Official ladder

Chapter 124 Meeting the Secretary

Secretary Chen raised his head and saw that it was Qi Hao, coming?Put the internal reference in your hand on the desk and sit down!

The internal reference is a publication for leaders to read by the ri newspaper of the Chassis Province. Secretary Chen knows that Qi Hao's girlfriend is a reporter for the ri newspaper of the Chassis Province. Even though there is no author's name when it comes to matters related to his family and the county, Qi Hao puts it well when he knows the situation of the coal mine in Yuquan Town. Get out of the way?

Secretary Wei made a cup of tea and handed it to Qi Hao, then quietly retreated.

The office was silent, and Qi Hao felt an irresistible pressure.

Qi Hao handed the materials to Secretary Chen with both hands: "This is the economic development plan of Yuquan Town, please criticize and correct Secretary Chen."

"The overall plan for the economic development of Yuquan Town," Secretary Chen took the materials, looked at the front page and muttered softly, and raised his head, "As a region, especially a region like Yuquan Town, there should be a master plan for economic development, which mainly highlights three aspects: In one aspect, the food production of coal mine resources, two towns, one city, and three rural areas is gradually shifting to economic development, right?"

Qi Hao looked at Secretary Chen sincerely: "Secretary Chen already knows?"

Secretary Chen said in a calm tone: "I have heard you talk a little bit about how the development of Yuquan Town should be like this. It has a completely different development path from other towns. I believe you have firmly grasped this!"

Qi Hao acted modestly, prudently, and refrained from arrogance and impetuosity: "The Yuquan Town Party Committee has made a comprehensive plan for Yuquan Town's economy according to Secretary Chen's economic development ideas of changing concepts, adapting measures to local conditions, highlighting key points, and developing in an all-round way!"

Qi Hao strictly abides by the rules of the officialdom. The ideas of subordinates benefit from the leadership, guidance, teaching, and thinking of their superiors, so they have their own ideas. Only in this way can their own ideas be implemented by themselves, otherwise, their own ideas will have to be implemented by others.

"The economic development of a region is regular, but how it develops and the way it develops is different! Yuquan Town's hard indicators this year, the tax revenue I refer to, have stagnated in the past three months, and should go up in the last quarter. I believe this It is worth noting that things that will damage Yuquan Town and even Jiahe County should be avoided!"

Qi Hao understood the meaning of Secretary Chen's words. Secretary Chen intentionally let Qi Hao see that he was looking at the internal reference. In fact, he was warning and admonishing Qi Hao not to stab each other because of the power struggle.

The incident of the dead in the coal mines affiliated to Yuquan Town has developed to a premeditated, not intentional, intentional homicide. Secretary Chen is still hearing the truth, and regards the internal exposure as a struggle for power. Exaggerated, how can you cover up the criminal facts for the so-called influence in a region?But Qi Hao knew that he didn't come here to give Secretary Chen a hard time, but to win Secretary Chen's trust. He said: "What Secretary Chen said is absolutely true. Only by uniting all possible forces can the pace of economic development be accelerated to the greatest extent!"

"The matter of Wan Zhengjiang is heinous, but his problem is not that the county party committee failed to deal with it, or that someone deliberately did not deal with it. It takes time for his problem to be exposed, and some things also have a step-by-step problem. Individual comrades put Wan Zhengjiang We cannot but doubt his purpose! If some comrades within us have a problem with their purpose, it will inevitably cause unexpected losses to the cause of the party and the people!"

"Secretary Chen is very right." Qi Hao carefully checked his expression, "It's all my fault that I didn't work carefully. I didn't know about the accident in Guangming Coal Mine. The family members went to the police station to report the case, so they hurriedly investigated. Unexpectedly, Guangming Coal Mine turned out to be Secretary Wan opened it! I was about to report this matter to Secretary Chen, but Secretary Chen called. Secretary Chen, strictly speaking, this matter is not difficult to find out. As a result, the family members of the deceased asked me for someone, and I returned One question and three answers, really!"

When Qi Hao was speaking, Secretary Chen kept observing Qi Hao's expression. Of course, Secretary Chen didn't find any clues of treachery in these young eyes. I mentioned it, you must deal with the families of the victims properly so that there are no remaining problems."

"Yes, Secretary Chen."

"The organization didn't announce that you presided over the work of the party committee. It's not that they don't trust you. It's a test for you. You are the first deputy secretary and the mayor. When there is no secretary, you have the responsibility to arrest the work of the party committee and zhengfu!"

"Yes, Secretary Chen." Seeing that Secretary Chen wanted to see off the guests, Qi Hao said with a sincere expression, "Next Monday, Yuquan Town's No. 50 Mine, which is designed to produce [-] tons of raw coal per year, will hold a groundbreaking ceremony. The masses sincerely invite Secretary Chen and other leaders of the county party committee and county government to come here!"

"Mine Shaft [-]?"

Seeing the puzzled expression on Secretary Chen's face, Qi Hao hurriedly said: "This is Secretary Chen. Boss Ou of the No. [-] Mine wants to choose an auspicious name for the mine. I recommend Secretary Chen to him. He is very happy! Dare to come to Secretary Chen and call me...hehe, I agreed, but I don't know Secretary Chen..."

Secretary Chen said with a reserved expression and said with a smile: "The annual output is 50 tons, which is a big deal. The mine should be given a good name!"

Qi Hao knew that Secretary Chen liked to give names and inscriptions to streets, bridges, and large-scale projects, so when he talked about it, he couldn't help but feel secretly happy when he saw that it was exactly what he wanted.

Secretary Chen thought about it: "Just call it Jiaxing Coal Mine, do you think it will work?"

Qi Hao stood up with a good sound, and said excitedly, the prosperity of family and everything, not only the name of the family and county, but also the meaning of unity, and the wish for prosperity, good name!Good name!Qi Hao still has something to say in his heart, Jia Xing, the prosperity of the Qi family starts from here, it's a good omen!

"I wonder if the boss likes it or not?"

"I like it! Why don't I like it, I like it like a child is about to roll on the ground!" Qi Hao restrained his joy, "Please work harder, Secretary Chen, to write the words!"

Secretary Chen smiled, called Secretary Wei, and spread out the rice paper. The word Jiaxing was formed in one go, looking vigorous and powerful!

Qi Hao put away the inscription, thanked him and left Secretary Chen's office.

Next, Qi Hao went to County Magistrate Liu's office, and talked about going to Secretary Chen's office to ask for an inscription on the coal mine, and also said that he sincerely invited County Magistrate Liu to attend the opening ceremony of Jiaxing Coal Mine.

County Magistrate Liu asked with a smile: "Didn't you have any ideas about presiding over the work of the party committee?"

"If you want to say, I have ideas," Qi Hao looked at County Mayor Liu with an honest expression, "The main reason is that the economic development is not going well."

"No one will be smooth sailing in the system. There are ups and downs for great people. The key is how to deal with things. A person who wants to do business must be firm in his goals and persevering in his actions. I believe you can do it. These!"

"Thank you County Magistrate Liu."

"In terms of economic development, Yuquan Mountain is a key point. In terms of strategic development, two towns and one city are the highlights. However, Yuquan Town is still an agricultural town. Don't forget about agriculture!"

"Remember." Qi Hao agreed and handed the materials to County Magistrate Qi, "When will the industrial park be approved?"

County Magistrate Liu said with a distressed expression: "So much land is involved, the higher authorities are very strict."

"I want to squeeze into the pilot towns of small towns across the province, so that some industrial land can be resolved. The county government wants to give me a document approving the construction of an industrial park in Yuquan Town. Although this is just a blank check, I can use it to cheat investment! "

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