Official ladder

Chapter 556 Never Back Down

Secretary Chen looked sideways at Director Wu: "Let's talk about the situation!"

Seeing Secretary Chen pointing at himself to speak, Director Wu looked at Qi Hao, saw Qi Hao drooping his eyelids, and said: "Both cases are under investigation, and a complete chain of evidence has not yet been formed, so it is inconvenient to involve the details of the case."

Secretary Chen's face was so gloomy that it was frightening: "Director Wu, please pay attention. This is the Standing Committee meeting. You are the core members of the leadership of Jiahe County. The Jiahe County Public Security Bureau has a very high level of secrecy. It is inconvenient to talk about it at the Standing Committee meeting. Not qualified to listen!"

Director Wu heard that Secretary Chen's words were wrong, so he hurriedly said, "Secretary Chen, that's not what I meant."

"That's because I didn't understand Director Wu's words!" Secretary Chen glanced at the Standing Committee members, "Why do I feel that someone wants to make me blind or deaf, and wants to make most of the Standing Committee members blind and deaf! "[

The meeting room was quiet, and the air seemed to be filled with a strong smell of gunpowder. Anyone who spoke could become a fuse, blowing up the meeting place beyond recognition.

Seeing that no one was speaking, Secretary Chen said loudly: "The people are very concerned about what happened in the college entrance examination room. It can be said that every household in the family and the county is now discussing this matter. The people are discussing it, but it is inconvenient for the Standing Committee It's really weird to study and discuss!"

County Magistrate Liu saw that Secretary Chen had secretly changed the concept to provoke, and said: "The incident that happened in the college entrance examination room is a criminal case, which is characterized by a sudden outbreak. It takes a process to solve it. I think the most urgent thing is that the public security department should solve the case as soon as possible, so that the facts of the case can be brought to light. Therefore, this time the Standing Committee should not study and discuss the case and draw any conclusions."

"I agree with County Magistrate Liu's opinion!" Qi Hao said, "The two cases are criminal cases. The judiciary will follow the judicial process. At this time, the Standing Committee does not need to rush to study and discuss and figure out what the problem is!"

"It is undeniable that these are two criminal cases!" Secretary Chen raised his voice, "But. There is no issue of administrative responsibility behind the criminal cases? The two cases were kept secret beforehand, and suddenly broke out in the examination room, which seriously affected and interfered with the exams of the college entrance examination candidates. , Shouldn’t there be dereliction of duty and dereliction of duty by state functionaries? Even if our leading comrades have no dereliction of duty or dereliction of duty, it should be foreseeable. Therefore, today’s Standing Committee must clarify the responsibilities that individual comrades should bear!”

Qi Hao said: "Since Secretary Chen wants individual comrades to bear the responsibility, please clarify who is responsible and what responsibility."

who bears the responsibility.As for what responsibility to bear, it is obvious that Secretary Chen wants the director of the examination room to take responsibility, and Qi Hao asked Secretary Chen to express it.It really pushed Secretary Chen to a dead end with no room for maneuver.Forcing Secretary Chen to speak out.

The director of the examination room is Deputy County Magistrate Jiang, and Deputy County Magistrate Jiang sided with County Magistrate Liu and Qi Hao. Everyone expressed their attitude, and those who followed County Magistrate Liu and Qi Hao were dealt with severely.

Now that Qi Hao asked Secretary Chen to make it clear, Secretary Chen turned to Minister Xu: "Minister Xu. Isn't the director responsible for such a big incident in the examination room?"

Culture and education centralized publicity system.Secretary Chen asked Minister Xu for his reasons. What he meant was to ask Minister Xu to clarify what kind of responsibilities Deputy County Magistrate Jiang should bear.

Director Xu was originally unwilling to intervene in this matter, but was forced by Secretary Chen, and said to himself, if Secretary Chen wants to fight County Magistrate Liu and Qi Hao, just fight, and you must use me as a cannon?However, he had to say a few words. He said: "The responsibility of the director of the examination room is to ensure the normal examination of the test room. He is responsible for 12 years of hard work. In just three days, the director of the test room has a great responsibility. ah!"

Everyone could hear Minister Xu's words as empty and meaningless. As far as the incident was concerned, it was not clear whether Deputy County Magistrate Jiang was responsible or not.

Secretary Chen was angry, and he glared at Minister Xu: "Minister Xu, you need to be clear-cut when it comes to right and wrong!"

Minister Xu was stunned for a moment, he was pushed to a dead end by the first brother, and Minister Xu was not a vegetarian: "My banner is very clear, the director of the examination room shoulders the important task of cultivating the proud son of heaven!"

"You..." Secretary Chen pointed to Minister Xu, his face livid.

"Secretary Chen." Qi Hao called out at the right time.

Secretary Chen was about to step down, so he turned to Qi Hao.

"Minister Xu," Qi Hao looked at Minister Xu, "When you talk about the responsibility of the director of the examination room, you mean the responsibility of the director of the examination room.

Qi Hao said: "There is an article in the "Responsibilities of the Director of the Examination Room" that fraud, accidents, and emergencies in the examination room have the right to actively deal with them according to their own responsibilities. In the case of fraud, the deputy county magistrate Jiang immediately responded to the report from the masses. Relevant departments notified and took effective measures against responsible persons and criminal suspects. After the unexpected incident in the examination room, Deputy County Magistrate Jiang immediately organized the candidates to evacuate to avoid a bigger accident. According to the "Responsibilities of the Examination Room Director", I personally think that Deputy County Magistrate Jiang has faithfully fulfilled the duties of the director of the examination room, and there is no responsibility for him to bear!"

Secretary Chen asked: "There is no investigation yet, how do you know that Deputy County Magistrate Jiang is not responsible?"

Qi Hao said: "Let's discuss the matter."

Secretary Chen snorted: "It's good to talk about the facts, and take the responsibility for the serious incidents of cheating in the examination room and taking hostages completely!"

Qi Hao said contemptuously: "This is a matter of common sense."

This obviously meant that Secretary Chen didn't understand common sense. The anger in Secretary Chen's heart, but seeing Qi Hao's calm expression, he didn't dare to speak too harshly. He said, "I really want to hear what you have to say. common sense."

Qi Hao told the members of the Standing Committee: "The suspects of fraud in the examination room acted when the candidates registered. They were premeditated, organized, and acted, and they had a clear division of labor. It is impossible to find out before the exam. There are dozens of exam rooms in an exam room. If the deputy county magistrate Jiang was not careful and checked immediately after receiving the report, this fraudulent behavior might have succeeded! I don’t need to explain the hostage-taking incident. The key to the incident lies in how the leading comrades deal with it on the spot, I will only say one thing, thousands of people evacuated out of the examination room and no one was injured, the county magistrate Jiang commanded well!"

Qi Hao glanced at Secretary Chen, deputy county magistrate Jiang was able to command well, so what about Secretary Chen's command at the scene?

Secretary Chen saw Qi Hao's sharp gaze, and realized that his heart was completely exposed to Qi Hao's gaze. When he rescued the hostages yesterday, his actions had been exposed in broad daylight.

It was meaningless for the Standing Committee to get here. Secretary Chen announced the adjournment, stood up and was about to leave.

Qi Hao said: "Secretary Chen, please wait a moment. The incident that happened in the examination room yesterday deserves a serious summary. Regarding some people and things, the ruling party must have a clear attitude!"

Secretary Chen looked at Qi Hao, what do you mean kid, he sat down.

Qi Hao said: "Everyone here saw with their own eyes at the scene yesterday that President Zhang, Vice President Yu, Vice President Wang, and nurse Xiao Li of the People's Hospital risked their lives to rescue the hostages. When they ran towards the rescued hostages quickly, they were like the ambulance team on the battlefield in the movie. They used their actions to prove that they are qualified angels in white. I suggest that the Standing Committee of the County Ruling Party carefully study and discuss it, and make a decision for them to record their merits! "

County Magistrate Liu responded immediately: "I agree!"

Minister Xu responded, "I agree!"

Director Wu raised his hand: "Agreed!"





Qi Hao said: "In order to rescue the hostages and capture the drug lord, Comrade Ou Haicheng got close to the drug lord twice and played a positive role in finally capturing the drug lord and rescuing the hostages. Comrade Ou Haicheng should be given credit for his decision!"

Secretary Chen looked at Qi Hao with fiery eyes and livid face. Yesterday Ou Haicheng beat him angrily. Everyone present saw it. Hitting himself, today Qi Hao hit himself again, is it tolerable or unbearable...

County Magistrate Liu hesitated a little: "I agree!"

Minister Xu said, "I agree!"

Director Wu said, "I agree!"





Secretary Chen said angrily: "I don't agree!"

County Magistrate Liu said: "Comrade Qi Hao's proposal must be passed by the Standing Committee. The actions of the white-clothed angels and Comrade Ou Haicheng in the hospital are by no means a show. Excellent quality, fearless spirit in the face of the threat of death, I think they are worthy of any honor given by the ruling party!"

Secretary Chen looked at the Standing Committee members with their arms raised high. He didn't have the courage to veto the unanimous opinion of all the Standing Committee members, and he couldn't bring up the matter of Ou Haicheng beating him angrily. Make Qi Hao disappear in this world!

Secretary Chen bowed his head and left the Standing Committee meeting room.

After the meeting of the Standing Committee ended, Qi Hao followed County Mayor Liu into the meeting room of the Standing Committee: "Major Liu, I want to take a few days off."

County Magistrate Liu said, "I'm tired, let's go!"

Qi Hao said: "I still think that the highway around Yuquan Mountain should be repaired. After a long drought, there must be heavy rain. Yuquan Mountain has been dug full of holes by the Dulong Well. Geological disasters may occur. If we do not pay attention to them, we will rescue them after geological disasters occur. Failure to do so will result in greater losses!" (To be continued...)

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