Official ladder

Chapter 555

After everyone sat down around the table, seeing that Nurse Xiao Li and Shu Xiaojuan hadn't come, Zhang Xiaoyu looked at Qi Hao, then at Shu Xiaohai and said, "Brother Shu, I'll leave Xiao Li to you!"

Shu Xiaohai was stunned, he understood the meaning of Zhang Xiaoyu's words, and his face turned red all of a sudden.

Qi Hao said: "Xiao Hai, Dean Zhang is giving you a speech!"

Shu Xiaohai smiled and said yes, blushing even more.

Seeing that Shu Xiaohai didn't speak, Zhang Xiaoyu asked, "Afraid that Xiao Li won't take good care of Xiao Juan?"

Shu Xiaohai hurriedly said, no, he looked at a loss!

Zhang Xiaoyu said: "Xiao Li is a warm-hearted person, but Team Shu's cold demeanor is really worrying!"

Vice President Yu then said: "Xiao Li is a flower recognized by everyone in the hospital. If Team Shu doesn't have that blessing, it will be cheaper for Prince Charming!"

Shu Xiaohai's mother heard the truth, and said happily, "My Xiaohai will take good care of Xiao Li, and take good care of Xiao Li!"

Vice President Yu stretched out his hand and patted Shu Xiaohai's arm: "The old man has shown his strength for you, don't hesitate to express your opinion!"

Shu Xiaohai smiled stupidly: "Thank you! Thank you!"

Vice President Yu said with a smile: "The matter has not been completed yet, thank you, it depends on your ability to make it work!"

"That's that, that's that!" Shu Xiaohai replied casually, realizing that what he said was wrong, he quickly silenced, lowering his head and eyes as if he was ashamed to look at others.

Vice President Yu said: "Xiao Li's matter is settled like this. Team Shu doesn't need to thank you. I only have one request. If there is a medical disturbance in the hospital, act quickly when you receive a call!"

Shu Xiaohai looked at Vice President Yu with a flattering expression: "That's it!"

Zhang Xiaoyu said: "Brigade Shu will only say 'That's that, that's that', you have to be smart in front of Xiao Li!"

Shu Xiaohai hurriedly said: "That's that..."

"I said Brigade Shu. Why did you make the same mistake for me!" Vice President Yu joked.

Everyone laughed.

After Shu Xiaojuan and Xiao Li packed their luggage, they walked into the restaurant. Shu Xiaojuan's mother rushed to greet Nurse Xiao Li, with Xiao Li in front and Xiao Li behind.Looked very attentive.No one in the room made a sound, the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law are in pain, what's the matter with them.

Xiao Li's pretty face was bright red, and she glanced at Shu Xiaohai, who did not expect that Shu Xiaohai was also looking at her, the two of them collided in their hearts, and once they collided, they would be destined for life.It's a good thing!

Qi Hao looked at Xiao Li and Shu Xiaojuan and asked, "Have you packed it?"

Xiao Li said seriously: "It's packed."

Qi Hao asked: "Has Team Shu packed up too?"

Xiao Li was stunned for a moment: "It's packed."

Qi Hao turned to Shu Xiaohai and said: "Take good care of Xiao Li and Xiao Juan on the way, don't think about the work at home, walk more places. Make sure to let Xiao Li and Xiao Juan have fun!"

Shu Xiaohai said seriously: "Yes, brother."

Qi Hao turned to Xiao Li and said: "Gay men are more careless, Xiao Li should remind Xiao Hai at any time on the way, please take care of Xiao Juan!"

Xiao Li said shyly, "Yes."

Only then did Shu Xiaohai say to Shu Xiaojuan: "Xiaojuan. After twelve years of cold weather, I can finally relax and play for a while. You can't trust what my brother and sister Li say on the way."

Shu Xiaojuan said, "Yes."

Qi Hao said: "Brother has something to do tonight, if you don't go home, I won't see Xiaojuan off tomorrow!"

Shu Shangjuan said with a disappointed expression: "Brother, you really can't send Xiaojuan?"

Qi Hao said: "Xiaojuan knows that brother has missed a lot of work these days and has to work overtime. I will wait for you to come back from your trip. I will definitely play with Xiaojuan for a few days!"

Seeing how Qihao cares for Xiaojuan so much, everyone envies Xiaojuan.So is my sister.

All the people present have experienced Qi Hao's kindness, even the Vice President Yu, although he was severely criticized by Qi Hao, but after turning around and resolutely supporting Zhang Xiaoyu, Qi Hao not only did not pursue his responsibility, but also stayed on as the Vice President. Qi Hao not only highly appreciated the outstanding performance in this hostage incident, but also used the relationship between generals and soldiers to hint at his future, which made him see hope, and with hope comes motivation.

After dinner, Qi Hao saw that it was almost time, so he got up to attend the Standing Committee of the County Ruling Party, and the others played with Shu Bujuan for a while and dispersed.

Qi Hao was the last to arrive at the meeting room.

After seeing Qi Hao's arrival, Secretary Chen announced the start of the meeting.

The Standing Committee first studied the drought situation. It has not rained for three months, and the atmosphere in the meeting room is a bit dull. It is still the same old way to study and study. The government subsidizes the Qingjiang River to irrigate the fields. There is no other good solution.

Nature is rampant and can be countered by manpower, and man's victory over nature is just a laughingstock.

After studying the drought relief work, Qi Hao said: "A long drought will lead to heavy rains. Comrades, please pay attention to the possible disasters caused by heavy rains. Flood control along the Qingjiang River should not be taken lightly. Observations from Yuquan Mountain show that heavy rains may cause landslides. It is recommended that The Standing Committee will study and decide on an emergency plan!"

Secretary Chen dissatisfied: "Today's Standing Committee studies drought relief, not flood disaster prevention!"

Qi Hao said: "Droughts must be fought, and floods must be prepared. When the time comes, people will be in a hurry and may cause unnecessary losses. For example, the road around Yuquan Mountain has not been repaired so far. If there is a landslide, vehicles will not be able to get in. It is very difficult for emergency rescue. unfavorable!"

County Magistrate Liu said: "County Qi County Magistrate's suggestion should arouse our sufficient attention. The Dulong Well was dug for coal in Yuquan Mountain in those years, and the mountain was riddled with holes. There is a possibility of a landslide, and if there are no preparations, there will be no effective emergency rescue!"

Gu Qiong said: "I have been to Yuquan Mountain. I listened to the briefing and went to the field to see it. I should be prepared."

Seeing that other members of the Standing Committee have to speak, if this continues, it will deviate from the theme of the Standing Committee. Secretary Chen said: "Yuquan Mountain is in Yuquan Town, and the main area where the Qingjiang River is threatened by flooding is in Yuquan Town. Comrade Qi Hao is in charge of Yuquan Town. Party Secretary, leave this matter to Yuquan Town for resolution!"

The members of the Standing Committee were stunned. Secretary Chen clearly left all the things to Qihao. Road improvement, flood control, and geological disasters should be coordinated by the whole county, and it needs the coordination of multiple departments to complete it. How could it be possible for Yuquan Town alone? has been solved!

Just as Qi Hao was about to speak, Secretary Chen said: "The incidents that happened in the college entrance examination room this year can be said to be terrible, and the impact is extremely bad. Let's discuss this matter!"

The topic changed too quickly, and the Standing Committee members didn't fully react. It seemed a bit hasty to discuss this matter just after the exam was over and the investigation of cheating in the exam was over.Since no one spoke, the venue felt a little cold.

"Old Xu, the education department focuses on publicity, you talk about it!" Secretary Chen pointed to Director Xu of the Propaganda Department.

Minister Xu thought for a while. The Public Security Bureau had already intervened in the college entrance examination fraud incident. It was a coincidence that drug lords broke into the examination room. There are more circumstances, and I can’t express any more opinions. I suggest that the public security department investigate this matter after the conclusion of the investigation.”

Secretary Chen looked across to Director Wu: "Talk about the situation!" (To be continued...)

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