After writing the letter with a pen, Chikushi Yoshimon immediately ordered an absolutely loyal kin warrior to keep the letter, and promised to hand over the letter to the Luo family's governor, Roshi Masaragi, when the Luo family attacked Shibata Castle, the home city of the Chikushi family.

"Bring the wine." After asking the cronies to collect the letter, Chikushi Yumono ordered.

Soon, the two attendants brought up the wine glasses and the wine, and then went down to salute.Chikushi Yuimon picked up the wine glass and drank three glasses in a row, then said to Sugi Xingyun who was silent all the time:

"Master Guardian, let me go first."

Then he ignored Shan Xingyun's reaction, but calmly tore open his clothes, exposing his chest, and while slashing his belly with a knife, he looked up at his cronies kneeling in front of him again and said:

"Remember, after I die, I cut off my head and keep it safe. Only by holding my head can you save your life and give you a chance to meet the Luo family's governor."

After finishing speaking, he held the knife and stabbed down his abdomen with a calm expression (judging from his expression, it seemed that he was not about to die), and then slashed fiercely.After a fit of convulsions all over his body, he finally fell to the floor.This empress of Hizen, who had been fighting against the Luo family all the time in order to avenge the original suzerain, the Shao'er family, finally came to the end of her life at this moment.

Seeing Yuimo Chikushi cut himself to death in front of his own eyes, Sugi Xingyun finally reacted at this time.I saw his trembling hands ready to pick up the wine glass placed in front of him, as if he was about to drink a glass to suppress the shock.It's just that the trembling right hand seemed to be a bit disobedient to his brain's commands. No matter how hard he tried, he still couldn't pick up the wine glass.It seems that the wine glass weighs a thousand catties.

In fact, Sugi Xingyun's thoughts at this time are quite complicated. There is the fear of the imminent death, the relief when he learned that Tachibana Kanmitsu and others surrendered, and the bitterness of seeing Chikushi Yumon die in front of him.What's more, he was worried about losing contact with his son-in-law Sugi Shigeki... All kinds of complicated emotions filled his brain. [

"Hahaha..." After a long time, he suddenly burst out laughing.This sudden action of his surprised the samurai of the Chikushi family who were grieving over the death of Yumono Chikushi.

"It's my turn." Shan Xingyun stopped laughing and closed his eyes quietly.Slowly tear off the clothes.Wearing a clean white coat, he has a calm demeanor.He silently raised his sword.

"The enemy is probably about to break into the gate." At this moment, he heard the sound of shouts of killing appearing near the courtyard. Obviously, Tachibana Jianguang and others forcibly opened Nimaru's city gate to release the Luo family's army. came in.

Then he suddenly stabbed the tip of the knife towards the left abdomen.But for a while he didn't die immediately, so he looked very painful.

"I'll help you..." the samurai from Chikushi's family said upon seeing this.

"No need!" Shan Xingyun yelled, twisted his face, and swiped the knife to the right.As if he had cut a vital point, the white cloth wrapped around his abdomen turned red with blood, and Shan Xingyun's face turned ashen.

"Hahaha..." He looked at the samurai of Chikushi's family.It seemed like he was about to say something, but in the end he didn't.In an instant, the wooden floor was soaked in a pool of blood, and he collapsed to the ground dead.Actually at the moment of death.He still misses his son Shigeki Sugi who disappeared that night.It's just that there has been no news of Sugi Shigeki for so long, he is already desperate.So he can only pin his hopes on the second son who follows Ouchi Yoshitaka, at least he must leave a little blood for the Chikuzen Kunisugi family.

After confirming that Sugi Koun was dead, the samurai of the Chikushi family cut off the head of Yuimon according to the order of Yuimon, and then carefully kept the head in a wooden box nearby.After everything is dealt with.He looked at Shan Xingyun lying in a pool of blood again, gritted his teeth, and finally chopped off Shan Xingyun's head, and also kept it in a wooden box.

Finally he stood up, knife in hand, and circled the corridor a few times.At this time, the army of the Luo family was approaching.The sound of clashing swords and fighting continued to enter the ears.He was hesitating whether to go out now or wait for the enemy soldiers to enter the courtyard before surrendering.Just when he turned to the third circle, an ashigaru from the Luo family suddenly attacked from behind with a gun.

"Ah!" Ashgaru's spear pierced his sleeve.He immediately jumped aside.

"Wait!" Facing the relentless Luo family Ashgaru, he said with a broadsword in his hands, both threatening and begging, "Guardian Dai Xingyun is dead. I am willing to surrender." The tip of the knife pointed to the room where the bodies of Sugi Xingyun and Chikushi Yuimo were located, and then pointed to the two wooden boxes wrapped in rags in his hand.

The Luo family took a light step back, turned sideways and saw that there were indeed two headless corpses in the room, pointed at the spear, and said to the warrior: "Bring it."

The samurai hesitated for a while, and finally handed over the wooden box containing Sugi Xingyun. As for the head of Chikushi Yuimono, he decided not to hand it over even if he was killed against the lord's order, unless he saw the governor of the Luo family.

"Shan Xingyun is dead!" Ashgaru of Luo's family opened the wooden box and found that it was indeed the head of Shan Xingyun, so he immediately shot the head and ran out while shouting.

The soldiers of the Ouchi family who were still resisting around were stunned for a moment when they saw the head of Shan Xingyun, and then dropped their weapons one after another.As a result, the entire Shanxi City was quickly controlled by the Luo family's army. [

"My lord, what should we do with these heads?" Half an hour later, in the council hall of Shannong City, several Luo family members had prepared ashigaru just after moving the bodies of Sugi Xingyun and Chikushi Yuimon down, the deputy Inudo Yori An immediately asked Yoshida Shigemasa.

"Let's bury the corpse generously. As for the head, let's send it to the lord and wait for the lord to decide." Yoshida Shigemasa said.Regardless of the disposition of these leaders or the request of Chikushi Yumono, these are not things that Shigemasa Yoshida can exceed his authority, and naturally they are handed over to the lord Masara.

"Where are the three guys?" Inutong Ryan continued to ask.Inudo Ryan was referring to the surrendered Tachibana Kanmitsu, Kitahara Shinhisa, and Ohashi Bungo Mori.At this time, the soldiers of the three had been disarmed and put under surveillance, and the three were also placed under house arrest.

"Just kill them all." Before Shigemasa Yoshida could speak, Junbei Owatani said.The last time Zhengliang was attacked, he was also cut.Originally, he had no chance to play in this battle, but after his life-and-death pleading, Zheng Liang let go.After the last ambush, he didn't like the members of the Ouchi family and the Ouchi family, so naturally he wished to kill all these enemy generals.

"Okay, there's no need to argue, of course we're waiting for the Lord's fate." Yoshida Shigemasa said irresponsibly: "Leave these people alone, our next goal has not been resolved yet."

"Well, but this time there shouldn't be any more trouble." Inudo Ryan looked at the box next to Shan Xingyun's head and said meaningfully.

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