Chapter 330
On April 12th, [-]th year of Chongzhen, the weather gradually became hotter, but the wind blew from time to time, and the weather turned cold immediately.

In General Dingguo's mansion at this time, Wang Dou was dressed in ordinary clothes, sitting quietly drinking tea.A tall and thin literati in a long cloth and green shirt sits with a smile, while the other literati stands in the hall and talks loudly.

"Students think that the East Road should be governed with the strategy of governing the country, internal politics, and expand the farmland. Externally, honorable people, only talents, and the introduction of North Korea, China and Austrian aid, then the East Road can be accomplished. The students have thousands of words here, General, please take a closer look."

It was Ye Xizhi who spoke. A few days ago, he bravely broke into the general's mansion and uttered wild words. At that time, Wang Dou didn't care.However, in order to show that he valued talents, he politely invited him into the mansion and put him in the guest room to rest. After a few days, Wang Dou had long forgotten about this person.

It was his wife Xie Xiuniang who came over happily and told Wang Dou that she had found a learned gentleman and wanted to hire him as Zhenger's teacher.

Wang Dou's son, Wang Zheng, is five years old and very mischievous. He dared to touch the maid's butt at such a young age, and he didn't know who he learned from.Hearing this news, while Wang Dou was surprised, he also felt that the issue of his son's education should be put on the agenda.

Speaking of which, Wang Zheng has also reached the age of admission to Kaimeng. Although Xie Xiuniang hopes that his son will stay with him, Wang Dou intends to send him to the military academy that will be opened.His son will never allow himself to exist as a flower in a greenhouse.

Sending Wang Zheng to the military academy can also play a pioneering and exemplary role, encouraging all the children of military officers in Baoan Prefecture to enter the military academy for further studies.

Although Wang Dou didn't intend to hire a teacher for his son, but when he heard that his wife had found a knowledgeable gentleman, he immediately called him to see him.At first sight, it was Ye Xizhi who was invited into the mansion by himself a few days ago.

After a rough talk, Wang Dou felt that this Ye Xizhi was not as brazen as he appeared on the outside, and he still had a certain ability to brag about himself.

The day before yesterday, my good friend, Zheng Fu Mingqi, a Confucian scholar in Baoanzhou, came to visit and recommended two talents for me. One of his asses was Ye Xizhi, and the other was a literati named Qin Yi.After a long talk, Wang Dou was secretly delighted. Qin Yi was good at strategy, and Ye Xizhi was good at civil affairs. They were both talents, and I almost missed them.

During these two days, Wang Dou called Ye Xizhi to talk to Qin Yi.

Ye Xizhi and Qin Yi were delighted to receive Wang Dou's attention.

Especially Ye Xizhi, he had already prepared the Ten Thousand Words Book eloquently, and after these few days of revision and perfection, he was even more confident.

When Wang Dou was reading the Wanyan book, he continued: "Students' strategies are four things and six policies. Repair post roads, build canals to raise silkworms, store grain, grow cotton, afforestation, animal husbandry, and trade. The land of my Xuanzhen has never been good at producing grain, but it has the advantages of coal and iron, the east is Gyeonggi, the west is Sanjin, and it is close to the outside of the Great Wall, so it should be possible to develop agriculture, animal husbandry, and trade."

The more he talked, the more excited he became, and he almost danced and danced: "The general rescued 20 people, and the court ordered them to be converted into military households, but every few thousand people gather in one village, and each village is tens of miles apart. In the midst of thorns and thorns, picking up rubble, collecting food and raising hope. The heritage is unfolded, and a hundred wastes are rejuvenated."

"...Based on the enlightenment of the common people on Donglu, the students thought that a school could be set up in each village, and the youngest sons of the common people should be able to read and write, and the whole people should be educated, so that there is no household in the town who does not want to learn, and there is no household who does not want to learn, so that everyone in the common people can be educated. Know the courtesy, righteousness and shame.”

"The Department of Education set up by the general, the students offer strategies to respect the emperor and fight against the barbarians... At this time of national affairs, there are slaves outside and bandits inside, and people are panicking. The general took advantage of the situation and took the teachings of the saints as the name of protecting the family and the country. Support the Holy King and bring peace to the world. When all people are of one mind and follow the general's command, our Shun Township army will be invincible in all battles and invincible in every attack."

Having said that, Ye Xizhi bowed to Wang Dou vigorously.

"it is good!"

Wang Dou couldn't help saying hello. He put down the Wanyan book, stepped forward to help Ye Xizhi up, and said meaningfully: "Sir, you are talented. Listening to your words is better than studying for ten years. Please take a seat."

Judging from his words, this Ye Xizhi has far-reaching plans, good strategies and good governance, and is a strategic and practical talent.It is heard that he is from Luzhou, he once studied in Luzhou Academy, and Yu Yangming has a lot of experience in mind learning.In Wang Dou's impression, Yangming's School of Mind followed the idealistic line, and did not pursue procedural justice and fairness.

They don't mind using small means for a noble purpose and think it's justifiable.Qi Jiguang back then was Wang Xue's disciple. In order to achieve his goal of suppressing the Japanese and fixing the captives, he deliberately made friends with Zhang Juzheng, the powerful minister at the time.

In Wang Dou's view, everyone has a yin and yang side, and Qi Jiguang's befriending and flattering Zhang Juzheng will not damage his glorious image as a national hero.

Ye Xizhi proposed to connect nobles from outside and attract aid from the DPRK and China. In his opinion, these things can be used as expedient measures for the prosperity and stability of the East Road.Compared with pedantic literati, such talents are what Wang Dou needs.

Ye Xizhi sat down happily, General Dingguo commented on him like this, it seems that he can be reused, what he learned in his chest was only in that day.

Seeing Ye Xizhi's excited look, Qin Yi was also preparing words in his heart. There is no doubt that his friend will be highly valued by General Dingguo, but what words should he use to move General Dingguo's heart?
At the same time, he sighed that no matter how close he is, everyone has selfishness, and Ye Xizhi never revealed it to himself just now.


"My east road is the left arm of Xuanzhen. The houses outside the mausoleums are three hundred miles away from Shenjing in the east and eighty miles away from the town in the west. The lock and key are tight, and this shallow abyss traps dragons."

Qin Yi's slow-moving, non-surprising and non-stop talking, immediately attracted Wang Dou's attention, and made Ye Xizhi, who was in a high-spirited manner opposite him, immediately fall into deep thought.

Seeing that General Dingguo was attracted by his words, Qin Yi was satisfied, and still said unhurriedly: "In the past, Duke Xiao of the Qin Dynasty held the land of Yongzhou according to the solidity of the Wei letter, and guarded it to see the Zhou family. Strong, so there is an act of sweeping the world, invigorating the long-term strategy and controlling the inner world."

"Yongzhou is far away, and our army is beyond our reach. To the north is the desert outside the Great Wall, and it is useless to take it. The student's intention is to seek the land of the Three Jins."

"Shanxi's outer and inner rivers and mountains are solid in shape, merchants gather, and the land is rich. If you advance, you can attack Gyeonggi and Guanzhong, and if you retreat, you can guard the passes. This is the foundation of Li, Tang, Jin and Wu. Our emperor Ming is in such a crisis, and the general thinks about the time of national calamity. To turn the tide, the propaganda of the future must be controlled, and the Three Jin Dynasties must be controlled. Students, please follow the example of Timur and plan for the land of Shanxi."

Wang Dou looked at Qin Yi in surprise for a long time, but he still remained calm. He pondered for a long time and sighed: "The time has not come yet."

Qin Yi nodded and said: "Students have another strategy. The northern captives outside the Great Wall have ulterior motives with the slaves in the East. They can plan to attack them, separate them, and break the arms of the slaves. After a few years, the strength of the cattle and horses outside the Great Wall, and the brave men will all be defeated." For my own use, drive the tribes to attack the slave tribes in an endless stream, this is a plan to drive away wolves and tigers."

Wang Dou nodded slowly.

"The desert land outside the Great Wall has been abandoned by the imperial court long ago. The general operates here. Both the general and the imperial court benefit from it. It is expected that there will not be many constraints. The general is raising food outside the Great Wall, accumulating cavalry troops, and calmly deploying them. Great, in the lands of the Three Jins, in the future, the dragons will have no leader, if the general raises his arms, he will surely respond, and great things will be accomplished."

Wang Dou laughed loudly: "I will have the help of the two gentlemen, it is really a blessing, a blessing."


Old White Bull:
Welcome Pheasant Sang to visit, Dongningji is a masterpiece of farming.

There is another chapter tonight.

(End of this chapter)

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