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Chapter 173 Four Tigers Are Dying

Go, if you don't kill him, don't leave him alone!When the eldest brother saw the four brothers rushing into the enemy camp, the enemy camp panicked and fled in all directions. With a big wave of his hand, everyone rushed forward, and the opponent's camp did not have time to fight back!

As a result, the Four Tigers became famous far and wide. Seeing the different eyes of the people, the Four Tiger Brothers felt majestic and majestic.

However, the four tiger brothers are illiterate, brave and resourceful, and have a huge appetite. In the early stage of the start-up, the cost of raising people has to be considered.

The Four Tiger Brothers failed to make a name for themselves, and gradually faded away from the eyes of people on the streets of Yuquan Town.

The eldest brother occupied the territory of Yuquan Town, and the protection fee was collected by his group. He was arrogant for two years. During the crackdown, the eldest brother was arrested and sentenced to 15 years in prison. The group dispersed.

The four tiger brothers' activities are still mainly in the village, but the four tiger brothers found that some people in the village were vying for the edge of the field, and the four brothers stood on which side the other side was silent; the four brothers wanted to get something to eat in whose field No one would dare to refuse to give a pack of cigarettes and a catty of liquefied wine to someone who caught chickens and ducks.

Later, even if they were village cadres, if there was any relief, subsidy, donations, etc. in the village, the four tiger brothers must have a share.

Gradually, relying on their strength, the four tiger brothers felt a little bit like walking sideways in Murakami.

Babies are used to it, adults speak by their strength, status is established from people's eyes, and a person's position in society is probably formed in this way.

After the four tiger brothers got the flavor of the village tyrant, their desire to marry a girl and start a family was in vain. Sadly, the four tiger brothers didn't realize this, and only thought it was their own fate, which had nothing to do with what they did.

The Sihu brothers are relatives of the old man Zhao’s family. The mothers of the old man Zhao and the four tiger brothers are sisters and brothers of the Tang Dynasty. When the four tiger brothers were under the control of the production team, the old man Zhao often took care of them. The two families often communicated, and the old man Zhao also helped. The four brothers proposed marriage everywhere, but they were just doing nothing.

Now that the old man Zhao was struck to death by lightning, of course the four tiger brothers would go to help, and all the villagers, whether they were relatives or neighbors, would go.

Old man Zhao was struck to death by lightning, the four tiger brothers went to old man Zhao's house first, and carried old man Zhao into the house. Old man Zhao had no clothes on his body, and his thin body was burned into charcoal black.

The four tiger brothers carried the old man Zhao, who was already a remains, on the door panel, covered him with a quilt, burnt incense and lit the everlasting lamp!

The four tiger brothers had the guts to scold Lei, and when they saw their uncle being struck like this by lightning, they cursed angrily, "The thunder of hell is not a human being, it makes people beyond recognition, something that is not as good as a beast!"

The four tiger brothers were used to cursing and scolding in the village, so it was not surprising that they scolded Lei when they were picking up their uncle's remains.

Neighbors came, relatives came, old man Zhao's house became lively, and the countryside was like this, and everyone came to help at weddings and weddings.

Mrs. Zhao's wife handed over the money to the four tiger brothers. The four tiger brothers went to the streets to buy meat, buy wine, and buy joss sticks, paper money, old clothes, etc. for funerals.My aunt can trust the four tiger brothers, let alone relatives, because old man Zhao has helped the four brothers a lot when he was alive, and the four tiger brothers also know how to repay their favor at critical moments!

Old man Zhao's son is mentally handicapped, and he doesn't know much about things like shopping in the street. For example, if you buy a pack of matches for a dime, give the other party a dime, and the other party will make up a dime. Dare to ask him to go to the street to make things.

The four tiger brothers are indeed worthy of my aunt's trust. The four tiger brothers did not spend a penny on the streets. Although the four tiger brothers are illiterate, they still have a clear account. Not a little bit of ambiguity.

The dead want to invite a Taoist priest. The Taoist priest first consecrates the dead, and to put it bluntly, he sees the dead off;

After the Taoist priest came, he had to count the old man Zhao's birthday, and the fourth day was auspicious, that is to say, the old man Zhao had to stay at home for four days.

If it is parked for four days, it will be parked for four days, and the auspicious burial will protect future generations. The old man Zhao's family firmly believes.

During the day, there was a lot of noise, and after dinner, the sutras were chanted to the dead, and the gongs and drums were beaten to close after eleven o'clock, and the villagers went home to rest one after another.The four brothers did not leave, and stayed in front of the old man Zhao. Of course, the aunt was very grateful, and the four brothers knew how to feel grateful.

After twelve o'clock, after one o'clock, after two o'clock, after three o'clock, people before dawn feel drowsy no matter how hard they try.Although the old man Zhao's family is in extreme grief, they can't resist the biological clock's control of the human spiritual world.

Old man Zhao's stupid son couldn't bear it and went to sleep, and after a while, old man Zhao's daughter-in-law also went to bed.

When the rooster crowed for the first time, it was the time when people slept well. Mr. Zhao's wife stayed awake, and she burned incense and paper money in front of Mr. Zhao's spirit.

The four tiger brothers didn't sleep. They went to the street in the afternoon and bought a plastic jar full of liquefied wine and came back.

There was a sudden noise in the house. At first, it was rustling, and then the movement became louder. It was clearly the sound of two people fighting.

The daughter-in-law yelled, "Mom, look at Bao'er!"

The old man Zhao's son is Zhao Bao, his parents are Bao'er, and his daughter-in-law is also called Bao'er.

The daughter-in-law asked her mother to watch Bao'er. Of course the mother knew what Bao'er was doing. She said to Bao'er before the funeral: "Bao'er, dad hasn't gone up the mountain yet, so I'll punish you for a stomachache in a while!"

The voice in the room did not stop, and it could be heard more intensely, especially in the silence of the night, the voice was clearer.

There was the sound of Bao'er hehe, the sound of the daughter-in-law resisting and struggling, and then the fighting sounds of the two were in harmony with the hehe and moaning sounds, as if they were trying to do the same thrilling thing!

The four tiger brothers are all in their 30s and [-]s, so of course they know what's going on.The four tiger brothers drank a lot of wine, and when they heard the sound from the back room, their faces were swollen with red veins, and they pricked up their ears to listen to the sound from the room.

The young man in Xia Tian was wearing a gown and shorts. The pants in front of the four brothers looked far away.Looking at the faces of the four brothers, their eyes were wide open, their mouths were opened into black holes, and the four faces were facing the door of the back room, as if they were about to rush in and do something!

Paralyzed, 40, [-] years old, physically fit, sexually mature man, how can he hear this voice, not to mention the four tiger brothers have been in a state of sexual hunger and thirst for a long time.Even so, the four tiger brothers restrained themselves and did not move their bodies.

Speaking of this matter, it is really the mother's fault. The son and daughter-in-law let them go wild inside. The mother couldn't stand it anymore. She was squatting in front of the old man Zhao's tomb, so she stood up and walked to the back room.

The short trousers of the four tiger brothers were pushed up by Lao Gao. When they saw their aunt walking into the back room, they knew that their aunt was going to scold Bao'er for doing something shameful.

The liquefied wine of the four tiger brothers was burning in their bodies, and their xingyu was boiling in their bodies. When they saw their aunt enter the back room, there was a paralysis in the back room.

My aunt pushed open the door of the inner room, Sihu saw it from behind her, oh my god!That scene almost killed the four tiger brothers!

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