Before the start of the war, the Chinese government made some disclosures about the Soviet brutality, including the testimony of the Russians who fled to the Far East and some political situations.Although this incident caused great shock internationally, no one expected that just a few days after the Sino-Soviet war officially started, a major event that shocked and even angered the world broke out.

The discovery of the Krasnoyarks labor camp completely exposed the true face of the Soviets.More than 8 people died in one labor camp alone. Rescued victims of severe malnutrition, physical disabilities, and mental disorders abound. There are terrified faces, eerie interrogation rooms, medical rooms, and bones. The mass graves that were piled up... These suddenly ignited the anger of the whole world.

Faced with these irrefutable evidences, the spokesperson of the United States Relief Administration announced angrily at the press conference that since then, there will never be a grain of food, a drop of milk, or a piece of cotton clothing for humanitarian assistance to the Soviet government, not only that However, the General Relief Administration will do its best to recover the large amount of supplies previously assisted by Soviet Russia.

In the end, the spokesperson blamed himself with tears, claiming that due to being deceived by the Soviet, kind people mistakenly helped others. They thought they were helping the victims of disasters, but in the end their good intentions turned into bloody victims. And the executioner who treats the people cruelly.Especially when he learned that the Soviets had almost massacred religious people in the labor camps, this devout Christian couldn't restrain his inner torture and wept bitterly on the spot.

Immediately after the U.S. Relief Administration, non-governmental charitable organizations in various countries have also issued similar statements, stopping further humanitarian assistance to the Soviet Union.Moreover, there was a whirlwind of resistance to the Soviets from the civil society to the political circles. Members of some democratic countries rushed to ask the government to respond to the Krasnoyarks labor camp as soon as possible, and jointly declared war on the Soviets with the Chinese and Russian orthodox governments. .To completely wipe this evil regime from the world.

In China, the Krasnoyarks labor camp incident also caused a major earthquake.People who have seen the photos and materials can't believe that such inhuman things still happen in modern society.Some democrats who were critical of the central government’s excessive trial of the cloth faction’s riots in China are now silent. Facing the bloody reality, many people are beginning to thank the Chinese government for its decisiveness and resoluteness in this incident. Voices critical of the government disappeared overnight, replaced by hatred and fear of the Soviets and Bolshevism.

After the disclosure of the Krasnoyarks labor camp incident.Domestic voices against the war were completely replaced by voices calling for the elimination of the Soviets as soon as possible. According to Fang Zida’s investigation by the Security Bureau and the Propaganda Department, the proportion of citizens supporting the government’s war has risen sharply from the initial 60% to 93%. This phenomenon made Fang Zida more determined. The victory of this war will definitely belong to China.

The incident in the Krasnoyarks labor camp became more and more troublesome, and according to the information obtained, there are still many such labor camps in the Soviet Union all over the country, some of which are even larger than the Krasnoyarks labor camp.It can be seen from this that the number of victims who were brutally murdered may have exceeded one million. If we add the executions at the beginning of the revolution and the successive purges of the party.This number is even more astonishing.

The occupation of Krasnoyarks by the Chinese army not only represents that the Chinese have completely opened up the road deep into the hinterland of Russia, but at the same time, after the fall of Krasnoyarks, the Chinese National Defense Forces attacked Krasnoyarks at an extremely fast speed. In the rear of Yarks, because in the Battle of Krasnoyarks, the Soviet Red Army almost exhausted its troops in the rear in order to defend the city, and the reinforcements from the West had not yet arrived. Novosibirsk as the hub.Fast forward along the railway and successfully captured Qiumen.As a result, one of the important materials needed for the war-oil was obtained. [

Based on Krasnoyarks, the Chinese National Defense Forces can advance, attack, retreat, or defend, and along the northern and eastern lines of Krasnoyarks, they have completely controlled most of the Siberian Railway.This result terrified the Frunze Front, which was fighting the Far East government.Once the Chinese army continued to move northward, their reason for retreating would be completely cut off. As an excellent commander, Frunze would never sit back and die like this.When the official news of the fall of Krasnoyarks reached Frunze.On the one hand, Frunze sent a report to Moscow, requesting Stalin to mobilize troops to reinforce the rear as soon as possible. On the other hand, Frunze decisively issued an order for the entire army to retreat, trying to get rid of contact with the Russian Far East government forces as quickly as possible.

Stalin did not expect the Battle of Krasnoyarks to come so soon, and the Chinese caught him by surprise again at an unexpected speed.and.In addition to the Krasnoyarks area, another group of Chinese troops also continued to advance at an extremely fast speed, rushing to the vicinity of Orenburg in a blink of an eye, and the two troops formed a trend of going east and west side by side.

The situation is already extremely serious for the Soviet. Now less than a month before the official start of the war, the Soviet has lost a large area of ​​land and lost a large number of troops.Moreover, because of the Krasnoyarks labor camp incident, the Soviets faced unprecedented isolation internationally. Some European countries, especially Poland and other countries, were almost overwhelmed by the westward expansion of the Soviets. Now, as Moscow mobilizes a large number of troops to Belarus and Ukraine to reinforce the southeastern battlefield, the pressure on them has also eased.Moreover, with the Krasnoyarks labor camp incident and the Chinese army's long drive, these countries have also begun to join forces in private, trying to take this opportunity to shed their hatred, declare war on the Soviets at the right time, retake the occupied land, and even He bit off a piece of flesh and blood on Soviet body.

Stalin was devastated. Although the international isolation made him angry, the key was the Chinese attack and domestic instability.Although the Soviet has a set of means to control public opinion, such a big event will still be known to the people.As time went by, gossip about the labor camp spread everywhere, and even the citizens of Moscow were quietly talking about the inside story of the labor camp.Although Stalin ordered Dzerzhinsky to capture many people, labeled them as counter-revolutionaries and traitors and shot them, the more this was the case, the more he couldn't stop Yoyo's mouth. A word about the labor camps.But in private, such topics are still quietly circulating.

In order to reverse the situation, Stalin stepped up his mobilization.While constantly mobilizing troops to ensure the stability of the southeast front, they also tried to get Frunze's front army out as soon as possible.In addition, Stalin formed new troops in the name of the Chairman of the Supreme Soviet and the Chairman of the Soviet Military Revolutionary Committee to meet the needs of the war.As for the amount of new troops.Stalin decided to form 100 million first, and if it was not enough, then add another 100 million. Anyway, the Soviets have plenty of people, and no matter how powerful the Chinese are, they are only a few hundred thousand troops.

From the war to now, the situation in China has gradually become clear. The Chinese have such a strong attack power and maneuverability that they rely entirely on their newly formed armored forces and air force.Stalin is no stranger to tanks. This weapon was first used by the British on the battlefield as early as the European War.In fact, the Soviets are also developing the use of tanks on the battlefield, but due to technical and various reasons, their research has just begun.

As for aircraft, aircraft on the European battlefield have already shown their talents. Although the Soviets did not form a formal air force like the Chinese, they also had a small-scale aircraft force.After learning the real situation in China, Stalin decisively ordered to step up the research on tanks and aircraft, and strive to form the armored forces and air force of the Soviet Red Army in the shortest possible time.

This order caused a headache for the Soviet military engineers.It takes a very long time for a new weapon to be researched, formed, and equipped with troops.Stalin's order was simply impossible to complete. No matter how powerful they were, they could not build finalized weapons and equip troops in such a short period of time.

but.There is always a way when people are in a hurry.These engineers gave full play to their ingenuity under the threat of Stalin sharpening their knives. Before they could do it step by step, they used various local methods to launch them. A tank with a large caliber cannon just came out of the cage.

As for the plane.That's easier.Drag a few old planes over, replace them with more powerful engines, enlarge the planes, install machine guns with stronger firepower, and after a bit of tinkering, they become new types of fighter jets and bombers.

Of course.As for whether these new weapons are really useful, I am afraid that even the engineers who made them cannot guarantee.But at least the tank was able to run and fire at the target.The plane can also fly, and it can straf and throw (a small bomb of 10 kg) is enough.As long as you fool Stalin first and save your own life, as for the future?Who cares about his future!

Stalin was overjoyed when he heard that the Soviet tanks and aircraft had been successfully developed at the fastest speed. In order to boost morale and give the people the confidence to win the war, Stalin decided to hold a military parade in Moscow's Red Square.

A few days later, the military parade started, and the Guards Division of three full divisions participated in the military parade. When the mighty and majestic soldiers lined up and walked in front, they won cheers from the crowd of onlookers.After the infantry, came the artillery and cavalry. After these troops passed by, everyone was surprised to find a group of grotesque steel lumps forming a formation, emitting thick black smoke, creaking and appearing.

"This is the armored unit of our great Red Army! Comrades! Do you see the thick barrels? They are powerful enough to penetrate three enemy tanks with just one shot. The appearance of the armored units of the Red Army marks the end of the reactionaries. Come, under the leadership of Comrade Stalin, all imperialism will be completely wiped out...."

In the loudspeaker, a male voice explained impassionedly, and everyone applauded excitedly.Under everyone's watchful eyes, the group of iron bumps rumbled forward at an extremely slow speed, and a few tanks were panting like old scalpers pulling carts in the middle of the road, and they were almost killed on the spot. I couldn't run anymore, and the engineers' palms were sweating coldly. [

When these iron bumps were about to pass away, there was a buzzing sound in the sky.Everyone subconsciously looked up to the sky, and at this time the male voice who served as the commentator shouted excitedly in the loudspeaker: "Look! This is our plane! Our air force! With the establishment of the Soviet Air Force, the enemy is The superiority in the air will be gone, and the heroic pilots of these planes will soon go to the front to fight against the enemy's air force. Let us hail them! Long live my dear Comrade Stalin! Long live my dear Air Force pilots! !"

A dozen planes lined up and flew through the sky.A few minutes later, more than a dozen planes flew over everyone's heads again in the same way, and then a dozen more planes...

Everyone who watched this majestic scene was overwhelmed. Many people who didn't know the truth felt that our air force is also very powerful. There are so many and such a large aircraft. It seems that the victory of this war still belongs to the Soviets.Only a few people felt a little strange, because not only the formation of the planes flying past was exactly the same, but the appearance of the planes was also the same.In fact, they were not mistaken. Stalin could only produce a dozen or so planes. In order to give everyone confidence, he deliberately asked the officer in charge of the flight to circle the Red Square repeatedly to create the illusion of a powerful Red Army Air Force.

When the military parade was about to end smoothly, no one thought that something went wrong.Perhaps it was because the plane flew back and forth too much, and the design of the plane was not good enough. One plane suddenly lost control and fell into the distance.

With everyone stunned, the plane fell down several kilometers away like a bird with its wings broken. With a loud noise, flames and thick smoke rose from the place where it crashed. This accident shocked everyone. Everyone's jaws dropped, and they were all dumbfounded all of a sudden.

On the second day, the Soviet propaganda machine: newspapers, radio, etc., vigorously publicized the complete success of the military parade, and the words of praise were piled up desperately, but no one mentioned the plane crash.And a few days later, the Central Red Flag Newspaper published an article, which wrote that the Chinese Air Force took advantage of the Soviet military parade to quietly send a reconnaissance plane to confuse the Red Army's flight team to conduct ground reconnaissance on Moscow.Thanks to Comrade Stalin's keen eyes, he saw the problem at a glance. When the enemy's plane flew to a certain angle, Comrade Stalin calmly took the rifle from the guards around him, raised the gun and fired, and shot immediately. Shot this plane down....

With the propaganda of the Red Flag newspaper, the deeds of Comrade Stalin's rifle shooting an airplane gradually spread, and then the Soviet Central Committee specially printed a booklet on how to use a rifle shooting an airplane and distributed it to all party members and masses, so that everyone can learn from Comrade Stalin He has gained valuable experience and practiced the kung fu of flying a plane well. As soon as the enemy's air force comes in, it will be submerged under the rifles of the masses like a vast ocean.

For a while, "How to Fly a Plane", "How to Fly a Plane Well", "What should I pay attention to when flying a plane?" "... There are more and more pamphlets like this, which actually triggered a wave of people in the Soviet Union learning to masturbate.

(It’s very cool to write today, everyone votes enthusiastically!) (To be continued...)

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