Warring States Eagle

Chapter 608 Scarlet Dawn

When drunk, he turned on the lamp to watch the sword, dreaming back to blow the horns and even camp.

Eight hundred miles away, under his command, the fifty strings turned over the sound of the cock, and the battlefield was in the fall.

Lu Feikuai of the horse, bow like a thunderbolt...

The above-mentioned verses are exactly the scene in Dayou Yijian's dream at this time.In his dream, he dreamed that he was leading the army, and after a high-spirited battle, he went straight to Gaoliang City of Luo's family, and finally cut off Luo's Zhengliang's head with his own hands.Luo Shizhengliang's unwilling eyes almost made him grow up in his dream before he died.And after winning the final victory, he even got several wives and concubines of Luo Shizhengliang, and took them into the house.

Yes, as if the genes in the blood were doomed, Yoshikami Otomo has always had the hobby of seizing the wives and concubines of his enemies.And this hobby of his was passed down to his son-in-law Otomo Yizhen (Dharma name Zonglin).It's just that Dayou Yizhen's hobbies changed slightly in the future, and the target of his hobbies became like playing with the wives and concubines of his retainers, and even robbing the wives and concubines of his retainers.

Don't think that this will cause the monarch and his ministers to turn against each other. In fact, at this time, there are already such things as prostitutes and changing male companions in the Wa country. It is an act of increasing mutual trust.This is indeed an incomprehensible behavior, like a custom such as the worship of male dicks.And these are the basis for forming a certain culture of a certain country that will become popular all over the world in the future.

It’s just that Otomo Yoshikami’s dream at this time, after being awakened by the warning sound that suddenly sounded in the camp, instantly responded with this sentence: the dream is very full, but the reality is very skinny.

Otomo Yoshikan, who was awakened by the warning sound, instantly made a standard standing up action that an excellent general should have.After calming down for a while, he immediately shouted: "What's going on outside the tent?"

"My lord, something serious is wrong. The Luo family is attacking!" At this time, the attendants outside the tent rushed in to report.

"Sure enough, you came here to sneak attack! Haha, Luo Shi Zhengliang, I want you to come and go tonight." When he heard that it was a sneak attack from the Luo family, before the attendants finished reporting, Otomo Yoshikami burst out laughing immediately.

"Master..." The attendant obviously realized that Otomo Yoshikam hadn't fully understood the meaning of his words, and was anxiously preparing to continue reporting, but at this time he suddenly found that the earth shook.So he yelled "The monster is coming", and then ran out like crazy.

"This?" Otomo Yoshikan was immediately dumbfounded by the scene in front of him.His attendants deserted him?Of course, he also instantly felt the vibration of the ground under his feet, and even at this moment he noticed the exclamation of the soldiers outside the big tent and the strange cry of "baa, baa, baa" mixed in it.

"This is unscientific!" Otomo Yoshikam muttered to himself.According to tonight's arrangement, even if Luo's family came to sneak attack at this time, there would be no such chaos in their camp!

Just when he was about to call someone in again to help him put on the armor again, and then went out of the tent to check.Suddenly he heard a "hissing", and then the tent of the big tent he was in was cut open by a sharp weapon, and at the same time, the tent unexpectedly burst into flames at the same time.

After a night of evaporation.At this time, it can be said that everywhere is dry and dry, so Otomo Yoshikan's big tent instantly burned.

"Run!" Seeing the tent burning.Only fools will continue to stay in the tent, so Otomo Yoshikam ran out of the tent in plain clothes without even bothering to get the armor placed on the other side of the tent.

"Oh my God! What is this?" The moment he ran out of the tent, he saw a ball of rolling fire madly heading towards the rear of the camp.Looking at the surrounding situation again, the scene in front of him surprised him even more.

"What the hell happened?"

I saw flames everywhere in the camp, and soldiers running around like headless chickens everywhere.

"Is this still our camp?"

"Night attack! Night attack!" While Otomo Yoshiki was still murmuring, the soldiers of Otomo's family in the camp were still yelling while avoiding the raging fire bulls.

In fact, everything that happened in front of me was just an instant of time.The running speed of the crazy cattle is quite fast, so just for a moment, the distance of less than 800 meters is enough for the cattle who are on fire to finish running.They arrived at the camp of Ouyouyou and Ouchi's family in an instant.

If you look down from a high altitude, you can see monster-like fire bulls rushing forward, and behind them are a large group of ants-like black shadows (all the troops of the Luo family), It rushed forward like a tide.It's just that the distance between the tide and the fire bull monster in front is getting farther and farther.Obviously, the speed of the Luo family's army in the back has fallen behind.

Of course, the camps of the Otomo and Ouchi families were not completely unprepared.In order to guard against the sneak attack of the Luo family, they specially increased the camp fence, and built it much stronger than before.

But don't underestimate the power of the crazy fire bull.In his previous life, Zheng Liang witnessed a cattle that was running across the road and was hit sideways by a small truck. The front of the car was completely sunken, and even the driver was caught in the cab and couldn't get out.This is not yet the result of a head-on collision.Therefore, when these crazy fire bulls rushed towards the fences outside the camp, the fences were smashed like paper, and several soldiers behind them were killed in an instant.Although a lot of the flammables on the fire ox fell off when it hit the fence, some of them still stuck to them, so when they crashed into the big tents of the camp, those tents also instantly burned.

With the intrusion of the fire bull, the camps of the Ouchi family and the Ouchi family who were suddenly attacked were blown up immediately.Since it was close to dawn, it seemed that the Luo family would not come to sneak attack, so there were not many guards in charge of guarding the camp on both sides at this time. Putting on the armor, the soldiers who were awakened in a blur were like ants whose nest had been turned over, rushing out densely.In the dark of night.Huddled together in a mess.

"Whoosh..." What's more terrible.At this time, a rain of arrows suddenly fell in the sky.It turned out that Shigemasa Yoshida, who was secretly in the vicinity of Otomo's camp, and Ander, who was commanding hundreds of archers, began to attack Otomo's camp in the chaos.

"Shoot! Everyone!" Seeing that it was unfavorable, some generals finally stood up and shouted. While avoiding the random arrows shot from the sky from time to time, they took out the spearmen in their team from the rushing crowd. After grabbing it out, he crackled and slapped several times before the panicked spearman came back to his senses.

"Damn it, if you don't want to die, raise your spear immediately!"

"Boom!" At this moment, there was a loud noise not far away.A row of rough wooden fences erected outside the camp was suddenly pushed aside.


At this time, the army of the Luo family, who was following closely behind the fire cow, finally arrived.

"Ah!" More than a dozen soldiers of Dayou's family who had no time to dodge were stabbed down by the swiftly killed Luo's family's army, screaming bloodstained all over their bodies.The few Otomo soldiers who had barely gathered together just now became confused again.

"Kill!" Zheng Liang, who was the first to enter the camp, raised his sharp sword, like lightning flashing suddenly in the dark night, and cut the throat of a general of Otomo's family who was trying to gather soldiers.Driven by Zheng Liang's brave performance, the soldiers around Zheng Liang immediately rushed into the group of soldiers at Otomo's house, shouting like chicken blood.

"Kill, Dayou Yijian has been taken!"

"The monster behind is back!"

"Don't let anyone go!"

"Their general has fled!"


"Run, the devil of the Luo family is here!" With the series of shouts from the Luo family detectives, coupled with the sight of a large number of Luo family troops pouring into the already chaotic camp and slashing wildly stand up.Countless terrified Otomo soldiers immediately turned into a defeated army and began to retreat.No matter how the generals around him stop it, it will not help.After all, most of these soldiers are farmers and soldiers, under such a situation.It's no wonder if you don't run.

"Wait!" The one who stopped him was Otomo Yoshikan, who was guarded by the generals who had just found him and put on armor. Seeing that his army began to retreat in disorder, he naturally knew the danger, so he waved his hand to stop it immediately. .

It's just that he ignored the most important point.That is, it is night at this time. Although it has been reflected by the blazing tent, it is like daylight, but because the camp is completely chaotic at this time, there are shouts of killing and running away crying for parents and mothers. If there is no general, there will be no soldiers to be found, so his stop only forced the people nearby to stop, but the people a little further away did not hear it at all, and instead accelerated back.

"Main flag and horse seal!"

Otomo Yoshikami also immediately realized this problem, and immediately said loudly again.So the people under him immediately went around to look for it.It's just that after going this way, not only did many people get lost in the chaos, but in the end those men who came back only found a few flags that were burnt to the point where only wooden poles remained.The most serious thing is that the group of them stopped like this, forming a stark contrast with the surrounding soldiers who were being chased and fled in panic. From a distance, they looked like an unshakable stone in the rapid retreat generally.So they quickly attracted the attention of the Luo family's army.In an instant, they became the targets of the focused attack.

It's a pity that at this time Zhengliang is trying his best to chase and kill the deserters of Otomo's family with all his strength, otherwise if he sees such a scene, he will immediately go to the place where Otomo Yoshikami is.Before he set off, he had already decided that the focus of this attack would be the big camp of Dayou's family.Of the three formations of the Luo family this time, the right wing was in charge of the camp of the Ouchi family, while Zheng Liang's center and left wing were to attack the camp of the Ouchi family with all their strength.In addition, the fan team led by Yoshida Shigemasa is also mainly responsible for the big camp of Otomo's family.

In fact, it's not that Zhengliang doesn't command the battle. In such a chaotic night, just like Otomo Yoshikam's problem, once the battle starts, Zhengliang can only command the soldiers around him.So before leaving, Zheng Liang also carefully divided the detailed responsibilities for each lieutenant general.It's just that once you enter the battlefield, and once you get excited, it's hard to say how many people remember their duties.

"Explosive Chrysanthemum!"

Just as Zheng Liang expected, since entering the battlefield, the Luo family's army formation has become completely chaotic.The soldiers who were capable of killing started chasing and killing the deserters from Otomo's house while shouting strange slogans.

The slogan of "explosive chrysanthemum" is a mutual recognition slogan set in the army long before going out into battle.Because once in the battlefield, the darkness and fire will inevitably lead to the inability to immediately see the opponent's clothing, and it is not possible to immediately identify the enemy and the enemy just by the white cloth strips on each arm.And as long as you shout "Explosive Chrysanthemum", you can immediately identify the enemy and yourself.

On the battlefield at this time, both the enemy and us are caught in a melee.It's just that the Luo family plays the role of the pursuer, while the Otomo and Ouchi families play the role of the hunted.Although the Luo family's army was not the main force that entered the Da Nei family's camp in this battle, one general was incompetent and exhausted thousands of troops.As the temporary chief general of the Ouchi family at this time, Shan Xingyun's ability in internal affairs is obviously higher than his ability in military affairs. When he was attacked by the fire bull, he left his subordinates and ran away directly, causing the entire camp to be completely disorganized. Resist.

Since the big camp of the Ouchi family was close to the Chikugo River, many soldiers who were stuck by the fire in the camp ran directly to the bank of the Chikugo River, trying to extinguish the fire on their bodies with water.People seek profit and avoid disaster, coupled with herd mentality, seeing that it is safer there, so most of the people ran to the bank of the Chikugo River at once.As a result, people were trampled on, and before the Luo family's army launched an attack, the Ouchi family's camp suffered heavy casualties.

The most serious trampling is naturally the simple wooden bridge connecting the Ouchi family's camp on the north bank of the Chikugo River and the south bank. Both the generals and soldiers of the Ouchi family squeezed desperately onto this wooden bridge. Attempt to escape to the south bank of the Chikugo River.During this period, many people were directly squeezed into the Chikugo River rolling westward.

Most of the battles in the Warring States Period were defeat battles, and there were very few deadly battles. It is estimated that most of the soldiers were farmers and soldiers, and their mental quality was not good enough. Once they saw that their side was about to lose, they hurried to flee for their lives. , which led to so many defeat battles.After several years of training and war experience, the Luo family's army has gradually evolved into a real weapon of war. Therefore, although the number of people is at an absolute disadvantage in this battle, it has been fought from beginning to end. He always plays the role of a hunter.

After several times of fighting in and out, the sun of dawn finally appeared on the horizon.The clarity on the battlefield is also getting higher and higher.A gust of wind blew past, bringing with it a breath with a strong smell of blood.This is really a bloody dawn. <1" monthly ticket, thanks to the book friend "leely" for the reward.) (To be continued...)

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