() drove away the arrogant and ignorant Anglian, and promoted Merle and He from the position of the local tax department to the throne of the general tax department. In name, the Chinese customs are still controlled by foreigners, but in reality the Chinese government Fu has regained the autonomy of the customs. Except for Merle and the special request that the customs still maintain the current du lixing, the heads of the local taxation departments will be decided by the General Taxation Department and reported to the Chinese government. The Chinese government only has the right to make suggestions but not the right to make decisions. Must be submitted to the Directorate General of Taxation.As for other aspects, it will be dealt with by the General Tax Department and the Chinese government, especially the Ministry of Finance.

The smart and capable Merle knew very well that China, as a member of the Allied Powers, would lose control of the General Tax Department no matter whether it was on the side of the winner or the loser after this European war. The power of China's customs in [-] has fallen from the supreme emperor to the level of ordinary officials. Instead of being as ignorant as Anglian at that time, and finally being kicked out by the Chinese in disgrace, it is better to cooperate closely with the Chinese government from the beginning , in order to guarantee the rights in their own hands.

What's more, Merle, who was nurtured by his uncle Hurd since he was a child, is a very good and ambitious customs official. He knows very well that only in China, in the position of the Chief Taxation Department, can he realize his ideals, so that Do something.Therefore, when he formally took over the General Taxation Department, the first order was that the General Taxation Department and the Chinese Ministry of Finance jointly crack down on the existing smuggling phenomenon, and agreed that Fang Zida would send the central yang bank guards to reorganize into a taxation department. The police force cooperates with the customs and taxation departments of various places to carry out anti-smuggling work.

The split central yang bank guards.Half of it will become the newly established tax police force, and the other half will continue to exist as a guard force under the central bank and the Ministry of Finance.In this way, it can not only solve the manpower problem in the anti-smuggling aspect, but also just give Lu Jianzhang and Feng Yuxiang an explanation. After all, Fang Zida talked nonsense in front of them and fabricated a reason to reject Feng Yuxiang's transfer to the post of commander of the guard army. That's all, this The lie happened to be fulfilled, and the split of the Guards also quietly relieved the big bosses of the Ministry of Defense and the General Staff. After all, no one wants to see a strong army under the noses of the capital.The well-equipped troops are watching eagerly around them, and the active split of the guards made them feel that the pressure on their bodies has been greatly reduced, which is a result they are happy to see.

After the split, half of the guards were reorganized into the tax police force, known as the tax police corps.The name Fang Zida was borrowed from Song Dagong's inspiration, not to mention that the work that this army is targeting is indeed the same, so it is very appropriate to use it.

The tax police corps has the strength of an integrated brigade, and its subordinates are divided into eight detachments. Each detachment is composed of a reinforced battalion, and they are stationed in taxation departments in various places.Under the joint command of the Ministry of Finance and the General Taxation Department, cooperate with the Taxation Department and the Customs to carry out anti-smuggling.

To this end, Fang Zida also specially allocated several small patrol ships imported from the United States for his use.As an armed tool for anti-smuggling at sea.A month later, the entire tax police force arrived at the destination, and under Fang Zida's order, the anti-smuggling work was carried out very quickly.After half a month, the results have been outstanding. According to the data, in just the past ten days, the local customs have intercepted 104 million yuan of smuggled silver dollars, 270 million yuan of smuggled goods of various industrial and agricultural raw materials, and 489 million yuan of customs duties have been concealed and evaded.A total of 863 million yuan.

When the news of the successful anti-smuggling came, not only Fang Zida smiled, but even Mei Lehe was delighted from ear to ear.You must know that although the salaries of foreign officials in the General Taxation Department are very high, their main income is not here, but is retained and distributed based on the customs tax collection ratio. In modern terms, it is a commission.This time, a huge tariff of 863 million yuan was obtained, which was divided into the lowest proportion.Who would not be happy that the Chief Taxation Department has made a windfall of money from top to bottom?

In order to support Merle and, Fang Zida also generously offered the highest ratio.That is, 30% will be rewarded to the General Taxation Department.As a result, the Chief Taxation Department, who had been panicked by Anglian's resignation, was extremely excited. Even the taxation departments who were not convinced by Merle He's coming to power changed their attitudes and praised Merle He's management. ability, making the anti-smuggling work more smoothly.

Some people are happy while others are worried. While Fang Zida and Merle are gearing up to do their best, Japan has suffered heavy losses in the past half month. Under the temptation of riben zheng fu, the small and medium-sized businessmen who invested in the smuggling business lost all their money in a day. Facing this situation, riben zheng fu, who was caught off guard, hastily stopped the silver dollar smuggling activities aimed at China's upright silver dollar, and changed to Mass smuggling is a small-batch and multi-channel smuggling method.

However, Fang Zida had already made preparations. While the tax police team had achieved excellent results, Fang Zida, as the head of the Chinese Ministry of Finance and the president of Zhongyang Bank, jointly issued a financial decree with the General Taxation Department. Rampant, the Chinese Ministry of Finance, Zhongyang Bank, and the General Taxation Department of the Customs will restrict people who carry cash out of the country. According to calculations, the silver dollar cash carried by each person out of the country shall not exceed 100 yuan in a single time, and the total amount of outbound exports each year shall not exceed 750 yuan. If there is an excess amount, the foreign exchange can be exchanged through the subordinate banking institutions and then exported in the form of bank notes or transfers.

This order is tantamount to sealing off the Japanese abacus at once, and the Japanese are furious, but in view of the current situation, there is nothing they can do about the Chinese government.For a while, the smuggling of silver dollars was greatly reduced, and the customs tax rate also increased significantly. Fang Zida's anti-smuggling activities achieved great success.

At the same time, in a dark and damp cabin in the countryside on the outskirts of Geneva, Switzerland, a middle-aged man with semi-bald hair and frowned eyebrows, holding dry black bread, is having a party Looking intently at the broken world map on the table, he fell into deep thought: What is the country's next development strategy?How will the international format develop?How to handle international relations?How to face the immediate European war, how to fight against the domestic opposition, how to deal with the current complicated and bad national problems?He needs to think about each problem and make a choice...

At this moment, there was a loud knock on the door, and someone outside the door shouted: "Ilyich! Open the door! It's me!"

The middle-aged man put the half-eaten black bread back on the plate, got up hastily and opened the door.

"Grimlen, my friend, why are you here? Welcome, welcome!"

"Dear Ilyich, I haven't seen you for some days. How are you doing?" Opening the door, the two old friends embraced very warmly, exchanged some greetings, and before they entered the room, Grimlen Seeing the black bread Ilyich put on the table, he couldn't help but blame him: "My old friend, why do you just eat this?"

"It's good to have this, I'm very sorry, please drink some water first, I have to continue my dinner." Smiling and beckoning the other party to sit down, Ilich poured a glass of water for the guest, continued to pick up the black bread and started to eat .

Seeing his old friend's expression of indifference, Grimlen smiled helplessly, drank water and waited quietly for the other party to finish his meal.

Gobbling a few mouthfuls of the black bread, Ilich patted off the bread crumbs on his hands, and asked with a smile, "Gefeng!" Grimlen replied with a smile. something on the table: "Look, what is this."

"Boat ticket?" Ilyich picked it up and saw that it was a second-class boat ticket from Scandinavia to Russia. He was surprised and delighted and asked, "Grimlen, did it happen earlier?" That thing you said...?"

"Yes, His Majesty Kaiser Wilhelm has made a decision. His Majesty agrees to sponsor you to return to China to participate in politics as soon as possible." Grimlen nodded, then took an envelope from his pocket and handed it to the other party: "Here is fifty thousand Your Majesty personally sponsored you for Mark's activities, and the itinerary has been properly arranged to ensure your safe return to China, and you can start tomorrow."

"Great! This is really great!" Ilyich blushed with excitement, thanked the other party repeatedly after taking it with both hands, and sincerely asked the other party to convey the heartfelt and sincere greetings from His Majesty Kaiser Wilhelm himself, and said that Germany will be the future Russia's best ally, as long as he can return to his motherland, he will definitely coexist peacefully with the great Germany after taking power, and the two countries will definitely become the most solid and reliable alliance, thus creating a new world situation.

"Please don't forget Ilyich, and our social ministries." Grimlen reminded with a smile.

"Of course, your Socialist Minzhu Party is also the most loyal and reliable ally of the Bolshevik Party, especially the Socialist Minzhu Party comrades in Switzerland and Sweden. I will always remember your selfless help. On behalf of the Bolshevik Party and the Russian people, I thank you Your help." Ilyich said sincerely, holding each other's hands tightly.

Grimlen went on to explain tomorrow's arrangements and time in detail, and when everything was explained, he sat for a while before getting up and leaving.Ilich personally saw the other party out, and watched Grimlen go away before he returned to the house, closed the door, looked down at the ticket in his hand and the large envelope containing the funds, and his mood may not be calm.

After a while, he adjusted his mood, carefully put these two things into his luggage, and continued to sit back at the table facing the world map. His strong belief made him enter into the next thought with passion. ()

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