Warring States Eagle

Chapter 606 The First Battle That Changed History

In the northern mountainous area at the junction of Mii County and Yamamoto County of Chikugo Country, under the hazy night, the dark mountains looked like monsters lurking in the night. At this time, a low-pitched "so, so" suddenly sounded from the dense bushes at the foot of the mountain. Grass picking.

Soon, a group of black heads poked out from the bushes.

The person who came was naturally Zheng Liang and the others.With the help of the flames of the enemy camp and the small flashlight in his hand, Zheng Liang quietly touched the vicinity of the enemy camp.The enemy's camp was chosen quite cleverly. They deliberately chose an open area, and deliberately cleared the bushes and weeds near the camp. The bushes where Zheng Liang and others were located were already the closest to the enemy camp.

Through the gaps between the bushes, Zheng Liang carefully looked at the Ouchi family's coalition camp hundreds of meters away.It seemed that the two camps were not far apart.This made Zheng Liang's originally worried mood suddenly improved.

Originally, Zhengliang was a little worried that the Ouchi family and the Ouchi family deliberately set up their camps farther apart because they were wary of each other, but now they did not expect that they were almost side by side.This is in line with Zhengliang's mind.Otherwise, if the two armies are too far apart, the distance left in the middle will not be conducive to the effect of the next attack.

At this time, the camps of Ouchi's and Ouchi's camps were silent, and several fires were piled up outside their tents.The flames from the fire almost illuminated the area within ten meters outside the camp.Night watch soldiers were occasionally seen walking around in the barracks.Looking at the situation, just as Zheng Liang had expected, the two families were fully prepared to deal with the night attack of the Luo family's army.

It's just that neither Otomo Yoshikami nor Sugi Xingyun expected that the Luo family did not come to sneak attack at midnight as they expected.Instead, it quietly approached at dawn.

At this hour.The nerves of the soldiers in charge of guarding had been tense for a whole night.And those soldiers in the big tent who had been unable to sleep to death earlier and were ready to face orders at any time were a little tired, and even couldn't stand the tiredness of their bodies and fell asleep.In short, as dawn approached, everyone began to relax.It was precisely this time that Zhengliang chose.

While thinking, Zheng Liang suddenly felt a pain in his neck.He stretched out his hand into the collar in an instant, and sure enough, he touched a slippery object there.With a little force on his right hand, he grabbed the object directly.In the night, although it is impossible to see the specific shape of this object carefully.However, he could feel the "criminal" struggling between his fingers.

Apparently, it was a leech that fell from a bush onto Masaragi's collar.Zheng Liang is no stranger to leeches.When he was a child in his previous life, because his family was relatively poor, he followed his mother to work in the fields when he was very young.During this process, the ones that frightened him the most were the leeches hiding in the water.When it’s the time of transplanting rice seedlings, when you are still struggling to plant rice seedlings in the paddy field, these leeches will quietly stick to your legs, and then suck a full meal of blood.The most terrifying thing is that it is in the water.The whole body of these leeches is very slippery, plus the exaggerated suction cups on their mouths.So it generally takes a while to get them off your feet.

When he grew up, he once traveled with his friends in the forests of Tibet, and he was even more impressed by the dry land leeches that fell on you like rain from the trees.

Compared with the leeches in the water, the leeches in the dry land are more blatant.They tend to climb up to you from dry land or trees, and then give you a hard bite, and then bite you tightly.Because the wild environment at this time is much better than the wild environment in the previous life, it also provides more convenient conditions for the reproduction of these leeches, so there are often many leeches in the woods.This brings great inconvenience to ambush operations in the wild.Especially during night raids.

In the Luo family's army, several soldiers had been infected by leech bites, and eventually died of it.Zheng Liang was also at a loss for what to do about it.After all, this is not the previous life, and the level of medicine is still very poor. It is completely impossible to have drugs such as antibiotics.The only medicine that can be called advanced is the cold medicine that Zheng Liang brought with him when he came to this world.It's just that time has passed so long that the medicines have long since expired.What's more, at this moment, these medicines are still protected by the doctor of the territory, Qu Naose Michizo, like a rare treasure, and no one can easily obtain these expired medicines from him.

"My lord, the army formation in the rear is ready." Just as Zhengliang quickly threw the leech out of his hand, Kato Duanzang's soft report came from his ear.

Zheng Liang nodded, and then led the crowd back into the bushes, and quickly walked towards the location of the Luo family's army formation.

The Luo family's army formation is actually less than 800 meters away from the camp of the Ouchi family's coalition forces.Due to the darkness of the night, coupled with the deliberate concealment of the Luo family's army and their arrival quietly in batches, the enemy guarding the camp seems to be a little negligent (even if they heard the noise, they would probably think it was made by wild boars and other animals in the woods. sound), so even now, the camp in the distance still hasn't found the abnormality here.

Before reaching the front of the army formation, Zheng Liang saw a large group of huge guys being arranged in a linear formation from a distance.Some short figures are busy around these huge figures.

good.Those huge figures were the farm cattle that Zhengliang ordered to forcibly collect overnight from the villages near Gaoliang Castle.For ordinary people, these cattle are almost their most precious possessions.This forced requisition indeed caused great complaints from the citizens.

And in order to quietly transport these cattle to the current predetermined location in the dark, the whole family of the Luo family also took great pains.The first is to tie the mouths of the cattle with thatch. At the same time, in order to prevent the cattle from rubbing the thatch off their mouths, they are specially brought some small bamboo cages made to prevent them from eating crops during farming. shrouded.Finally, cloth strips were tied to the four hooves of these cattle.

Of course, the biggest difficulty during this period is how to solve the problem of night blindness of everyone at night.Fortunately, due to Zheng Liang's implementation of strict nutrition and dietary strategies in the army, some people in the army have been greatly relieved of their night blindness symptoms.Coupled with the help of the artifact "solar flashlight" in the hands of Zhengliang (with the deliberate promotion of the Information Pavilion and the assistance of the shrines and temples, this small flashlight was promoted as the artifact bestowed by the Hachiman Bodhisattva on Zhengliang). Only the army formation of the family can reach the position in front of them relatively secretly.

"My lord, all the cloth strips on the cattle's legs have been removed. At this time, they are tying fire materials to these cattle." When Zhengliang came to the front of the battle, Naoshima Qingfang, who was in charge of the cattle, came to report .

"Yeah!" Zheng Liang nodded.In fact, Zheng Liang felt a little heartbroken at this moment.This heartache is not heartache for the subsequent injuries to these cattle, but heartache for the loss of the territory in this war.

Just tying cloth strips to the four long hooves of these cattle, I don’t know how much cloth in the warehouse of the territory was consumed. If it weren’t for the support of the merchant house with several wives and concubines at home, it is estimated that it would be difficult to do so in such a short period of time. This amount of cloth can be collected within a certain amount of time.

As for why it is not forcibly collected from the nearby people.The reason is very simple. First, the issue of cattle has already caused dissatisfaction among the local people. If the cloth is still forcibly confiscated, the local people will probably riot; Practical needs (after all, for ordinary citizens, cloth is also a valuable property. Given the current income level of the people, even rags will not be much); the third is to avoid letting small workers mixed in with the people Smell the wind in advance so as to create unnecessary variables.

In addition to cloth, there are also things such as kerosene, weapons, food, etc. After a big war, it can be said that the consumption is huge. It can be said that the war is fighting the economy.

"Let them speed up the loading action, in case the sentries in the barracks in front find something abnormal." Zheng Liang ordered again after looking up and scanning the cattle formation that had basically lined up.After Nabeshima cleared the house, he immediately walked down to execute the order.

The tying and loading of these cattle is very simple.First, they are covered with simple quilts, and then sharp knives are tied to their horns, and grease-stained weeds are tied to the oxtails.This is done.

(Thanks for the monthly ticket of "Little Lee, Water Ruoye, Cangtian! I rely on"; Thanks for the rewards of "Frank People, Book Friends 140322114115552, Ryan Stein"; Thanks for the evaluation votes of "Book Friends 140322114115552".) (Unfinished to be continued..)

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