Official ladder

Chapter 334 Inspecting the Construction Site

Yang Jianming doesn't understand construction matters, and he doesn't invest in construction, technology, personnel, and equipment. After he got the project through Jinhai Construction Company, he forced a commission of 20.00% on the basis of the original cost and subcontracted it to others. After getting the project, some build it by themselves, and some insist on a few ideas before subcontracting to the next contractor. The construction site seems to be in full swing, but it is actually a mess!

This is the reason why the so-called insiders watch the way, and laymen watch the excitement.

Chaos is a minor issue, but quality is a major issue. Magistrate Liu and Qi Hao decided to strike hard.

Qi Hao assembled in front of the gates of the four sets of teams, and two minibuses and three small cars drove straight to Yuquan Town.

Xiong Yanmei and relevant town leaders greeted her in front of the gate of the town government, and then went to Fenghuang New Village together.

With so many leaders coming and such a big battle, the key is that reporters from newspapers, radio stations, and TV stations have all arrived. Everyone thinks that Qi Hao is here to publicize his political achievements, and no one thinks that he will use this method to strike hard.

Qihao couldn't understand what he meant anymore. He wanted to tell the world about the quality of Fenghuang New Village's construction, so that those who were able to cover it up would have no room for maneuver.

In advance, Xiong Yanmei urgently notified the construction site of Fenghuang New Village that the county government inspected the construction of Fenghuang New Village. The construction site must be submitted to the county government for inspection with the best results. She asked the construction site to plant red flags and raised banners welcoming the county party committee and county government leaders to inspect the construction site of Fenghuang New Village. , Fenghuang New Village looks like a steaming, festive atmosphere!

The small contractors didn't know what to do. They did the superficial work well as usual, which was always the case in the leadership inspection.

Qi Hao and other leading comrades came to the construction site, and Pan Taiping immediately distributed the prepared safety helmets to each leading comrade.Then Dai Shang, Qi Hao is the highest leader comrade in the group of leaders, and he is in charge of the construction of Fenghuang New Village.So go to the front of the line.

Although Gu Qiong was at the same level as Qi Hao, she was ranked behind Qi Hao, and she was not in charge, so she walked behind Qi Hao without making a sound, unlike Qi Hao who kept greeting and talking to people.It looks like it's talking and laughing!

A group of people came to the central area of ​​Fenghuang New Village, which is a public building complex, and the main building is a shopping mall.The cultural center, the leisure square, and the farmer's market are located on the opposite side. The terrain is open and has the flavor of the city center.

Some walls have just been built to the second floor, and some have been covered with prefabricated cement panels.The steel bars on the anti-shock column point directly to the blue sky.Niu B coaxed the look.Most of the buildings are still building a layer of walls, and the workers are working hard, which is a busy construction site.

Qi Hao stopped in his tracks, and said with a very emotional expression: "This is the center of Fenghuang New Village. It will be the busiest place in the future, and most of the services and leisure facilities will be concentrated here. Therefore, we have a strong sense of architectural style and quality in the design of this place." Special request. Never allowed..."

"Wow!" At some point, two people went up to the second floor that had just been built.A few steel bars fell to the ground from the second floor. Everyone looked over and were stunned. They were paralyzed. What's going on?

The ground is not paved with concrete, it is all relatively soft soil, and the steel bars are actually broken. What to say, even rotten wood is not easy to break!Paralyzed, is this a steel bar? It's simply gluten!

Gu Qiong was shocked, everyone was shocked!The central area of ​​Fenghuang New Village was suddenly silent!

Qi Hao was startled, he was just pretending, he turned his head and asked the bureau chiefs behind him, what's going on?Then he stared at Director Ma of the Township Enterprise Bureau, his gaze was as sharp as a sharp sword!

"I...I..." Director Ma was terrified, speechless, and turned to Pan Taiping, "What's going on!"

Pan Taiping was dumbfounded when he saw it, sweat immediately came out from his forehead, he shouted in a panic: "Who will contract this shopping mall, who will contract the shopping mall?"

He ran out alone, was caught by two policemen, and was arrested without a fight!

Wang Zhicai quietly gestured to Qi Hao from a distance, ok!It turned out that Wang Zhicai arranged for the throwing of steel bars, which kicked off the drama.

Qi Hao nodded his thanks to Wang Zhicai who was in the distance, and turned his face to look at Pan Taiping: "Just now you asked who contracted the shopping mall, what's going on?"

Only now was Pan Taiping really dumbfounded, paralyzed, flustered and slipped his mouth, he cried with a mournful face: "County Qi!"

Qi Hao yelled angrily: "The contract clearly stipulates that subcontracting is not allowed, and the first installment of the construction of Fenghuang New Village is all in place. Could it be that you have cheated behind your back!"

"No, no, County Magistrate Qi, I...I..." Pan Taiping could say clearly about the current situation.

The contractor who was caught by the police came over and started to be afraid. Seeing that things were turned upside down, the fear was useless, so he shouted: "My steel is qualified, and the inspection certificate has been handed in. Someone framed it. Why arrest me, I don't accept it!"

"It's good to refuse!" Qi Hao said to the man, "Show me, which pile of steel bars are yours on the construction site?"

The man pointed to a pile of steel bars: "That's mine!"

Xiong Yanmei walked over, holding a test report and asked the man, "Is it this?"

The man recognized it and said, "Yes."

Qi Hao asked: "Where was the test report issued?"

Xiong Yanmei replied loudly: "Jiahe County Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision!"

The director of the Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision knew that he had made a fool of himself, so he stepped back, and the other directors followed suit, seemingly wanting to escape.

Qi Hao understood that the first thing they wanted to do was look for Secretary Chen when they fled back. He said to Gu Qiong, "Someone wants to withdraw their troops."

Gu Qiong shouted loudly: "Today's leading comrades above the deputy department, whoever dares to leave privately will be immediately removed from office and expelled from the party, and will go through the formalities and report to the county party committee for approval!"

As soon as the Minister of Organization said the words, all those who wanted to run were shocked. Gu Qiong's prestige was there. Vice Mayor Li and Secretary Chen's son did not escape the disaster of imprisonment. Who would dare to flee rashly!

Qi Hao turned his head and asked the man: "You were not convinced just now, were you?"

The man said: "I have the inspection report, the steel is qualified, someone framed me!"

Qi Hao said: "It just so happened that I invited technicians from the Municipal Technical Supervision Bureau to come to the scene, and you also identified your own steel products. Now, you personally select a few qualified steel products, and ask the technical personnel from the Municipal Technical Supervision Bureau to test them in public. It doesn't matter if you accept it or not, we all respect the test results, how about it?"

The man kept his face stubborn at first, and within a minute or so, he knew best whether the quality of the steel bar was up to standard, how could recycled steel be up to standard, and he suddenly said: "No inspection, county magistrate Qi, and the inspection is not enough. Unqualified."

"Not qualified for the test?" Qi Hao said angrily, "How did you get your qualified test report?"

"County Qi." The man turned to look at Pan Taiping. (To be continued..)

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