The Red War God of Anti-Japanese War

Chapter 408 The Boli Raiders

Chapter 408 The Boli Raiders

Hailanpao can head-to-head and attack forcefully; but Boli will not be so easy if he is head-to-head.

Khabarovsk is the transportation center of the Far East of Soviet Russia. To the south, you can reach Vladivostok and the Sea of ​​Japan by land; Direct access to the Port of Soviets; the Trans-Siberian Railway passes through the center of Khabarovsk.

Khabarovsk's fortifications can be pushed back to the Russo-Japanese War. When Russia was defeated in the Russo-Japanese War and lost its rights in Northeast China, Khabarovsk began the construction of fortifications. This construction lasted for decades.It can be said that Khabarovsk includes Vladivostok, another seaport city in the Far East, and its fortifications can be ranked among the top in the entire Soviet Russian territory.

After accepting the Northeast, the Northeast Front Army of the National Defense Forces began to formulate a combat plan for how to capture Khabarovsk.There are three initial combat ideas, the first is a strong attack; the second is to besiege, after the army crosses the river, surround it into a dead city, and finally force it to surrender; the third is to detour, attack the villages and towns near Khabarovsk , leading the Soviet army out of the city and annihilating them in the wild.

The first is firepower supremacists. They think that the equipment of the Wehrmacht is so good that it can completely wipe out the Soviet Russian army in Khabarovsk. However, the problem with this article is that the battle damage cannot be estimated, and most generals disagree; the second article It seems very good, but the time it takes is unpredictable, and it is also not advisable; the third roundabout strategy is to attack and occupy the vast villages and towns first, and lure the Soviet army out of the city, but this is also unsafe. What if the Soviet army does not leave the city?

In the end, Wu Aihua, Commander-in-Chief of the National Defense Forces, agreed to Article [-].Wu Aihua remembered Taizu's most successful strategy of "encircling the cities from the countryside". I occupied the vast countryside and the main roads of transportation. Regardless of whether the Soviet army in Khabarovsk comes out or not, I will fight when you come out. If I don't come out, I don't necessarily have to surround it with a large army, because that will cause a lot of waste of troops.

There is no need to encircle it with a large army, but it can be encircled by small troops. In combination with the Air Force of the National Defense Forces in the Far East, the supply chain of Khabarovsk will be cut off, and the Soviet army will eventually die.

Compared with the second strategy, the third strategy seems to be no different. In the end, isn't it all "siege"?No, it's totally different.The "siege" in the second article is to encircle because of the encirclement and for the sake of encirclement; the third article is to encircle without encircling, encircle without encircling, and encircle without delay. It is self-evident what the final result of the Soviet army in Khabarovsk became the world of China.

In fact, the German army made some mistakes when attacking Moscow or Stalingrad.If the German army did not attack forcefully, but just sent troops to occupy all the small and medium-sized towns around Moscow, cut off all their lines of communication, and at the same time maintained a certain mobile strategic group in the main direction, how would the Soviet army fight?

Lyubertsy lies in the south of Moscow, Balashikha lies in the east, and Khimki and Mejkha lie in the north. These satellite cities are mostly 10-30 kilometers away from Moscow.If Hitler changed his method and supplemented it with political means, it might be difficult for Soviet Russia to persist.

However, Hitler's ideal was to end the Soviet-German war as soon as possible, and to show his military power to the world. The so-called haste makes waste, and there is no way.Because the territory of Soviet Russia is too large, it is impossible to eliminate it in a short time. Even if cities such as Leningrad or Slingrad are captured, there are still countless cities in Soviet Russia.

Of course, Germany still has a difficulty, that is, it has only about 6000 million people, and its total number of soldiers has a limit, the highest is 1000 million people, and the ratio of soldiers to people has reached 17%, which is already a remarkable ratio.As for China, as long as it reaches 2%, it will have 800 million soldiers; if it reaches 3%, it will have 1200 million soldiers; if a country reaches about 5% of its soldiers in wartime without affecting the normal economic life of the country, China can have 2000 soldiers. More than ten thousand troops.

How many troops does China have now?In addition to the 24 armies and 15 independent army groups of the navy, air force, and army, about 550 million standing troops, each provincial military region also has 1 garrison division, 10-15 garrison battalions, and 60-100 garrison companies. The total garrison forces in the country are There are 28 garrison divisions, 320 garrison battalions, and 2100 garrison companies. The garrison troops are staffed and equipped according to about 60% of the field troops, so this area will not exceed 120 million soldiers.

In Wu Aihua's plan, so many troops can basically "conquer" the world at present. The only variable is that in the newly occupied areas, new garrison troops must be formed.For the troops in the newly occupied area, Wu Aihua plans to lead its armed forces in the form of a "military region". There are a category a division (marine division), and a category 3-5b division (garrison division). There are several military divisions below, and garrison battalions, garrison companies, etc. are stationed.

This kind of military area is classified according to the political, economic, and military importance of the area. The territory can be large or small, and the number of troops can be large or small. It does not insist on unity.In addition, in some special areas, such as occupying a certain type of area, but it is not suitable to merge into the unification of the country, set up "garrisons" like the United States in later generations.


A small number of Soviet frontier outposts and fixed strongholds put up tenacious resistance. However, in the face of the powerful artillery of the Wehrmacht, these resistances were quite weak. It took only two hours for the forward attacking troops of the Wehrmacht to cross the Ussuri River and successfully seized the Various crossing ports on the east bank of the Ussuri River.

At 12 noon, the National Defense Forces led no cross-river troops to cut off the railway connection between Khabarovsk and Vladivostok, and then cut off the road traffic between the two cities.

At 4:10 p.m., the National Defense Forces successively occupied nearly 171 small towns such as Iman, Lazo, Burlett, and Bigin. , The He Shaozhou Division of the [-]st Division of the National Defense Forces went north from Bijin, and after seizing Bezha Station, they went out to Lermontovka to guard.

At 3 o'clock in the morning on March 13, the garrison troops urgently drawn from Suiyuan, Chahar, Shanxi, Hebei and other provinces began to station in the cities and towns along the above-mentioned railway line. Recruit Wehrmacht soldiers.

At the same time, the Northeast Front Army of the National Defense Forces issued an order that the Wei Yunsong Division of the 015th Division of the Khabarovsk Attack Group would attack from Lazuo to the south, and with the cooperation of the domestic garrison troops arriving one after another, occupied Hulin and the vast area east of Xingkai Lake, and fought with Vladivostok. The areas occupied by the attacking group were concatenated, and all resistance forces in the above-mentioned areas up to the coast of the Sea of ​​Japan were eliminated.The remaining 1 divisions of the 4st Army and the troops directly under the Army, all of the 17th Army and other troops, after the handover of the local defense tasks, immediately went north to join the attack on Khabarovsk.

The Khabarovsk attack group was personally led and commanded by Luo Zhuoying (three-star general), the deputy commander of the front army.

Like the Battle of Hailanpao, the Khabarovsk attack group's offensive operations were still unhurried, steady and steady, with the primary purpose of troop training and the secondary purpose of occupying land and annihilating the enemy.

The Wehrmacht is not worried that the Soviet army will resist and resist somewhere in front. Even if they want to build fortifications, bunkers or bunkers, let them build them. In a few days, sooner or later, they will have a great fortune. ?

There is resistance, there is stubbornness, just take the opportunity to train soldiers.

When Soviet reconnaissance personnel saw that the Wehrmacht occupied towns with companies and battalions as units, or conquered villages, they immediately reported the information to the headquarters of the Soviet Far Eastern Front. Or troops five times the strength of the National Defense Forces attempted to encircle and annihilate these combat units. However, when the Soviet troops rushed to the scene, what greeted the Soviet troops was the anti-encirclement and anti-encirclement of the Chinese troops that were comparable to or even greatly surpassed the Soviet troops. ambush.

The Soviet army came here several times in a row, and finally understood that the Chinese army seems to have a small force, but the Chinese army's communication system is extremely developed, and it seems that the Chinese scouts or a small group of troops seem to be suspected of deliberately letting the Soviet scouts go. , otherwise, how could it be so accurate to encircle and annihilate the Soviet Russian army every time?

As a result, the Soviet army took a decisive measure to transfer all the small guarding troops along the route back to Khabarovsk or Vladivostok, hoping to use the fortifications of the big cities to fight the Chinese army to the death.

fair enough.Because the Chinese army is not going to leave after fighting. It is China's real purpose to occupy land and manage these places for generations.

On March 3, the road from Hulin, China to Dalinerechensk, Russia, was completed except for a temporary bridge over the Songhua River; the supplies of the Chinese troops could be transported by land and thus guaranteed.

On the same day, the Chinese army occupied Heluo, which was less than 60 kilometers away from Khabarovsk (Khabarovsk).In Heluo, General Alexander Korsayev, commander of the Soviet Russian Far East Front, made a hesitant mistake, allowing the Chinese army to easily eat up an infantry regiment and an artillery regiment of the Soviet army, while the Chinese army joined the attack and Luo's operation also has a force of one marine regiment plus one armored regiment.

Originally, Alexander Korsayev had ordered the withdrawal of all armed forces east of the Ussuri River, and He Luo's troops were also on the list of retreating. However, Alexander felt that the Chinese army was about to attack the outskirts of Khabarovsk. Now, if you don't resist, it doesn't seem to make sense, but if you leave the troops to resist, it is very likely that the meat bun will beat the dog and never return. For this reason, he only hesitated for an hour. The Chinese army was surrounded, and if they couldn't leave, they had to fight.The result of the fight was that the entire army was wiped out, with more than 1700 Soviet casualties and more than 3200 captured.The National Defense Forces only suffered more than 120 casualties.

ps: Damn it, I'm dizzy, I don't have class until next Monday, so let's save some manuscripts this week.

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