"My lord, this is a counterbalance." After reading a letter from Shenglong, Kakukuma Ishimune spoke first.

"Although it was calculated by the court and the shogunate, it also gave the family a righteous name." On the contrary, Yamamoto Kansuke paid more attention to the righteous name brought to the family by this appointment.Don't underestimate the role of this righteous name, at least to attack others, there will be a more high-sounding excuse, a disrespectful accusation, you can send troops.Moreover, this righteous name coupled with the corresponding strength as a guarantee is even more a sharp weapon to subdue the enemy.

"The imperial court and the shogunate sent a total of two people to the main family before, and I am afraid that the main family saw the hidden intentions and came to appease them?" Tsukuma Ishimune said again.

"Well, I'm afraid that's true!" Zheng Liang nodded.Not every big name in the Warring States Period is willing to suffer such a dumb loss obediently.If this offends the local powerful daimyo, the situation of the already precarious court and shogunate will be even more difficult.So Zheng Liang felt that the gang of ministers hiding in the wooden house in Kyoto were really playing with fire, and they even came up with such a secret trick for him.

This time, in addition to the old acquaintance Kyo Kokichi who represented the shogun Ashikaga Yoshiharu Masara, there was also Yamashina Gontsugu who represented the imperial court.Shanke Yanji's first purpose of coming here is, of course, to collect money.

Why do you say that?This starts with the financial situation of the imperial court.After the Yingren Rebellion, the imperial court was extremely financially distressed.The emperor's inauguration and posthumous burial depended on the support of local daimyo.The saddest thing happened in 1500.Emperor Tumimon died, and the funeral only took out a mere hundred kanmon coins.As for his son, the enthronement ceremony of Emperor Gokashibara became a big problem.Due to lack of money for the ceremony.The emperor could not officially take office.Until 21 years later. In March 1521, the ordealous enthronement ceremony was finally held.Emperor Go Kashiwahara was finally able to officially ascend the throne at the age of 58.Then there is something sad. Emperor Go Kashiwahara passed away in 1526. Because of lack of money, the body was buried for two months before being hastily buried. It is really a pity.

The son of Emperor Gokashihara continued to mourn. It was not until 1536, ten years after his father's death, that the enthronement ceremony was held after the funds of the Warring States daimyos such as Gohojo, Ouchi, and Imagawa were collected.At that time, the imperial family was so poor that they even had to sell calligraphy and paintings written by the emperor to make money.For this reason, Emperor Nara was forced to reorganize the imperial finances.The Yamashina family held the first position in Neizang and was responsible for the financial operation of the imperial court. The current patriarch, Yamashina Yanji, began to be responsible for raising royal expenses from princes from all over the country.In addition, he was also responsible for asking the princes to restore the imperial court's "imperial material land", that is, the imperial court's property that had been embezzled.Most of the time, his efforts will come to naught, either in the chaos of war or in the end.

This time, it is estimated that Yanji Shanke came here to continue collecting donations from the Luo family and to request the restoration of the imperial court's "imperial land".When it comes to the "Imperial Material Land", Hizen was used as the place where the imperial court and the Ming Dynasty went to sea in the past.There are indeed many "imperial lands" in Karatsu Bay in Hizen Matsuura County and Nagasaki Peninsula in Hechu County.

It's just, since it's the fat that has been swallowed into the stomach.Zhengliang will definitely not spit it out again.As for fundraising, it depends on the sincerity of the imperial court and the shogunate. After all, as long as the powerful daimyo can support the imperial court financially, they can obtain official positions with corresponding strength.This time, although he got a local official position that looks good on the surface, there are hidden calculations hidden in it.With this tone, Zhengliang still intends to settle the matter with the court and the shogunate?If he doesn't show enough sincerity this time, Zheng Liang will definitely not be taken advantage of.

Of course, as Kakukuma Ishimune said, the imperial court also knew that the Luo family would probably see out the calculations this time. To appease them, Yamashina Gontsugu came here this time for another purpose.That is to determine the family tree of the Luo family.

Zhengliang has always claimed that he is the descendant of Genji, but this has not been recognized by the court after all. If it can be confirmed that Zhengliang was born in Genji this time, it will be good for the Luo family's recruitment of talents and even their future development.

This era is an era that pays attention to the level of blood relationship.If you want to hold a higher position, you must have a noble blood.For example, the position of Guan Bai, in theory, can only be filled by members of the Fujiwara family and its descendants, the Shokie family, so Toyotomi Hideyoshi, a monkey from a commoner background, wants to be Guan Bai, so he has to ask Konoe Maeku to recognize his godfather.The general who conquered barbarians also stipulated that only the nobles of the samurai family (from Genji and Ping family) could serve and open the shogunate.

Of course, since he came from later generations, Zheng Liang has always sneered at these things. In his opinion, whoever has a hard fist can speak up.However, the retainers of the Luo family didn't see it that way. When they heard the news, at least the two military advisors who came to see him this time and the old Dongxiang Heiji seemed to take it very seriously.

Seeing how enthusiastic they are, Zheng Liang doesn't want to go against their ideas.So he threw the family tree of origin that he had made up a long time ago to them, and then told the three of them to be ready to welcome the official visitor and prepare relevant materials for the family tree.Anyway, for the imperial court, they also knew what was going on with these genealogies. As long as they had money to collect, they would generally recognize them.

Seeing the three of them walking out of the meeting room with enthusiasm, Zheng Liang couldn't help frowning.It seems that the generation representing new ideas still needs time to grow up.Now most of the important positions in the family are in the hands of the retainers who still maintain the old ideas, and such as Masamune Ra, Masahide Ra, Sasuke Ra, Shingoro Ro, Naoshima Naoshima, and Masanobu Honda, who represent the new ideas transmitted by Masanobu. Conceptual people have not yet grown up and started to control the actual duties of the family. This makes Zheng Liang always seem to be fighting alone when he implements some new policies at home.This is not acceptable.

Of course, although the superstructure still needs to wait for everyone to grow up, the folk as the substructure have been greatly improved after a large number of officials graduated from the Roche Academy and became grassroots officials in the territory.At least some of Zhengliang's new policies and concepts have great support among the grassroots.

In this way, after some preparations, after half a month, Jing Gaoji and Shan Keyan came to the Luo family's Kishidake City as scheduled.

"I recently heard that there is a warrior from the Western Kingdom, the Luo family, who is politically good, loyal, brave, benevolent and righteous..." In the meeting hall, Shan Keyan continued to sit on the main seat, and the retainers of the Luo family lined up on both sides.Zhengliang himself kept bowing to the 'angel', pretending to listen respectfully to the 'Heaven's Lun Yin'.

Shanke Yan Jiben is also very grandly dressed, with a white face, shaved eyebrows, and black teeth.The look of a real minister.

Finally, Shan Keyan read the last sentence with a very solemn expression: "... I am conferring the post of Dazai Shaoer, I hope you will be loyal and not disappoint me!"

After saluting thanks, Zheng Liang took the imperial decree from Shan Keyanji, and immediately invited Shan Keyanji and Jing Gaoji to a meeting room that had been prepared earlier.

Yanji Yamashina was a very famous cultural person, proficient in waka and tea ceremony. His diary "Yan Jiqing Ji" is one of the very important materials in future historical research.The biggest hobby in my life is to travel in the mountains and rivers, and I have traveled to Fusang most of the time, so I have a wide range of knowledge.He is a very worthy minister.

In the small meeting room, the only ones who sat with me this time were Kakukuma Ishimune and Yamamoto Kansuke, as well as the only current member of the Luo family, Togo Heiji.These three people also have a lot of knowledge, and they also have some understanding of Gongqing culture, which just caters to Shanke Yanji.

"This time, I have the audacity to bother Dazai-sama." After entering the living room and sitting across from Zhengliang and the others, Shan Ke Yanji nodded slightly to express his apology.

"Hahaha, Quan Da Nayan, you don't have to be polite. I'm also a bold person. I think Mr. Gaoji is very clear about this." Zheng Liang smiled back at Shanke Yanji and Jing Gaoji, and then clapped his hands, " The banquet is ready, please dine."

The door of the living room was opened, and the maid bowed outside, then came in with food, and placed it respectfully in front of several adults in the house.

"Hiss..." At this moment, Zheng Liang heard Shan Keyan gasping for air.Zheng Liang couldn't help but secretly smiled.

Although the current Warring States period is still based on miscellaneous grains and wild vegetables, Zheng Liang from later generations will definitely not treat himself badly.And this time to entertain Shan Ke Yanji and Jing Gaoji, in fact, Zheng Liang did not prepare any special delicacies from mountains and seas. In fact, it was just the meal that Zheng Liang's family usually eats. Nothing more.

So what are these dishes?The main dishes include sweet potatoes with rice, delicious sea fish steamed with ginger and scallions (this dish is the favorite of Princess Masako Tamiko), pickles, wild vegetables, fried chicken diced with corn, abalone in soup, and chicken soup.

Shanke Yanji, who is used to traveling around all the year round, was a little surprised when he saw such a rich dish.Even Kyo Gokichi, who has dealt with Masara several times, was amazed by the dishes in front of him.

But Zheng Liang's inner chuckle was not mocking these two people as country bumpkins.Instead, he was satisfied with the expressions of the two of them.In fact, such dishes can be seen not only in Zhengliang's daily staple food, but also in some newly opened restaurants in the territory of Luo's family.

Compared with later generations, some of these dishes may be very expensive, such as the abalone, which is indeed not generally cheap in later generations, but in this era of no pollution and no large mechanical fishing boats, the abalone in the sea is Everywhere.Moreover, there are many special products in the territory of the Luo family, such as ginger and abalone in Hizen; seaweed in Hihou.

These things can make money, so Zheng Liang suggested that Tai Jiuling and his wives and concubines could invest in this business, and then Zheng Liang taught them some business methods, so this kind of business can not only provide sake, dried radish, but also Wine houses that can provide these special delicacies appeared in the territory. Monthly ticket for <1; thanks for the review votes from book friends "Great Guilty, Star of Love"; thanks to book friends "Green Mia, Sentimental Memories, Longteng Tianxia 12" for their rewards. ) (to be continued..)

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