Official ladder

Chapter 131

The Cantonese people actually scolded the people in the province in public, not a certain person in the province, but all the people in the province. Of course, this kind of abuse aroused public outrage. Scold us the inspector, just now we were worried that something would happen to him, but instead of being grateful, he scolded us!"

The Guangsheng guy raised his eyebrows and said: "What's wrong with scolding you, you are a bunch of poor ghosts and stupid pigs, it's not worth my scolding!"

Some people got angry and asked loudly: "You said we are poor, we are a little poor, look at your appearance, but you have no money! You said we are stupid, you know how to use a rope to hold a pen?"

"Li's mother said that I don't have a piano, huh! I came to the province to vote for knowledge! I have a lot of pianos, and I can buy them all!" The Cantonese man suddenly opened the password box with a rich look, wow !A box of money!Everyone in the car was stunned, and the eyes of the people in the car lit up, "The people in the car only know how to be clever. They are poor now, and they will be poor in the future, and they will be poor for the rest of their lives! The old man has since woke up and invested in helping the people get rich. See When you get there, you don’t know what to look like, so go back to Guangzhou and wake up!"

Someone scolded: "You said that people from Chasing are smart, you people from Guangshang are not even smart, you can learn how to put a pen on a rope, you are stupid, people from Guangshang are stupider than him!"

The Cantonese man scolded, Li Tama said that he could not learn how to set a pen with a rope by himself, and he did it by himself for everyone to see, and see if he can do it by seeing the kung fu!The Cantonese guy used a rope to put a pen on while scolding, seeing his clumsy appearance, a whole car of people could tell at a glance whether he was wearing a pen or not!While doing it, the Cantonese guy said triumphantly, we have seen it, is it like this?This little trick, I can learn it by myself!

"You've learned it, you're smart!" Someone shouted, "Now that you have learned it, do you have the guts to gamble on me!"

The Cantonese man scolded: "I want to gamble, I'm afraid that we don't have a piano!"

"The stupid Cantonese are too crazy, ask him to try the benefits of the Chasing people today!" Someone yelled at a car of people, and then asked the Cantonese, "Do you dare to bet, the Chasings today Exterminate you Cantonese people!"

"It's just a gamble, Cha Xingyin is cunning and cunning, let me draw my own pen!"

"Guangzhou man, if you want to set a pen, I will judge you. If you don't win you today, you are not a judge!" Someone yelled, "I bet 20 yuan! Bet! Everyone bet, win him Maguang province money!"

Seeing that there were not many people placing bets, someone said sadly: "The people of Chasing Province have been ridden on their heads by the people of Cantonese to shit and piss, and they don't unite and punish the people of Cantonese! Cantonese people look down on the people of Chasing Province like this , Chaxing people are still in a state of disunity, why don’t Chaxing people spend their entire lives in poverty!"

The Cantonese guy clumsily put a string on the pen, and everyone could see clearly that the string was not on the pen. When the glasses were asked to be guessed, someone guessed that it was not on.

"Losing money! Losing money!" Several people shouted.

Especially those who made bets, shouted and cursed strangely: "Paralyzed Cantonese, look at his clumsy appearance, and won't be reconciled until he wins a box of money!"

As for the people from Guangzhou, seeing that they have lost, they are still concentrating on studying how to use a rope to cover the pen. Seeing his ridiculously stupid appearance, he still doesn't know what happened when he loses money!

"Paralyzed, study a ball and lose money!" Someone pushed the people from Guangxi.

The people of Guangzhou came back to their senses at once, and cursed, the old man's own qin is not like the rest of the people, all of them are poor ghosts!He took out a handful of money from his person, and took a few out of them and handed them to those who had won.

After several rounds like this, the bets of those who won the money became bigger and bigger, and more and more people in the car bet. Get out a wad of money!

The people in Guangzhou are still studying the rope-set pen, and they are talking to themselves while studying: "I don't believe it, I guess it right after checking Xingyin!"

Someone yelled: "Paralysis, the people of Guangzhou are about to wake up from losing, don't hurry up and seize the opportunity to win some money, hurry up and take out all the money!"

Someone yelled: "Guangzhou people call the people of Chashang as poor ghosts, and the people of Chasing unite to whitewash the people of Cantonese and destroy them, and the people of Chasing call them poor ghosts!"

While studying the pen with the rope, the people in Guangxi said ruthlessly: "When I get the pen, tell me to wake up the male silver! The female silver! The baby! The old silver! If you lose, you will take off your pants and go bare buttocks! "

Someone shouted loudly: "Paralyzed, the people of Cantonese are so awesome, my compatriots in Chasing Province, now it's time to let the people of Cantonese vent their anger, take out the money, all of it! Win the password box of the Cantonese people!"

For a while there were shouts and abuse in the car, and what was even more remarkable was that in the eyes of a carload of people from Chassing, the Cantonese guys became devils from the Isle of Insect Island. form!

Rise up, the inspectors who don’t want to be poor, use our hard-earned money to build a new prosperous city, the time for the inspectors to win, everyone has not let out the last roar, get up!stand up!stand up!The people of the province are united as one, risking the money of the people of Guangzhou to move forward!go ahead!Go ahead, go in!

What a nuisance, such a passionate inspector can't take him down as a Cantonese!

A few enthusiastic people jumped up and down in the car, taking the betting money handed over by everyone, and the passion of the whole car reached boiling point!

The conductor rushed to Qi Hao and Shu Xiaohai: "Quick, take out the money!"

He was not the conductor for a long time, so Qi Hao and Shu Xiaohai looked at each other and ignored him.

The conductor cursed fiercely, "It's not the inspectors who are paralyzed. I will deal with you after I deal with the Cantonese!"

Qi Hao and Shu Xiaohai showed knowing smiles on their faces.

There was a lot of noise and commotion, several people put the money into the plastic bag on the ground in front of the people of Guangzhou, and shouted: "Paralyzed people of Guangzhou, don't go back on your word!"

Guangsheng clumsily used a rope to put his pen on. Because at the critical moment, his hands seemed to be trembling, he took the rope to put the pen on several times, but he couldn't put it on.The Guangzhou man raised his hands very high, and everyone could see clearly that the rope was attached to the pen holder. Then he held the pen and the rope with his hands and asked loudly, "Is it attached?"

There were chopping voices in the car: "It's caught!"

The hands of the people in Guangxi slowly spread out, numb, obviously seeing that the rope is wrapped around the pen holder, and it is still tightly wrapped, why is it not attached!

There was sudden silence in the car!

"Stop!" Suddenly someone shouted.

Squeaking brakes, the car door opened, the Cantonese guy took off his glasses, and glanced at the passengers: "Thank you for your cooperation, the show is over, bye!"

Paralyzed, the glasses are a native of the province, and everyone suddenly realized it!

"My God! My money! Life-saving money!" A woman in her forties rushed out of her seat and rushed towards those people.

The man from Guangzhou raised his foot and kicked the woman: "Paralyzed, willing to bet and admit defeat, don't talk about honesty!"

The woman fell down in the aisle of the car and cried like a mother, and several people got out of the car.

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