Official ladder

172 1 battle famous

Two poles don't do their jobs properly, they don't fear the sky, they don't fear the earth, those who do their jobs are not two poles, and those who are not two poles are afraid of two poles!

The pattern in which the people of the whole country are tired of learning to rule the world has been broken. Some people have become second-handers, and some people are not tired of learning and want to learn second-handers.The four brothers have achieved something in their studies, and they have become second-handed without knowing it!

The four brothers are illiterate and dare not travel far. They are still afraid of being under control for many years.It wasn't until one day that something happened to the four brothers, and the four brothers realized that the four brothers, who is afraid of whom!

When the four brothers still go out, they go to the market in Yuquan Town.

New things have appeared in Yuquan Town. Two factions of second-rate elder brothers are vying for the power of Yuquan Town's elder brothers.So the eldest brother took a pack of cigarettes and two bottles of loose liquor bottled with salt water to the countryside to find the four brothers and told them what he wanted.

None of the four brothers came to the house before. When someone came to the house, they were called to tie their chests and hang a black and white sign on their chests to stand in a row facing the revolutionary masses to participate in the criticism meeting. Killing things.

Hearing what the visitor meant, the four brothers were quite surprised. The four brothers have always been scolded and angered, so how dare they raise their fists to beat others!

No matter what the visitor said, the four brothers just refused to agree.

The person who came suddenly became angry: "I'm paralyzed, you know, your father dared to kill the People's Liberation Army, why did he raise four bugs that are not even as good as caterpillars!"

The four brothers looked at the people in surprise. Their father only lost his life by beating the People's Liberation Army to death. Therefore, they are under the control of the people's government and are inferior to others.

The man scolded: "Your old man beat and killed a few People's Liberation Army, and he was not soft-hearted. When he was arrested and shot, he shouted, "I'm a young man again in 20 years, and then I'll compare you guys! Look!" You, things that are not as good as babble, who would believe that you came from the bandit leader Ri who was famous in his family and county!"

The eldest brother among the four brothers was stunned by the scolding, and saw that the man left with cigarettes and alcohol after scolding, he said: "Slow down, our four brothers don't have much skills, so I'll go and see with you tomorrow." , Fighting will not join forces!"

The man thought about it, put down his cigarette and alcohol and left.

After the man left, the three brothers stared blankly at the elder brother. The elder brother spoke, and the elder brother said: "What he said makes sense. Our four brothers are four men. Now it's not like when the production team was supervised by someone. He dared to fight alone." All over the world, our four brothers are so afraid of people, not to mention sorry for Lao Tzu, who is not afraid of being shot, let alone ourselves!"

Paralyzed, as long as they become human, they are more or less bloody, but they didn't realize that they were bloody at the time. The situation of the four brothers is generally the same!

The three brothers felt that what the elder brother said was true, so they collectively decided to go and see tomorrow, and help if they can, and go to enjoy the cool if they can't.

On that Sunday, the duel was held on the school's basketball court. People from both sides stood in the basketball court, with the center line as the boundary and standing on both sides.

The four brothers went to the street, and the eldest brother who delivered cigarettes and alcohol gave four big steamed buns. The four brothers were already tall, and their stomachs were full. Standing in the basketball court, they looked very energetic like four black iron towers. .

The big brother who delivered the cigarettes and alcohol stepped forward and shouted loudly: "Listen, I will introduce four heroes! I have heard of Chen Dalei, who dared to kill the People's Liberation Army, and was kidnapped to the execution ground without blinking. Another hero! These four heroes are Chen Tianlei's sons! Chen Dahu! Chen Erhu! Chen Sanhu! Chen Sihu!"

The four brothers were suddenly renamed to Dahu, Erhu, Sanhu, Sihu, etc. What happened?

At that time, the four brothers stood side by side in the front row, and the boss who delivered cigarettes and alcohol told them to take off their clothes and show off their shirts.

Chen Tianlei is a bandit, vicious and vicious. Two or three decades later, almost everyone in Jiahe County knows everyone. He designed to lure the PLA into encirclement. After the First World War, the PLA killed, wounded, and was captured alive. Some had their hearts dug out, some were buried alive, and some were bitten to death by wolf dogs!There was a female health worker in the People's Liberation Army who was dragged into the middle of the dam by the bandits to strip her naked body and naked until she died.

Chen Tianlei's reputation is overwhelming, but no one knows about his four sons. Now they are standing shirtless on the school's basketball court, big tiger, two tigers, three tigers, and four tigers. Kind of scary.

The opponent was originally outnumbered and sure to win, but he did not expect that there were four tigers, descendants of the bandit Chen Dalei, in front of the formation. Although the four tigers were unheard of, as the saying goes, like father, like son, and the four of them dressed differently, there is no People don't empty their minds first.

The elder brother of the other party shouted: "Paralyzed, don't carry the dead out to pretend to be ghosts, tell you, I have a lot of people, give up the territory, I will keep you safe!"

The eldest brother chuckled: "I'm paralyzed, do you know that Guan Gong rode thousands of miles alone, and Zilong single-handedly took the head of the general in the chaotic army? The four tigers are here, whoever wants to die, hit the horse and go forward!"

What an arrogance to send death to the horse!Although the other party said that there were many people, the elder brother waved his hand, and a large group of people hesitated.

The two sides were at a stalemate. Although the elder brother had four tigers, he was weak and used the trick of defeating the enemy without fighting. Fighting won many people, and he had real skills.

It has been a few years since the reform and opening up, and martial arts movies have just been shown. Even if they are two-shots, almost no one knows "martial arts".

The two sides were in a stalemate, and things suddenly turned around!

The stalemate is inherently a deterrent, and whoever can persevere to the end may win, but a stone lump suddenly flew from the opponent's formation and hit the four tigers' bodies.

Sihu saw the person who threw the stone lump, pointed at the person and shouted, it's him!it's him!

The four brothers have been under pressure for a long time and have developed a habit of relying on each other. If any of the four brothers is violated, the other three brothers will definitely help each other. The person with lumps still sternly asked, who!Stand up for me, paralyzed!

The eldest brother looked for the person who threw the stone lump, and cursed: "You're making a dirty move, I won't kill you if I catch you!"

Seeing that he was going to kill him if he caught him, the stone-thrower was frightened, turned around and ran back.

"Run away!" Sihu pointed at the man and shouted.

The eldest brother shouted angrily: "Don't let him run away, chase after him!"

Four shirtless tigers rushed into the opponent's formation, they didn't want to fight, they just wanted to catch the stone-throwing person!Ask him why he hits people with stone lumps, it's not fair, and he does sinful things!

In other words, the people in the two camps are all gangsters who have never seen strong winds and waves. Even if they pull up the flag and pull up the team, they are uninformed farmers. , All of a sudden, the morale of the army was confused, and they ran after him.

Seeing this, the eldest brother waved his hand, and stopped drinking, if he doesn't kill him, he will be numb and leave him alone!Go!

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