Official ladder

Chapter 132

Just as the driver was about to start the engine and close the door, Qi Hao walked up to the driver, master, wait a minute!

Shu Xiaohai got out of the car, looked sideways at the six or seven people who were smiling and smiling, and said solemnly: "Hand over the money!"

The six or seven people were stunned and paralyzed. The robber met the stickman, and the person pretending to be a conductor suddenly pulled out a knife: "I have worked hard for a long time, and you are asking for money. Believe it or not, I will kill you!"

"I'll say it again, put down the money and leave!" Shu Xiaohai's voice was gloomy.

This road has been running rampant for many days, and today someone actually blocked the road and robbed, it's a ghost!Six or seven people suddenly pulled out their knives and rushed forward. The fake conductor stared at Shu Xiaohai and waved his hands to several people. Several people stopped and looked at the car. Those who were right before, rest assured!

The fake conductor stared at Shu Xiaohai and said ruthlessly, "You fucking want to die!"He raised his hand forward, and a young man rushed forward with a knife, pointing the knife point at Shu Xiaohai's chest and stabbing him!

Shu Xiaohai didn't dodge either, the moment he saw the sharp knife piercing his chest, hey!With a loud shout, he waved his palm and slashed at the man's arm holding the knife, snap!The man's arm suddenly fell to the ground, and he knew it was broken.Bang!The sharp knife fell to the ground.Immediately afterwards, Shu Xiaohai kicked up on the spot, and the man was planted by the farmer in the field to scare the sparrows, and the man flew out for a distance of two feet, and fell to the ground with a thud, but the man did not cry out, and even lying on the ground did not reaction!

Several people were stunned.

Passengers in the car who put their heads out of the window to watch were stunned. There was actually someone with great skills in the same car!

The few people looked at each other, and the knives in their hands were gripped even tighter. They had been on this road for some time, and they couldn't give up money and lose face. more than enough.

It can be seen that the person pretending to be the conductor is the leader of this group. He cast his eyes on a few people. A few people are considered to be a large number of people to one person. The opponent is unarmed.

The few people did not attack recklessly, but stooped at every step, raised their arms and approached Shu Xiaohai with a knife, trying to use the advantage of the knife at close range to entangle the opponent and force the opponent to be unable to use his body!

Seeing several people approaching, Shu Xiaohai stared at them like a sharp sword.

Seeing that Shu Xiaohai was approaching from zero distance, the fake conductor waved his hand, several people shouted hi at the same time, several sharp knives stabbed at Shu Xiaohai at the same time, and the person who stuck his head out of the car window couldn't help screaming.

Shu Xiaohai stopped drinking with a loud cry, suddenly jumped into the air, crossed his legs in the air and violently kicked, four people were kicked in the forehead and fell to the ground!

In a blink of an eye, there were only two of them left, even though they had knives in their hands, the knives would not be able to penetrate the opponent's body if they were useless.The two of them knew that they were invincible, they were stunned, they suddenly turned around and ran away, they didn't even want the plastic bag for money, if they meet a master, it's important to get away!

Shu Xiaohai shouted and stopped, the two ran even faster!Shu Xiaohai didn't chase after him either, he bent down to pick up the stone and waved his hand, the stone hit one person's back, only to hear an ouch and the person fell to the ground, while the other person was so frightened that he stood there dumbfounded and didn't dare to move his body.

Shu Xiaohai sternly shouted, drag him back to Lao Tzu, so as to spare you the pain of flesh and blood, otherwise I will not be polite!

That man dared not listen, bent down, and dragged the fallen man to Shu Xiaohai like a dead dog.Shu Xiaohai asked the man to drag the fallen people together, they hummed, haha, they looked like wounded soldiers rescued from the battlefield.

Qi Hao took the plastic bag containing the money, and shouted to the people in the car to get out of the car, and take the money he was cheated out of his pocket.

The people in the car got off and looked at Qihao and Shu Xiaohai with expressions of admiration and gratitude.

The people who got out of the car never thought that the money could be lost and recovered, and rushed towards the money pocket as if they were afraid of losing it again.

Shu Xiaohai said loudly: "Stand in line, all your money is in your pockets, and you know how much you have been cheated in your heart, if you take your own money, you won't lose a cent!"

After listening to Shu Xiaohai's words, everyone lined up consciously and went to collect their own money from the plastic bag.

Such a situation happened on the side of the road, several injured people were lying on the ground, humming, several bright knives were placed together, some passengers were arranging wheels, some were withdrawing money in plastic bags, and some were counting themselves With money in hand, the whole affair turned into a happy game.

A woman got her own money and knelt down in front of Shu Xiaohai: "Benefactor, my son is saved, and I will never forget your great kindness for the rest of my life!"

Shu Xiaohai blushed, and hurriedly said: "I want to thank Secretary Qi, he told me to do this!"

Seeing Shu Xiaohai pointing at Qi Haotong, the woman ran over and knelt in front of Qi Hao, her benefactor kept yelling.

Qi Hao helped the woman up: "What is your money for?"

The woman said: "My son suffers from a brain tumor and is hospitalized in the Provincial People's Hospital. He needs to have an operation. Go home and collect money!"

Qi Hao was surprised and said: "Then how can you be deceived with life-saving money?"

"My benefactor, the money I collected was not enough for the surgery fee." The woman cried, "I didn't believe it at the beginning when they made a rope holder for pens. , Seeing that people in Guangzhou have so much money, I only need to win once to pay for my son's surgery. How could I have thought... benefactor! If it weren't for you, I would get off the car and go to the hospital to see my son, and I would have to die! Benefactor , you are my savior!"

Qi Hao looked across at the few people lying on the ground, thinking that if it wasn't for Shu Xiaohai, a family would disappear from the world, and this kind of conscienceless thing must be severely punished by the law.

Qi Hao asked the woman where her family lived, and the woman answered home and county.Qi Hao said that I was from Yuquan Town, Jiahe County, and the woman cried out, saying benefactor, I am also from Yuquan Town, where are you from Yuquan Town?Looking at this woman, Shu Xiaohai told her that Qi Hao was Secretary Qi, but she was so excited that she didn't hear it.

Shu Xiaohai had no choice but to say it again: "Auntie, he is Secretary Qi of Yuquan Town!"

The woman opened her mouth and opened her eyes in surprise when she saw Qi Hao, benefactor, you are my parent officer, with a good official like you, the people of Yuquan Town have hope!When women are excited, they both kowtow and bow.

Qi Hao helped the woman up and asked about the hospital where the woman's son was hospitalized. He decided to spare some time to visit the hospital after finishing his work in the province. People in a town should be concerned.

A group of small cars came from the direction of the provincial capital, the Jing car opened the way in front, and the three small cars behind were forced by the road conditions. Although the four cars were shiny black and domineering, they still drove cautiously on the road.

It can be seen that even if the driver doesn't have to feel bad about the car, he has to take care of the people in the car.

Seeing the small convoy approaching, Shu Xiaohai walked to the side of the road and gestured politely. The police car in front stopped, and the small car behind also stopped.

Shu Xiaohai went to the driver's seat of the police car and gave a military salute, the glass slowly lowered, Shu Xiaohai took the initiative to introduce, I am the police officer of the Yuquan Police Station in Sanjiang City and Jiahe County, and we subdued a group of gangsters on the long-distance bus. Tool, please inform the Sanjiang Public Security Bureau to come here to take away the criminals!

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