"Brother Runtian!"

"Brother Zhang Ming!"

Step into the Liuguo Hotel, and follow the guides to the left wing of the hall. In order to ensure the normal progress of the negotiations, the representatives of China and Japan have their own lounges before the negotiations start, and the Japanese side is placed in the salon on the right wing of the original Liuguo Hotel side, and the Chinese side occupied the original restaurant location.

Entering the door, I saw Cao Rulin talking with Lu Zongyu, who had just stepped down as the ambassador to Japan half a year ago, and turned around when he heard the voice, and saw that Fang Zida was coming, and hurried forward to say hello.

"Brother Zhang Ming, what's your opinion on this peace talk?" Cao Rulin and Fang Zida walked aside and asked in a low voice after chatting casually for a while.

"Brother Runtian is the Minister of Foreign Affairs and the person in charge of the peace talks. Why do you need to ask me this question?" Fang Zida and Cao Rulin were old friends and replied immediately with a smile.

Cao Rulin shook his head with a wry smile: "Brother Zhang Ming still came to make fun of Brother Wei at this time. Although Brother Wei has the hat of Minister of Foreign Affairs on his head, don't Brother still know how the peace talks were brought about this time? Brother Zhang Ming Zhou Xuan, can these Japanese people sit at the negotiating table?"

"Hehe, Brother Runtian was joking." Fang Zida said a few words modestly, and then said: "I think Prime Minister Song has already talked to you when Brother Runtian took over the peace talks?"

"Yes." Cao Rulin nodded.

Fang Zida smiled and said: "Since Zheng Fu has made such a plan, Brother Runtian will do it freely. As the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Brother Runtian is a professional. It is inevitable to come forward to host the peace talks. Of course, if I need Zida's help during the period It is also obligatory, which is why Premier Song specially asked me to participate."

"Brother Zhangming's words, I have more confidence in my heart." Cao Rulin said with a smile. In fact, Cao Rulin, as the foreign minister, has far more experience in diplomatic negotiations than Fang Zida. The reason for saying these words is just to please It's just Fang Zida.In recent years, since China took back Qingdao, Cao Rulin has been promoted step by step from a senior cadre of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to the post of deputy minister and chief minister, and Fang Zida has contributed a lot in it.As a diplomat from the Beiyang family, Cao Rulin was also choosing who to join, especially since Yuan Shikai became seriously ill, and he slowly leaned towards Fang Zida's family.Today, his attitude expressed his intention even more tactfully. Of course Fang Zida could hear it, and also expressed his acceptance of Cao Rulin in this way.

The two continued to chat for a few words. At this time, the members of the Chinese peace talks gradually arrived, and Cao Rulin took Fang Zida around.Chatted with everyone for a while.

09:30 am.The Marine Corps guards sent by the US embassy in a neutral country knocked on the door to remind them that the time was up. Everyone put on their tuxedos immediately, and Cao Rulin led the group out.Follow Jingwei to the conference room on the second floor.

The conference room has been set up. The Chinese party enters the conference room by going up the stairs on the left and through the corridor, while the Japanese party is just the opposite. They enter from the right at the same time.

A long table is placed in a meeting room of nearly [-] square meters, and the two ends of the long table are the positions of the members of the peace talks between China and Japan.At the front and rear ends were mediation representatives from Britain, France, Tsarist Russia, and the United States.

Cao Rulin sat in the center as the person in charge of the Chinese side. Although Fang Zida was not a diplomat of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, but because his status was no lower than Cao Rulin's, he sat next to his left hand, and Cao Rulin's right hand was the former ambassador to Japan Lu Zongyu, he will be one of Cao Rulin's main assistants in this negotiation.

Flowers are placed on the long table, and small national flags are planted according to their respective positions.As soon as Fang Zida took his seat, he looked at the national flags of China and Japan in the middle, and immediately frowned.

I don't know whether it was the negligence of the people who arranged the venue or other reasons, but the flags of China and Japan that should be juxtaposed are actually slightly higher than the five-color flag of the Chinese government.Fang Zida immediately waved his hand behind him, and a member of his own team quickly asked Fang Zida what was the matter, Fang Zida immediately whispered something in his ear, the other party hesitated for a while, Fang Zida stared at him, making him nod repeatedly in fright.

at this time. The Japanese negotiators also came in, and before they could take their seats, they saw a member of the Chinese party suddenly running out and reaching for the shelf with the national flags of the two countries on the table. The five-color flag, then moved up a little and inserted it again.In this way, the Chinese flag, which is lower than the Japanese flag, appears to be higher than the Japanese flag.

"Baga!" Seeing this scene, the Japanese ambassador Ri Zhiyi's face suddenly turned cold.Tilting his head and curling his mouth, a second secretary of the embassy standing behind him hastily stepped forward and readjusted the position of the flag of Japan just like the Chinese did just now, until the flag of Japan was once again higher than the Chinese flag. At that time, all the negotiators on the Japanese side grinned with satisfaction.

But before they were happy for a few seconds, the Chinese side continued to adjust the position of the Chinese flag under Fang Zida's instruction, and regained a position higher than the Japanese flag. The secretary inserted it again without waiting for the Chinese personnel to retreat and pounce on it, but the Chinese personnel quickly continued to adjust in the original position. The two stared at each other and refused to give in to each other. It's full of dense holes.

Before the peace talks started, the two sides had such a quarrel, which stunned the diplomats from various countries present.In the end, the British ambassador Zhu Erdian came forward to say hello, and asked the staff to replace the base where the national flag could no longer be inserted, and replaced it with a new one. Only then did this matter stop.

The peace talks were hosted by the British ambassador Zhu Erdian. After the episode, Zhu Erdian opened with diplomatic words as the beginning of the negotiations.Then there will be direct contact between China and Japan, and the countries will only watch and attend as mediators for the time being.

"The government of the Republic of China treated the nationals of our Great Japanese Empire unfairly in Shangjing, Wujing, Fengtian and other places, was hostile to our Great Japanese Empire, and provoked this conflict. As a victim of the conflict, our Great Japanese Empire Under the pleas of all friendly countries, after discussions with the cabinet, in order to maintain world peace and Sino-Japanese relations, this empire is willing to conduct diplomatic negotiations on this military conflict..."

The negotiation officially began when the second secretary who planted the flag read out the statement.But just after reading this statement from the Japanese side, the Chinese negotiators went into an uproar. Everyone couldn’t believe their ears. These Japanese people are really shameless to the extreme, not only pushing all the responsibility for the war to China’s side , also raised a series of unreasonable demands.

"...The above are the conditions for our Great Japanese Empire to accept the end of this military conflict." A few minutes later, the other party read all the content, and then the second-class secretary closed the document in his hand, and handed it to him with both hands. Chinese side.

Cao Rulin has been studying in Japan for many years, but he has never seen such a shameless scene. With a livid face, he suppressed his anger and signaled the staff to take over the documents from Japan, and then subconsciously looked at Fang Zida beside him.

Fang Zida was not as annoyed as he imagined, instead, there was a playful smile on the corner of his mouth. Seeing Cao Rulin's eyes looking at him, he returned the look meaningfully, and Cao Rulin nodded immediately, telling Lu Zongyu to do the same. He took out a share and gave it to the staff of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to read it out immediately.

"Ri Ben Zheng Fu instructed its nationals and garrison troops to attack our civilians in Fengtian for no reason, causing a large number of civilian casualties and economic losses in Fengtian. Afterwards, the Republic of China protested to Ri Ben Zheng Fu through diplomatic channels and asked Ri Ben Zheng Fu to cooperate. The criminals were arrested and brought to justice, and compensated for the economic losses suffered, so as to prevent the situation from expanding. However, the Japanese government insisted on going its own way, not only ignoring it, but also mobilizing the Manchurian guards and ronin to block it, and even shooting and killing them in the street Our people and the police made the situation worse. Although our government and garrison tried their best to restrain themselves and negotiated with the Japanese government many times to solve the problem, the Japanese government not only failed to reach the cliff, but secretly mobilized the army to attack us. The shameless sneak attack on * Island caused a fierce exchange of fire between China and Japan. For this reason, the government of the Republic of China hereby declares..."

China and China faced each other with tit-for-tat, telling the ins and outs of the war one by one, with reasons and evidence, as well as official documents, telegrams, and photos at the time as evidence.These are much more real than the empty words of the Japanese.In the end, the Chinese side put forward a series of conditions just like Ri himself. After the reading was finished, the Chinese staff handed the document to the Ri side with both hands.

"As the plenipotentiary negotiator of our Great Japanese Empire, I protest against the slander of our Great Japanese Empire by the Republic of China!" The person in charge of the Japanese negotiations, Nishihara Kamezo, cleared his throat and said with a straight face.

"As the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of China and the person in charge of this negotiation, I also protest the Japanese government's inversion of what happened!" Before the other party's voice had just finished speaking, Cao Rulin immediately counterattacked, with the same serious expression.

"Baga! You Chinese don't have the sincerity to negotiate peace at all!" Ri Zhiyi stared, slapped the table and jumped up.

"I think it's because you ri are not sincere!" Lu Zongyu is not afraid of him, who wouldn't be able to pat the table?It was louder than him immediately.

"Don't you want to annoy our big Japanese empire? Don't forget that my big Japanese empire has [-] elites in Fengtian, and a powerful second fleet in Qingdao! I can let you Chinese people bear it anytime, anywhere Under the wrath of my Great Japanese Empire!"

"What a joke! So what about [-] elite soldiers? I don't know whose soldiers are eating bran and swallowing vegetables in Jiaodong. If our National Defense Forces hadn't been lenient, I'm afraid the tens of thousands of soldiers in Jiaodong in your country would have been murdered by swords. As for the Second Fleet …Hehe, it’s even more of a joke, if you can easily take Qingdao* Island, would you still be sitting here? Isn’t it? Japanese people.”

"Bastard! I want to fight you!"

"Duel, who is afraid of whom?"

Ri Zhiyi, Lu Zongyu, and the fighting cock glared at each other, with their sleeves rolled up, and it was almost like a hand-to-hand fight.The atmosphere was suddenly thick and abnormal, and the mediation representatives from various countries quickly came out to smooth things over when they saw that the situation was not right, and finally got the two sides to sit back.


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