The Red War God of Anti-Japanese War

Chapter 407 History worth pondering

Chapter 407 History worth pondering

Three days later, Moscow received a reply from US President Roosevelt.

"Dear Marshal Sling: On behalf of the U.S. government and in my own name, I express my deep sympathy for your country. At present, the United States is also suffering from Japanese fascist aggression. The task of fighting fascism in the free world is very difficult. We cannot offend another Chinese friend because of a Russian friend from the Soviet Union. It is really difficult for us to intervene in the fight between the two friends. Of course, the US government will continue to assist the Soviet Union as always. Sincerely, I wish you Spring!"

The signature of this text message is: "Your friend, Franklin Roosevelt."

"Roosevelt son of a bitch! Look at Molotov, this is the evil capitalism!" After reading the letter, Stalin cursed bitterly and threw the letter to Molotov, chairman of the People's Committee for Foreign Affairs husband.

"Dear Comrade Sdling, it is not worth being angry for the United States." Molotov said after taking the letter.

In fact, Molotov, a diplomatic professional, already had the answer to how the United States would respond.It is really strange that the United States would declare war on China because of Soviet Russia!If the United States is fighting Japan, the United States is now in a tight position because of its national power, which does not mean that it will continue to do so in the future; however, if the United States chooses to be hostile to China, then, with China's strong manpower and material support, the United States will really Difficult.Even if the United States can win the war in the end, it can only be a miserable victory.

"Uh, Comrade Molotov, tell me, what should we do?" Sterling thought for a while, and it really wasn't worth being angry because of the United States.

"As for the reply from the United States, I suggest convening a meeting of the Politburo." Molotov thought for a while, but did not accept the move.

Regarding China, Molotov has also done in-depth research in recent years. In his opinion, China is no longer the former Wu Xia Amon, but the national policy of Soviet Russia, or Comrade Stalin is not willing to change the attitude towards China. Chinese stereotypes.If Comrade Stalin could follow Comrade Lenin's suggestion and return to China the territory ceded by Tsarist Russia from China, wouldn't there be no such war?Not only is there no such war, Soviet Russia can also receive military assistance from China.

"If we re-negotiate with China now and promise to return the ceded land to China, I don't know what will happen?" Molotov suddenly had a bold idea.

Sure enough, at the meeting of the Politburo, someone actually proposed the same idea as Molotov. It seems that he is not the only one who can think of this trick.

Of course, there are also people who say the opposite, saying that the hateful Asian yellow-skinned monkeys dare to invade the great Soviet Russia, and must be dealt with severely, so that the yellow-skinned monkeys realize the power of the great Soviet Russia, and resolutely do not start negotiations with China. , might as well negotiate with Germany.

Sdling certainly understood the impossibility of negotiating with Germany, but he actually agreed with China's idea of ​​negotiating. Sdling also said, "Comrades, China has become a military power, and we must re-correct our views on China; if Possibly, we should live in peace with China! Since China wants their land, give it to them.”

However, when the Soviet Union passed their diplomatic wishes to the Chinese ambassador to the United States through the U.S. government, China simply ignored them. Lin has the final say.


The Battle of Hailanpao was anticlimactic and could only be counted as "half" of the battle.In the early morning of the next day, the supreme commander of the Soviet army and the commanders of the divisions used their guards to arrest all the Soviet officers who still wanted to resist, and then marched out of the city as a whole to disarm the Chinese army.

And when these Soviet soldiers arrived at the prisoner-of-war camp, they received a warm reception. The hot rice, the famous pork stewed vermicelli, and tomato and egg soup made the Soviet soldiers feel like they had entered heaven.Although the treatment of the soldiers of the Soviet army is still very good, after all, if Sdling wants them to work for them, they have to pay some money, but compared with the Chinese National Defense Army, it is really far behind.

However, this is not the way the Chinese National Defense Forces captured. Japanese prisoners did not enjoy such a good life back then.It is entirely in the opinion of the Free Russian Army that Soviet soldiers can enjoy this kind of life, and the required expenses are also borne by the commander-in-chief of the Free Russian Army Tolstoy.It is impossible for China to treat its enemies so well. There are still many civilians in the country who can only eat meat once a month and are still in poverty.

And where does the Free Russian Army get its money from? It is impossible to support such a huge army by relying on the Russian nobles in exile, so they have to borrow from the Chinese government.Of course, you can borrow, but you have to pay back what you borrow.What is Comrade Tolstoy going to give in return?Hao Yong gave him an idea, after the restoration of the country, he can return it with Russian minerals!

Although Hao Yong is an intelligent robot, he is very proficient in human nature and calculation.As long as he boarded his thief ship, there was only one way to go to the dark.

At this time, the Free Russian Army is still training and expanding. In the combat of the Chinese army, Wu Aihua will not use the Free Russian Army to fight, so as not to be unclear when he gets it.After this legion is fully completed, it will directly fight on the European territory of Soviet Russia to the west and north of Aktobe. If they want the land, they have to take it back by themselves.


The early end of the Hailanpao battle made Wu Aihua feel a little worried.Although the National Defense Forces are strong, and they fought against the Soviet army in Central Asia Tielek two years ago, after all, the Chinese army was at home in that battle, and it is reasonable to win easily and beautifully.But this time, the Chinese army is going abroad, even for the first time in 200 years. It is quite a test of the strength of the Chinese National Defense Force.

Fortunately, the resistance of the Soviet army was also expected, the command of the Chinese army did not make any mistakes, and the performance of other troops was also remarkable.

If it is said that in the Battle of Hailanpao, the National Defense Forces adopted a "hard take" and head-to-head tactics, then in the Battle of Khabarovsk, the Chinese army adopted a "sideways detour" (Kabali is the Soviet Russian The station of the Far East Military Region, the previous text was written as Vladivostok is incorrect).

Khabarovsk, also known as Khabarovsk in Russian, is located on the east bank of the confluence of Heilongjiang and Ussuri River.Khabarovsk is a Chinese territory and an important military town.The Tang Dynasty set up Boli Prefecture here, the Liao Dynasty was the resident of the Cai Ali Department, one of the five kingdoms, the Jin was the jurisdiction of the Huligai Road, the Yuan was the Shui Dada Road, and the Ming Dynasty was the Nuer Gandu Si Xishen Weizhi.At the beginning of the Qing Dynasty, it was under the jurisdiction of Ningguta Angbang Zhangjing (general manager), and then it was placed under the jurisdiction of the deputy capital of the three surnames, and then under the jurisdiction of General Jilin. In 1858 (the eighth year of Xianfeng in the Qing Dynasty), the Tsarist Russian invading army invaded Khabarovsk and established a military post. It was named "Khabarovka" after Khabarov, the leader of Tsarist Russia's invasion of Heilongjiang in the 17th century, and was renamed "Khabarovka" in 1893. Vsk".

The Khabarovsk area was the earliest home of the Daur tribe in China. It is rich in aquatic products and is famous for its specialties such as salmon and sturgeon.With the arrival of immigrants from the Guanzhong in the middle and late Qing Dynasty, Shandong people built a small fishing port here. The local people commonly call it "Boli Village", and the official name is "Boli".Khabarovsk guards the mouth of the two rivers, and its geographical location is very superior. It can reach the Sea of ​​Japan by land to the south, and the Sea of ​​Okhotsk by water to the east. If it controls this place, it will control the Far East. Tsarist Russia has coveted Khabarovsk and its surrounding areas for a long time.

After occupying Heilongjiang, Tsarist Russia's aggression intensified.As soon as Muraviyov and Yixin signed the Treaty of Aigun, they led the Amur Cossacks to build houses, monasteries, churches, and immigrants on the right bank of the Ussuri River, Tulemi Mountain and other places, and set up forts and fortresses. gun.At the same time, the place was named Khabarovka after Khabarov, who was renamed from Khabarovsk. In the spring of 1859, Muraviyov continued to actively implement the policy of armed immigration east of the Ussuri River, and without authorization established the villages of Bushe, Upper Mikhailov, Lower Mikhailov, Earl Village, Prince Village, etc. 20 new villages and towns, the settlements are getting denser and denser, and more and more people are moving. Outposts and villages are also set up to Xingkai Lake by land.

At this time, Tsarist Russia was only one contract away from officially annexing Khabarovsk.

In the spring of 1860, the British and French allied forces attacked Beijing, and the Manchu and Qing courts fled.Tsarist Russian diplomatic representative Ignatchev pretended to be a "mediator", provoking Britain and France to continue to attack Beijing, while "helping" Huang Qi Yixin, who was captured as a temporary negotiator before he could escape, "relieve", Yixin was forced to The "Beijing Treaty" was signed with Russia. Since then, more than 40 square kilometers of land east of the Ussuri River have been occupied by Tsarist Russia.Khabarovsk ceased to belong to Chinese territory and became Russian territory.

Reviewing the diplomacy in the late Qing Dynasty, we will find a strange phenomenon, that is, although the door of China was opened by the British with giant ships and cannons, it was Russia that made the most profits; among the many powers, Russia and Japan were the weakest. But these two countries have hurt China the most and benefited the most from China.

Leaving aside geopolitics and military views, there are two points worthy of the vigilance of the Chinese nation from generation to generation. One is that Russia and Japan have always been perishing. They are not trying to overthrow the Chinese government, but the Chinese nation. The second is that corruption and cowardice are the key to the destruction of the country. In Russia in 1860, apart from the Cossack cavalry, the army composed of Russian peasants may not be the opponent of the green camp of the Qing Dynasty. The ambition of aggression, China's 200 million square kilometers of territory may not necessarily be lost.

Some people may say, wasn't the "Taiping Heavenly Kingdom" making trouble at that time?Yes, this is exactly the third point that deserves vigilance: the Ming Dynasty "to fight against the outside world must first settle the inside", and the Manchus entered the customs, and the Zhu family lost the world; , the Qing Dynasty finally lost its last vitality, and at the same time had to surrender the country;

Why are politicians or politicians of all ages always so weak externally and so tough internally?Could it be the other way around, that domestic matters are settled through negotiations, while foreign matters are decided by iron and fire?

These most profound historical lessons are worth pondering by those in power!Until later generations, such a ruling concept has not been fundamentally changed.

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