Official ladder

Chapter 323

Gu Qiong's pager rang, she picked up the pager and took a look, then put it back as if nothing happened.Then the pager rang again, but she simply ignored it, and the pager rang several times in succession, not to mention, it showed the meaning of perseverance.

If it is as expected, it should belong to Executive Deputy Mayor Li, Qi Hao handed over the phone: "Come back."

Gu Qiong took the phone and dialed the number, and said with a blank expression: "Hello, Deputy Mayor Li, I'm Gu Qiong!"

"Little Gu, you've worked hard, take care of your body."

The private room was surprisingly quiet, and the voice of the phone could be heard clearly.

"Sure, Deputy Mayor Li."

"Uncle Li, please be kind."

Listening to the voice, Executive Deputy Mayor Li, who is usually majestic and full of bureaucracy, looks weak in front of Gu Qiong.

"Deputy Mayor Li, if it's okay, I'll hang up."

It could be heard that Executive Deputy Mayor Li's voice on the other end of the phone was stuck, and it took only four or five seconds: "Xiao Gu, what should I say about this, I will definitely not spare that kid when I go home!"

These words sounded weak, Gu Qiong said: "That is the family affairs of Deputy Mayor Li, if there is no business, Deputy Mayor Li, I will hang up!"

"Don't underestimate Gu," Deputy Mayor Li said very carefully. "His problem is very serious. Uncle Li has no way to teach his son, Xiao Gu! What I mean is, let him go home, give me a chance to teach his son, and give him a chance to teach his son." A chance for him to turn around!"

Gu Qiong said calmly: "Party discipline and state law will give you a chance to teach your son, and give him a chance to reform himself!"

Deputy Mayor Li still wanted to speak, but Gu Qiong closed the line.

There was no sound from the private room.The air was extremely dull, and Sister Rong broke the dullness: "Sister said well, this kind of person. Party discipline and state laws will give him a chance to reform himself!"

No one spoke, and Sister Rong shouted: "Come on, sister, big brother, let's have a drink!"

It was only after Sister Rong greeted her that she realized that the wine hadn't been poured yet, and she was busy filling it.He was busy putting the wine glass in front of the table of the two of them, and seeing her, he made himself in a hurry.

"Sister!" Gu Qiong looked at Sister Rong.She called her sister for the first time.

"Sister, you call me sister! I'm really your sister! I have a younger sister! I have a younger sister!" Sister Rong was so happy that she couldn't find Bei, and then looked at Qi Hao, "Big brother. I have a younger sister!" There is a younger sister. The big brother also has a younger sister!"

Qi Hao laughed. This Sister Rong, who is two years younger than others, calls herself an elder sister. She seems to be justified. Where in the world can one find such an older sister? Younger than Director Gu. You can only be a younger brother!"

Gu Qiong burst out laughing, and said to Qihao, "You're acting like an older brother. Why do you want to be a younger brother?"

"That's right!" Sister Rong immediately answered, "My younger sister wants the elder brother to be the elder brother, so the elder brother has to be the elder brother!"

Gu Qiong said with a smile: "It's still the elder sister who faces the younger sister, it's nice to have an older sister!"

This Sister Rong, the brothers and sisters are not arranged in the order of age, and she has the final say. I have never heard of such a domineering person as Sister Rong in the world, but since there is no objection, then follow Sister Rong's wishes!

The atmosphere in the private room suddenly became active.

Gu Qiong's pager rang again.

Qi Hao thought to himself, if nothing unexpected happens, it should be Gu Qiong's father.

This deputy mayor Li, he can't move the rescuers, think about it, Secretary Yang of the Municipal Party Committee and Mayor Wang will not intervene in this matter. If they help Deputy Mayor Li save his son, they will not offend the consultant Executive Deputy Minister, what is the concept of offending the Executive Deputy Director of the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee, unless you don't want to mess around in officialdom!

We don't do things that harm others to benefit ourselves, but we can't do things that harm ourselves to benefit others. Especially such things, we can't let go of ourselves. Are we looking for ropes to tie ourselves up?

Gu Qiong looked at the pager and stretched out her hand to Qi Hao. Qi Hao hurriedly handed over the phone.

When Gu Qiong was dialing with her mobile phone, she glanced at Qihao, but she didn't know what it meant.

"Dad, it's late at night, what's the matter?"

"Can't you call if you're okay?"

"I'm going to rest, Dad." Gu Qiong meant to turn off the phone, and also hinted that there was something on my side.

"What happened to Li Chang?"

"Don't worry about it, Dad!"

The phone was silent, and after a while, Executive Vice Minister Gu said solemnly: "Just now your mother received a call from Mrs. Li, and I heard from your mother that Mrs. Li was crying on the phone to plead for Mrs. Li. Your mother thinks this matter No, it doesn't seem like something happened to you two, so ask me to ask, what's going on?"

Gu Qiong said calmly, "Dad, this is not a personal matter."

Even others could tell that Gu Qiong settled the matter in front of her father.

"Daughter, Dad can still tell the difference between private and public affairs. Can you tell Dad what happened?"

Just now, Gu Qiong's mother received a call from Li Chang's mother in the living room. Li Chang's mother cried on the phone and said that Li Chang did something wrong. I'm sorry for Gu Qiong. Qiong let Li Chang go, and Li Chang had a chance to be a man again!

Gu Qiong said: "Dad, it's not that I won't let Chang Li go, it's the law that can't let Chang Li go!"

"I see." Executive Vice Minister Gu stopped talking about Li Chang and asked, "Is the work going well?"

"It's all right, Dad."

"Do you want to come back?"

"I don't want to go back." Gu Qiong said firmly, "I will continue to exercise below."

This girl is so ignorant, she can't live comfortably in the provincial capital, so she ran downstairs to fight for a seat, even though Qi Hao thought so, he still looked up to Gu Qiong, the girl is a hardworking and down-to-earth person.

After picking up the line, Gu Qiong returned the phone to Qi Hao, and Sister Rong immediately handed the phone to Sister Rong: "Sister, here."

Most people can't afford luxury mobile phones. Gu Qiong looked at Sister Rong with a surprised expression.

"Oh, it's like this. China Telecom sent me a mobile phone this morning and told me to try it out for a while." Sister Rong looked at the mobile phone and then at Gu Qiong. Women use mobile phones to laugh at people, so they simply give it to the younger sister for trial, and the older sister wants to see how elegant the younger sister is using the mobile phone!"

This elder sister Rong, bribes and talks in the same way, Qi Hao echoed: "Follow it for my sister, it is convenient to call home when you are away from home. It is so late, if your family calls you, you go to the street to find a public phone. Don't worry, sister!"

"That's right, what big brother said is, my sister goes to the street at night to find a public phone, can my sister rest assured?"

Gu Qiong looked at the phone, looked up at Qi Hao and smiled, then turned to Sister Rong and said, "I'll accept it, and I'll give the money to my sister after a while!"

Sister Rong smiled and said, "I won't give the money to my sister. If my sister has some rare treasures to give to my sister, my sister will be overjoyed!"

Sister Rong, it's really Mrs. Ah Qing, who can speak well, and the three of them continued to drink and threw their troubles to the other side of the mountain.

Gu Qiong went back to the market the next day. Gu Qiong handled the case at home and in the county, and finally handled four yamen.The incident spread throughout Sanjiang City, and the common people imagined how easy it is to run a government office. The reason why it is not easy to run a government office is that the government officials dared to act recklessly and ignored the law. According to legend, the image of Gu Qiong among the citizens has become a chivalrous woman!

One of the versions is like this. In order to punish criminals in the government according to the law, Gu Qiong fought with the judge and the parents and dog officials of the government.

Gu Qiong made a plan by pretending to be a waitress in a hotel, and drugging the Moutai wine drunk by judges and corrupt officials. After drinking Moutai wine, the judges and corrupt officials were very itchy. They could not wear clothes during the day and could not sleep at night. There was no improvement at all. According to the doctor, the condition was deteriorating and the cancer was metastasizing to death.

Judges and corrupt officials had to wait at home to die.

One day, a young woman came from the family of the judge and the corrupt official to treat the judge and the corrupt official. What the judge and the corrupt official didn't expect was that the young woman's medicine would go away, and the judge and the corrupt official immediately thanked the young woman.

The young woman said, thanking me is useless, as long as you are sentenced to the criminal yamen again within ten days, you will be cured if you die of serious illness.

How dare a judge convict Ya Nei, as long as he dares to convict Ya Nei, the organization will immediately take off his judge hat!

Naturally, corrupt officials will not let judges convict their sons. Not only do they not allow judges to convict their sons, but they also plan to let their sons become successors of their own careers as soon as possible!

It doesn't matter if judges and corrupt officials don't sentence the yamen, the itch of judges and corrupt officials recurs, and the itch is unbearable.

Judges and corrupt officials approached the young woman to ask for a miracle medicine. The young woman said that if she wanted to get rid of the itch, she must be sentenced to prison in the yamen according to law.

In order to live a healthy life for themselves, judges and corrupt officials had no choice but to follow the young woman's request and be promoted to the yamen.

On the day of judging the yamen, there were huge crowds of people who came to the court to listen. The judges and corrupt officials who appeared could not wear clothes, because as long as they put on clothes, they would cramp and fall to the ground. Yifa!

The version of the story became more and more mysterious, and no one knew that there was Gu Qiong in the world, and the story of Li Chang and Li Pingyang's father and son.This is the case in Huaxia. Problems that cannot be solved in reality are passed on by word of mouth, and there are "Liao Zhai" and "Journey to the West".

Li Chang and Chen Jihong entered the legal process for being suspected of prostitution with underage girls, and were finally sentenced to three years and suspended for three years, and they were finally sentenced.

Yu Bin and Zhang Tao who have sex with prostitutes are over 16 years old and are also subject to corresponding administrative punishment.

This matter should have ended, but who knows that someone with good intentions will use words to rape a young girl under the age of 14, should he be convicted of rape or whoring? Statement, the top leader of the ruling party did not give instructions, the war of words died down for a while, and the legal profession returned to the calm of the past.

In mid-April, the municipal party committee issued documents, Qi Hao was appointed as the executive deputy county magistrate, Minister Wang of the Organization Department was appointed as the deputy secretary of the county party committee, Director Wu was appointed as the county party committee member, secretary of the political and legal committee and director of the public security bureau, and Huang Zhanghua was appointed as the deputy county magistrate. Even Qi Hao did not expect that Yes, Gu Qiong is a member of the Standing Committee of the County Party Committee and head of the Organization Department of the County Party Committee.

Gu Qiong, you have come to your home and county quietly! (To be continued..)

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