Frunze was a little embarrassed. After the Chinese National Defense Forces launched an attack on the Soviet, the Frunze Front Army and Moscow, which were confronting the Far East government forces, got the news at about the same time.However, although Frunze was a little surprised by the results the Chinese had achieved at the beginning of the war, he didn't take it too seriously.

After all, the Chinese caught the Soviet by surprise. From this point of view, if the commander of the Chinese National Defense Force was Frunze, he could also achieve such results.But don’t forget that the victory of a war is not determined by the victory of one or two battles. What’s more, the Soviet Union is a large country with a vast territory and a large population. The lost territory and lost troops have not yet reached the point where the bones are broken as a whole.Relying on the depth of the vast territory, coupled with a steady stream of war potential, Frunze firmly believed that the final victory belonged to the Soviets.

At the beginning of the war, there were many generals in the Soviet Union who had the same views as Frunze, and almost no one thought that the Chinese's initial victory could last forever.As long as the Soviet reacts and mobilizes a strong force, it will be a matter of time before the Chinese are defeated.Don't you see the precedent of Napoleon's galloping in Europe and his final fiasco in Russia?Therefore, Frunze on the front line only paid attention to the Chinese attack and continued to devote most of his energy to fighting the Far East government army. After all, the opponent he faced was the Far East puppet government. As for the Chinese side, they would naturally There is wise Comrade Stalin to solve it.

But who would have thought that the world was changing so fast, just as Furongzhi was planning this big battle, preparing to eliminate the Far East government forces in front of him in one fell swoop, and then drive straight to the Far East and attack China's territory from behind, bad news came one after another. One after another.

The defeat at the Battle of Krasnoyarks.Novosibirsk was occupied by the Chinese, followed by Tyumen and Orenburg....Only one month after the start of the war, the Soviet lost a large area of ​​territory and hundreds of thousands of troops. Especially after the defeat of the Battle of Krasnoyarks, the Chinese occupied the hub of the Siberian Railway. If Gute retreated in a line.His front army's retreat will be completely cut off, and the enemy will be attacked from both sides. The result can be imagined.

After the news of the battle of Krasnoyarks came, Frunze turned pale with fright, and immediately called to stop the battle that was almost ready, and began to gather troops to organize the withdrawal.But at this time, the Russian Far East government army, which had been regulated by Frunze, began to jump up and down like chicken blood, and frequently took the initiative to attack. It could be seen that they were trying to entangle Frunze and prevent him from retreating smoothly. .Delay time, so as to achieve the goal of the squadron to completely cut off the retreat of Frunze's front army, and then advance east and west, and wipe them out in one go.

Of course, Frunze could see the enemy's intentions. For the safety of the large army, he decisively deployed three infantry divisions in the east to block the attack of the Far East government forces.At the same time, the speed of retreat was stepped up, and Frunze even ordered other than the necessary military supplies in order to leave the battlefield as soon as possible.The rest of the various material reserves, including the order to burn all the hoarded grain.

The day the official evacuation order was issued.Frunze's more than 40 troops began to retreat except for the three infantry divisions that served as the rear.It was not enough for so many people to retreat all at once by trains. In order to ensure the speed of the troops, Frunze also ordered to collect all the vehicles in the surrounding area, and even the peasants' ox carts and horse carts were taken back for military use.Of course, this measure was opposed by a large number of local people, and even caused a small group of riots.but.How can unarmed ordinary people be opponents of the Red Army armed to the teeth?As long as resistance was encountered during the requisition period, the various departments of the Red Army would suppress it without hesitation. Countless souls died at the gunpoint of the Red Army for a while, and some troops even took this opportunity to burn, kill, loot, and do everything.There was a lot of public grievances.

In Frunze's eyes, this is just a trivial matter.On the battlefield, he can use any means to achieve his goal, just like taking human life to train soldiers before, each life is just a number in his eyes.

But even so, the retreat of Frunze's front army was not very smooth.On the one hand, the Far East government forces continued to attack. Although Frunze arranged for the troops to be used as cannon fodder, the morale of the Far East government troops was high and their combat effectiveness soared. But the drop in morale was palpable.Under the opponent's attack, they retreated steadily and were defeated. For this reason, Frunze could only add two more infantry divisions for reinforcements to ensure the safety of the large troops.

Secondly, although the retreat of more than 40 troops has trains and various vehicles collected, it is still far from meeting the needs.Almost half of the troops could only travel on their own feet. Not to mention the hardships along the way, they encountered harassment from small groups of Far Eastern government troops from the north and south from time to time, which even affected their retreat speed.

"Comrade Commander! The train is ready, please get on the train as soon as possible!" At the railway station, Frunze stood on the platform, surrounded by heavily armed guards, and the carriages behind were full of chaotic heads. Endless fighters scrambled to climb up the carriage.The carriage was already full of people, and even the doors could not be closed, but there were still many fighters who tried their best to squeeze forward in order to get out of here early and withdrew to the rear. They were firmly tied to the roof of the car, and others hung on the sides by holding on to the protrusions outside the car...

The compartment prepared for Frunze and some senior officers and political commissars was the first section. This place had been completely sealed off by the guards, and ordinary soldiers could not get through at all.Looking at the scene behind, Furongzhi turned around without saying anything.

"How is the situation in Surgut? Where have the Chinese fought?"

"Surgut has been bombed by the Chinese Air Force since yesterday, but no Chinese ground troops have appeared. According to estimates, the smooth flow of the railway in Surgut can be guaranteed at least in the next few days, but... "A major general replied.

"How many of our troops have withdrawn to Surgut?" Frunze asked, frowning.

"If you add the last train, there should be about 6 troops arriving."

Hearing this number, Furongzhi looked sad. 6 people may sound like a lot, but it is not even one-sixth of the front army of more than 40.Follow this pace.It will take half a month to bring all the troops back, but can the Chinese and the Far East puppet government give him so much time?Frunze didn't have a clue in his heart.

"How is the blocking team doing?"

"Report to Comrade Commander, the comrades in the army fought very tenaciously, and they fully carried forward the spirit of revolutionism. Under the call of Comrade Stalin, comrades..."

"I don't want to listen to such nonsense! Tell the truth!" Frunze interrupted the other party's eloquence in displeasure.The other party swallowed secretly, lowered his head and replied in a low voice: "There are a lot of casualties, the enemy's attack is very fierce, two division commanders have already died in battle, and the five divisions tasked with the task are now almost half lost... .”

"Where is their position? Is the position still in our hands?"

"The position is still there, Comrade Commander, and it is absolutely impossible for the troops to retreat without your order."

Feeling a little more at ease, Frunze said: "Send a report to the commanders and tell them that they must be firmly nailed to me, and they are not allowed to retreat a single step. They must stick to it for more than [-] days. As long as they stick to it for [-] days, they are the Soviets." hero!"

"Yes! Comrade Commander, stick to it for fifteen days! I'll arrange for the dispatch of the report right away."

At this time, the locomotive whistle sounded, and it was time to drive. Frunze looked back again, and then led the generals straight into the carriage.

A great retreat and great pursuit began in Central and Western Siberia.With the official dispatch of Chinese troops, Russia's orthodox government, which has experienced several years of civil war, finally sees the dawn of revival.The Baron, who served as the commander-in-chief of the front line, began preparations after receiving the news that China had officially entered the war.When Frunze's troops retreated, he began his offensive tactics of beating the dogs in the water.

Reinforced by the original dispatched troops, and after the baptism of war, the Far East government army has become its own friendly army. The strength of the Far East government army has greatly increased. Facing the five Red Army divisions serving as interceptors, the baron has continued to send small groups of troops to sneak into the enemy's rear to harass. , Intercept, to hold back Frunze's footsteps.

in this case.The baron did not rush forward, but launched tactics for the purpose of mass killing and delaying time.Because he knew very well that as long as he held off Frunze's troops and waited to meet with the Chinese National Defense Forces, he only needed to cut off the opponent's retreat.These enemies face the result of total annihilation.So at this time, he doesn't need to consume too much troops, and victory will come soon.

When Frunze retreated, a place thousands of miles away on the outskirts of Krasnoyarks was originally a garrison barracks in Krasnoyarks. After the two reorganized divisions searched for the remnants of the Red Army, when all the enemies were cleared and the city returned to calm, most of the troops of the Chinese National Defense Force withdrew from the city, except for a regiment of troops plus military police.As for the original barracks of the Red Army, they were basically converted into prisoner-of-war camps. As for the other barracks, including here, after discussion by the group army, it was decided to temporarily house the released prisoners in the labor camp. It is no longer appropriate for these people to stay in the terrible labor camp. With the exposure of the labor camp, journalists from all over the world rushed to come like flies smelling of meat, trying to get valuable reports as soon as possible.

This military camp, which was converted into a shelter, housed nearly half of the released prisoners. Because these people suffered from long-term malnutrition and suffered from injuries and illnesses, the Chinese government specially set up hospitals and other facilities for them in the shelter, and allocated A large amount of food, medicine and other materials.

"Milk! Bread!"

With a shout, the reform-through-labor prisoners who were resting in the barracks walked out of the room in surprise, and lined up in order to receive the food.After more than ten minutes, the first batch of people who received them returned to the barracks one after another. An old man in his 60s with a gray beard returned to the house with the food he received. He walked to the innermost bed, A young man was lying on that bed. The young man was wrapped in gauze and looked very injured.

"My child, this is your portion." The old man approached, put half of the food gently on the head of his bed, then sat on the edge of the bed and took his hand and sighed: "Poor child, God did not abandon us, all Damn the Soviets! Damn the revolution! Damn Stalin! Damn the Red Army, these devils should go to hell...!"

At this time, the young man opened his eyes, looked at the kind old man with bewildered and complicated eyes, gnashing his teeth and cursing, feeling all sorts of feelings in his heart.And this young man was none other than Zhukov who had been imprisoned before. Fortunately, he did not die in the bombing, but was seriously injured by the guards, and was later arrested by the prisoner who had not had time to be sent to the labor camp on the spot. placed here. (to be continued..)

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