Years of the Republic of China 1913

Volume 1 Troubled Times Chapter 222 Spotlight

The launch speed of the rocket launcher is fast, the coverage area is large, and the power is fierce. .

Chen Wei personally directed the first actual combat use of the rocket launcher since it came out. Following an order, the ten rocket launchers that shot at Zhuyuan fired at the same time from the launch position. Each rocket launcher was equipped with 16 122mm tail The rocket roared towards the target with a yellow tail flame, like a volcano erupting hot magma, pouring down on the enemy target like thunder and tigers, and the heat was like overwhelming mountains and seas.

It took only a dozen seconds for a salvo shot, and after the shot was completed, Chen Yu immediately commanded the transfer to avoid the Japanese artillery counterattack.This is also the only weakness of a powerful weapon like rocket launchers. Rocket launchers are not like ordinary cannons that can be reloaded quickly. It takes a certain amount of time to reload rockets after a salvo. During this period of time, if the opponent responds in time, the artillery can be mobilized. The launch position is used to strike, but the rocket launcher also has its dexterity advantage. After shooting all the loaded rockets, the gun mount can be dragged away by hanging it on the car, avoiding the opponent's counter-pressure in the shortest time, and then looking for a suitable place and Timing continued to fire.

As the person in charge of the research and development, Chen Yu is of course aware of the pros and cons of this weapon, so he moved quickly without waiting to observe the shooting effect. Ten minutes later, Chen Yu took the personnel to another preset location, and followed the gun as quickly as possible. The original plan was to fire another salvo before leading his subordinates to formally retreat.

It wasn't until Chen Yu's second unanimous retreat that the Japanese artillery on the opposite side just woke up.The overwhelming rockets dealt an extremely serious blow to the [-]th Division. The nearly thousand officers and soldiers of the [-]th Division who hadn't had time to react at the first salvo were shrouded in fierce flames.The entire assembly area is like hell, full of broken limbs and wounded and wailing soldiers.

Although the second salvo did not achieve the effect of the first salvo, it still caused a lot of casualties to the [-]th Division.After the earth-shattering rocket attacks completely stopped, the upper echelons of the Japanese army were all dumbfounded. They couldn't imagine when the Chinese on the opposite side had such a terrible weapon that they had never heard of.

Due to the negligence of the Japanese themselves, the assembled 2000th Division suffered more than 39 casualties in two simultaneous shots. The captain of the 30th Regiment, Shichida Ichiro, even had no bones left. More than [-] officers at all levels were killed in battle. By the time the stunned artillerymen came to their senses and remembered to fight back, Chen Yu and his men had long since disappeared. The Japanese cannons fired frantically in the direction of the two salvos, but they didn't even touch half of Chen Yu's hair.

The rockets blinded the Japanese, and even the Chinese soldiers on the front line were frightened.Who has seen such a scene of thousands of guns fired?Even the Japanese Army has never suffered such a tragic blow since the Meiji Restoration. ** What is shocking is not the huge casualties, but the overwhelming aura when the rockets fired at full speed, which left an indelible deep impression on Ri himself psychologically. When the [-]th Division After collecting the remnants and retreating to a safe area in panic, the entire [-]th Division still seemed to be hearing the earth-shattering sound of the rocket launch in their ears, and everyone from the division commander to the next one looked pale and terrified.

Zhang Zuolin, who was anxiously waiting for the result in Beidaying, received a call from the front line not long after.When he learned that the Japanese [-]th Division had suffered heavy casualties under the attack of the rockets, Zhang Zuolin suffocated the anger in his heart and finally vented out when he retreated in a panic.

"Hahaha! Hahaha! Little Riben, little Riben. You fucking have today!"

Zhang Zuolin looked up to the sky and laughed wildly in the headquarters, and naturally someone beside him asked with interest: "Why is the commander laughing so much?"

Complacently telling everyone about the great victory on the front line, everyone present was stunned for a moment, and then cheered like thunder. The victory made everyone ecstatic.Only Chief of Staff Yang Yuting asked Zhang Zuolin what was the reason why the Japanese 27th Division, which had not yet launched an attack, suffered such a big loss when he was excited. The secret itself did not know the reason and prevaricated.

The [-]th Division suffered a disastrous defeat before leaving the division, and the power of the rockets shocked the Japanese Army.The officers and soldiers of the [-]th Division who fled back in embarrassment suffered from rocket phobia for a while. When the officers and soldiers of other divisions asked them about the situation, they told them with a terrified expression that the Chinese had a weapon that was more powerful than naval guns. The shooting is more accurate, and the terrorist cannons are denser. Under this new type of cannon, the soldiers almost died as many as they went up. With a coverage rate of several miles, there was nowhere to hide even if they hid.

"Baga! Who can tell me when the Chinese people possessed this weapon? What kind of gun is it?" The Japanese Army General Headquarters in Kanto Prefecture.Yusaku Uehara, Chief of the Army General Staff, who was nominally dismissed from the position of commander in chief, is still the supreme commander of the entire army. When he heard the news of the defeat of the [-]th Division, he couldn't believe his ears and immediately sent someone to investigate The real battle situation, but Yusaku Uehara couldn't even believe his own eyes after the information check below was brought up.How could the backward Chinese have such powerful weapons.And judging from the description of this weapon, Yusaku Uehara has never seen it, or even heard of it.

"Could it be that the [-]th Division is lying?" A staff officer hesitated to ask his own question, but Yusaku Uehara rejected the question without even thinking about it.It may be possible for one person to lie, but it is absolutely impossible for the entire division to lie, not to mention how could the heroic warriors of the Yamato nation do such a thing, if there were, only those despicable Chinese people on the opposite side could do it.

"Your Excellency, did the Chinese army mobilize a lot of artillery fire?"

"That's impossible! Where did the Chinese army get so many guns? If calculated based on the number of cannons, nearly 200 large-caliber howitzers fired at the same time. If the Chinese army on the opposite side had such a large number of artillery support, the war would be difficult It won’t be like this.” Without waiting for Uehara’s answer, Nakamura, the governor of Kanto Prefecture, vetoed it. He knew Zhang Zuolin’s troops better than anyone else, and it was absolutely impossible for Zhang Zuolin to have so many cannons. , let alone Zhang Zuolin.Even if the large-caliber howitzers of half of the Chinese army are added up, there may not be this number.

"Then where did the bombardment come from? What kind of weapons does China have?" This thought flashed through the minds of everyone present, but no one could guess the real reason.

"Your Excellency, could it be Britain and France? You must know that Britain, France and other countries have been making accusations internationally since the Japanese Empire went to war with China. If they made the move secretly, it may be possible." Yamaguchi pondered for a long time A possibility came to mind.

"Maybe it's possible, but Britain and France don't have so many big guns in the Far East!" Nakamura thought for a while and shook his head.

"Maybe it is a new weapon from Britain and France. Anyway, this kind of thing must be provided by Britain, France or even the United States. Their purpose is to make us give up Fengtian, which is almost in hand."


Uehara Yuzuo raised his eyebrows, and immediately cursed.He and Masaru Yamaguchi have the same idea. With the technology and ability of the Chinese, there is no way to produce such a powerful weapon.Then, according to the analysis, it is only other countries who are playing tricks in it, and Britain, France and other countries that strongly demanded a truce from Japan a while ago have the greatest possibility.

"Notify Tokyo of the situation immediately, and let the Ministry of War lodge a strong protest to Britain, France, and the United States through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs!" In an instant, Yusaku Uehara made a decision.

"Hi!" Adjutant Sasaki quickly responded, and then asked again: "Your Excellency, what is the arrangement for the front line? Should the other divisions take over from the [-]th Division to continue the attack?"

"No need, the whole army is on standby, and all troops are temporarily distanced from the Chinese people, waiting for the result of the diplomatic protest."

Yusaku Uehara is not a brainless guy.If the opponent's secret weapon is given to his troops a few more times, it will not be worth the loss.Therefore, he intends to put pressure on countries such as Britain and France first, and continue to attack after all worries are addition.He was still thinking about whether he could get this new weapon through this protest. When he thought of the tragedy of the [-]th Division, if he had this powerful weapon, he would be able to swallow half of China with his strength. It is also possible.

The news quickly spread to Tokyo through the Governor's Office of Kanto Prefecture. When it was learned that the Chinese had suddenly used an extremely powerful "new artillery" on the front line of Buyun Mountain, the entire upper echelon of the Japanese Army was shocked.Then, the Japanese Ministry of Army submitted their analysis report to the cabinet, forcing foreign countries to carry out diplomatic protests against Britain, France and other countries to protest against their unauthorized provision of secret weapons to the squadron.This shameless practice must be stopped immediately, and this weapon should be made public to Japan as an apology.

After receiving the protest from the Japanese government, Monk Zhang Er was puzzled whether it was Britain, France, the United States, or even Tsarist Russia. After denying it, he immediately became interested in what happened on the northeast front of China and Japan.According to limited information, the squadron did use a strange artillery on the battlefield, which caused huge losses to the Japanese army in a very short period of time.After repeatedly confirming the authenticity of the situation, all countries expressed strong support for this weapon that appeared on the Sino-Japanese battlefield.For a while, diplomatic officials and intelligence personnel from various countries in the capital inquired everywhere, trying to understand the true face of this weapon.

Regarding the reactions of various countries, the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs has only one answer: "No comment." In fact, the rocket launcher is the top secret of the military industry, and Fang Zida listed it as a key secret sequence as early as when it was developed.Not to mention that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is not clear about it, even the Ministry of National Defense and the General Staff are not aware of the existence of the rocket launcher. The entire project is under the control of Fang Zida alone. Except for the developers and core guards, only a handful of people have heard of it he.

"Whimsical!" It's no secret that Fang Zida is in control of the military industry. When the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of National Defense, and the General Staff were unable to find out the real situation, all forces turned their attention to Fang Zida. For a while, many people They are all asking Fang Zida if he really has this powerful weapon, and want to try to uncover its mystery.But Fang Zida had been prepared for a long time, no matter who he was, he refused on the grounds of confidentiality. Unexpectedly, he received a letter from the British government from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs today. Asked to develop this new type of weapon with the Chinese zheng fu, the UK can send technical personnel to help the Chinese further improve and improve this weapon, etc. After reading this letter, Fang Zida sneered and squeezed it into a ball Tossed in the wastebasket.


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