Official ladder

Chapter 335

"Not qualified for the test?" Qi Hao shouted angrily, "Then how did you get your qualified test report?"

"County Qi." The man buried his head, not daring to look at Qi Hao, his body was trembling.

Knowingly and intentionally using low-quality building materials has violated the criminal law, Qi Hao winked, Wang Zhicai waved his hand, and two police officers took the man away.

Qi Hao shouted: "Director Wu!"

Director Wu of the Quality and Technical Supervision Bureau tremblingly walked in front of Qi Hao, bowed his head, sweat dripped from his forehead, and dared not make a sound.

Qi Hao handed the test report to Director Wu: "Is the report issued by the Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision?"

In the face of ironclad evidence, Director Wu did not dare to deny it, and he said yes with a sad face.

Qi Hao shouted: "Tell me, how did you pass the inspection of this inferior steel bar!"

Director Wu buried his head and did not dare to look at Qi Hao: "County Chief Qi, I was wrong!"

"Now I won't say whether you are right or wrong, but just ask you, how did this steel bar pass the inspection?" Seeing Director Wu drooping his head and making no sound, Qi Hao pressed further, "The data filled in the report, the situation described, and the qualified Is the conclusion true?"

Director Wu said with a mournful face, "I don't know either, County Magistrate Qi."

Qi Hao scolded angrily: "Bad things, inferior building materials that are related to the safety of thousands of people's lives and property are actually tested as qualified materials, do you still have the qualifications to be the director of the Quality and Technical Supervision Bureau? Children's play, it is because of you that poor-quality construction materials flock to the construction site, and a bureau chief's hat is worth thousands of lives?"

Director Wu kicked his legs and sweated, and raised his head to face Qi Hao.A look of remorse.

Qi Hao ignored Director Wu and turned to Xiong Yanmei: "Give me a copy of the foundation inspection and acceptance report!"

Xiong Yanmei responded, and took out one of the reports in her hand and handed it to Qi Hao.

Qi Hao took the inspection and acceptance report to have a look.Ask Director Lin of the County Construction Supervision Office: "Have you been to the site?"

Director Lin lowered his head, he dared to be dishonest at this time, he was scared like a wooden man: "No, County Magistrate Qi."

Qi Hao asked: "Has anyone else from the institute been to the Fenghuang New Village construction site?"

Director Lin lowered his head: "Probably not."

"There should be none!" Qi Hao glared at Director Lin, "Since no one has been to the construction site, how did you fill in the inspection and acceptance report?"

Director Lin bowed his head: "I didn't issue the inspection and acceptance report at first. Director Fan called yesterday, and I filled out the inspection and acceptance report according to Director Fan's instructions!"

Director Lin pulled out Director Fan of the Urban Construction Bureau.Qi Hao turned his face to Director Fan, his eyes turned sideways: "What Director Lin said is true?"

Director Fan bowed his head and trembled. He didn't answer whether it was true or not: "Major Qi, I have no choice!"

Qi Hao scolded angrily: "As the director of urban construction, knowing that there are legal regulations for project inspection and acceptance, you can get it done with one phone call. Is that how your urban construction director works? You know, a place where thousands of people live Because of your phone, it has become an appalling shabby project!"

Director Fan was already sweating profusely, he turned to Qihao with a mournful face.Raising his hand, he suddenly slapped his fat face twice: "County Qi, I'm a fool. I'm a fool!"

Seeing Director Fan's appearance, Qi Hao calmed down his emotions, and asked Director Fan and Director Lin: "So, the foundation is buried in the ground, and whether the qualified construction supervisor doesn't know?"

At this time, Director Fan and Director Lin can only cry: "Yes."

The situation could no longer be understood. Qi Hao raised his face and looked around the construction site. There was a large area of ​​houses. Some walls were built up to the second floor, and some were laying foundations. When a group of leading comrades came to the construction site, the workers were still working happily. The leading comrades gathered around to investigate the construction quality problems, and the construction site stopped, and the air was filled with a strong smell of gunpowder. No one dared to speak, and Nuoda’s construction site suddenly became like a ghost town.

Qi Hao shook his head while looking at the construction site, and spoke with a disgusted expression. He said: "This is a river bank. The land is accumulated by the long-term impact of the river. The foundation is extremely unstable. To build a house here, the foundation must be constructed in strict accordance with the design requirements. , as the director of the Urban Construction Bureau and the director of the Construction Supervision Office, he actually issued an inspection and acceptance certificate when he knew that the foundation was not constructed according to the design requirements. Alluvial mud and landslides, this area of ​​houses has not been washed away! As public servants of the people, these two people treat people's lives and property in this way, they are simply inferior to meddlesome things!"

There was no noise at the construction site, and Qi Hao's voice was like a thunderbolt, directly blasting towards the head of the responsible person!

Qi Hao looked at the two of them: "According to the regulations, the relevant inspection and acceptance technicians who check whether the foundation is unqualified must arrive at the site, and only after passing the test can they issue a qualified or unqualified certificate, even though they know that no one from the construction supervision office has been there. I don’t blame anyone for the qualification certificate, you two point me to a building, push it down, dig out the foundation, and check and accept it in public. If it passes, it’s not your responsibility;

Director Fan of the Urban Construction Bureau is a big fat man, and his whole body is shaking. Qi Hao is so poor about the construction quality that he has been sweating. Right now, Qi Hao is forcing him and Director Lin to pull down a house and inspect the foundation. , the eyes turned black, and the person collapsed and went into shock.

The director of urban construction actually fainted from fright, and there was a commotion on the construction site, but seeing Qi Hao, Gu Qiong and others still had serious faces, the commotion subsided immediately.

Qi Hao looked contemptuously at Director Fan who was like dead flesh on the ground: "Director of Health!"

"Here!" A loud voice said.

Qi Hao said, "Ambulance!"

The director of health said yes, he stood on tiptoe and stretched out his arms to call out, and the ambulance came with its siren sounding. Only then did people realize that the county magistrate Qi was prepared.

In fact, Chief Fan is fine, for those who are frightened, as long as they add some nutrient solution and calm their minds, they will be back to normal.

Director Lin didn't go into shock, and Qi Hao didn't budge when he saw Director Fan passed out, knowing that there was no way to get through this matter, so he closed his eyes and pointed to a building whose walls were about to reach the second floor. , can only resign to fate!

Qi Hao shouted loudly: "Mayor Xiong!"

Xiong Yanmei answered loudly and loudly, and ran to Gaowai and stretched out her arms to wave out. An excavator suddenly drove over. This thing was only found on the power plant site. It was very rare, and Xiong Yanmei borrowed it from Director Fang.

If a beautiful woman borrows equipment, Director Fang is willing to stop work.

Xiong Yanmei cooperated very well with Director Fang. Firstly, Qi Hao's current relationship, secondly, Xiong Yanmei's good looks and good looks, which will bring disaster to the country and the people, and will come to trouble, and thirdly, Secretary He of the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee took care of them. The two supported each other, and the cooperation was very pleasant. very.

The excavator arrived at the scene, and with the roar of the engine, the house that had just been built to the height of a person was knocked down twice, and then the ground was dug. There was only a circle of single stones in the foundation trench, and there was no cement at the joints between the stones. It is the foundation of the house, lying in the soft mud and sand on the bank of the Qingjiang River.

The foundation groove was not dug in place according to the architectural design, the pile was not driven according to the design, and the cement ring beam was not installed on the wall foundation as required, so the bricks were built on such a foundation!

My God, let alone the flooding of the Qingjiang River, or the heavy rain, the villagers have not yet moved in if one floor and two floors are built like this. If there is a slight subsidence, the house will crack. When the time comes, the dangerous building will dare to move in ?

Everyone present was shocked!

Someone wants to run, not a construction worker, but a project contractor!

Wang Zhicai stood on a high place and called out a bunch of people's names: "Listen to me, you are suspected of crimes such as illegal construction, violation of public safety, illegal use of inferior materials, and lack of construction qualifications. If you dare to leave this place, the police will handcuff you immediately!"

The faces of those who were about to run turned pale with fright, their legs could not support their bodies and they squatted down.

Next, Qi Hao asked the group to look at the unqualified bulk cement, and asked Director Wu of the Quality and Technical Supervision Bureau to point at a piece of cement prefabricated board at random, and asked Shu Xiaohai to perform an impromptu performance.

Shu Xiaohai stretched the ape's arm lightly, and with a hey sound, the prefabricated panel broke, it didn't look like he had used much strength.This kind of prefabricated slab pavement, if people live in it, it will fall down someday, not to mention that it is unqualified, but it will still kill people!

The matter has become clear, Qi Hao shouted: "Director Wang!"

Wang Zhicai faced Qi Hao and stood at attention: "Here!"

Qi Hao asked: "Who built these houses, and what crime did they commit?"

Wang Zhicai responded loudly: "The Yuquan Public Security Bureau has identified the actual contractors who built the houses. They have committed crimes of using inferior building materials, violating construction regulations, having no construction qualifications, and violating public safety!"

Qi Hao said coldly: "Follow the laws and regulations!"

"Yes, Comrade Executive Deputy County Magistrate!" Wang Zhicai saluted, then turned around and shouted, "Whoever called his name just now will follow me, and if he doesn't want to come, handcuff him forcibly!"

Qi Hao saw a group of people tremblingly followed Wang Zhicai, so he asked Director Ma of the Township Enterprise Bureau: "Are all the people called to go from Jinhai Jiansi?"

Director Ma knew that there was a catastrophe, and scolded Pan Taiping in his heart, you have done such a good thing, which made me suffer too, he said: "County Chief Qi, I don't know those people, I don't know any of them."

Qi Hao turned his face and stared at Pan Taiping: "Director Ma said he didn't know anyone, but Manager Pan would never say he didn't know anyone?"

"Magistrate Qi, I didn't call those people, and I don't know them." Pan Taiping knew that the fire would not be covered, but he didn't dare to bite Yang Jianming out. He was afraid that Qi Hao would not be able to suppress Secretary Chen, and he would be unlucky more thoroughly.

"Strange!" Qi Hao said angrily, "The contract signed by the county government to Jinhai Jiansi clearly stipulates that subcontracting is not allowed. As the company manager and legal representative, I don't know my subordinates. Secretary Qin, I suggest Comrade Pan Taiping explained his problem clearly at the specified time and place, and then dealt with it according to the situation!"

Shuanggui!Like lightning and thunder, Pan Taiping was dumbfounded all of a sudden! (To be continued..)

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