Years of the Republic of China 1913

Volume 2, 9 Xiaolongyin Shocking Change Chapter 271 Throw it out

() Anglian's blunt and arrogant refusal made Fang Zida very angry. In fact, Fang Zida knew that this matter would not be easy, and he was ready to touch soft nails, but he still underestimated Anglian's respect for him Attitude, the other party is like a high-ranking king meeting a little subject who is insignificant to him, he does not listen carefully to his explanations and suggestions, and reveals arrogance and arrogance from his bones for no reason. Fang Zida's request was rejected in an extreme and blunt way.This kind of result made Fang Zida furious and felt the humiliation he had never experienced before. After he came to this era, it was the first time he met someone who treated him like this. Who did Anglian think he was?Does he still think of himself as one of those officials in the Manchu Qing Dynasty who would submissively and humbly smile when they saw foreigners?Or did he think that he had really become the overlord of the Chinese people, who would be dismissed from above?It's just ridiculous!

You are unkind, I am unrighteous, and Fang Zida, who was so angry, made up his mind that if he wanted to rectify the customs, he had to let Anglian go, so he quickly issued a few orders after returning to the office. He wanted to see what happened behind Anglian. Whether the British Empire, which relies on it, chooses itself or this proud Sir whose brain is full of feces.

Soon, Fang Zida, who was irritated, made Sir His Excellency's homeland feel his attitude.A few days later, the Allies received a notice from the Chinese government. The Chinese government stated that due to various reasons such as funds, supplies, and training of soldiers, the time to go to Europe to participate in the war would be postponed indefinitely, and because of the deterioration of the Chinese government’s financial situation, Many commercial contracts originally to the Allies will also be temporarily put on hold.These announcements shocked Britain and France, and hurriedly asked why such a decision was made through diplomatic channels. If this is the case, the idea of ​​breaking away from the Allied Powers and joining the Allied Powers will simply make things worse for the already battered Allied Powers.

When asked by all parties in the Allied Powers, the Chinese government pushed back and forth, doing Tai Chi back and forth.He kept talking about various diplomatic terms, but he didn't answer substantive questions at all.Although the Chinese government did not show any move to break away from the Allied Powers on the surface, this strange reaction made Britain and France uneasy. However, the pressure on the Allied Powers on the European battlefield is already enormous. If the Chinese stabbed in the back at this time, the war is likely to be lost.

For this reason, the upper echelons of Britain and France were very anxious, and instructed all parties to find out the truth of the Chinese reaction as soon as possible, and use the fastest speed to persuade the Chinese to change their minds, so as to fulfill their obligations as soon as possible.At the same time, in order to understand what was going on, they also entrusted the United States to ask what happened to the Chinese government and why they did this.

In the end, news spread quickly that the Allied Powers had worked hard to obtain the reasons for the change in attitude of the Chinese from other channels. When these materials were placed on the desks of the heads of state of Britain and France, they were suddenly angry and annoyed.

The reason is very simple. Due to the poor work of Sir Anglian, who is in charge of China's General Taxation Department, a large number of smuggling problems have occurred in China's customs, and it has greatly affected China's financial and social stability.In this regard, the Chinese Ministry of Finance and the General Taxation Department negotiated and proposed a joint anti-smuggling operation to improve the customs inspection system, but this reasonable request was firmly rejected by the arrogant Sir Anglian. For this reason, the Chinese government is extremely dissatisfied , Considering that Anglian was instructed by the Allied Powers to make this decision, this reaction came about.

"Anglian is a bastard! His job is to assist the Chinese government in managing the customs, not to control the Chinese customs to override the Chinese government. Doesn't he understand this? He is completely sympathetic to the Chinese government's request There are a hundred ways to cooperate without harming the interests of the mother country, but he has adopted the most radical method to anger the Chinese. It is a shame that such a guy can hold such an important position!"

This is the unanimous evaluation of Sir Anglian by Britain and France. If this happened before the war, perhaps the countries of the Allied Powers would endorse Anglian to show their international status and influence on China.But in the current situation, appeasing the Chinese is the most important thing. Such a fool who only cares about the immediate interests and cannot see the general situation sits in the position of the General Taxation Department, which has seriously damaged the interests of the Allies and is extremely unqualified Candidates.

After figuring out what was going on, the Allied Powers immediately attacked Anglian.Through diplomatic channels, Britain, France and even the United States tactfully expressed the du lixing support of the Chinese customs, and agreed with the Chinese government's incompetence against Sir Anglian, the chief tax officer, and acquiesced that the Chinese government could dismiss Anglian, in order to adjust the customs work, stabilize China's finances as soon as possible, hoping to continue to fulfill the obligations of the Allies.

When the news reached Fang Zida's hands, Fang Zida finally laughed. This item finally gave Anglian a "death sentence".Driven by huge interests, the Allied Powers abandoned Anglian. This result was expected by Fang Zida a long time ago. It was less than a week before Fang Zida negotiated with Anglian.

With the acquiescence of the three countries, the Chinese government quickly issued an order to dismiss the Chief Taxation Department Anglian, and proposed the former Chief Taxation Department Hurd's nephew, Jiang Customs Taxation Department Merlehe, to take up the post of Chief Taxation Department.The appointment and removal order was issued quickly. When he received the news, Anglian couldn't believe his eyes. He never expected that he would be dismissed by the Chinese government. He went to seek justice, but Song Jiaoren didn't even see him. After three hours of sitting outside the reception room of the Prime Minister's Mansion, Anglian, who hadn't eaten any water, angrily went to the British embassy again, but the same British embassy The ambassador also refused to meet with Anglian. This situation made Anglian as stupid as a thunderbolt. By this time, he still couldn't figure out what was going on?When the distraught Anglian returned to the General Taxation Department, he saw Fang Zida and Merlehe talking and laughing happily in his office.

"It's you! It must be you!"

Seeing Fang Zida, Anglian suddenly realized that this guy must be behind all this.Just because he rejected Fang Zida's request a few days ago, he did not expect that he would persuade the countries and get their support, and he was kicked out of this position.

"Mr. Sir, according to the appointment and dismissal order of Zheng Fu, Mr. Merle and Mr. He is now the Chief Taxation Department. Please sort out your personal belongings and complete the handover work within half an hour so that Mr. Merle and Mr. He can perform his duties."

Fang Zida turned his head and saw Anglian, and in a flat tone gave him an order to get out immediately. Anglian had never been so angry before, his face flushed red, and anger burst out of his eyes.

"Your appointment and dismissal are illegal! I am the Chief Taxation Officer! I am the Chief Taxation Officer! This is my office, get the hell out of here! Now! Immediately!"

Facing the furious Anglian, Fang Zida sneered coldly: "It seems that Mr. Jazz has lost his mind due to work pressure, Jing Wei, please get Mr. Jazz out!"

"No! You can't do this! I'm the chief tax officer! I'm the chief tax officer... This is my office... mine!"

The guards who had been waiting at the side for a long time heard the order and came up without saying a word, holding Anglian on the left and right, and dragged out. Anglian struggled desperately but to no avail. He watched helplessly as he was dragged out of the building and thrown onto the street. .

Perhaps, Sir Anglian was the only former Chief Taxation Officer in history who was kicked out of this place in such embarrassment. Fang Zida's tough tactics made other foreigners in the General Taxation Division terrified, but they were different from Anglian. From their point of view, this place is just a job with a good salary. Who made Anglian arrogant and confused about the situation, and thus ended up like this.

"I'm really sorry, Mr. Mel Lehe, for letting you see this scene during your tenure." After Anglian was dragged out like a dead dog, Fang Zida said apologetically to Mel Lehe who was beside him.

Merle smiled and said disapprovingly: "I don't agree with many of Jazz's actions. Although I have deep sympathy for his current situation, it's just sympathy. Thinking about doing that."


Fang Zida was taken aback for a moment and then laughed, and Mei Lehe laughed at the same time, and the two of them laughed like old friends in the office.

Fang Zida decided to choose Merlehe after consideration.As Hurd's nephew, Merle has inherited his uncle's character. At the same time, Merle is very aware of his position and responsibility, and is an excellent customs leader.As early as a year ago, when he served as the tax department of Tianjin, he put forward work proposals to follow the rules, and also asked the customs to cooperate with the government and strengthen the anti-smuggling efforts. These proposals were criticized and opposed by Anglian However, Merle, whose arm couldn't twist his thigh, could only temporarily dismiss the idea of ​​rectifying the customs, and at the same time was extremely dissatisfied with Anglian who suppressed him.

Anglian's resignation is a good thing for Mel Lehe, but he never expected that the Chinese government would choose himself to succeed the Chief Taxation Department. You must know that he is just a local taxation department. There are quite a few people who are at his level or even half a level higher than him. If it is based on seniority, it is simply not his turn.

It wasn't until after meeting Fang Zida that Me Lehe understood the reason why the Chinese government finally chose him. Before Anglian came back, he had a conversation with Fang Zida. During the exchange of ideas, he was pleasantly surprised to find that he and Fang Zida had similarities in many aspects. The common language made him have strong confidence in future cooperation. When Fang Zida threw Anglian out without hesitation, Merle and even felt a burst of joy in his heart, unconsciously getting close to Fang Zida Feel more layered.

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