Kurume.Located in Mii County, Chikugo Country, Kyushu.

At this time, Kurume was still a riverbank between the Chikugo River in the north and Mt. Takara (later renamed Kudoyama) in the south.It is a narrow strip of less than a mile.Excluding those bushes and weeds near Mount Gaoliang, the area where the marching army can actually be accommodated is less than half a mile wide.

Due to the backward production level, some local farmers only opened up some fertile fields along the coast of Kurume close to the Chikugo River for farming.But even so, Kurume was already a famous granary in Kyushu at this time.With the continuous development of the land, it will even become one of the granaries of the entire Wa country in the future.In the future, the famous Kurume University (actually a medical university when it was first established) was also established here.

At this time, due to the recent battle between Luo's family, Otomo's family, and Ouchi family's coalition forces in this area, the nearby farmers have long since abandoned their residences and fled to the mountains and forests for refuge.

At this time, in the rice fields that had been harvested, the Luo family's army was forming a large square formation stretching from Mount Gaoliang to the south bank of the Chikugo River.

This time, Zhengliang had already arranged the formation before starting from Gaoliang City.

Naturally, more than 100 cattle are at the forefront of the square formation.At this time, the oxen have already put on simple quilts, sharp knives are tied to their horns, and weeds full of grease are tied to their tails.Behind each ox stands a farmer and soldier.They were holding some burning objects in their hands.

Behind the cattle formation, there are dozens of drummers evenly and sparsely distributed in front of the real formation.They only need to hold some musical instruments such as conch horns and snare drums.

Behind these drummers is the real main team participating in the battle.

Zhengliang is the main general this time.Located in the very center of the array.Nabeshima Kiyobo, Murakami Takekichi, Asakura Sodi, Tetsunosuke, Kato Danzo, Hidan, Ahri, Taketori Sheranmaru, and Roshi Masahide are the lieutenants.On Masara's right wing, Masao Kinoshita was the main general.The deputy generals are Executive Tanane, Roshi Masamune, Ueda Shinji, Akaike Changren, Owatani Junhei, and Inudo Ryan.The general on the left is Nao Nao Kai (Dharma name Zongyun).The deputy generals will be Masahiro Isano, Masanobu Takasaka, Sasuke Roshi, Motozuna Uemura, Mitsuki Akaana, and Nakamoto Tanou.The military adviser Kakukuma Ishimune is the main general of the rear, and the deputy generals are Hidemasa Mingfeng and Toshimasa Honda.

The old man Dongxiang Heiji stayed in Gaoliangcheng to coordinate the rear, and the military adviser Yamamoto Kansuke also stayed in Gaoliangcheng to coordinate intelligence.The military adviser Akabane Shinnosuke was sent to Sanse Castle in the Hizen Kingdom.Previously, due to an ambush, the second standing Ashgaru team was almost disabled, the main general Oishi Tomohisa was also seriously injured, and the lieutenants Samuda Nagaken and Kamachi Kanhiro were even killed in battle.The second standing ashigaru team was originally stationed in Sanse Castle, only the deputy general Fukuda Nobukiyo was stationed with a dozen standing ashigaru and fifty farmers and soldiers, which was obviously inappropriate, so Akabane Shinnosuke had to be temporarily dispatched Go to station.


On the other hand, in the barracks of Otomo's and Ouchi's families on the opposite side, according to the information reported by Black Hawk, after one night, scattered troops arrived one after another. At this time, there are already more than 2 troops in the camp of the coalition forces on the opposite side. .Counting the scattered troops that are still on the road, by tomorrow afternoon, the enemy's army is estimated to have at least 3 troops.

Five thousand against thirty thousand.This is the comparison of military power presented in today's World War I.For the Luo family, this battle was really a disaster.It's just that neither the generals of the Luo family nor the standing soldiers of the Luo family were alarmed.Because since the Luo family made a fortune, isn't there such a small-to-many situation?But when have they ever seen their lord fail?Even the ambush on all sides that was several times larger than himself just experienced before.Isn't the protagonist still standing in front of them safe and sound at this moment?

In the eyes of everyone in the Luo family, they have a strong belief.That is their master who is like a god of war, and the soul of Luo Shi in their hearts who would rather die than surrender.

As for the enemy.Although it looks like a huge number, as their military leaders have been preaching in the army before, most of them are farmers and soldiers recruited temporarily, and their combat effectiveness is simply not comparable to that of their own long-term training staff. compared to.Even the peasants and soldiers of their own family are much more trained than the peasants and soldiers on the opposite side.So my side is a group of sheep led by a group of lions, while the opposite side is completely a group of lambs waiting to be slaughtered.

In the dark field, more than [-] members of the Luo family's army stood there quietly.In the night, you can occasionally see a few strands of cold light reflected after being irradiated by the pre-dawn light.The cold light reflected by these ice blades.Everyone has drawn their weapons.Of course, in order to avoid accidental injury in the dark, the distance between them is relatively far away.

There is no main flag, let alone a flag pointing object.In order to sneak around in the dark, everyone is only wearing armor, the only thing that is conspicuous is the white cloth strip tied to the right arm for distinguishing the enemy from the enemy.Similarly, there are no torches, because the cattle formation ahead will illuminate the road ahead for them, and the firelight in front of the enemy camp is even more a beacon for them to move forward.

"Light it up!" In Xiao Sha's dark night, Zheng Liang suddenly shouted.This shout was extremely piercing in the dark night.

"呵啦..." Following Zhengliang's order, the peasants and soldiers standing behind the cattle quickly untied the bamboo cage and the thatch rope from the cattle's mouth, and then ran back behind the cattle to light the fire. The fire object in his hand quickly ignited the inflammable object on the cattle.The cattle instantly turned into fire cattle.

"Baa, baa..." The cattle who were suddenly frightened by the fire on their bodies yelled loudly in unison, and at the same time started to run wildly like crazy.

"Woooooo..." Immediately afterwards, the French conch horn players behind the fire ox formation also blew the French conch horn.The drummers also beat the bongos desperately.Their purpose in this way is to prevent the fire bulls in front of them from suddenly turning around and rushing towards their main formation, and on the other hand, to confuse the enemy formation and make the enemy formation mistakenly think that there are a large number of Luo's family's army attacking this time.

"Kill!" With the sound of the Faluo, it also indicated that the Luo family's night raid had officially started tonight. Zheng Liang immediately shouted, raised his knife and rushed to kill behind the fire bull formation.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!" The crowd behind them also shouted and rushed forward to follow the Fire Bull Formation.

The war is imminent. (To be continued..)

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