The sky-high cute baby, the president's daddy delivered it to the door

Chapter 2253 Becoming a mother at such a young age

Chapter 2253 Becoming a mother at such a young age

It took the two men a while to realize that Ye Yiwei was talking about them.

The face turns blue and white.

"We are not what you said, you are talking nonsense." A man raised his fist and wanted to hit Ye Yiwei.

Ji Yunyi grabbed his hand and took advantage of his height to easily lift that man up.

"That's right, I said it won't work, so I have to ask everyone." Ye Yiwei smiled and asked the spectators: "Everyone, tell me, are the two of them the kind of people who waste food alive?"

"Yes!" The crowd who watched the excitement spoke in unison, and their opinions reached a high degree of unity.

"Look, it's not that I wronged you, but that you are always like this." Ye Yiwei covered her mouth and chuckled, and pulled La Ji Yunyi's sleeve: "Let's go!"

Ji Yunyi threw that person out casually, then left holding Ye Yiwei's hand.


After completing the discharge procedures and returning home, Ye Yiwei seemed to be in a good mood, dancing with Ji Yunyi in her arms.

Ji Yunyi was led around by her, and soon became dizzy, and hugged Ye Yiwei: "Honey, let's have a baby again!"

"I already have a baby in my stomach, how can I have a baby?" Ye Yiwei asked with a smile.

"Is it impossible to regenerate if there is a baby in the stomach?" Ji Yunyi asked stupidly.

"Of course not!" Ye Yiwei pushed Ji Yunyi away, and hid in the bathroom to take a shower and change clothes.

Ye Yiwei sent Niannian to the kindergarten, and heard the mothers of several classmates discussing how to knit sweaters.

Few people knit sweaters by hand anymore.

When Ye Yiwei was a child, she was very envious of her classmates wearing sweaters knitted by her mother herself. No matter how much money you can buy warm brands.

She also wanted to knit for Niannian, Ji Yunyi, and the baby in her stomach.

After leaving kindergarten, she went to the commercial street to buy wool.

Few people buy wool now. Ye Yiwei wandered around the commercial street for a long time before she found a shop that sold wool.

Even the boss said that very few young people knit sweaters by themselves, but quite a few scarves.

The boss recommended a cashmere yarn to Ye Yiwei. It is very thin and soft, and it is very warm to wear. It is a veritable brand of warmth.

Ye Yiwei described Ji Yunyi's height and weight, and the boss helped her estimate how much wool she needed.

She wove the simplest style and chose navy blue.

Ji Yunyi's navy blue clothes have a very elegant temperament, and his clothes are almost white, black and navy blue, and other colors rarely appear on him.

His clothes are as low-key, calm and unassuming as his person, but they are unforgettable.

Well, that's what's called a charm!

In fact, she is equally attractive without wearing Ji Yunyi.

Ye Yiwei held the box of cashmere yarn, thinking of Ji Yunyi's appearance without clothes, she smiled foolishly, and two red clouds flew on her cheeks.

"Little girl, are you going to knit a sweater for your boyfriend?" the boss asked with a smile.

"..." Ye Yiwei said shyly, "It's for the child's father."

"Hey, you already have children. I really didn't see it. I thought you were a college student!" The boss's round face was like a full moon, and he smiled very kindly.

Who doesn't like to hear flattery, no matter it's true or not, as long as it's pleasing to the ear, it's good to be happy.

Ye Yiwei smiled, turned her head and saw the baby's cotton sweater hanging on the wall, she walked over, it felt so small in her hand, it was just right for the baby to wear when she was born.

(End of this chapter)

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