Chapter 2252

After Ji Yunyi's accident, all her thoughts were on Ji Yunyi, and she didn't care about herself at all.

Are you pregnant?
She subconsciously covered her abdomen with her hands, and she still couldn't believe it.

Less than six months after the last miscarriage, she became pregnant again.

Ye Yiwei was very worried that the baby in her stomach would not be healthy.

The doctor gave her an order to go for a B-ultrasound. The embryo is developing well, so there is no need to worry.

This kid can have it!
Ye Yiwei was overjoyed, returned to the ward, and showed Ji Yunyi the B-ultrasound report.

Ji Yunyi took the B-ultrasound sheet in his hand and looked at it over and over again, but he couldn't understand it.

He asked naively: "What is this?"

"This is our child!" Ye Yiwei pointed to the B-ultrasound screenshot and said, "It will grow bigger and bigger in the future, but the limbs haven't grown yet!"

After Ye Yiwei said it, Ji Yunyi understood: "How old is the baby now?"

"Very small, maybe as big as an egg, maybe even smaller!" Ye Yiwei's metaphor gave Ji Yunyi a general idea.

He widened his eyes and asked in surprise, "So small?"

"Yeah, because I'm too small, I have to grow six or seven catties in my stomach, and I can only come out as big as a cat." Ye Yiwei took Ji Yunyi's hand and said with a smile: "You have to be a good father! "

"Me? Dad?" Ji Yunyi pointed at himself and narrowed his eyes with a smile.

"Yeah, you are father, I am mother, Niannian is going to be an older sister!" Ye Yiwei stood still, and gently arranged Ji Yunyi's clothes and hair: "I want to look like a father in the future, you know?"

"Okay!" Ji Yunyi nodded obediently, his eyes were clear and bright.

"Do you know how to be a father?" Ye Yiwei smiled knowingly, feeling that Ji Yunyi is the cutest at this time.

Ji Yunyi replied excitedly: "Yes, we must protect my wife, Nian Nian, and the baby in my wife's womb."

"It's amazing." Ye Yiwei gave him a thumbs up and praised him.

Suddenly a discordant voice came: "Look, as long as you have money, a fool can marry such a beautiful wife. You are too poor to be single all the time. Women nowadays are too realistic and only recognize money. Recognize people!"

Ji Yunyi is very sensitive to the word "fool", as long as he hears someone say it, he knows it is talking about himself.

He glared angrily, with a strong aura, he instantly frightened the two who spoke.

"I'm not a fool, you are fools!" As soon as he spoke, his powerful aura disappeared.

The two men leaned forward and backward with laughter: "They also said that they are not fools, hahaha, fools say that they are not fools, and treat us as fools!"

"Shut up!" Ji Yunyi rushed forward and wanted to beat someone, but Ye Yiwei didn't want to encourage his violent tendencies, but held him tightly.

Ye Yiwei said to the two men who didn't know what respect was: "You say that women nowadays are too realistic and only recognize money but not people, so let me ask you, if a woman is not beautiful, she has a bad body, and her face is full of freckles and she is special." Fat, talking like a bell, snoring like thunder, would you like it?"

One of the men said: "How can there be such a woman? This kind of woman should jump into the river and die. Living is a waste of food."

"The kind of woman I'm talking about should just jump into the river and die. That man has no money, no looks, speaks vulgarly, and likes to laugh at others and expose other people's faults. Is there any meaning in life for this kind of man? Shouldn't he also jump into the river to die?" Forget it, living is a waste of food anyway.”

(End of this chapter)

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