The legend of Li Shuaixi

Chapter 310 Armistice


Kamijou hastily blocked with his right hand.Originally Kamijou was just an ordinary high school student except for his right hand ability.For the attack in front of him, he has no way to see clearly and dodge.

With a clang, the cross and right hand struck each other.

This time, the giant didn't even disappear.Kamijou felt as if he was holding a rubber block in his right hand, but his fingers gradually couldn't resist it.After all, the opponent uses both hands, but Kamijou can only use his right hand.The flaming cross began to gradually approach the top of Kamijou's head.

The ability of the right hand was sealed.

As long as he releases his right hand, Kamijou will probably be incinerated by the "King of Hunting Witches" in an instant.


An unfathomable sound appeared, and the Witch Hunting King in Kamijou's surprised expression suddenly disappeared like a bubble, and then a very familiar voice suddenly entered his ears.

"Yo, God cleanses demons."

"How could it be you? Shuaixi!"

"Oh, this is me, of course. I was attacked by a magician who asked for advice from England just now, and I am a little worried about your situation. Sure enough...

Li Shuaixi smiled lightly and pointed at Kanzaki Kaori who was resisted by him, and then gloated at Kamijou Touma who was in a mess.

"Kanazaki??!!!" How is this possible, and my Witch Hunting King!This is a forbidden curse...

Stiyl saw Kanzaki Kaori who was resisted by Li Shuaixi.My heart skipped a beat immediately.

"Hey, that uncle magic over there."

"Bastard. I'm only 14! I'm younger than Kanzaki!"

Hearing Li Shuaixi call him that, although he was a little frightened, Steele still couldn't help correcting him.

"I know. But what does it matter, Uncle Magic. are playing with fire in front of me. I don't know whether to call you stupid or laugh at your naivety."

"Bastard, what the hell are you talking about, how dare you insult my magic!"

At this moment, despite the fear, the insulted magical genius Stiyl was still ready to fight back.



"Uh, what the hell is going on?!"

The flame that Stiyl had just condensed flew to Li Shuaixi's position quickly and automatically, and landed on his outstretched hand like a magnet.After he continued to condense a few flame swords, but the result was still ineffective.

At this time, Steele had already given up his resistance, after all, all his magic hadn't had any effect.


Before Li Shuaixi arrived——

After being captured by Li Shuaixi, Kanzaki Kaori, who was carried on his shoulders, did not show a trace of fear, but made a quiet and sad voice:

"Unknown strong man, although I have been captured by you, can you listen to me about something..."

"Okay, beautiful lady magician, you are free to say whatever you want."

Li Shuaixi felt the psychological changes of the female saint.Said in a soft voice with a slightly successful plot.

"I didn't want to hurt her at first...I didn't know that the enchantment of the 'Moving Church' on her nun uniform disappeared...I thought I would definitely not cut her..."

"I'm not willing to do this kind of thing..."

"Oh, what's the reason why you want to start with your opponent's defenseless ** directory, no. I said Index."

Shenzhe continued:

"But... if I don't do this, she won't be able to go on living...she will die."

Kanzaki Kaori said like a child about to cry:

"She's my countryman—and my most important friend."

Kanzaki Kaori said.Her voice was weak and she looked helpless.Doesn't look like one of the top ten wizards in London.Just like a tired ordinary girl.

"...In your eyes, what kind of person is she?"

"Isn't it just a pseudo-magician who can't use magic power.

"You think an ordinary person with no magic powers. Is there a way to stay on our trail for a year without getting caught?"


"Her opponent is a group of magicians with magical names. What she has to fight against is Stiyl's flame and my Seven Flashes and Only Flashes──She doesn't have special abilities like you. She can't use magic like us. , can only rely on his own hands and feet to escape."

Kanzaki laughed self-deprecatingly: "It's not easy just to escape from the hands of the two magicians. If I were to become an enemy of the entire 'Church of Necessary Evil', even I wouldn't last a month."

"She is definitely a genius." Kanzaki asserted: "If it is not handled properly, it will even become a 'natural disaster'. It is understandable that the upper echelon of the church does not treat her as an ordinary person. After all, everyone will be afraid."

"More than 85% of her brain capacity has been taken up by the 15 grimoires in the catalog, and she can only rely on the remaining [-]% to barely maintain her function...Even so, her ability is still capable. On par with ordinary people.”

"Human brain capacity is actually smaller than we imagined. Our brain can continue to function for nearly 100 years because the brain can constantly organize memories and forget 'useless memories'. You should not remember what happened a week ago. What's for dinner? Everyone sorts out their brains unconsciously, and if you don't, you can't go on living."

"The leaves of every street tree, every face of everyone in the crowd, the shape of every raindrop falling from the sky... nothing can be forgotten, so her brain will be filled with these garbage memories in a short time." God Lie continued in a cold voice: "... She only had 15% of her brain capacity left, and with her complete memory ability, it was a fatal blow. Since she couldn't 'forget' by herself, she had to rely on external forces to make her She 'forgets', otherwise she would not be able to go on living."

"Huh!?" You seem to have made a mistake.Stupid saint!I've heard from Laura about this matter, all the brain bursts are lying to you.Even if the **directory is fully memorized, this will not lead to such a result. "

"—what?!" Laura?You mean the archbishop? "

Kanzaki was stunned when she heard the news, after all, Laura was her immediate boss.

"That's right. That wicked old woman."

"How? How could the archbishop lie to me, and who are you?"

Li Shuaixi's words had a huge impact on Kanzaki, and for a while she didn't know whether to believe it or not.

"Ask me? Hehe, have you heard of the Church of the Holy Church?"

"That, heretical Chinese Christianity...?"

"Yes, it's the heretical Christianity. I'm their Pope, I know Laura, of course."

Li Shuaixi continued to pretend to be coercive.His tone was relaxed as if he was talking about someone else.

"The Pope of the Church of the Holy Church? Indeed, there is an explanation for this. Archbishop, are you really lying to me?"

At this moment, Kanzaki, with great surprise, thought carefully about the style of the top bishop, and thought carefully that he seemed to have really been tricked.

"How? Dirty religious politics, Index..."

"Okay, stop talking about that Laura. After all, he is your boss, and I will take care of all this. You can rest assured."

Li Shuaixi patted his god-cracked left leg while talking.Pretend to speak casually.

"...Uh, thank you. But... can you let it go first?"



"Because I like to see your weak appearance, I will feel comfortable and say it."

Kanzaki: "###¥¥%%........."


"Hey, Jill, I will introduce a friend to you today. You want to be a good friend with him!"

"It's so noisy! Are you talking in your sleep? Who can be friends with the king, you are not joking!"

The Oldest King was completely shocked by Li Shuaixi's words, this is so fucking funny!

"My king? Shuaixi, your friend is really strange. Could it be that he is the king of a certain country?"

Kamijou heard the claim of the oldest king, so he pointed at him in a little surprise and said.

"That's right. Gil is the legendary Babylonian king of heroes—Gilgamesh, but he's just a local tyrant. Don't worry about it!"

"Haha, that's the way it is. Wait! The Babylonian King of Heroes? I said Shuaixi, don't lie to me because I don't read much?"

Of course I didn't lie to you. Of course Jill is the King of Heroes. If you don't believe me, ask her.

While talking, Li Shuaixi pointed to Kanzaki on his shoulder, and said with a light smile indifferently.

"That's impossible! If it's Gilgamesh in the epic, wouldn't he be a demigod before my eyes!?"

"...It turned out to be the king in the mythical epic, no wonder?

After hearing this kind of thing, Kanzaki silently agreed, after all, being a saint is not a character that can be defeated casually.

"Oh, is there such a person?"

If it is really this person, it would be really amazing, Stiyl looked at Kamijou's confused expression and continued to narrate: "The "Epic of Gilgamesh" (Ilgamesh) is currently the oldest known heroic epic in the world.

It was circulated among the Sumerians as early as 4000 years ago. After thousands of years of processing and refining, it was finally handed down in written form during the Babylonian Kingdom (19th century BC-16th century BC).This is a hymn about the hero Gilgamesh of Uruk, the city-state that ruled the Sumer dynasty in ancient Mesopotamia. Nearly 13 works are incomplete, but from the remaining 2000 lines of poems, we can still feel the Sumerians' admiration and praise for their great heroes. (To be continued..)

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