Chapter 339
Sure enough, at the middle of the next day, when Gao Shiyin's army approached the first pass of the "Tian Bawang" cottage, the defenders were surprised that the officers and soldiers had arrived, and yelled in horror.

The intelligence department sent a team of Yebushou to scout in this area, and any bandits' stealthy posts would be cleaned up.For these gangster defenders, the arrival of the officers and soldiers was like heaven, and they were caught off guard, and they were thrown into chaos.

This pass is located between two mountain passes, it is considered dangerous, the pass wall is made of big stones, and there is a slope of tens of steps in front of the pass, with some crooked steps on the slope, it is easy to defend and difficult to attack.

There are less than a hundred bandits guarding the pass, but the leader who guards the pass is the confidant of "Tian Bawang" and is equipped with superior firepower—compared to the bandits in the village.There are more than 20 bows and arrows, more than ten bird guns, and more than 30 three-eyed guns.

There are also a lot of rolling wood and rocks piled up on the wall. It is not that the officers and soldiers have never been surrounded and suppressed in the past, but the rolling wood and rocks on the top are rained down, and the officers and soldiers often return in front of this wall.After several successful anti-encirclement and suppression campaigns, "Tian Bawang" boasted that this pass was impenetrable.

The officers and soldiers came suddenly, and without a sound, a group of armored officers and soldiers with bird guns rushed fiercely from the foot of the mountain.

Seeing their approaching figures, the dozen or so bandit soldiers patrolling the wall were stunned at first, and some of them rubbed their eyes desperately.Someone yelled, and then someone slammed the bronze drum that sounded the police.Some even drew their bows and arrows hastily, or desperately reloaded the ammunition of the bird gun and three-eyed gun in their hands.

After closing the door, the gangsters who gathered in the house to gamble, heard the alarm, and came out in a panic under the order of the leader.


As the vanguard, the sergeants of Gao Shiyin's subordinate Jiazong were attacking the village. Among them were two teams of firecrackers, all equipped with Lumi blunderbusses.Due to the limitation of the terrain, it is difficult to deploy troops, so the first wave of attacking the pass wall is a team of firecrackers and pikemen.

When approaching a hundred paces, a few arrows floated from above, and then a few rolling logs rolled down the slope.As for their three-eyed blunderbuss and bird blunderbuss, it might not take a while to load the ammunition.

It is far away, so whether it is arrows or rolling wood and rocks, there is no threat.

At this time, the officer of the firecracker team had ordered to fire.

Fifty gunfire soldiers attacking key points were deployed in five waves of attack formations, each occupying favorable terrain for cover.

Although the terrain is limited, each armor cannot be lined up neatly, but the gunners in the front row shoot a volley.

Amidst the low "crack" sound of Lumi guns, the bandits swarming up the wall let out heart-piercing screams, and at least five or six people fell to the ground.Most of them were pierced by bullets, but the front and rear openings were several times larger than the bullets.

A gangster's head was even blown off, brains and blood exploded like eggs.

The blunderbusses of the officers and soldiers hit so far and so accurately. Some bandits were petrified when they saw the comrades who were shot beside them rolling and crying.Some bandits were more clever and immediately shrank under the stone wall.No matter how much the leader yelled and scolded, he refused to look up.

Seeing that the shooting results of the first team were good, the team officer gave the order to "shoot" again!

Another top-ranked Lumi gunner pulled his trigger, and ten Lumi guns shot out fierce flames. There were several gangsters who stood stupidly standing on the wall with blood on their chests, and one gangster shouted loudly. Falling off the wall, the body rolled down the slope, causing some stones to rattle.

The screams on the wall were even worse, some rolling stones were thrown, some arrows and bird guns were fired, but they were so far away, and under the panic, they had no aim at all.

"Free Fire!"

The team officer issued an order. In this kind of terrain, it is more difficult to shoot a volley of firecrackers. They can be suppressed with firepower from a distance, and it is enough to cover the attacks of the pikemen brothers.

The sound of "popping" sounded like popping beans, and the turbulent gunpowder smoke continued to spray out of the barrels of everyone's guns. Although it was only fifty Lumi guns, to the bandits on the wall, it was like a hail of bullets.As long as they show their heads or bodies, they will all end up being shot and rolled to the ground.

The officers and soldiers of Gou. Ri, with such a strong firepower and such accurate shooting from a hundred paces away, are they going to let people live?

The gangsters on the wall were in a mess.

Now the training of the Shunxiang army is the same as that of Qi's army, setting up a target at [-] or [-] paces, one hit in three rounds is qualified, and two hits in three rounds is excellent.Among the veterans of the Shunxiang Army, at least half of them can reach the standard of excellence.

In particular, the Lumi gun has a long range, excellent armor-piercing ability, and very high accuracy.In addition, it was used in the Shunxiang Army, and the ammunition in fixed paper tubes was used instead. The loading speed was fast, and the firepower was formed continuously, which was even more powerful.

Boss Jia's team of firecrackers kept firing, and approached slowly, from a hundred paces to fifty paces, suppressing the gangsters on the wall so hard that they couldn't lift their heads.Optimistic about the situation, General Satisfied, with a wave of his hand, a team of spearmen rushed forward.

At this time, there was no sound on the closed wall, and when the captain of the gunman slammed the door and rushed into the closed wall, there was no one inside except for some corpses and the wounded moaning on the ground.


"Okay, the first battle is won, and I will give credit to the brothers of the two teams of President Jia.
Gao Shiyin who got the victory report at the foot of the mountain was very happy. He laughed and licked his lips. He was not surprised to get this battle report.If it takes a lot of effort to fight some local bandits, how will we fight against Tartars, bandits and others in the future?

Counting it, Gao Shiyin led the army alone several times, but they were all against bandits. He hoped that one day he could lead the army alone to fight against the Tartars.

He issued an order: "Mr. Jia will continue to attack and wipe out all the bandit gates. Within today, our army will break through the bandit village and end the battle."

After the soldiers of Renbu Jiazong broke through the first pass, they continued to attack the rest of the pass along the road without stopping.According to the information that Ye did not receive, the bandits under Tian Dabang set up three gates and five villages in front of the main village.

However, under the attack of Chief Sergeant Lei Ting who was the vanguard, they either gave up the pass and ran for their lives, or resisted a little—but after a few bombardments by Lumi Gunners, they immediately collapsed after a few people were killed, and the battle often continued endlessly. to a quarter of an hour.

The sergeant of Chief A seized all the gates and did not stop, leaving the follow-up work to the sergeant of Part B who followed.

At noon, they had already pushed to the main village of Tian Dabang, Yangzhong village.Officers and soldiers suddenly appeared to suppress and kill them. Neitian Dabang and others in Yangzhong Village were in a mess. The officers and soldiers of General Dingguo suddenly descended from the sky. It came so quickly, and it was too late to discuss the reason.

What chilled them was the combat power of the Shun Township Army. They relied on the dangerous pass fortification wall, and there were many desperadoes under their command. At this moment, it seemed like a joke.Everyone regretted that they did not listen to the government's advice on recruiting security. Now...

However, they somewhat understand the style of General Dingguo. The period of surrender has passed, and even if he surrenders now, it is difficult to guarantee that Wang Dou will meet them...the only thing left is to wait for his life. The treasures looted for many years have been accumulated in the stronghold, and they just give up like this. No matter it is Tian Dabang, or the big and small bosses are reluctant.

I hope to support it for a few days, and the officers and soldiers will not be able to retreat after a strong attack, so that they will have the capital to bargain with Wang Dou in the future.

But how many people came from the Shunxiang army, who was the leader, and what kind of equipment they had, they didn't know at all, and they were not at all sure whether they could hold the stockade.

Just as they were chattering around, and before discussing Chou Yinmao, the soldiers of the First Division had already approached the city. After Tian Dabang got the news, he hurriedly went up to the village to watch.

This army is completely different from the officers and soldiers in his impression.Even with these more than 200 officers and soldiers, they were able to take down their stockade steadily, but fortunately they did not attack.

But at the beginning of the end of the hour, Gao Shiyin's army arrived, and saw that their army had nearly a thousand soldiers, all armored soldiers, and there were many birds and guns.Tian Dabang looked at the subordinates beside him, all of them were ashamed.

The Shunxiang army broke through three passes and five villages in a short period of time. According to the fleeing gangsters, the officers and soldiers' guns were very powerful, and they beat their brothers to death one by one from a hundred steps away, but they were helpless.

Seeing that the officers and soldiers outside the village have hundreds of guns, if they are all so powerful...

Just when Tian Dabang and others in Yangzhong Village panicked, Gao Shiyin outside the village laughed wildly and shouted: "Attack!"

He had already seen the terrain of Yangzhong Village clearly. Because of the resistance of the three passes and five villages, the main village was built in a plateau, and the surrounding terrain was flat.Only facing the front of the army, a circle of village walls surrounded a gentle slope of a mountain. The walls of the village were of civil structure, and there were several archery towers on both sides of the gate of the village.

Gao Shiyin didn't pay attention to such a crude village, and immediately ordered an attack after the sergeant had a brief rest.

The main aspect of the attack is the main Zhaimen.

Gao Shiyin's style is to sweep and attack. With the strong combat power of the Shunxiang Army and excellent equipment as the backing, Gao Shiyin's move may be called reckless by others, but he still wins many times.

The first wave of attack was still Department A, which made Department A overjoyed, but caused general dissatisfaction among the rest.Although the Sergeants of the First Army are equipped with Lumi guns, they can cover the attack and minimize the casualties of their subordinates.But a large army cannot fight with only one sergeant, right?
Under their strong request to fight, Gao Shiyin sent Sergeant B and Sergeant Ding to cooperate.

There are 600 soldiers in total, including [-] gunners and [-] gunners.Although they use teams and armors as units, they use skirmishers and free fire to suppress and cover operations.It's not like fighting in formation in the wilderness, attacking cities and villages, and everyone can shoot freely, which can make better use of firepower.

The continuous bombardment of three hundred firecrackers, in the eyes of the gangsters on the wall, was an extremely dense rain of bullets.

In particular, the Lumi guns of the Shunxiang Army hit extremely far and accurately.The bandits on the wall and watchtower were beaten down one by one screaming.The musketeers suppressed slowly, hitting from a hundred paces to fifty paces, until the bandits around the gate of the village couldn't even raise their heads.

"The gate of the village is broken!"

There was a lot of cheers, and under the cover of firecrackers, a group of pikemen temporarily acted as door ramming soldiers, carrying a thick log to hit the gate of the village.After a violent impact, the wooden gate of the village was shattered, revealing the terrified bandits fleeing inside.

"Pikemen, attack!"

Except for one sergeant serving as a reserve team, the pikemen of the remaining three generals have lined up neatly. They are covered with thick armor and hold long spears in their hands. The veterans are indifferent and calm, and the recruits are all flushed and panting. gruffly.

Among the pikemen in Division B of Chief Ding, Zhao Rongsheng held the pike tightly, with a ferocious expression on his face. He was not nervous, but he felt full of thoughts of bloodthirsty and killing.

He shouted in his heart: "I want military merit, I want military merit!"

The drums of the Chinese army sounded, and a voice shouted: "Kill those bandits!"

Taking A and Wu as units, waves of pikemen held their long spears and let out heart-piercing shouts, pouring into them from the gate of the village like a tide.Zhao Rongsheng roared wildly, followed his armor leader, and rushed in as well.


As early as when the Shunxiang army broke through the gate of the village, the bandits in Yangzhong Village had already collapsed, and it was useless to suppress Tian Dabang.

The Shunxiang army rushed in like wolves and tigers. Their fierce appearance scared the bandits inside even more, and they ran away desperately.Tian Dabang saw that the situation was not good, so he had to take some old gangsters with him, and ran away in a panic.

Not to mention that they have no fighting spirit at all, even if they dare to turn around and fight, how can they be the opponents of the spearmen of the Shun Township Army?Most of them are veterans who fought back from Julu and Zhuozhou.Even those recruits trained by Chongzhen for ten years are also proficient in the art of coordination.

They are at least one army unit, with two main attackers, two flankers, and one who waits for an opportunity to assist. In addition, they are trained strictly and wear excellent armor. Those gangsters who are usually vicious and vicious, dare to turn around and fight, only to die.

Soon, they ran all over the mountains and villages, and they couldn't escape, so they had to kneel down and surrender.

At the first moment of Shen Shi, at least the fighting in the village was over, the bandit leader Tian Dabang, some leaders, and hundreds of bandits were captured.

"The mob is vulnerable!"

Gao Shiyin said with emotion: "It's better to fight the Tartars."

In addition to ordering a general sergeant to continue chasing down the remnants of the enemy and search the mountains to wipe them out, he also ordered to count and seize them.As old bandits for many years, the Tian Dabang family has accumulated a lot of wealth from generation to generation, and it is now the harvest of the Shun Township Army.

The seizure was registered by the quartermasters of the Qian headquarters. They were sent by the Logistics Department to be responsible for the supply of military supplies for each Qian Zong. They were two separate systems from Gao Shiyin.And their registration is checked by the town governor. They are sent by the town governor, and it is an independent system.

Looking at these seizures, Gao Shi smiled happily, and the generals who followed behind him did the same.Seeing the gangsters kneeling all over the ground, tied up and dejected, Gao Shiyin's eyes flashed fiercely, and he wanted to order them all to be executed.

After many years, Gao Shiyin's tyrannical and murderous character still can't be changed, but this time the situation is different. General Dingguo ordered the captured bandits to be escorted to Yongning City.Gao Shiyin didn't dare to disobey Wang Dou's order even if he had the guts of Xiongxin Leopard.

Not to mention that the governor of Junzhong Township was staring at him from the sidelines. If he acted privately, there would be very serious consequences waiting for him.

"My army stayed in the bandit village for three days. After we wiped out the fleeing bandits, we returned to the city."

Gao Shiyin issued an order, Wang Dou's military order was to Gao Shiyin to try his best to wipe out Tian Dabang's troops, lest any bandits escape and come out to cause harm in the future, and kill every one he can.


A few days later, after a large-scale search of the mountains, it was determined that most of Tian Dabang had been destroyed, and the rest had slipped through the net.Only then did Gao Shiyin send an order for the army to return to the city.

They returned to Yongning City with their booty and a large number of captured bandits. When the news spread, the entire East Road was stirred up.

There was an endless stream of onlookers along the way. Tian Dabang had been harming the people in Huailai and Yanqing for a long time, and all the people hated it to the bone.Now that they have been wiped out, everyone is applauding.Under the angry denunciation of the people along the way, these rampant gangsters in the past trembled, completely lost the arrogance and domineering of the day.

Tian Dabang was loaded in the prison car, and his face was pale, feeling that the end was coming.

For Huailai and the tyrants in Yanqing Prefecture, the Shun Township Army wiped out Tian Dabang's troops with thunderous force, but with such combat power, they were all shocked.I have heard the name of the Shun Township Army for a long time, and it is as expected.Along the way, there was a constant flow of rewarding people, including local people and gentry tycoons.

When Gao Shiyin's army passed by Huailai, Ma Guoxi, the military commander, went out to meet him in person, and praised Gao Shiyin's achievements.Under the tide of reputation, Gao Shiyin and the Shunxiang Army, who were let out for suppression, held their heads up high and were full of pride.

When Gao Shiyin led the army back to Yongning, Wang Dou also went out to greet Gao Shiyin in person, and comforted Gao Shiyin.On the eighth day of the lunar new year, Wang Dou held a public trial meeting for all people in Yongning City. Soldiers prepared Dao Ma Guoxi, all cities were guarded, and Guo Shitong, the East Road Guan Liang Tong judge, and others were present.

On the same day, Tian Dabang was tortured outside the city, a group of big and small leaders were cut in half, and the remaining more than 300 gangsters were all beheaded.It took several days for the bloody smell at the execution site to dissipate. The cruelty towards Wang Dou caused hundreds of people to kill as soon as they said it. Everyone present was also secretly shocked.

Tian Dabang was wiped out in the blink of an eye, and the bandits from all over the East Road were still lingering in fear. The clever ones fled immediately after receiving the news, and the stupid ones...

On the tenth day of the lunar new year, Wang Dou sent Zhong Xiancai to lead the army out to destroy the bandit "Old Beifeng" department near Jinghubao.On the same day, Wang Dou also sent Wen Fangliang out to destroy the "Old Qingshan" department in Yanqing Prefecture.

On the thirteenth, Wang Dou sent Li Guangheng's department again to destroy the "Tianxiahao" department in Huailai...

On the [-]th, Wang Dou received a report from the Intelligence Department that there was no banditry in the East Road.

(End of this chapter)

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