With a sharp whistling sound, the cannons galloped towards Shanxiu City.Then it hit the arrow directly above the city gate, kicked up a piece of soil, and hit a nearby soldier directly on the head.The soldier screamed and was directly crushed by the cannon, causing his brains to scatter all over the surrounding city walls.


The people around were taken aback.Even Ander outside the city was taken aback.Originally, according to the range he had calculated, the target of this cannon was the city gate, but now the cannon shot high and directly hit the crowd in the city.

However, the impact of this cannon is much greater than that of shooting on the city gate.I saw a great commotion suddenly sounded in Shanxiu City.Some people even ran away with their heads in their hands, and let out a horrified cry.The power of this cannon was really too great, not only the enemies in Shanxiu City, but even the soldiers on the Luo family's side who had never seen the cannon fired were all pale in fright.If they hadn't been asked to plug their ears before, it is estimated that their performance would have been even worse at this time.



After a short pause, Ander immediately gave the order to shoot again.Seeing the performance of the enemy troops in the city, Ander naturally wanted to pursue the victory.

With the sound of "boom" again, a cannon with smoke was fired into the air.

The second shot hit the curved wheel on the outer pill, and there was only a loud "bang", and then sawdust and lime flew across the top of the city, and the billowing smoke covered the spot.The iron solid cannon directly smashed the stone wall into a big hole, and the stone wall immediately collapsed, shooting out terrible fragments of rubble. All were injured. [

At this time, the soldiers on the city wall really panicked.After all, no one wants to be hit by these terrifying iron eggs.Look at the Ashgaru who was hit on the head by a flying iron egg. At this time, his head is still dripping with yellow-white slurry.So everyone started rushing down the city at the same time.At this time, Shan Xingyun and others had already fled into the city gate of Nimaru first, and then closed the city gate of Nimaru.As for the safety of the soldiers at Waimaru.They couldn't care less.

At this time, Shan Xingyun was trembling all over, cowering behind the city gate, the famous sword he had always cherished.At this moment, he was thrown far away.The appearance of the others is not much better than Shan Xingyun, and they are all warriors at this time.Their faces were covered with dust, and they were all shivering.

"What kind of monster weapon is this! Can this city be able to withstand such a weapon?" Everyone couldn't help thinking.

The questions in everyone's minds were quickly answered, only to hear someone shouting in the outer pill: "The city gate is broken, the city gate is broken!"

It turned out that after Ander fired two cannonballs, he immediately adjusted the angle of the canister and changed the target to the wooden city gate.It's not that he doesn't want to hit a few more hard shots.But at this time, Luo's family hadn't mastered the manufacturing technology of cannons, and these cannons were all bought from Zhu Yinfeng, so he had no choice but to save the use of cannons when the cannons were limited.

And the wooden city gate, which is the weakest, is naturally the target of his next attack. (Actually. At this time, the technology of iron city gates had not yet been popularized in the Warring States Period, and even the technology of fortification had not yet been popularized. Most of the city walls were only one pill. If it weren’t for Shanxi City, it would have been faced by Dayou’s family Because of the Ouchi family's bridgehead, Yamanaki Castle will not be transformed into Nimaru's fortress.)

"Surrender, we were abandoned by the gentlemen in the city, we surrender."

Seeing that the city gate has been broken (in fact, it was only broken with a hole).Immediately, a guard shouted.After the soldier yelled, everyone discovered that the samurai masters and lords who had been staying at the top of the city had disappeared, and Nimaru's gate had been completely closed at this time.Looking up at the guards on the wall of Erwan City, those soldiers standing on the wall of Erwan City at this time all lowered their heads in shame and did not dare to meet their eyes. Obviously, they were doing it for the lords at this time. ashamed.At this moment, the soldiers of Waimaru finally realized that they had really been abandoned.

"Surrender! We surrender!"

So Shigemasa Yoshida, who had prepared for the siege long ago, ordered the siege.The soldiers of the Ouchi family in Waimaru dropped their weapons one after another, opened the city gate, and walked out cautiously.

"Damn, hurry up and build another earthen platform in front." Seeing that the enemy had surrendered, Ander ordered the fort to be moved forward a little annoyed, preparing to launch an attack on the gate of Nimaru.

At this time, Shan Xingyun and others had already returned to the meeting hall in the city.Because his spirit was still in a trance along the way, even Tachibana Kammitsu, Ohashi Bungo Mamoru and Kitahara Shinhisa kept sending glances to each other, and even left quietly without noticing.

On the way back to the assembly hall, some samurai relatives came to report the news of the surrender of the Gaimaru defenders, but Sugi Xingyun and Chikushi Yumono were not in the mood to listen.What is before them now is the choice of whether to carry it to the end or Kaesong to surrender.

After returning to the meeting hall, the two sat facing each other, but neither of them spoke.

Time passed in a hurry, and soon after, the samurai of the family came to report again. It turned out that the Luo family had begun to attack Nimaru's city wall.Those Waimaru soldiers who had just surrendered directly joined the Luo family and joined the ranks of the siege, which suddenly increased the number of the Luo family's army.The morale of the defenders also took a hit.Some warriors defending the city have asked several guards to go to the city wall to boost their morale. [

Shan Xingyun did not reply to the samurai's request, and the meeting hall remained silent at this time.In the silence, Zhongshan Xingyun and the two had already heard the thunderous shouts of killing outside the city, and occasionally there was the whistling sound of the monster-like weapons and the panicked cries of the soldiers defending the city.

"My lord, it's not good. The three lords Tachibana, Daqiao, and Beiyuan gave up defending the city. After gathering their soldiers, they went directly to the city gate." Soon after, a wounded relative with an arrow stuck in his back The samurai ran in in a panic to report.Obviously Tachibana, Ohashi, and Kitahara are going to Kaesong to surrender.

"Understood, you go down." After hearing the report, Shan Xingyun, who was still trembling all over, calmed down miraculously.Yes, with the surrender of the three of Tachibana Kanmitsu, Sugi Xingyun already had to choose.

He can only continue to fight to the end.Because even if he chooses to surrender at this time, it seems meaningless because he is one step behind Tachibana Kanmitsu and the others. Even if he surrenders, he will be considered as following the trend and being forced to surrender.Based on what they did to the Luo family in the past, he boasted that no matter how generous Luo Shizhengliang was, he would never let them go.What's more, Luo Shi Zhengliang is famous for being cruel to the enemy.

Chikushi's situation is similar to that of Sugi Xingyun.And he had to choose to die at this time, only in this way could relieve Luo Shi Masara's anger, thus ensuring the continuation of the blood of the Chikushi family.So he didn't care about Shan Xingyun's actions, and directly ordered the relatives and warriors outside the house to bring pens, ink and white paper.Then he started writing with a pen.

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