The legend of Li Shuaixi

Chapter 311 Transition

He is not just a legend, but actually exists.

The Epic of Gilgamesh revolves around the friendship between Gilgamesh, king of Uruk, and his friend, the half-human, half-beast Enkidu.It can be roughly divided into four parts.

The first part tells about the demigod Gilgamesh is the monarch of Uruk, but tyrannical.His people could only turn to the gods for help.Enkidu was created by Ruru, the goddess of creation.Under the guidance of the god j (shmsht), he came to Uruk to fight Gilgamesh, and the heroes cherished each other and became friends.

The second part tells the story of Gilgamesh and Enkidu defeating the forest monster Humbaba with the help of the r god Shamash (Shmsh).The goddess Ishtar (shtr) was overwhelmed by the charm of Gilgamesh, and her courtship to him was rejected, so she threatened her father Anu (nu) with death to send the bull of heven (bullofheven) who brought the drought to revenge. kill.Gilgamesh and Enkidu became heroes that everyone acclaimed.

The third part tells that Enkidu dreamed that he was punished by the gods for killing Humbaba and the longhorn beetle, and died of serious illness.Gilgamesh was touched and began a difficult trek to explore the mysteries of life and death to utnpshtm, the only survivor of the Great Flood and the immortal.Taking advantage of the dark night, he crossed the Marsh Mountain leading to the sun, disregarding the obstruction of the half-scorpion Pabilsag, and finally crossed the sea of ​​death to the destination after exhausting 120 oars.Utnabisiddin received him but did not directly answer the question of life and death, but let him go through the trial of not sleeping for 6 days and 7 nights.Gilgamesh was unsuccessful, but because of the kindness of Utnabisdin's wife, he went to the bottom of the sea to get the grass of eternal life, but unfortunately was eaten by a snake.Gilgamesh had to return to Uruk.

The fourth part is that Gilgamesh talks to Enkidu through the passage of life and death created by Shamash. Enkidu describes to him the dark and miserable world after death.The more famous part of the epic is the story of the water god Ia who wants to destroy mankind with floods, which is called the Mesopotamian version of Noah's Ark by later generations.

"Damn, let's put it this way. The guy in front of you is an existence thousands of years ago?" Shuaixi, how do you know such an existence? ! "

After listening to Stiyl's narration, the last Teutonic time was astounding. [

"Okay! Although the words are a bit inaccurate, but you can clearly tell the glorious deeds of the king, and you can be regarded as meritorious!" This king wants to reward you! "

"Don't be kidding Jill, when I'm not around, don't bully them casually."

"Hmph! This king knows, and this king is going to take back the Sky Lock."

"Wait first!"


The King of Heroes asked in an impatient tone, but he still had nothing to do with Li Shuaixi.

"You don't need the sky lock, but tie her another chain first, and then take back the sky lock, remember it, Jill!"

"—You bastard, the king knows, alas!"

Stiyl: "Hey, why are you chained even if it's not the enemy?"

Last article: "Yes, yes, what the hell is going on?"

"Bundle sm, do you want to join?"

The bound Kanzaki: "###¥¥¥¥%%

"I don't want to, I don't want to!"

"Just kidding, Shuaixi"

After seeing Li Shuaixi's sinister smile, the two shuddered at the same time, and then both expressed that they didn't want to take care of it. [

After a single beep, the call was connected.


Kamijou almost screamed in reflex.

"Ah, ah, this voice, is it Kamijou? You can't use the teacher's phone."

"... Teacher, your voice sounds very comfortable?"

"Ah, the teacher is in the public bathhouse right now, ah, with a coffee burdock in his hand, trying out a new type of massage chair~ah~"

Kamijou couldn't help but want to squeeze the microphone, but what's more important now is about Index.

"Teacher! You listen to me quietly! Here's the thing—"

Kamijou asked Moe-sensei about the perfect memory ability.

What kind of ability is that?Does it really take 15% of the brain's capacity to store a year's worth of memories?In other words, it is an incurable disease that will die at the age of six to seven?

"How could such a thing happen?"

Teacher Xiaomeng vetoed this statement with one sentence.

"It's true that a full memory capacity will remember all the junk memories - even what they saw on the supermarket advertisement last year - but it is absolutely impossible for their heads to burst because of this, they will only spend nearly a lifetime All the memories of a hundred years are taken to the grave, because the human brain can memorize information for 140 years."

Kamijou's heart beat hard.

"But... but... what if a person memorizes a lot of things? For example, with his memory, he memorized the entire picture... Will his head explode?"

" seems that you will fail the memory development class," Teacher Xiaomeng said in a happy tone: "The teacher told you that people's 'memory' does not only exist in one area. There are many memory areas. There are many places, such as the 'meaning memory area' that is in charge of language and knowledge, the 'procedure memory area' that is in charge of motor proficiency, and the 'experience memory area' that is in charge of memories, etc., there are many kinds~"

"Uh... Teacher... I don't quite understand..."

"Simply speaking," teacher Xiaomeng, who likes to teach people, said happily: "The 'containers' for each type of memory are different, just like garbage is divided into combustible and non-combustible. Even if a person loses his memory because of bumping his head , wouldn't crawl on the floor and turn into a baby who couldn't talk, would it?"


"That's right, no matter how many times you read this picture, and how much information you add in the 'meaning memory area', it will not oppress the 'experience memory area' that is in charge of memories. This is absolutely impossible in brain medicine." ~"

"Great, thank you teacher, I will definitely study hard, goodbye~!"

Kamijou stopped Li Shuaixi's explanation, and still called Teacher Xiaomeng just to be on the safe side, and now he finally settled down.

"Hey, demon. Use your fantasy killer to touch that Index, it should be able to solve it~!"

While talking, Li Shuaixi carelessly touched Kanzaki's leg, and then continued to pretend to be nothing. (To be continued.)

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