Official ladder

Chapter 123

"In the future, no matter whether Secretary Wan continues to be the secretary or assigns other comrades to be the secretary, economic construction must be the center!" Qi Hao sat in a stable position, "The overall economic construction of Yuquan Town can be summarized into three parts. One is to vigorously develop resources. Large-scale coal mining enterprises, make a fuss about coal mines, and drive the development of other industries! Second, implement the strategy of two towns and one city, urban construction moves closer to the county in the east, and industrial parks expand westward! Third, the rural areas are gradually transforming from grain production to economic planting. It contains the process of changing farmers' thinking and planting technology, which requires us to be mentally prepared for long-term unremitting hard work!"

Qi Hao said: "Secretary Li is doing a good job in the construction of coal mines while doing a good job in party building and spiritual civilization construction. The division of labor among other comrades will not change. The town party committee office!"

At the end of the meeting, Deputy Secretary Li made a further emphasis based on Qihao's thinking, requiring all leaders in charge to take Qihao's economic construction thinking as the starting point, adjust the pace of work, and promote the economic development of Yuquan Town!

The meeting lasted only one hour, the tone was fixed, and the members of the party committee went about their own business.

Just after the meeting, Director Xu asked Qi Hao to answer the phone, and Secretary Song looked for him.

Qi Hao picked up the call, Hello, Secretary Song!See Director Xu leaving the office, please give instructions.

Secretary Song said: "I want to know why you were not asked to preside over the work of the party committee?"

Qi Hao chuckled: "The organization's decision always makes sense, as long as I do my job well!"

Qi Hao actually knew that Secretary Chen was playing tricks.It's not that Secretary Chen doesn't want Qi Hao to preside over the work of the party committee, but he always feels that Qi Hao is wrong for him, and he always feels that the relationship between County Magistrate Liu and Qi Hao has improved.

The person in the system who pays attention to the line the most, if a person is underlined intentionally or unintentionally, or becomes an online person intentionally or unintentionally, then you may ascend to heaven or be unlucky!

"That's true," Secretary Song also chuckled, "The key is to do what's in your job well, and I'm afraid you won't be able to do what's in your job! Think about it, you can't be the secretary of Yuquan Town, coal mine development, two cities and one town Strategies can follow your will!"

This is indeed the truth, Qi Hao said: "Secretary Song Ruizhi, how about it, give me some pointers!"

"Actually, you know it. Why should I remind you? If you can't wait, you have to take action!" Secretary Song hung up the phone.

County Magistrate Liu appreciates him, and Qi Hao knows that Secretary Song is certainly not a fool. He leaked the news intentionally or unintentionally. It may have the intention of County Magistrate Liu, or it may be his own initiative. Only a line of people helps each other to form a community in an area. A power that others dare not underestimate.

Yuquan Town is an important town in the whole county. If one of his own people guards there, whether it is the secretary or the county magistrate, his will can be carried out very well, and his political influence can be maximized.

Qi Hao told himself that he should report to Secretary Chen as soon as possible. Director Zhong of the Zheng Fu Office, Acting Director of the Enterprise Office, and Director Lu of the Finance Office came. The three of them took the materials and asked Qi Hao to report the registration status of the coal mine development.

Coal mine development is no longer a problem, and there is no need for him to waste time on it. Qi Hao called Deputy Secretary Li and announced in front of the three of them that from now on, Deputy Secretary Li will take the lead in the work of coal mine development. After completing the data review within one week, the approval documents will be issued immediately, and the mine will hold a groundbreaking ceremony within a week, and Secretary Chen, County Magistrate Liu, and relevant leaders and departments will be invited to participate.

Qi Hao told Deputy Secretary Li that the opening ceremony of the coal mine must be warm and grand, not deserted!And with the final word, you will preside over the groundbreaking ceremony!

Deputy Secretary Li regained his spirits, and Secretary Chen and the county magistrate Liu attended the groundbreaking ceremony. Qi Hao asked him to preside over the groundbreaking ceremony to show his face and at the same time express his support for him to be the mayor of the town.Deputy Secretary Li said in front of the three of them, Mayor Qi, please rest assured that I will work with everyone to do the work assigned by Mayor Qi!

After Qi Hao arranges the work, he greets Director Xu. No matter who looks for it, he will say that I am not here!

Director Xu said yes.

Director Xu is very competent, no matter who is looking for Qi Hao, she will stand in the way, but if she wants to ask the mayor Qi what is the matter, if the person she is looking for tells, she will take that person to the leader in charge. The mayor of Qi made a mistake.

Director Xu has the ability to work, is quick-witted, and can make the leaders feel at ease when doing things. His commitment to Secretary Wan is really for the future and destiny.She exchanged her body for the status of a state official. Now she has a head and a face. She is not a rural woman who goes to the market with a child on her back. From this perspective, it is not ruled out that some women in the system use this method to change their destiny.

Qi Hao was locked in his office for a whole day, and the written materials of Yuquan Town's economic development system were formed. He wanted to take the materials to see Secretary Chen.

On the surface, Secretary Wan is unlikely to make a comeback. The current town party committee and town government team members are obsessed with him, but Qi Hao sees that his foundation is not very stable. The reason is that he painted the blueprint of Yuquan Town too grandly , most people regard his grand blueprint as a castle in the air that has no possibility of being realized. If someone from above is appointed as the secretary of Yuquan Town, and if the secretary's thinking caters to those people's tastes, then his coal mine development will not go smoothly. It is also difficult to implement the strategy of one city and the construction of industrial parks.

Reform and opening up is actually about daring to think and do, but most people neither dare to think nor do it. The so-called courage can only be manifested at critical moments.

Qi Hao realized that he had to be the secretary of the Yuquan Town Party Committee. Only by being the secretary could he implement the grand plan formed in his heart in Yuquan Town and realize it through hard work. son!

This is the principle of sailing against the current if you do not advance or retreat.

Qi Hao contacted Secretary Chen's secretary Xiao Wei on the phone. Secretary Wei didn't just say you come and I'll arrange it for you like Secretary Song, but he said wait.I can see that this is the touchstone of relationship and whether it is an online person, and an online person will never call and wait.

It is not surprising that things are divided into categories and people are divided into groups, and the political system within the system must be like this.

Qi Hao waited with the phone in his hand. After a while, Secretary Wei said three o'clock in the afternoon!The phone over there was picked up.

The secretary had a cold face, which was caused by Secretary Chen, because Secretary Wei was the face of Secretary Chen.

Secretary Chen's appearance is very different from that of County Magistrate Liu, Qi Hao thought to himself, I have never favored Secretary Chen or County Magistrate Liu, how did I accidentally become like this?

In fact, people are like this. Even if Song Jiang is in time, the relationship with people is close, distant, and some people want him to die!

In the afternoon, Qi Hao arrived at Secretary Chen's office on time. Secretary Chen was reading the publications. Qi Hao saw it clearly.

There are people in Jiahe County who poke scars everywhere. Of course, Secretary Chen must pay attention to it. The Jiahe County under his rule hopes to show the best places to the leaders and comrades. In the end, someone exposed the scars. Of course, Secretary Chen is not taste.

The most taboo thing about being an official is that others regard you as a dangerous person. Once this impression is formed in other people's minds, it will be difficult for anyone to cooperate with you!

How terrifying are the dangerous elements!To put it bluntly, which of the officials has few violations of law and discipline, and even if they haven't, they have fucked women, and even if they haven't fucked women, they have eaten other people's food?Then I helped others. It was reasonable and reasonable to help someone in this matter, but you went to help an unreasonable person. Is this a problem? To put it bluntly, it violates the purpose of the organization!

The problem is that it violates the purpose of the organization. If the dangerous elements are exposed, it will ruin their future. Tell me, what will others think of the dangerous elements!

"Is Secretary Chen busy?"

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