The legend of Li Shuaixi

Chapter 309 Hunting the Witch King

"kenaz (flame)──"

After Steele chanted the spell in a low voice, the orange lines exploded with a bang.

It was as if the fire hose was filled with gasoline and then ignited, and a straight line of flame sword appeared.

The paint on the walls was gradually charred, like burning a photo with a lighter.

You don't need to touch it, just looking at it with your eyes will give you the illusion that your eyes will be burnt, so Kamijou can't help but stop, and raise your hands to protect your face.

Kamijou's feet seemed to be nailed to the floor.

A question flashed through his mind.

"Fantasy Killer" claims to be able to eliminate any "supernatural power".Even Misaka Mikoto, a level 5 psychic, could not escape the fate of being wiped out, with a super-railgun that even a nuclear shelter might not be able to stop.

However, an important question is...

Kamijou has never seen any "supernatural powers" other than "superpowers".

That is, not actually tested.

What about magic?For the mysterious power of "magic", can Kamijou's right hand really work?

"──purisaz naupiz gebo (Gift of Pain to Giants)!"

Kamijou, who protected his face with both hands, faced the smiling magician.

Stiyl Magnus smiled, and swung the scorching flame sword horizontally towards Kamijou Touma.

The moment it touched Kamijou, the flaming sword lost its form, and everything around it exploded like a volcanic eruption.

Heat waves, flashes of light, explosions, and black smoke are everywhere.

"Is it going too far?" the magician muttered to himself.

Looking at the scene in front of him that seemed to have been bombed just now, Stiyl stretched out his hand and scratched his head.Beforehand, he had roughly confirmed it.Because today is the first day of summer vacation.This is a dormitory for boys again, so almost all the people who live here have gone out to play.But if there are so few friends who are locked in the dormitory and don't go out.That's a bit of a hassle.

The sight in front of him was completely obscured by black smoke and flames.

but.There was no need to confirm Kamijou's life and death with eyes.The blow just now was a flame hell at [-] degrees Celsius. Human flesh will "melt" before "burning" when it encounters a high temperature of more than [-] degrees.The fate of the man in front of him must be the same as that metal handrail that melted into maltose, like a large piece of chewing gum that someone spit on the wall of a student dormitory, and it can no longer be separated from the wall.

Stiyl breathed a sigh of relief and thought to himself: "Fortunately, he was deliberately provoked and let him leave Index's side just now. If he used the seriously injured Index as a shield just now, things would have been much more troublesome."

...Speaking of which, there is no way to recover Index now.

Steele sighed.Even Steele.There is no way to pass through the wall of flames in front of him and walk to Index.If there are stairs on the other side, of course it can be bypassed, but during the long detour, if Index is caught in the flames, then everything will be over.

Stiles shook his head helplessly.Then, he tried to see through the center of the thick smoke again and said: "Thank you for your hard work, you failed. It seems that with your level, you can't beat me a thousand times."

"You said... who can't beat you?"

The voice from the flame hell.The magician froze for a moment.

With a bang, a vortex appeared, rolling up the surrounding flames and black smoke.

It was as if a tornado suddenly appeared in the middle of the flames and black smoke.

Kamijou Touma was standing there.

Metal handrails melted like maltose.The paint on the floor and walls was turned up, and the fluorescent lamps melted by the high heat were dripping down——in this hell of flames and scorching heat, the boy stood unharmed.

"...Really. That's right, what am I afraid of──"

Kamijou moved his mouth impatiently.A man muttered to himself.

"──Isn't it also the right hand that broke Index's 'Mobile Church'?"

Honestly.Kamijou didn't understand what "magic" was at all.I don't know what its principle is, and I don't know what kind of operating mechanism exists in the invisible air.Even if you explain it to him from beginning to end, he may only understand less than half of it.

But that idiot Kamijou knew one thing.

To put it bluntly, it is nothing more than "the power of supernatural powers".

The bright red flame that was blown away was not completely extinguished.

The remaining flames drew a neat circle around Kamijou and continued to burn.but…………

"Get out of the way!"

As Kamijou spoke, he touched those flames with his right hand.The magic fire at [-] degrees Celsius disappeared in that instant.

It's like blowing out all the candles on a birthday cake in one go.

Kamijou Touma looked at the magician in front of him.

The magician in front of him began to feel as scared as a human being about this "unexpected result".

Yes, magicians are mortals too.

It hurts just like being beaten, and if you cut it with a cheap [-]-yen knife, it will also bleed.

Just like everyone else.

Kamijou was no longer held back by fear, and his body was no longer tense.

Kamijou's hands and feet began to function normally.



On the other hand, Stiyl was terrified by the incomprehensible phenomenon in front of him, and took a step back.

Judging by the surrounding conditions, there was absolutely no mistake in the blow just now.In this way, could this young man have a way to resist the high temperature of [-] degrees Celsius with his body?No, humans cannot have this ability.

Kamijou Touma didn't care about Stiyl's doubts at all.With his hot right hand clenched as hard as a rock, Kamijou slowly moved towards Stiyl, and took another step forward.


Stiyl swung his right hand horizontally, and the regenerated flaming sword hit Kamijou as hard as before.

There was another explosion.Flames and black smoke scattered.

But after the flames and black smoke were blown away, Kamijou Touma was still standing there.

...Could it be...he can use magic?

Stiyl muttered in his mouth like this.But he immediately rejected this hypothesis.Not to mention that there is no such magic in the world, in this stupid country that only regards Christmas as a date and sex day.There can be no magician at all.

And... and... if Index, who has no magic power, has joined hands with the "magician", she doesn't need to "escape" at all.Those things in Index's head.It's that scary.

The [-] grimoires on her were even more dangerous than nuclear bombs.

Life must die.Apples will definitely fall from top to bottom, one plus one equals two... These "laws" that will never change in the world can be destroyed, reorganized and created with the magic recorded in the magic book.One plus one will become three, apples will fall from bottom to top, and dead lives will surely be resurrected.

A magician calls a person who can do this kind of thing a demon god.

It does not refer to the god of the demon world, but refers to the magician who has reached the peak of magic technology and reached the realm of gods.


However, from the young man in front of him, he couldn't feel the "magic power" at all.

As long as it is a magician.It should be obvious at a glance.But the young man in front of him doesn't have the taste of "belonging to the same world as himself".

That being the case, how did he do it?


In order to cover up the trembling all over his body, Stiyl swung his flame sword at Kamijou again.

But this time, it didn't even explode.

Kamijou pushed the flame sword away with his right hand as if chasing flies.At that moment, the Yanjian shattered into pieces like glass, and then melted into the void.

The [-]-degree Celsius flame sword was smashed into pieces by a right hand that had not been strengthened by any magic.


Suddenly, really suddenly.Something came to mind in Steele Magnus' mind.

The ability of Index's monk uniform "Move the Church" is at the pope level, and its barrier power is comparable to that of the Great Cathedral in London.Unless the legendary St. George's Dragon comes again, this barrier will never be destroyed.

However, Index who was slashed by Kanzaki.The "mobile church" on his body has already been completely destroyed.

Who did it?How do you do it?


Kamijou Touma had already arrived in front of Stiyl.

As long as you take one step forward, you will be within reach of your fist.

"...mtwotffto (one of the five elements that build the world), iigoiif (the great ancestor's flame)..."

Stiyl began to break out in cold sweat all over his body.In his opinion.The creature in summer uniform had the appearance of a human, but under the skin it might not be flesh at all.But some kind of mysterious and thick substance.Thinking of this, Stiyl felt a chill down his spine.

"iibol (that is the light of grace that breeds life). aiiiaoe (that is the light of sanction that punishes evil).

…iimh (while bringing stability and happiness), aiibod (also eliminates the misfortune of freezing darkness and freezing cold).

…iizf (its name is Yan), iims (its job is sword).

... icr (appear), mmbop (eat my body, turn into power)───! "

The chest of Steele's monastic uniform began to swell, and a force from the inside sent all the buttons flying off.

There was a loud bang, the sound of the flame absorbing oxygen.From the inside of his clothes, a huge flame ball flew out.

And it wasn't just a simple flame ball.

In the center of the violently burning bright red flame, there is a dark and thick "core" like heavy oil.This core looks like a humanoid.

Continuous burning core.It is reminiscent of the sight of seabirds being greasy and dirty by the dark heavy oil after the oil tanker died at sea.

With the intent to kill, the flame giant stretched out his hands, and rushed towards Touma Kamijou like a cannonball──

"Don't get in the way!"


Kamijou waved his hand back impatiently, as if trying to shake off the cobwebs in front of his eyes.

Kamijou ended Stiyl Magnus' last trick.It was like piercing a water polo with a needle, and the heavy oil puppet like a flame giant turned into foam and scattered all over the ground.


However, Kamijou Touma did not continue to take the last step forward.Of course there was no clear reason for that.

It's just that Kamijou saw that Stiyl, who had also been wiped out in the end, was still smiling.With such an expression, Kamijou did not dare to take the last step rashly.

The sound of viscous liquid sloshing came from all directions.


Surprised, Kamijou took a step back, and at that moment, black foam from all directions gathered in the air, forming a human form again.

If you just take another step forward, you will definitely be attacked by flames from all directions.

Kamijou was bewildered by the sight in front of him.If the effect claimed by Kamijou's right hand "Fantasy Killer" is correct, then even miracles that appear in myths should be crushed in one blow.As long as "magic" is also a "special ability", it should be "completely nullified" by touching it...

The heavy oil in the flames began to squirm, change shape, and finally formed an appearance like a giant holding two swords.

No, that shouldn't be called a sword.It was like a huge cross that could easily crush a living person, over two meters in length.

The giant raised the hands holding the cross vigorously, and swung it down towards the top of Kamijou's head like a pickaxe. (To be continued..)

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