms of rank, which is several ranks higher than Masara's previous position as Second Lieutenant Zaemon, but with the autonomous management of several generations of Dazaifu, in fact this Dazai Shaoji It is already a bit like a local official position in Kyushu.Just like the difference between a district secretary and a national ministry official.

At the same time, the service position of the shogunate has not been promoted, and Zheng Liang is still the guardian of Hizen and the guardian of Chikugo.However, the problem of the imperial court's security in the area occupied by Chikugo, which Zheng Liang was most concerned about, has not been resolved.It seems that neither the imperial court nor the shogunate wanted to offend the Luo family and the Otomo family, so they simply delayed and delayed, neither giving an answer to the Luo family nor the Otomo family.

However, considering the contribution of the Luo family to the imperial court and the shogunate this time.So he finally got Zheng Liang a magistrate who was Dazai Shaoer.It's just that this local official position is not only the taste of rewards.It also exudes a strong taste of check and balance.Just like when the shogunate gave Masara the post of Guardian of Chikugo.

You know, Ouchi Yoshitaka is now Dazai Daier. When he learned that Masara had won the official position of Dazai Shaoer, Ouchi Yoshitaka would definitely think that he just drove away the original Dazai Junior Er Shaoer Dongshang. You got me a new Dazai Shaoer, didn't you give me eye drops?At least it caused a gap in the relationship between Ouchi and Luo's family.

There is also the reaction of other Kyushu tyrants, especially Otomo's family.Now that Zhengliang has assumed the post of Dazai Shaoer, the Otomo family will be under the control of the Luo family in name.This made Otomo Yoshikam, who had already suffered a loss from Zhengliang in Chikugo, definitely jealous.As a result, the friction with the Luo family became even greater.

You know, when the four-year-old son of the Ouchi family, Shintaro (Otomo Zonglin), was appointed by the shogunate to be the guardian of Chikuzen, the Otomo family then sent troops to Chikuzen, and there was a fierce battle with Ouchi's internal field. The result was that Otomo lost first and then won , Stopped the Kyushu expansion of the Ouchi family who was constantly developing power in Kitakyushu at that time.

And two years ago, when Masara was appointed as Chikugo guardian, last year the Otomo family sent troops to Hizen, and successively fought against the Ouchi family and the Luo family.

Checks and balances, everything is for checks and balances.Although the prestige of the imperial court and the shogunate has dropped again and again, it still cannot stop their ambition to revive the prestige of the imperial court and the shogunate, let alone prevent them from using such means to check and balance the development of daimyo forces in various places.

Zhengliang believed that as soon as news of his latest appointment by the imperial court and the shogunate came out, the Ouchi family and the Otomo family would take different actions.

"Hey, do you still plan to immerse yourself in development for a while? It seems that no one else has such a plan!" Zheng Liang said helplessly.

"My lord, what if my family gives up this official position?" Honda Zhengxin said.When the other retainers were not present, Zheng Liang allowed the surnames around him to express their views on some government affairs at will, but he was not allowed to spread the information to places other than the meeting hall, otherwise he would be severely punished or even executed.

"No." Zheng Liang shook his head with a smile.This future Zhichen is still a bit immature.Since you came here for the purpose of checking and balancing, how could you have the opportunity to refuse? Anyway, the imperial court and the shogunate can directly and unilaterally announce that the position will be rewarded to Zhengliang. The suspicion of respecting the imperial court and the shogunate will leave an excuse for others, and it will definitely be blamed by other tyrants, and it will even become an excuse for others to attack the Luo family.

Besides, a person who does not invite envy is a mediocre person.Anyway, if you want to dominate, you will inevitably collide with the surrounding tycoons.It's time to see who is afraid of whom.

"Send an order to have the two military advisors Kakukuma Ishimune and Yamamoto Kansuke, as well as the old Togo Heiji, come to have an audience with him." Masara then ordered.In addition to discussing the official position of Dazai Shaoji, who was rewarded by the imperial court and the shogunate, the three people were summoned, and there was also the matter of welcoming the representatives of the public.

In a letter sent back by Shenglong, it was also mentioned that the imperial court and the shogunate sent two people to visit Luo's house this time. <1, Xin Mufeng, Long-legged Mosquito, zsdea, m, Qingfengying, Kaihuang, Mingming Mingming, Broken Railroad, 4, kingleo" monthly ticket; thanks to book friends "Lumia, Strange Thief Tianlong, 7764588, Kaihuang, leely , Relying on the name I want to be used by someone, Xingziyun, baby↗Muzi" for rewards. Thank you for your subscription, recommendation tickets and clicks.) (To be continued..)

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