Chapter 331 The New World
On that day, Wang Dou arranged Ye Xizhi and Qin Yi into the shogunate. Ye Xizhi served as the clerk of the Department of Civil Affairs, and Qin Yi served as the clerk and scribe of the Department of Staff. name.

Although Wang Dou attached great importance to them, they had to start from small positions, which was an inevitable process.If someone goes to him, immediately give him a high position, it is unfair to the talent who followed him first, such as Zhong Rong, who followed him from the seventh year of Chongzhen, and was not vigorously reused until the 12th year of Chongzhen.

Advanced talents must enjoy the best treatment, which is a gesture.Only in this way can a solid core be formed, which will continuously sweep through the growing group.Those who are less advanced can only use their talents vigorously after going through this process and showing their talents.

This is a principle. Wang Dou believes that with the abilities of the two, gold will always shine.

After Wang Dou confirmed the shogunate on the fourth day of the lunar new year, all the managers were busy filling up the staff, and Wang Dou was also very busy.During these times, apart from the affairs of the shogunate, Wang Dou and the generals were also busy with the matter of reorganizing the army.

The 11th year of Chongzhen's war touched Wang Dou a lot, and he felt that his army needed to make some adjustments.On the seventh day of April, the Shunxiang Army who returned to Baoanzhou stopped their vacation, and all returned to the barracks to start reorganization and adjustment.

Wang Dou has been promoted to Gao Shiyin as Chief Qianzong, so Wang Dou has Wen Fangliang, Zhong Xiancai, Yang Guodong and other eight thousand generals under Wang Dou's command, as well as two guards.

The Ministry of War has issued an order to allow Han Dynasty to guard Laishui, and Zhong Tiaoyang to guard Baoanzhou City.As Lu Xiangsheng's former subordinate, Yang Guodong went to Yixing to attend to Lu Xiangsheng's funeral when Wang Dou's class returned to Baoan Prefecture in March, and it must take several months before he returns.

The reorganization started on the seventh day and was completed on the fifteenth day.

Wang Dou now has about 500 soldiers, who are distributed to each commander and garrison, but only a few hundred.

However, as Wang Dou's status as a general guarding a local area, maintaining such a large number of troops is actually shocking and criticizing.Although Wang Dou had previously reported 500 soldiers, the size of a ranger battalion, the rest were guard soldiers who did not receive military pay.

But everyone knew that Wang Dou was talking nonsense with his eyes open. Which guard in the guard had such fighting power as Wang Dou?Is Wang Dou a matter of imitating Li Chengliang, or does he have other plans?Wang Dou's reputation is now at the peak of the sky, the first assistant Liu Yuliang and the minister of rites Yang Sichang are both trying to win over, and they are silent on each other's tacit understanding.

For Wang Dou, when he fell asleep and hit the pillow, a good opportunity came, and he could justifiably and vigorously train his troops.

After the Qing army entered the bandits in the 11th year of Chongzhen, the courtiers began to discuss military training. Under the auspices of Yang Sichang, the Ming Dynasty drew up a specific plan for training elite soldiers in each town. There are more than a hundred people, each of the three generals trains 17 people, the governor trains [-], and the rest are trained by town supervisors and governors.

Back in Baoan Prefecture, Wang Dou and Ji Shiwei had close letters and letters. In addition to setting an auspicious date for marrying Ji Junjiao, Ji Shiwei also won [-] training places for Wang Struggle.

This is a rare thing, Xuanfu Town has seven guards and generals, only Wang Dou has this treatment.As a local general, in fact, Wang Dou's military establishment is still similar to that of the Ranger Battalion, and there are still 5000 paid people under his command.With the [-] new army quota, it means that Wang Dou can ask the court for [-] more food and salaries.

For Wang Dou, food and pay are trivial matters, and it is wonderful to be able to expand his military strength openly.Of course, with Wang Dou's current financial resources, he can support no more than [-] soldiers, and no more than [-] cavalry.

The reorganization is carried out with such arms as infantry, cavalry, artillery, and luggage.As for the infantry, it was slightly condensed, changed to ten men per armor, and the sword and shield armor were cancelled.Moreover, the team officer's guard was reduced to one person, and the team deputy who was a captain no longer had a guard.

Teams and armors no longer set up banners, and only identify their identities with waist badges and armor clothing.

The four teams make up one general, two spear teams and two gun teams, excluding the headquarters, there are a total of 200 soldiers.

The four generals are one, and one thousand has a total of 800 soldiers, excluding the general headquarters of the thousand.

Han Chao, Wen Fangliang, Zhong Xiancai, Zhong Tiaoyang, Gao Shiyin, and Yang Guodong who are in charge of the infantry are all like this.Although Han Chao and Zhong Tiaoyang were defending, Wang Dou only let them manage a thousand troops. In terms of the combat power of the Shun Township Army, a thousand troops is more than enough to guard a city.

In this way, they have uniform levels, fixed numbers, are independent of each other, and are not in control of each other. They are only under the command of Wang Dou, thus establishing a strict and complete command system.All officials obeyed only Wang Dou, and the whole army also only obeyed Wang Dou, establishing the absolute loyalty of the army.

The cavalry was organized in the same way, with only a slight difference in equipment. Originally, Li Guangheng had only 400 men under his command. After adding some old troops from the infantry, they made up a total force of one thousand.The training of these new cavalry is a problem. I don't know how long it will take to form combat effectiveness.Wang Dou thought that his army had a lot of horses, so could he train the infantry of Wen Fangliang and others into cavalry, or mounted infantry?

Wen Daxing's Ye Bu Shou Qian was always miserable, Ye Bu Shou's training was more difficult than that of the cavalry, after many competitions for soldiers, his Ye Bu Shou only had four teams of 200 soldiers, this matter can only be seen later.

Zhao Xuan’s Artillery General, like Wen Daxing’s, faced the problem of insufficient gunners. Even with the artillerymen attached to the Superintendent’s Biao Battalion, there were only more than 200 artillerymen and sergeants in his thousand, so he could only prepare empty staff. Slowly add more training.

Sun Sanjie's luggage needs to be handled with a total of [-] people. In the establishment, he also has [-] drivers, who are in charge of five carriages led by two horses, and each cart can carry five stones of grain and grass.There are four hundred horse-drawn carts in one bag, and two thousand shi of grain and grass can be transported at one time.

The remaining troops, as well as the sword and shield soldiers reorganized by the various generals, were temporarily under Wang Dou's command and placed in the Baoanzhou camp.Among these directly led troops, there are hundreds of soldiers who recovered after being injured in the 11th year of Chongzhen's war, which can be called powerful.

These soldiers are all candidates for the strongest non-commissioned officers who will expand the army in the future.


While Wang Dou reorganized his own army, he also reorganized the soldiers of the officers in the state, strictly prohibiting everyone from having private soldiers, and the officers and troops under each fort must also be reorganized.All those who could not fight became military households and farmed the fields.The main targets are Wubao defense officer Yang Zhichang, Zhangjiabao defense officer Shi Min and others.

Regarding Wang Dou's actions, everyone was calm and even secretly pleased.Up to now, countless examples have proved that even without family members, they can develop very well in the Shun Township Army. Lin Daofu, Wen Fangliang, and even Tian Changguo and others are all like this.

Perhaps because of this, he joined the Shun Township Army, and each of them might become a success.

Wang Dou thought there would be a commotion, but he was a little surprised by the calm.

On April [-]th, after the reorganization of the whole army was completed, Wang Dou held a grand military parade at Shun Township Fort. Watching the soldiers in the phalanx passing by in high spirits, Wang Dou's heart was ups and downs, and at the same time, he was filled with deep emotions. pride.His eyes turned to the direction of Yongning City, a new world was about to unfold.


Old White Bull:
Lao Niu found that many book friends have a great prejudice against their own traditional culture, such as Confucianism.It's like going back to the past, if you don't abolish Confucianism, don't engage in the Western style, then the country will not be the country, and the traveler has no meaning.

This kind of thinking completely ignores the social reality. It is not the system that makes the society progress, but the productivity.When the productivity reaches a certain level and the people have certain needs, following the trend is to impose some kind of system. To be honest, painting a tiger is not an anti-dog, and it is not necessarily good for the country.

Many book friends urgently said that in the future, the country should quickly enter into a constitutional monarchy and eliminate feudalism. Otherwise, time travel is meaningless, etc.

Will it not perish if it becomes a capitalist country?Looking at the history books, let alone capitalist countries have perished countless times in modern times, even socialist countries have also perished many times.The empire on which the sun never sets has only been glorious for 300 years. The current British Empire, in an old Chinese saying, has fallen from the Great Han Dynasty to the Southern Ming Yongli Dynasty.

From Germany to Russia, in Chinese terms, the dynasties have changed countless times.

So if it is not a capitalist country, it will not perish.

According to Lao Niu, everything is still in accordance with productivity, and it will be good when it is ripe.The so-called feudalism, capitalism and other divisions are meaningless, and any system is meaningless. It is best to let the people live well.

(End of this chapter)

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