Official ladder

Chapter 324

The leadership of Jiahe County has been adjusted, and the political arena has stabilized accordingly. It is a good time to start a career. The construction of Yuquan Town is in full swing. The land of less than [-] square kilometers is full of people coming and going, and there is a bustling scene everywhere.

As the executive deputy county magistrate, Qi Hao handles a lot of routine work every day. He doesn't have much time to go to Yuquan Town. The work in Yuquan Town is mainly handled by Xiong Yanmei. Qi Hao listens to Xiong Yanmei's work reports from time to time, exchanges opinions, and puts forward work requirements. implement.I usually listen to the work reports of the deputy secretary and the deputy mayor, and Wu Yang, the assistant to the mayor, reports to him the work situation in the town from time to time. Big question.

Qi Hao felt relieved that there were no major problems in his work, especially that he was worried that the construction quality of Fenghuang New Village had not been reported. He had instructed the County Construction Quality Supervision Office several times to pay attention to the quality of houses in Fenghuang New Village. He is relieved.He confessed to Xiong Yanmei many times to ensure the quality of housing construction in Fenghuang New Village. At the beginning, Xiong Yanmei's answer was firm, but later when talking about this matter, Qihao always felt that Xiong Yanmei's expression was a little evasive, and Qihao noticed it.

Qi Hao didn't dare to take the construction of Fenghuang New Village lightly, so he decided to take a look for himself.At this moment, he received an anonymous letter in which he reported that the foundation of Fenghuang New Village was not constructed according to the design, which had left potential safety hazards.

Flood land is generally alluvial land formed by river water over the years. The soil is loose and easily collapsed under the impact of floods. The foundation of houses built on it must undergo technical treatment, especially for building construction.The treatment of the foundation is more important.

Most of the houses in Fenghuang New Village have three floors and one floor, and the foundation is not firm, which will cause endless troubles. Qi Hao called Xiong Yanmei.Now cadres above the department level are equipped with mobile phones, and it is very convenient to contact them by phone.

"Mayor Xiong, I'm Qi Hao."

"Hello, Magistrate Qi, please give instructions." Xiong Yanmei was heard to be busy.

"I want to ask about the quality of the buildings in Fenghuang New Village..."

"Magistrate Qi, I'll call right away." Xiong Yanmei's phone was put off.

about 2 minutes.Xiong Yanmei called: "County Qi, I'm Yanmei."

Xiong Yanmei had already called herself Yanmei on the phone to show her closeness.Qi Hao said: "I would like to ask about the construction of Fenghuang New Village, if anyone has raised quality issues, where thousands of people live, there should be no problems. Yanmei!"

Qihao blurted out to call Yanmei.Xiong Yanmei was stunned: "County Chief Qi, I'm an idiot, really, I am an idiot, why do I trust them so much?"

Qi Hao was silent, knowing that this was not a trivial matter, and that it must have involved a large area of ​​quality problems, Xiong Yanmei regretted and scolded herself.

Fenghuang New Village was constructed by Jiahe County Jinhai Construction Company.The company is a subsidiary company of the Township Enterprise Bureau, and Pan Taiping, deputy director of the Township Enterprise Bureau, is the manager.

At the county magistrate's office meeting.Qi Hao commented that the construction of Fenghuang New Village is large-scale and involves the most basic interests of the masses. At least five construction companies have been decided to participate in the construction, which can speed up the construction speed. The construction quality that Qi Hao is particularly worried about can at least be restrained through mutual supervision. Qi Hao's suggestion was approved.

When the decision of the county magistrate's office meeting was reported to the Standing Committee of the ruling party for discussion and decision, Secretary Chen raised different opinions. First, many construction companies contracted the project, but the county construction supervision office could not manage it, and there was a quality problem.The second is that construction companies are a mixed bag, mostly grass-roots teams composed of carpenters, stonemasons, and plasterers. They use companies with unknown history to build projects that the people really care about.Secretary Chen proposed that the construction of Fenghuang New Village must be a state-owned company with high reputation. Jinhai Company is a state-owned enterprise under the Township Enterprise Bureau, and the company manager is the deputy director of the township and township industry.

If you can manage people, you can manage affairs. Leaders and comrades of the ruling party all share this philosophy!

Members of the Standing Committee thought that what Secretary Chen said was reasonable, and some agreed to hand over the construction of Fenghuang New Village to Jinhai Construction Company.

With the general environment like this, county magistrate Liu and Qi Hao had nothing to say and had reservations.

The construction of Fenghuang New Village was handed over to Jinhai Company, Yuquan Town was Party A, Jinhai Construction Company was Party B, and Xiong Yanmei signed a construction contract with Jinhai Company.

When the core of the ruling party's leadership went south to speak, Huaxia ushered in the second spring of reform and opening up.The national economic construction set off another revolution, and the construction quality problem also ushered in the second spring for economic development. Where there is no construction quality problem, where the economic development must be sluggish, whichever place is still green mountains and green waters, It is a truth that the local economy has not been developed.Therefore, the issue of building quality is not the focus and center worthy of attention. The focus and center of everyone's attention is the multi-house built in your place.

Could it be that the quality of the building is destined to become the focus and center of the buildings in Yuquan Town, Qi Hao felt nervous.

Xiong Yanmei has never reported the quality of the building, could it be... Qihao became more and more uneasy: "Mayor Xiong, are you involved in this matter?"

"No, County Magistrate Qi!" Xiong Yanmei said firmly, "I mean, if I had insisted on my principles back then, the problems today might not have arisen."

Qi Hao remained silent, waiting for Xiong Yanmei to finish her sentence.

Xiong Yanmei explained the whole process on the phone.

After Yuquan Town signed the contract with Jinhai Company, Jinhai Company immediately entered the site. Unlike all other projects, the Fenghuang New Village construction project had sufficient funds and did not need advance funds from the enterprise at all. On the second day after signing the contract, Xiong Yanmei sent the first payment Dial it.

Then start to build roads and level foundations, and then start construction according to the construction regulations of the contract. After one construction period is completed and passed the acceptance of the county construction supervision office against the drawings, the next phase of the construction period will start.

After the signing of the Fenghuang New Village contract, the prelude to the construction was fully kicked off. The construction site was in full swing. Xiong Yanmei didn't see the company manager Pan Taiping, but she saw Yang Jianmin running up and down, as if he was the actual person in charge of the construction site.

Xiong Yanmei raised her alarm and called Pan Taiping: "Manager Pan, long time no see, I miss you!"

"Oh, I miss the beautiful mayor, Sansheng is lucky!" Pan Taiping's saliva sucked on the phone.

Men have the virtue of reacting when they see a beautiful woman. Xiong Yanmei didn't want to start a romantic lawsuit with Manager Pan, so she said bluntly, "I want to exchange opinions with you on some things about the project. I'll wait in the office!"

Pan Taiping chuckled: "Beautiful mayor, unfortunately, I'm on a business trip in the city, and I won't be able to come back for a while, I'm sorry!"

"Then when do you have time?"

"That's it," Pan Taiping said, "Yang Jianmin is in charge of the construction site, let him do the same!"

"Manager Pan!" Xiong Yanmei said seriously, "I am the mayor of Yuquan Town, the legal representative, and you are the manager and legal representative of Jinhai Construction Company. I want to exchange construction engineering issues with you. Others are not qualified to exchange opinions with me! "(to be continued...)

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